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FFX Customize Menu

Auto-abilities on equipment.

Unlike command abilities, auto-abilities in Final Fantasy X automatically take effect and can be assigned to weapons and armor, similar to support abilities in previous games.


Ability slots[]

Pieces of equipment can have a maximum of one to four auto-abilities. Most equipment have auto-abilities already assigned to them when acquired, but once the player reaches Guadosalam, they can customize auto-abilities onto equipment as long as they have the required number of items, and as long as the equipment has at least one empty slot. Once an ability is added to a piece of equipment, it cannot be removed. Brotherhood, Celestial Weapons, and non-empty-slotted equipment cannot be customized.

On occasion, customizing equipment may change the name and appearance of that equipment. Adding the Firestrike ability to the Variable Steel, for instance, will change its name to Flametongue.

Sell value[]

One can determine the value of a piece of equipment using the formula

(50 + the sum of the ability values) * slots factor * empty slots factor

Where the slots factor is 1, 1.5, 3, or 5, depending on the number of total slots. The empty slots factor uses the same progression, except the last value is 400. So an empty, 4 slot equipment is (50 + 0) * 5 * 400 = 100000.

The purchase price is some multiple of this total price (post-airship, that is usually 1). The sale price is 1/4th of the calculated value, rounded down to the nearest whole integer.

Ability mechanics[]

In the event multiple auto-abilities with percentages are equipped, the percentages are added together before applying the effect; equipping HP+30% and HP+20% would result in a 50% boost to HP, not 56%. Additionally, apart from HP and MP, these abilities directly affect damage rather than the stat itself. For example, Strength+20% does not increase a unit's Strength stat by 20%, but rather boosts any physical damage dealt by 20%. Thus, Fenrir's physical Fangs of Chaos attack, which is not affected by Strength or Defense, would still be mitigated by Defense+20%. Overdrives are also considered special damage rather than physical or magical, and as such, Strength+20% has no impact on their damage.

Status abilities work in a similar way. Status-touch abilities increase the chance of infliction by 50%, while Status-strike abilities increase it by 100%. If both are together, which can be achieved by customizing the -touch first and then the -strike, the weapon will have a 150% chance of inflicting the status. This can make a difference against enemies with partial resistance to the status. This further combines with the chance that an attack carries; if one has Darktouch and Darkstrike equipped and uses Dark Attack, the result is a 250% chance of inflicting Darkness. There are also attacks that always inflict a status unless the target is immune. Aside from some enemy attacks, the status Buster skills and all status-inflicting items except Farplane Wind carry this property.

Status resist abilities provide a 50% resistance, which is subtracted (not multiplied) from the chance. This means an attack with a 80% chance of inflicting Silence, used on a character with Silence Ward, would have a 30% chance of working (not 40%). Status proof abilities do not give a 100% resistance, but rather "perfect" resistance—no matter how high the infliction chance is, status proofs (and Ribbon) will always protect the unit, unless the attack is one of the few that bypass protection. For the most part, immunity-bypassing statuses cannot be prevented, but there is one exception: protection-bypassing Slow will still be prevented by Auto-Haste (or an active SOS Haste).

Multiple elemental-strike abilities can be customized on the same weapon. When attacking an enemy with such weapon, the game considers each elemental affinity separately, and uses only the one that's the most favorable to the player: weak > neutral > resists > immune > absorbs. If an enemy is weak to multiple elements of the attacker's weapon, the damage is multiplied by 1.5 for each weak element, which results in 1.5, 2.25, 3.375, or 5.06 times damage respectively, which is most useful on Geosgaeno. Other than enemies' weaknesses, the weapon's elements won't have any cumulative effect. An enemy that absorbs multiple elements won't absorb any more HP than it normally would, while resisting multiple elements won't decrease damage below 50%.

Abilities that modify AP or gil gain only work if the user is on the frontline when an enemy is defeated.

Abnormal equipment[]

There are two instances of auto-abilities appearing on equipment they normally do not. When first arriving in the Calm Lands, it is possible to purchase an armor for Tidus that has Magic Counter, an auto-ability otherwise only found on weapons, while the optional boss Geosgaeno outside Baaj Temple may drop a weapon with No Encounters, normally only found on armor. In both cases, these abilities function exactly as they normally would. Auto-abilities always work regardless of being found on weapon or armor, including aeons' equipment.

Weapon auto-abilities[]

Auto-Ability Description Value Customize Requirement
Sensor   "View enemy data during battle."
Reveals target's current and maximum HP, elemental characteristics, and status effects.
200 2x Ability Sphere
Piercing   "Deal normal damage to armored enemies."
Attacks and Skills inflict full damage on Armored enemies.
0 1x Lv. 2 Key Sphere
First Strike   "Act first at beginning of battle."
Guarantees the first turn during battle even in an ambush. Enemies with First Strike have priority over party members.
6000 1x Return Sphere
Initiative   "Raises party's chances for a preemptive strike."
Increases the chance of a Preemptive Strike and eliminates Ambushes, except against enemies with a 100% ambush rate.
6000 6x Chocobo Feather
Firestrike   "Adds fire element to attacks and skills."
Adds Fire element to Attacks and Skills.
700 4x Bomb Fragment
Lightningstrike   "Adds lightning element to attacks and skills."
Adds Lightning element to Attacks and Skills.
700 4x Electro Marble
Waterstrike   "Adds water element to attacks and skills."
Adds Water element to Attacks and Skills.
700 4x Fish Scale
Icestrike   "Adds ice element to attacks and skills."
Adds Ice element to Attacks and Skills.
700 4x Antarctic Wind
Darktouch   "Sometimes adds darkness to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes inflict Darkness on the target.
2000 60x Eye Drops
Darkstrike   "Almost always adds darkness to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Darkness on the target.
4000 20x Smoke Bomb
Silencetouch   "Sometimes adds silence to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes inflict Silence on the target.
3000 60x Echo Screen
Silencestrike   "Almost always adds silence to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Silence on the target.
8000 20x Silence Grenade
Sleeptouch   "Sometimes adds sleep to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes inflict Sleep on the target.
1000 10x Sleeping Powder
Sleepstrike   "Almost always adds sleep to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Sleep on the target.
8000 16x Dream Powder
Poisontouch   "Sometimes adds poison to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes inflicts Poison on the target.
1500 99x Antidote
Poisonstrike   "Almost always adds poison to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Poison on the target.
10000 24x Poison Fang
Stonetouch   "Sometimes adds petrification to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes inflict Petrification on the target.
5000 10x Petrify Grenade
Stonestrike   "Almost always adds petrification to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Petrification on the target.
12000 60x Petrify Grenade
Deathtouch   "Sometimes adds death to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes instantly kill the target.
8000 30x Farplane Shadow
Deathstrike   "Almost always adds death to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills instantly kill the target.
20000 60x Farplane Wind
Zombietouch   "Sometimes adds zombie to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometime inflicts Zombie on the target.
8000 70x Holy Water
Zombiestrike   "Almost always adds zombie to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Zombie on the target.
12000 30x Candle of Life
Slowtouch   "Sometimes adds slow to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills sometimes inflict Slow on the target.
3000 16x Silver Hourglass
Slowstrike   "Almost always adds slow to attacks and skills."
Attacks and Skills inflict Slow on the target.
7000 30x Gold Hourglass
Distill Power
Distil Power
  "Adds Power Distiller effect to attacks and skills."
Monster drops Power Spheres once defeated when struck by Attacks and Skills (International and HD Remaster versions only).
10 2x Power Sphere
Distill Mana
Distil Mana
  "Adds Mana Distiller effect to attacks and skills."
Monster drops Mana Spheres once defeated when struck by Attacks and Skills (International and HD Remaster versions only).
10 2x Mana Sphere
Distill Speed
Distil Speed
  "Adds Speed Distiller effect to attacks and skills."
Monster drops Speed Spheres once defeated when struck by Attacks and Skills (International and HD Remaster versions only).
10 2x Speed Sphere
Distill Ability
Distil Ability
  "Adds Ability Distiller effect to attacks and skills."
Monster drops Ability Spheres once defeated when struck by Attacks and Skills (International and HD Remaster versions only).
10 2x Ability Sphere
Strength +3%   "Enhances physical attack power by 3%."
Increases damage of physical attacks by three percent.
100 3x Power Sphere
Strength +5%   "Enhances physical attack power by 5%."
Increases damage of physical attacks by five percent.
500 2x Stamina Spring
Strength +10%   "Enhances physical attack power by 10%."
Increases damage of physical attacks by ten percent.
5000 1x Skill Sphere
Strength +20%   "Enhances physical attack power by 20%."
Increases damage of physical attacks by twenty percent.
10000 4x Supreme Gem
Magic +3%   "Enhances magic attack power by 3%."
Increases the damage of magic attacks by three percent.
100 3x Mana Sphere
Magic +5%   "Enhances magic attack power by 5%."
Increases the damage of magic attacks by five percent.
500 2x Mana Spring
Magic +10%   "Enhances magic attack power by 10%."
Increases the damage of magic attacks by ten percent.
5000 1x Blk Magic Sphere
Magic +20%   "Enhances magic attack power by 20%."
Increases the damage of magic attacks by twenty percent.
10000 4x Supreme Gem
Counterattack   "Strike back after being physically attacked."
Character automatically attacks aggressor if attacked physically.
4000 1x Friend Sphere
Evade & Counter   "Evade physical attack and strike back."
Evade a standard physical attack and then automatically attack the aggressor. Even if the evade fails, the counter will still occur.
22000 1x Teleport Sphere
Magic Counter   "Strike back after being attacked with magic."
Character automatically attacks aggressor if attacked by magic.
25000 16x Shining Gem
Magic Booster   "Use more MP to heighten spell power."
Increases potency of magic spells by 50% but doubles their MP cost.
17000 30x Turbo Ether
Alchemy   "Doubles the potency of recovery items."
Recovery items will heal twice as much. This does not extend to Mixes.
8000 4x Healing Water
Half MP Cost   "Reduces MP cost of spells by half."
Halves the MP cost of all abilities.
20000 20x Twin Stars
One MP Cost   "Reduces MP cost of spells to 1."
All abilities that require MP will only cost 1 MP.
30000 20x Three Stars
Double AP   "Doubles amount of AP earned."
Doubles the amount of AP earned.
40000 20x Megalixir
Triple AP   "Triples amount of AP earned."
Triples the amount of AP earned.
60000 50x Wings to Discovery
Overdrive → AP   "Earn more AP instead of charging Overdrive gauge."
Obtain AP instead of charging the Overdrive gauge.
25000 10x Door to Tomorrow
SOS Overdrive   "Charges Overdrive at double speed when HP is low."
Overdrive gauge charges twice the speed as normal while in Critical status.
20000 20x Gambler's Spirit
Double Overdrive   "Charges Overdrive at double speed."
Overdrive gauge charges twice the speed as normal.
30000 30x Underdog's Secret
Triple Overdrive   "Charges Overdrive at triple speed."
Overdrive gauge charges three times the speed as normal.
40000 30x Winning Formula
Gillionaire   "Doubles amount of Gil earned."
Doubles the amount of gil earned after battle.
0 30x Designer Wallet
Break Damage Limit   "Allows max damage to exceed 9999."
Sets the maximum amount of damage and recovery the character deals to 99,999. This does not affect items or most Mixes. Break Damage Limit is not present in the Reference menu of the Help window.
0 60x Dark Matter
Capture Attacks and Skills will capture certain monsters as long as it is the killing blow. 6000
No AP No AP is gained after battle. Celestial Weapons initially have this. 0

Armor auto-abilities[]

Auto-Ability Description Value Customize Requirement
Fire Ward   "Reduces fire damage by half."
Reduces Fire-elemental damage by half.
1500 4x Bomb Fragment
Fireproof   "Grants immunity to fire attacks."
Protects completely from Fire-elemental attacks.
3000 8x Bomb Core
Fire Eater   "Converts fire damage to HP."
Fire-elemental attacks restore the user's HP, rather than damaging them.
10000 20x Fire Gem
Lightning Ward   "Reduces lightning damage by half."
Reduces Lightning-elemental damage by half.
1500 4x Electro Marble
Lightningproof   "Grants immunity to lightning attacks."
Protects completely from Lightning-elemental attacks.
3000 8x Lightning Marble
Lightning Eater   "Converts lightning damage to HP."
Lightning-elemental attacks restore the user's HP, rather than damaging them.
10000 20x Lightning Gem
Water Ward   "Reduces water damage by half."
Reduces Water-elemental damage by half.
1500 4x Fish Scale
Waterproof   "Grant immunity to water attacks."
Protects completely from Water-elemental attacks.
3000 8x Dragon Scale
Water Eater   "Converts water damage to HP."
Water-elemental attacks restore the user's HP, rather than damaging them.
10000 20x Water Gem
Ice Ward   "Reduces ice damage by half."
Reduces Ice-elemental damage by half.
1500 4x Antarctic Wind
Iceproof   "Grants immunity to ice attacks."
Protects completely from Ice-elemental attacks.
3000 8x Arctic Wind
Ice Eater   "Converts ice damage to HP."
Ice-elemental attacks restore the user's HP, rather than damaging them.
10000 20x Ice Gem
Dark Ward   "Sometimes protects against darkness."
Offers moderate protection from Darkness.
500 40x Eye Drops
Darkproof   "Almost completely protects against darkness."
Offers complete protection from Darkness.
2000 10x Smoke Bomb
Silence Ward   "Sometimes protects against silence."
Offers moderate protection from Silence.
500 30x Echo Screen
Silenceproof   "Almost completely protects against silence."
Offers complete protection from Silence.
3000 10x Silence Grenade
Sleep Ward   "Sometimes protects against sleep."
Offers moderate protection from Sleep.
200 6x Sleeping Powder
Sleepproof   "Almost completely protects against sleep."
Offers complete protection from Sleep.
800 8x Dream Powder
Poison Ward   "Sometimes protects against poison."
Offers moderate protection from Poison.
400 40x Antidote
Poisonproof   "Almost completely protects against poison."
Offers complete protection from Poison.
1500 12x Poison Fang
Stone Ward   "Sometimes protects against petrification."
Offers moderate protection from Petrification.
1200 30x Soft
Stoneproof   "Almost completely protects against petrification."
Offers complete protection from Petrification.
2500 20x Petrify Grenade
Death Ward   "Sometimes protects against death."
Offers moderate protection from Instant Death.
2000 15x Farplane Shadow
Deathproof   "Almost completely protects against death."
Offers complete protection from Instant Death.
4000 60x Farplane Wind
Zombie Ward   "Sometimes protects against zombie."
Offers moderate protection from Zombie.
2000 30x Holy Water
Zombieproof   "Almost completely protects against zombie."
Offers complete protection from Zombie.
4000 10x Candle of Life
Slow Ward   "Sometimes protects against slow."
Offers moderate protection from Slow.
1000 10x Silver Hourglass
Slowproof   "Almost always protects against slow."
Offers complete protection from Slow.
3000 20x Gold Hourglass
Confuse Ward   "Sometimes protects against confusion."
Offers moderate protection from Confusion.
1000 16x Musk
Confuseproof   "Almost always protects against confusion."
Offers complete protection from Confusion.
4000 48x Musk
Berserk Ward   "Sometimes protects against berserk."
Offers moderate protection from Berserk.
1000 8x Hypello Potion
Berserkproof   "Almost always protects against berserk."
Offers complete protection from Berserk.
6000 32x Hypello Potion
Curseproof   "Almost always protects against curse."
Offers complete protection from Curse.
8000 12x Tetra Elemental
SOS NulBlaze   "Casts NulBlaze when HP is low."
Imbues NulBlaze while user is in Critical status.
500 1x Bomb Core
SOS NulShock   "Casts NulShock when HP is low."
Imbues NulShock while user is in Critical status.
500 1x Lightning Marble
SOS NulTide   "Casts NulTide when HP is low."
Imbues NulTide while user is in Critical status.
500 1x Dragon Scale
SOS NulFrost   "Casts NulFrost when HP is low."
Imbues NulFrost while user is in Critical status.
500 1x Arctic Wind
SOS Shell   "Casts Shell when HP is low."
Imbues Shell while user is in Critical status.
4000 8x Lunar Curtain
SOS Protect   "Casts Protect when HP is low."
Imbues Protect while user is in Critical status.
4000 8x Lunar Curtain
SOS Reflect   "Casts Reflect when HP is low."
Imbues Reflect while user is in Critical status.
1000 8x Star Curtain
SOS Haste   "Casts Haste when HP is low."
Imbues Haste while user is in Critical status.
20000 20x Chocobo Feather
SOS Regen   "Casts Regen when HP is low."
Imbues Regen while user is in Critical status.
20000 12x Healing Spring
Auto-Shell   "Automatically casts Shell on user."
Imbues constant Shell effect that the enemy cannot remove.
22000 80x Lunar Curtain
Auto-Protect   "Automatically casts Protect on user."
Imbues constant Protect effect that the enemy cannot remove.
22000 70x Light Curtain
Auto-Reflect   "Automatically casts Reflect on user."
Imbues constant Reflect effect that the enemy cannot remove.
14000 40x Star Curtain
Auto-Haste   "Automatically casts Haste on user."
Imbues constant Haste effect that the enemy cannot remove. Also grants full immunity to Slow.
50000 80x Chocobo Wing
Auto-Regen   "Automatically casts Regen on user."
Imbues constant Regen effect that the enemy cannot remove.
60000 80x Healing Spring
Defense +3%   "Reduces damage from physical attacks by 3%."
Reduces damage taken from physical attacks by three percent.
200 3x Power Sphere
Defense +5%   "Reduces damage from physical attacks by 5%."
Reduces damage taken from physical attacks by five percent.
500 2x Stamina Spring
Defense +10%   "Reduces damage from physical attacks by 10%."
Reduces damage taken from physical attacks by ten percent.
5000 1x Special Sphere
Defense +20%   "Reduces damage from physical attacks by 20%."
Reduces damage taken from physical attacks by twenty percent.
10000 4x Blessed Gem
Magic Def +3%   "Reduces damage from magical attacks by 3%."
Reduces damage taken from magic attacks by three percent.
200 3x Mana Sphere
Magic Def +5%   "Reduces damage from magical attacks by 5%."
Reduces damage taken from magic attacks by five percent.
500 2x Mana Spring
Magic Def +10%   "Reduces damage from magical attacks by 10%."
Reduces damage taken from magic attacks by ten percent.
5000 1x Wht Magic Sphere
Magic Def +20%   "Reduces damage from magical attacks by 20%."
Reduces damage taken from magic attacks by twenty percent.
10000 4x Blessed Gem
HP +5%   "Raises max HP by 5%."
Increases maximum HP by five percent.
100 1x X-Potion
HP +10%   "Raises max HP by 10%."
Increases maximum HP by ten percent.
1000 3x Soul Spring
HP +20%   "Raises max HP by 20%."
Increases maximum HP by twenty percent.
6000 5x Elixir
HP +30%   "Raises max HP by 30%."
Increases maximum HP by thirty percent.
15000 1x Stamina Tonic
MP +5%   "Raises max MP by 5%."
Increases maximum MP by five percent.
1200 1x Ether
MP +10%   "Raises max MP by 10%."
Increases maximum MP by ten percent.
6000 3x Soul Spring
MP +20%   "Raises max MP by 20%."
Increases maximum MP by twenty percent.
8000 5x Elixir
MP +30%   "Raises max MP by 30%."
Increases maximum MP by thirty percent.
18000 1x Mana Tonic
Auto-Potion   "Automatically use items to recover HP when damaged."
If a character with this ability takes damage that leaves them below half of their maximum HP (even if they were already below it before the attack), they will automatically use the least powerful potion in the inventory. Only Potions, Hi-Potions, and X-Potions are used.
12000 4x Stamina Tablet
Auto-Med   "Automatically use items to cure status ailments."
If a character with this ability is inflicted with Darkness, Silence, Poison, or Zombie, they will use Eye Drops, Echo Screen, Antidote, or Holy Water on themselves. A Remedy will be used if multiple status effects are inflicted. Holy Water and Remedy may also inadvertently remove Curse and Slow.
10000 20x Remedy
Auto-Phoenix   "Automatically use Phoenix Down on KO'd character."
If any ally is KO'd, this user automatically revives them with a Phoenix Down, provided the character with Auto-Phoenix is not also killed by the attack.
20000 20x Mega Phoenix
Pickpocket   "Improves odds of stealing rare items."
Increases the chance of stealing rare items from 25% to 50%, decreasing the chance to steal common items.
40000 30x Amulet
Master Thief   "Steal only rare items."
All successful steals from enemies will yield rare items.
60000 30x Pendulum
HP Stroll   "Automatically recover HP while walking."
HP gradually increases while walking in the field.
6000 2x Stamina Tablet
MP Stroll   "Automatically recover MP while walking."
MP gradually increases while walking in the field.
6000 2x Mana Tablet
No Encounters   "No random enemy encounters."
Disables random encounters.
6500 30x Purifying Salt
Break MP Limit   "Allows max MP to exceed 999."
Allows maximum MP to reach 9,999. This auto-ability is not present in the Reference section of the Help menu.
0 30x Three Stars
Break HP Limit   "Allows max HP to exceed 9999."
Allows maximum HP to reach 99,999. This auto-ability is not present in the Reference section of the Help menu.
0 30x Wings to Discovery
Ribbon "Almost completely protects against all status ailments."
Offers complete protection from all status ailments except Instant Death, Power Break, Armor Break, Magic Break, Mental Break, Curse, Delay, and Eject (International and HD Remaster versions only).
5000 99x Dark Matter

Aeon auto-abilities[]

Aeons also have equipment, though it is not visible in-game. Their weapons contain Piercing, followed by —, and then two empty slots. Valefor lacks Piercing (having — on the first slot), while Bahamut, Anima, and the Magus Sisters have Break Damage Limit in the third slot. Once an aeon's respective Celestial Weapon is upgraded with at least the crest, the first empty slot changes to Break Damage Limit. Their armors do not change; they always contain Sensor, Break HP Limit, Break MP Limit, and a blank slot. The elemental aeons have their respective element Eater between Sensor and Break HP Limit, and Valefor has its second slot empty despite lacking an elemental affinity.

Auto-Ability Description Value Customize Requirement
Offers complete protection from all status ailments (including Instant Death, Power Break, Armor Break, Magic Break, Mental Break, Eject, Distill Power, Distill Mana, Distill Speed, Distill Ability, Scan, Defend, Guard, and Sentinel) except Curse and Delay.

Dummied auto-ability[]

An ability unobtainable without a cheat device or save editor exists in the game's code.

Auto-Ability Description Value Customize Requirement
Curse Ward Rather than giving 50% protection against Curse, this functions the same as Curseproof. 0