Halves target's MP.
Magic Hammer, also known as MagHammer, is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. The ability halves a target's MP.
It can also be used catching and releasing a Cursed Being or Drippy.
The earliest Magic Hammer can be obtained is from Byblos in the Library of the Ancients. It can later be obtained from Drippy, Apanda, and Oiseaurare. Oiseaurare does not use the ability normally, meaning Control is needed.
Magic Hammer can be used to cripple a target's MP and hurt their ability to cast certain spells. Against enemies that make frequent use of spellcasting, Magic Hammer can be an effective alternative to attempting to silence them.
Using Magic Hammer on Azulmagia teaches him the spell and he will begin to use it against the party. This can be a good way to make him waste his turns on something non-lethal.