Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki
Krile using Thundaga Black Magic from FFV Pixel Remaster

Thundaga, the highest level Black Magic Lightning-elemental spell.

Lightning is an element in Final Fantasy V. It is one of the three starting elements, alongside Fire and Ice.


Abilities Chaos Drive, Dragon Breath, Judgment, Skeleton, Spark Burst, Spark Cannon, Spark Shot, Thunder Blade, Thundara Blade, Thundaga Blade
Items Lightning Scroll
Spells Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga
Summons Ramuh
Weapons Coral Sword, Magus Rod, Thunder Bow, Thunder Rod, Trident

In addition, the following increases the power of the wearer's Lightning-elemental attacks:

In addition, the following can use Lightning-elemental abilities:

In addition, the following makes the wearer weak to Lightning-elemental attacks:

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Electrocute Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to one target. Gilgamesh, Gorgimera, Guardian, Octokraken, Ramuh
Lightning Inflicts Lightning-elemental damage to the party. Bahamut, Ghidra, Hydra, Jura Aevis, Neo Shinryu, Ramuh, Shinryu, Yellow Dragon
Thundaga Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target or the party. Barrier, Enuo, Exdeath (1st), Flaremancer, Fury, Melusine, Necrophobe, Neo Exdeath, Omniscient
Thundara Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target or the party. Carbuncle, Flaremancer, Ra Mage, Omniscient, Ramuh, Reflect Mage
Thunder Inflicts Lightning-elemental magic damage to one target or the party. Magissa, Mani Wizard, Siren, Reflect Mage, Archeoaevis


Abilities Dragon Shielding, Resist Thunder
Armor Diamond Armor, Diamond Plate, Vishnu Vest
Helmets Diamond Helm
Shields Diamond Shield


Weak Acrophies, Adamantite Golem (Non-Zephyrus), Aquagel, Aquathorn, Calcruthl, Coral, Corbett, Cursed Being, Dark Elemental (Varies), Devilfish, Devourer, Garula (Non-boss), Gel Fish, Headstone, Iron Fist, Level Tricker, Little Chariot, Magnetite, Mecha Head, Merrow, Moogle Eater, Motor Trap, Nix, Objet d'Art, Pas de Seul, Rajiformes, Sahagin, Sea Devil, Stone Golem, Stone Mask, Strapparer, Sucker, Undead Husk, Ushabti, Water Scorpion, Carbuncle (Healing), Cray Claw, Flame Thrower, Karlabos, Melusine (Varies), Necrophobe, Omega, Omega Mk.II (Varies), Rocket Launcher, Soul Cannon, Wave Cannon
Nullifies Crew Dust, Poltergeist, Archeoaevis (Final phase), Crystal, Guardian
Absorbs Crystal Dragon, Dark Elemental (Varies), Jackanapes, Thunder Anemone, Yellow Dragon, Archeoaevis (4th phase), Launcher (Guardian), Leviathan, Melusine (Varies), Omega Mk.II (Varies), Ramuh