Final Fantasy Wiki

The following is a list of statuses found in Final Fantasy XIV. Many statuses have several different versions, with varying durations, dispellability, or specific effects. All variations will not be listed here, only their names and in-game descriptions. Variations with differing icons or descriptions will be listed, even if the differences are minor.

Statuses with an icon pointing upwards are positive statuses ("enhancements" or "buffs"), while icons pointing downwards are negative statuses ("enfeeblements" or "debuffs"). Statuses with a number affixed to the icon can stack up to a certain amount. Negative statuses with a white bar at the top of the icon in-game can be removed with Esuna and other dispelling effects. Players can remove most positive statuses on themselves by right-clicking them, cycling through their HUD to the status and hitting X, or creating a macro with the /statusoff "status name" command.



Status Effect
6 Fulms Under. 6 Fulms Under You are slowly slipping down, your movement speed dropping as you descend deeper. Burial will result in KO.


Status Effect
A Bit Berserk. A Bit Berserk Getting a taste for violence. Will go Truly Berserk upon reaching maximum stacks.
A Man's Best Friend. A Man's Best Friend EXP earned by companions is increased.
Abandon. Abandon Critical hit rate is increased.
Abandon II. Abandon II Critical hit rate is increased.
Abandon III. Abandon III Critical hit rate is increased.
Abandon IV. Abandon IV Critical hit rate is increased.
Abandonment. Abandonment Will suffer Fear when straying too far from party members.
Abdomen Tear. Abdomen Tear A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
About Face. About Face Have received the order to retreat. Order will be executed when status fades.
Abridged. Abridged Next spell will require no time to cast.
Absolute Bind. Absolute Bind Bound by advanced thaumaturgy and rendered unable to act.
Absolute Protect. Absolute Protect Damage taken is reduced.
Acceleration. Acceleration Additional effects of Verthunder, Verflare, Veraero, or Verholy will trigger.
Acceleration. Acceleration Next Verthunder, Veraero, or Scatter can be cast immediately.

Potency of Scatter is increased, and Verthunder and Veraero trigger Verfire Ready or Verstone Ready respectively.

Next Verthunder III, Veraero III, or Scatter can be cast immediately.

Potency of Scatter is increased, and Verthunder III and Veraero III trigger Verfire Ready or Verstone Ready respectively.

Next Verthunder III, Veraero III, or Impact can be cast immediately.

Potency of Impact is increased, and Verthunder III and Veraero III trigger Verfire Ready or Verstone Ready respectively.

Acceleration Bomb. Acceleration Bomb An acceleration-trigger explosive is affixed to the body. Any movement when effect wears off will result in detonation.
Acclaim. Acclaim Potency of Honing Ovation is increased.
Accretion. Accretion Plagued by rapidly hardening mud. All HP recovery is reduced. Effect dissipates once fully healed.
Accuracy Down. Accuracy Down Accuracy is reduced.
Accuracy Up. Accuracy Up Accuracy is enhanced.
Accursed Flame. Accursed Flame Sustaining fire damage over time.
Accursed Poison. Accursed Poison An ancient corruption is causing damage over time.
Accursed Pox. Accursed Pox Humours are corrupted, causing damage over time. HP regeneration has also stopped and damage dealt is reduced.
Acidic Bite. Acidic Bite Toxins are causing damage over time.
Acting DPS. Acting DPS When this effect expires, non-DPS will sustain heavy damage. However, being hit by certain attacks will remove this effect without the resulting damage.
Acting Healer. Acting Healer When this effect expires, non-healers will sustain heavy damage. However, being hit by certain attacks will remove this effect without the resulting damage.
Acting Tank Acting Tank When this effect expires, non-tanks will sustain heavy damage. However, being hit by certain attacks will remove this effect without the resulting damage.
Adamant Purged. Adamant Purged Armor is removed.
Adamantinon Thelema. Adamantinon Thelema Enmity is increased.
Adaptation. Adaptation Adapted to an aetherially unstable environment.
Addersting. Addersting Able to execute Toxikon II.
Addle. Addle Intelligence and mind are reduced.
Physical and magic damage are reduced.
Damage dealt is reduced.
Aegis Boon. Aegis Boon Damage taken is reduced.
Aero. Aero Sustaining wind damage over time.
Aero II. Aero II Sustaining wind damage over time.
Aero III. Aero III Swift air currents are tearing at the flesh causing wind damage over time.
Aether Mortar. Aether Mortar A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Aether Rot. Aether Rot Infected with an unknown pestilience. Mortal pathogen is released when effect ends.
Aether Rot Immunity. Aether Rot Immunity Unable to be an Aether Rot carrier.
Aether Sickness. Aether Sickness Overexposure to concentrated aether is preventing resonation.
Aether Sickness. Aether Sickness Severe nausea is reducing movement speed.
Aetherflow. Aetherflow Aether is gathering in the body.
Aetherflow. Aetherflow II Aether is gathering in the body.
Aetherflow. Aetherflow III Aether is gathering in the body.
Aetherial Aegis. Aetherial Aegis The G-Warrior is protected by an aetherial barrier, reducing damage taken. Use of this mode gradually drains EP.
Aetherial Depletion. Aetherial Depletion Aether is waning, decreasing physical ability.
Aetherial Enhancement. Aetherial Enhancement Damage dealt is increased.
Aetherial Field. Aetherial Field Magic damage taken is reduced.
Aetherial Mimicry: DPS. Aetherial Mimicry: DPS Copying the aetherial properties of a DPS.
Aetherial Mimicry: Healer. Aetherial Mimicry: Healer Copying the aetherial properties of a healer.
Aetherial Mimicry: Tank. Aetherial Mimicry: Tank Copying the aetherial properties of a tank.
Aetherial Surge. Aetherial Surge Releasing excess aether.
Aetherial Ward. Aetherial Ward Protected by a magicked barrier. Damage taken is reduced.
Aetherially Charged. Aetherially Charged Charged with aether.
Aetherially Primed. Aetherially Primed Awash in aether attuned for traveling via unstable currents.
Aetheric Burst. Aetheric Burst Skill speed is reduced.
Weaponskill and spell cast time and recast time are increased.
Aetheric Mimicry: DPS. Aetheric Mimicry: DPS Copying the aetheric properties of a DPS.
Aetheric Mimicry: Healer. Aetheric Mimicry: Healer Copying the aetheric properties of a healer.
Aetheric Mimicry: Tank. Aetheric Mimicry: Tank Copying the aetheric properties of a tank.
Aetherochemical Bomb. Aetherochemical Bomb An aetherochemical bomb is attached to your body, dealing damage each time it explodes.
An aetherochemical bomb is affixed to your person, and it is only a matter of time before it detonates.
Aetherochemical Nanospores α. Aetherochemical Nanospores α An Allagan-engineered malady is corrupting your humours.
Aetherochemical Nanospores β. Aetherochemical Nanospores β An Allagan-engineered malady is corrupting your humours.
Aethersucker. Aethersucker Absorbing and storing aether.
Aethertrail Attunement. Aethertrail Attunement Aether within the body is attuned to the aethertrails left by the dreadwyrm Bahamut.
Aethertrail Attunement. Aethertrail Attunement Aether within the body is near completely attuned to the aethertrails left by the dreadwyrm Bahamut. When attunement reaches 6, you will enter the Dreadwyrm Trance.
Affixed. Affixed Affixed to another object.
Afflatus Solace. Afflatus Solace Regenerating HP over time.
Aggravated Assault. Aggravated Assault You are convicted with aggravated assault.
Aggressive Posture. Aggressive Posture Prepared to carry out an assault.
Aggressive Stance. Aggressive Stance Being commanded to execute actions that deal area damage.
Agitation. Agitation Excited by failed pacification. Attack power and attack magic potency are enhanced.
Air Anchor Primed. Air Anchor Primed Able to execute Air Anchor.
Air Force Simulation. Air Force Simulation The Air Force simulation program is loaded.
Airbound. Airbound Unable to move.
Ajisai. Ajisai Fine cuts are causing damage over time.
Allagan Field. Allagan Field A magicked field is converting damage taken into an explosion which will trigger when the effect ends or you are KO'd.
Allagan Immunity. Allagan Immunity Your body is showing resistance to the Allagan Rot.
Allagan Rot. Allagan Rot An ancient pestilence corrupts your humours. Mortal pathogen is released when effect ends.
Allagan Venom. Allagan Venom Involuntarily spreading Allagan snake venom and causing damage over time to all party members.
Allied Arithmeticks. Allied Arithmeticks Increasing attributes by an amount calculated using the number of nearby allies.
Almagest. Almagest Celestial magicks are causing damage over time.
Alpha Target. Alpha Target Marked as the target of a particular attack.
Altered States. Altered States Action area of effect has been altered.
Ammunition Loaded. Ammunition Loaded Firearm is loaded with special ammunition.
Amnesia. Amnesia Unable to use abilities.
Analysis. Analysis Gain an additional effect for the next Drill, Bioblaster, Air Anchor, or Chain Saw executed.
Anatman. Anatman Form and Twin Snakes timers are suspended due to a transcendent inner calm.
Form and Disciplined Fist timers are suspended due to a transcendent inner calm.
Ancient Circle. Ancient Circle Fell darkness spreads out from where you stand. The Ancient Circle will activate when this effect expires.
Ancient Double. Ancient Double Each action executed will be immediately repeated.
Anemomorph. Anemomorph The fluid has assumed the form of a vortex.
The flock of sin eaters have assumed the form of a cyclone.
Angel's Snack. Angel's Snack Regenerating HP over time.
Angel's Whisper. Angel's Whisper Regenerating HP over time.
Angler's Art. Angler's Art Able to execute certain actions.
Angler's Fortune. Angler's Fortune Chance of landing a large-sized catch while fishing is increased.
Anguish. Anguish Pure suffering is causing damage over time.
Annihilation Mode. Annihilation Mode Annihilation protocol is loaded.
Another Victim. Another Victim When target is KO'd or effect expires, the dark knight who marked target will recover HP and MP.
Anthropomorph. Anthropomorph The fluid has assumed the form of a man.
Antibody. Antibody Immune to the effects of virus and fever.
Anticipation. Anticipation Chance to parry is increased.
Anti-coagulant. Anti-coagulant Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time. Overexposure to anti-coagulant will result in KO.
Apathetic. Apathetic Unable to use HP restoration abilities while MP slowly drains. Not that you care.
Apocatastasis. Apocatastasis Magic damage taken is reduced.
Aquaveil. Aquaveil Damage taken is reduced.
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Arbor Call. Arbor Call Surveying the land for the nearest mature tree or lush vegetation.
Arbor Call II. Arbor Call II Surveying the land for the highest-level mature tree or lush vegetation.
Arcana Breaker. Arcana Breaker Dealing extra damage to Arcana Stones.
Arcane Bulwark. Arcane Bulwark Protected by a magicked barrier.
Arcane Circle. Arcane Circle Damage dealt is increased.
Arcanum Blessing. Arcanum Blessing HP restored via healing magic is increased.
Area of Influence Up. Area of Influence Up Area of effect for actions is expanded.
Arm of Purgatory. Arm of Purgatory Marked by the Brand of Purgatory. Damage taken by the Flames of Unforgiveness is increased.
Arm's Length. Arm's Length Slowing enemies when attacked. Immune to most knockback and draw-in effects.
Damage taken is reduced. Impervious to the next stun, sleep, bind, heavy, silence, knockback, or draw-in effect.
Weakening enemies when attacked. Damage taken is reduced.
Arm's Length. Arm's Length Damage dealt is reduced.
Arms Up. Arms Up Damage taken is reduced.
Army's Ethos. Army's Ethos Singing Mage's Ballad or the Wanderer's Minuet will grant the effect of Army's Muse.
Army's Muse. Army's Muse Auto-attack delay as well as weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
Army's Paeon. Army's Paeon Using MP to gradually refresh the TP of self and nearby party members. Damage dealt is reduced.
Weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
Direct hit rate is increased.
Army's Paeon. Army's Paeon Gradually regenerating TP.
Arrow Drawn. Arrow Drawn The Arrow card is drawn.
Arrow Held. Arrow Held The Arrow card is drawn and held in your spread.
Artificial Boost. Artificial Boost Magitek plate armor has been enhanced beyond standard limits.
Artificially Enhanced. Artificially Enhanced Magitek plate armor has been enhanced.
Ascended. Ascended Drawn into the celestial realm created by Athena.
Ashen. Ashen Covered in stygian ash.
Aspected Benefic. Aspected Benefic Regenerating HP over time.
Aspected Helios. Aspected Helios Regenerating HP over time.
Aspected to Fire. Aspected to Fire Harboring a dangerous amount of fire-aspected aether.
Aspected to Ice. Aspected to Ice Harboring a dangerous amount of ice-aspected aether.
Aspected to Lightning. Aspected to Lightning Harboring a dangerous amount of lightning-aspected aether.
Aspirstrikes. Aspirstrikes Auto-attacks are generating an Absorb MP effect.
Assassinate Ready. Assassinate Ready Able to execute Assassinate.
Assassinated. Assassinated Sustaining damage over time, as well as increased damage.
Assimilated. Assimilated Completely assimilated with the enemy.
Assimilation. Assimilation Eye contact with the enemy is resulting in gradual assimilation of body and mind.
Astral Attenuation. Astral Attenuation Fire-, wind-, and lightning-aspected damage taken is increased.
Astral Cloak. Astral Cloak Enshrouded in light and resistant to certain umbrally charged attacks.
Astral Effect. Astral Effect Due to a severe disruption in aetherial balance, damage taken from astrally charged attacks is increased. Damage taken from umbrally charged attacks is decreased, and will result in the Umbral Effect.
Astral Essence. Astral Essence Astrally charged attacks are enhanced.
Astral Fire. Astral Fire Aetherial balance of mind and spirit is leaning astrally. Fire-aspected spells require more MP, but do more damage. Ice-aspected spells require less MP, but do less damage. MP regeneration has stopped.
Astral Fire II. Astral Fire II Aetherial balance of mind and spirit is leaning astrally. Fire-aspected spells require more MP, but do more damage. Ice-aspected spells require less MP, but do less damage. MP regeneration has stopped.
Able to execute Fire IV.
Astral Fire III. Astral Fire III Aetherial balance of mind and spirit is leaning astrally. Fire-aspected spells require more MP, but do more damage. Ice-aspected spells require less MP, but do less damage, and casting times are halved. MP regeneration has stopped.
Able to execute Flare.
Astral Realignment. Astral Realignment Existentially aligned to the astral realm. Damage dealt is reduced, but can attack ghostly beings.
Astral Tilt. Astral Tilt Internal aether is dramatically polarized toward the astral. Damage taken from astral attacks is increased, though explosive damage from umbral attacks can be quelled.
Astral Warmth. Astral Warmth Swelling with astral energies.
Astralbright Soul. Astralbright Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Astral Glow when this effect expires.
Astralstrong Soul. Astralstrong Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Astral Impact when this effect expires.
Asylum. Asylum A veil of succor is healing party members in the area.
Asylum. Asylum HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
At Death's Door. At Death's Door Gravely wounded and unable to stand, but still clinging to consciousness.
At the Limit. At the Limit Unable to execute limit breaks.
ATK & DEF Up. ATK & DEF Up ATK and DEF are increased.
ATK Down. ATK Down ATK is decreased.
ATK Up. ATK Up ATK is increased.
Atlas. Atlas Resisting the weight of a falling star. When this effect expires, impact will result in KO.
Atmosfaction. Atmosfaction Subject to unleashing Dynamic Atmosphere when this effect expires.
Atrophy. Atrophy All attributes are reduced by 30%.
Attack Down. Attack Down Attack power is reduced.
Attack Magic Potency Down. Attack Magic Potency Down Attack magic potency is reduced.
Attack Magic Potency Up. Attack Magic Potency Up Attack magic potency is enhanced.
Attack Up. Attack Up Attack power is enhanced.
Attunement. Attunement Damage taken is significantly reduced. Unable to act.
Aurora. Aurora Regenerating HP over time.
Auroral Flipper. Auroral Flipper Chance of triggering a spectral current is increased.
Auspicious. Auspicious Temporarily granted the power of an auspice.
Auspicious Trance. Auspicious Trance Able to execute the blue magic spell Divine Cataract.
Auto-ether. Auto-ether Recover MP automatically when MP falls below 20%. When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end. While enlivened by the Spirit of the Breathtaker, this chance is reduced to 10%.
Auto-heal Penalty. Auto-heal Penalty HP regeneration has stopped.
Auto-potion. Auto-potion Recover HP automatically when HP falls below 50%. When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end. While enlivened by the Spirit of the Breathtaker, this chance is reduced to 10%.
Auto-remedy. Auto-remedy The next status ailment suffered will be cured automatically.
Autophysis. Autophysis HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Avaricious Ruin. Avaricious Ruin Carapace has taken on a green cast, indicating an inclination to consume other golems.
Awareness. Awareness Cannot suffer critical damage.


Status Effect
Back from the Brink. Back from the Brink Nullifies the damage dealt by certain areas of ground. Effect lasts until Transcendent expires or you move to a safe area.
Back on Your Feet. Back on Your Feet Weakness duration is reduced.
Back Unseen. Back Unseen Only vulnerabilities on the back of the body remain undetected. Hits to the front, right, and left sides of the body will result in severe damage.
Back with Thee. Back with Thee Affected by displacement magicks. When this effect ends, you will be stunned, then forcibly moved backward.
Backward Bearing. Backward Bearing Aiming to attack in a backward direction relative to most recent lickwhip or whiplick stance.
Backward Whismy. Backward Whismy Seized with the urge to face backward.
Balance Drawn. Balance Drawn The Balance card is drawn.
Balance Held. Balance Held The Balance card is drawn and held in your spread.
Balanced Tactics. Balanced Tactics Maximum HP and damage dealt are increased.
Baleful Air. Baleful Air Wielding intimidating greatswords in a manner reminiscent of Velibor.
Banish L. Banish L Damage taken is increased.
Banner of Firm Resolve. Damage dealt is reduced, but your resolve is strengthened with each attack received. At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Unyielding Defense.
Banner of Unyielding Defense Effect: Damage taken is reduced.
Banner of Honed Acuity. Damage taken is increased, but your senses sharpen with each attack evaded. At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Transcendent Finesse.
Banner of Transcendent Finesse Effect: Critical hit rate is increased while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Banner of Honored Sacrifice. Sustaining damage over time in exchange for dealing increased damage.
Banner of Limitless Grace. Potency of all HP restoration actions is increased while MP cost is reduced.
Banner of Noble Ends. HP recovered via most healing actions is nullified, but damage dealt is increased.
Banner of Solemn Clarity. You take a moment to still your mind, gaining clarity as time passes. At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Limitless Grace.
Banner of Limitless Grace Effect: Potency of HP restoration actions is increased while MP cost is reduced.
Banner of Tireless Conviction. Damage taken is increased, but your conviction is strengthened with each attack received. At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Unyielding Defense.
Banner of Unyielding Defense Effect: Damage taken is reduced.
Banner of Transcendent Finesse. Critical hit rate is increased while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Banner of Unyielding Defense. Damage taken is reduced.
Bardam's Price. Bardam's Price You are being punished for failing Bardam's trial. A stack of 2 will render you unable to move.
Barofield. Barofield Damage taken when Kaliya is nearby.
Barrage. Barrage Striking multiple times per weaponskill.
Basic Instinct. Basic Instinct Movement speed, damage dealt, and healing magic potency are increased. Mighty Guard will not reduce damage dealt while Basic Instinct is in effect.
Battle Fever. Battle Fever Damage dealt is increased further and adrenaline builds faster than when experiencing a Battle High.
Battle High. Battle High Damage dealt is increased and adrenaline builds faster.
Battle High I. Battle High I Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Battle High II. Battle High II Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Battle High III. Battle High III Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Battle High IV. Battle High IV Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Battle High V. Battle High V Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Battle Litany. Battle Litany Critical hit rate is increased.
Battle Litany. Battle Litany Damage dealt is increased.
Battle Voice. Battle Voice Direct hit rate is increased.
Beastking's Boon. Beastking's Boon Receiving the boon of the Beastking, Buer.
Beckoned. Beckoned Fae magicks have taken hold, and your will is not entirely your own.
Behelmed. Behelmed Head is crammed awkwardly into a dwarven helmet, granting resistance to sleep.
Behelmed. Behelmed Dwarven helmet is preventing the use of certain restorative actions.
Bemoggled. Bemoggled Massive damage is taken from Moogle-Go-Round.
Berserk. Berserk All attacks are both critical and direct hits.
Damage dealt by certain weaponskills is increased.
Beta Target. Beta Target Marked as the target of a particular attack.
Bewildered. Bewildered Confused and unable to control your actions.
Beyond Death. Beyond Death Only beyond death's boundaries can life be achieved.
Beyond Limits. Beyond Limits Hypercharged with aether.
Bibliotaph Simulation. Bibliotaph Simulation The Bibliotaph simulation program is loaded.
Bigbulge Biggerbrain. Bigbulge Biggerbrain Damage dealt is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Bigbulge Goblixer. Bigbulge Goblixer Transformed into a sasquatch and only able to execute the action Browbeat.
Bind. Bind Unable to move.
Bind. Bind Unable to move.
Bind Resistance. Bind Resistance Immune to bind effects.
Bind+. Bind+ Unable to move. Effect cannot be nullified.
Bio. Bio Contagions are spreading, causing damage over time.
Bio II. Bio II Lungs are failing, causing damage over time.
Bio III. Bio III Contagions are spreading, causing damage over time.
Bioblaster. Bioblaster Sustaining damage over time.
Damage taken is increased.
Bioblaster Primed. Bioblaster Primed Able to execute Bioblaster.
Biohacked. Biohacked Mind is being infiltrated. Will be temporarily stunned when the effect ends.
Biolysis. Biolysis Sustaining damage over time.
Rapid decomposition of the flesh is reducing HP recovery.
Suffering damage over time.
Biolytic. Biolytic Damage dealt is reduced.
Bishop Active. Bishop Active Operating a bishop autoturret.
Bitter Hate. Bitter Hate Suffering the mind-rending effects of Nidhogg's raw fury. A stack of 8 will result in extreme damage.
Black Hole Buffer. Black Hole Buffer Invulnerable to the pull of the black hole.
Black Menace. Black Menace The beast is overtaken with madness.
Black Paint. Black Paint Carrying a pot of black paint.
Black Shift. Black Shift Augments certain actions with detrimental effects.
Black Wound. Black Wound Taking extra damage from Black Antilight.
Blackblood. Blackblood Able to execute Bloodspiller.
Blackest Night. Blackest Night An all-encompassing darkness is nullifying damage.
Blackfeather Boost. Blackfeather Boost Movement speed is increased while weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
Blade of Faith Ready. Blade of Faith Ready Able to execute Blade of Faith.
Blade of Valor. Blade of Valor Sustaining damage over time.
Bladecatcher. Bladecatcher Sharpening your aim. Will grant the effect Flourishing Saber Dance when 2 stacks are accumulated.
Blankface Goblixer. Blankface Goblixer Unable to be readily detected by sight.
Blast Arrow Ready. Blast Arrow Ready Able to execute Blast Arrow.
Blaze Spikes. Blaze Spikes Elemental spikes are dealing fire damage to attackers.
Blazing Aramitama. Blazing Aramitama The aramitama has been stoked, and both body and soul surrendered to it.
Bleeding. Bleeding Sustaining damage over time.
Bleeding. Bleeding Sustaining damage over time.
Bleeding. Bleeding Sustaining damage over time.
Blessing of Earth. Blessing of Earth An earthen barrier is nullifying damage. If the barrier retains power when the effect ends, the Blessing of Fire will be granted.
Blessing of Fire. Blessing of Fire Damage dealt and critical hit rate are increased.
Blessing of Light. Blessing of Light Bathed in the light of the Mothercrystal.
Blessing of the Void. Blessing of the Void A voidal barrier is nullifying damage and granting critical damage for all attacks.
Blight. Blight HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Blight. Blight Sustaining damage over time as lungs are filled with corruption. Damage taken from other attacks is also increased.
Blind. Blind Encroaching darkness is lowering accuracy.
Blind to Grief. Blind to Grief So consumed by inner grief that the feelings of others pale by comparison. Attacks of players under a Pall of Grief are ineffective.
Blind to Rage. Blind to Rage So consumed by inner rage that the feelings of others pale by comparison. Attacks of players under a Pall of Rage are ineffective.
Blizzard Charged. Blizzard Charged Mana sufficient to cast Blizzard III or equivalent.
Blizzard III Charged. Blizzard III Charged Mana sufficient to cast Blizzard III or equivalent.
Bloated. Bloated The bomb's body is filled to bursting with deadly gas.
Bloated. Bloated Damage taken is increased. The greater the stack, the higher the increase.
Blood for Blood. Blood for Blood Damage dealt and damage taken are increased.
Blood Moon. Blood Moon Bringing to bear the full might of the dark and bright blades.
Blood of the Dragon. Blood of the Dragon Potency of Jump and Spineshatter Dive are increased.
Blood Price. Blood Price Partial MP restored when damage is taken.
Blood Rush. Blood Rush Gradually recovering HP and MP. Damage dealt is increased and ability recast time is reduced.
Blood Sacrifice. Blood Sacrifice Damage taken is increased if those bonded by the blood ritual are separated.
Blood Weapon. Blood Weapon Absorbing MP upon landing weaponskills or spells.
Enhanced Blackblood Effect: Increasing Blood Gauge upon landing weaponskills or spells.
Blood Weapon. Blood Weapon Absorbing MP upon landing weaponskills or spells.
Enhanced Blackblood Effect: Increasing Blood Gauge upon landing weaponskills or spells.
Bloodbath. Bloodbath Physical attacks generate HP equal to a portion of damage dealt.
Attacks generate HP equal to the amount of physical damage dealt.
Bloodbath L. Bloodbath L Attacks generate HP equal to a portion of damage dealt.
Bloodsown Circle. Bloodsown Circle Grants Immortal Sacrifice to the reaper who applied this effect when duration expires.
Able to gain stacks of Immortal Sacrifice from party members under the effect of your Circle of Sacrifice.
Bloodwhetting. Bloodwhetting Damage taken is reduced and HP is restored with each weaponskill successfully delivered.
Weaponskills generate HP equal to the amount of damage dealt.
Bloody Ruin. Bloody Ruin Carapace has taken on a red cast, indicating an increase in strength at the cost of speed.
Blown Away. Blown Away Carried away by an updraft.
Blue Paint. Blue Paint Carrying a pot of light blue paint.
Bluefire. Bluefire Cold blue flames are severely reducing damage dealt and HP restored via actions.
Blunt Resistance Down. Blunt Resistance Down Blunt resistance is reduced.
Blunt Resistance Down. Blunt Resistance Down Blunt resistance is reduced.
Blunt Resistance Up. Blunt Resistance Up Blunt resistance is increased.
Boiling. Boiling Body is slowly heating up. Will become Pyretic when this effect expires.
Bole Drawn. Bole Drawn The Bole card is drawn.
Bole Held. Bole Held The Bole card is drawn and held in your spread.
Bolt. Bolt Movement speed is increased.
Boost. Boost Attack power on next special technique is increased.
Boost. Boost Attack power of next weaponskill is increased.
Boost. Boost Potency of next offensive spell is increased.
Boosted. Boosted Storing power. Potency of next action is increased.
Boot Camp Mode. Boot Camp Mode Boot Camp protocol is loaded.
Borne Heart. Borne Heart Yiazmat's heart is exposed and can be broken.
Borrowed Flesh. Borrowed Flesh Forced to inhabit the body of another.
Bountiful Catch. Bountiful Catch Number of items obtained on your next gigging attempt is increased.
Bow Shock. Bow Shock Sustaining damage over time.
Braced. Braced Ready and able to Stand Firm.
Brand of the Fallen. Brand of the Fallen Damage taken is increased the further those branded are from each other.
Brand of the Ireful. Brand of the Ireful Damage taken by Ireful Gaze is increased.
Brand of the Sullen. Brand of the Sullen Damage taken by Sullen Gaze is increased.
Brave New World. Brave New World Attributes are increased when a low-level Disciple of War or Magic.
Bravery L. Bravery L Damage dealt is increased.
Break. Break Activity is severely impeded.
Break III Edict. Break III Edict Following orders to perform Little Break III.
Breakga Edict. Breakga Edict Following orders to perform Little Break III.
Breathless. Breathless Toxins in the water are causing difficulty breathing. A stack of 10 will result in KO.
Toxins in the water are causing difficulty breathing. A stack of 8 will result in KO.
Briar. Briar Thick briar is reducing movement speed and causing damage over time. Prevents draw-in and knockback effects.
Brightwinged Fortitude. Brightwinged Fortitude Brightwings are reducing damage taken.
Brightwinged Fury. Brightwinged Fury Brightwings are spurring automatic attacks against nearby enemies.
Brilliant Conviction. Brilliant Conviction Breaking limits as only a true Warrior of Light could.
Brink of Death. Brink of Death Strength, dexterity, intelligence, and mind are reduced by 50%.
Briny Mirror. Briny Mirror Covered in a watery membrane. Any party member who uses a healing spell or action on you receives the Briny Veil status.
Briny Veil. Briny Veil Covered in a watery membrane which impairs vision, reducing your attack range. A stack of 16 will render you unable to act.
Briny Veil. Briny Veil Covered in a watery membrane which impairs vision, reducing your attack range. A stack of 16 will render you unable to act.
Brood Rage. Brood Rage The mother zu is maddened by the death of her brood. Damage dealt is increased.
Brotherhood. Brotherhood Grants chance to open a chakra to the monk who applied the effect when a weaponskill is used or a spell is cast by any affected party member or self.
Brotherhood. Brotherhood Damage dealt is increased.
Brotherly Love. Brotherly Love Bound by fraternal bonds.
Brush with Death. Brush with Death Your resolve has deserted you. You are unable to perform actions that would result in your death.
Brutal Shell. Brutal Shell A highly effective defensive maneuver is nullifying damage.
Bulwark. Bulwark Block rate is increased.
Bunshin. Bunshin Your corporeal shadow is performing an attack each time you execute a weaponskill.
Burning Brand. Burning Brand Branded with a mark of flame and unable to deal damage to Lahabrea's shade. Fire damage taken is increased.
Burning Chains. Burning Chains Red-hot chains sear the flesh on your body, causing damage over time.
Burning Counter. Burning Counter Countering all attacks with fire damage.
Burning Soul. Burning Soul The immortal spirit blazes bright within.
Burns. Burns Sustaining fire damage over time.
Suffering fire damage over time.
Burns. Burns Sustaining fire damage over time.
Burns. Burns Sustaining fire damage over time.
Burrs. Burrs Hooked burrs have dug into your flesh.
Burst. Burst A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Burying Counter. Burying Counter Countering all attacks with earth damage.
Butcher's Block. Butcher's Block Damage taken is increased.
Byregot's Ward. Byregot's Ward Affinity to the element lightning is increased while gathering.


Status Effect
Cactguard. Cactguard Damage taken is reduced.
Camouflage. Camouflage Parry rate is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Card Drawn. Card Drawn An arcanum is drawn from the deck.
Card Held. Card Held An arcanum is being held in the spread.
Carnal Chill. Carnal Chill Damage dealt is reduced.
Carrot of Happiness. Carrot of Happiness You find yourself in an unusually good mood, with a sudden craving to eat more carrots.
Cascading Latent Defect. Cascading Latent Defect Affected by a hidden error that will cause damage when the effect ends. Effect canceled upon being hit by a certain action.
Casting Chlamys. Casting Chlamys Chlamys is replete with the cursed aether of one of three roles.
Catalyze. Catalyze A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Damage dealt is increased.
Catch and Release. Catch and Release Chance of landing larger fish is increased.
Chance of landing fish of greater size is increased.
Catharsis of Corundum. Catharsis of Corundum HP will be restored automatically upon falling below a certain level or expiration of effect duration.
Causality. Causality Damage is taken each time an action is used.
Caustic Bite. Caustic Bite Toxins are causing damage over time.
Celestial River. Celestial River Damage dealt is increased.
Celestial Tide. Celestial Tide Damage dealt is reduced.
Cetaceous Speed. Cetaceous Speed GP regeneration rate is increased.
Chain of Purgatory. Chain of Purgatory Marked by the Brand of Purgatory. Damage taken by the Flames of Unforgiveness is increased.
Chain Saw Primed. Chain Saw Primed Able to execute Chain Saw.
Chain Stratagem. Chain Stratagem Rate at which critical hits are taken is increased.
Damage taken is increased.
Chains of Memory. Chains of Memory Under siege by what you can no longer remember.
Chanchala. Chanchala Lakshmi's divine nature vacillates unsteadily.
Chaos. Chaos Experiencing mental breakdown resulting in a stunned state, followed by the desire to draw near the Lord of Levin.
Chaos Thrust. Chaos Thrust Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Sustaining damage over time, as well as increased damage from target who executed Chaos Thrust.
Chaotic Cyclone. Chaotic Cyclone Damage taken is increased.
Chaotic Spring. Chaotic Spring Sustaining damage over time.
Charge. Charge Storing lightning energy. Resistance to lightning damage is reduced.
Charge. Charge The order to charge has been given.
Chelonian Gate. Chelonian Gate Damage taken is reduced. Taking a certain amount of damage grants the effect of Auspicious Trance.
Chicken. Chicken Transformed into a chicken and unable to execute actions.
Transformed into a chicken.
Chilled to the Bone. Chilled to the Bone Drenched in ice-cold water, causing damage over time.
Chiromorph. Chiromorph The fluid has assumed the form of a hand.
Chiten. Chiten Damage taken is reduced while countering any physical attacks.
Damage taken is reduced while countering attacks.
Choco Beak. Choco Beak Bleeding HP over time.
Choco Reflect. Choco Reflect All non-area of effect enfeeblements are being repelled back to their point of origin.
Choco Regen. Choco Regen Regenerating HP over time.
Choco Surge. Choco Surge HP restoration via healing magic is increased.
Chorus Aligned. Chorus Aligned Dancing to someone else's tune.
Chum. Chum The amount of time waiting for a bite is reduced.
Churning. Churning Churning waters are upon you. Severe damage will be suffered if moving when the effect wears off.
Circle of Clarity. Circle of Clarity Sustaining damage over time.
Circle of Power. Circle of Power Spell cast times, recast times, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Circle of Sacrifice. Circle of Sacrifice Grants Immortal Sacrifice to the reaper who applied this effect after successfully landing a weaponskill or spell.
Circle of Scorn. Circle of Scorn Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Clarifying Draw. Clarifying Draw Able to execute Redraw.
Clarity of Corundum. Clarity of Corundum Damage taken is reduced.
Clashing. Clashing Pushing back at another weapon with your own.
Clawbound. Clawbound Your body is bound to Nidhogg's claw. Any damage taken also results in damage to the claw.
Bound in suffering to Nidhogg's left eye. Damage taken will result in damage to the left eye.
Cleaner Shot. Cleaner Shot Potency of next Clean Shot is increased.
Cleric Stance. Cleric Stance Magic damage dealt is increased.
Healing potency is reduced while damage dealt is increased.
Cloak of Death. Cloak of Death Damage taken by the Fountain of Death is increased.
Clockwork. Clockwork When the gears run down, functionality will cease. HP restoration is reduced.
Close Caloric. Close Caloric Movement causes the accumulation of a physical substance composed of pure heat. Accumulating 5 stacks will result in a massive explosion.
Closed Position. Closed Position Sharing the effects of certain actions with target party member.
Cloying Condensation. Cloying Condensation Unable to jump due to the Cloud of Darkness's airborne magicks.
Cocoon of the Penitent. Cocoon of the Penitent Metamorphosing into a sin eater.
Coeurl Form. Coeurl Form Employing the coeurl fighting stance.
Cold Blade: -1. Cold Blade: -1 Temperature of the entropic blade has dropped 1 level.
Cold Blade: -2. Cold Blade: -2 Temperature of the entropic blade has dropped 2 levels.
Cold Brand: -1. Cold Brand: -1 Bearing a chill-inducing brand. Body temperature will decrease by 1 level when this effect expires.
Cold Brand: -2. Cold Brand: -2 Bearing a chill-inducing brand. Body temperature will decrease by 2 levels when this effect expires.
Cold Fog. Cold Fog Enveloped in a cold fog. Any damage taken will grant the effect of Touch of Frost.
Cold Spell. Cold Spell Overwhelmed by the power of ice.
Collectable Synthesis. Collectable Synthesis Creating collectables.
Collective Unconscious. Collective Unconscious An area of mind attunement is healing party members.
An area of mind attunement is created, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Collective Unconscious. Collective Unconscious Damage taken is reduced.
Gatherer's Bounty. Collector's Focus Increased chance of triggering Collector's Intuition.
Collector's Glove. Collector's Glove Able to discern the location of collectables.
Collector's Standard. Collector's Standard Effectiveness of brazen and meticulous actions is increased.
Combust. Combust Proximity of a theoretical sun is causing damage over time.
Combust II. Combust II Proximity of a theoretical sun is causing damage over time.
Combust III. Combust III Sustaining damage over time.
Combust III. Combust III Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are reduced.
Cometeor. Cometeor Damage taken is increased.
Comfort Zone. Comfort Zone Regaining 8 CP after each step.
Companion Attack Up. Companion Attack Up Companion attack power is enhanced.
Companion Attack Up II. Companion Attack Up II Companion attack power is enhanced.
Companion Enmity Up. Companion Enmity Up Companion enmity is increased.
Companion Enmity Up II. Companion Enmity Up II Companion enmity is increased.
Companion EXP Up. Companion EXP Up EXP earned by companions is increased.
Companion EXP Up II. Companion EXP Up II EXP earned by companions is increased.
Companion Healing Potency Up. Companion Healing Potency Up Companion healing magic potency is increased.
Companion Healing Potency Up II. Companion Healing Potency Up II Companion healing magic potency is increased.
Companion Maximum HP Up. Companion Maximum HP Up Maximum HP is increased.
Companion Maximum HP Up II. Companion Maximum HP Up II Maximum HP is increased.
Compressed Lightning. Compressed Lightning Highly compressed aetherial energy covers the body. Lightning-aspected damage dealt when effect ends.
Compressed Water. Compressed Water Highly compressed aetherial energy covers the body. Water-aspected damage dealt when effect ends.
Computation Boost. Computation Boost Damage dealt is increased.
Computation Error. Computation Error Damage taken is increased.
Computation Mode. Computation Mode Basic computation protocol is loaded.
Concealed. Concealed Unable to be detected from a distance.
Concentrate. Concentrate Next weaponskill will deal increased damage.
Concentrated Poison. Concentrated Poison Powerful poison is slowly draining HP while HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Concentrated Poison. Concentrated Poison Powerful poison is slowly draining HP while HP recovery via healing magic and actions is reduced.
Powerful poison is slowly draining HP while HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Concentration. Concentration Next enfeeblement received is nullified.
Concussion. Concussion Wounds dealt by a blunt weapon are causing damage over time.
Concussion. Concussion Suffering severe head trauma. Unable to act and taking increased damage.
Confession. Confession Sins are confessed. Ready for Plenary Indulgence.
Confiteor. Confiteor Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are reduced.
Confused. Confused Attacking allies instead of the enemy.
Conked. Conked Intelligence and mind are reduced.
Connectivity. Connectivity The Phantom Train is slowly leeching your life essence. Damage taken is also increased.
Consolation. Consolation A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Contact Prohibition Ordained. Contact Prohibition Ordained You have received an order prohibiting contact.
Contact Regulation Ordained. Contact Regulation Ordained You have received an order to regulate contact.
Contractual Obligation. Contractual Obligation Mercenaries are allied to a team. Contract will expire when the counter reaches zero. HP restored by healing magic is reduced.
Convalescence. Convalescence HP recovery via healing magic is increased.
Convalescence. Convalescence HP recovery via healing magic is increased.
Corporeal Return. Corporeal Return Weakened by the time in astral realignment. Damage taken is doubled.
Corps-a-corps. Corps-a-corps A barrier is preventing damage.
Corrupted Crystal. Corrupted Crystal Shards of corrupted crystals are attached to your body. A stack of three will trigger an explosion.
Counter. Counter All physical attacks are reflected back at the dealer.
Cover. Cover Protecting a party member.
Protecting a party member. Damage taken is increased.
Protecting an ally.
Covered. Covered Under the protection of a party member.
Under the protection of an ally.
Crafter's Grace. Crafter's Grace Increased experience point gains as a Disciple of the Hand.
Crafter's Soul. Crafter's Soul Chances of material condition becoming good are increased.
Crafting Facility. Crafting Facility Maximum CP is increased for crafters level 70 or below.
Craniotomy. Craniotomy Rendered confused and agitated. Attacking allies and sustaining damage over time.
Craven. Craven Courage is fully tapped, increasing damage taken.
Craven Companionship. Craven Companionship Will suffer Fear if no allies are in range when this effect expires.
Creeping Poison. Creeping Poison Poison courses through your veins, causing you to periodically become unable to move or execute actions.
Crest of Time Borrowed. Crest of Time Borrowed A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage and damage dealt is increased.
Crest of Time Returned. Crest of Time Returned Regenerating HP over time.
Critical Factor. Critical Factor Subject to an as-yet-unknown element that increases damage taken from attacks by forbidden factors.
Critical Overflow Bug. Critical Overflow Bug Affected by a critical error. Data corruption will cause damage and spread when the effect ends.
Critical Skill. Critical Skill All weaponskills are dealing critical damage.
Critical Strikes. Critical Strikes All attacks are dealing critical damage.
Critical Synchronization Bug. Critical Synchronization Bug Affected by a critical error. Data corruption will cause damage and spread when the effect ends.
Critical Underflow Bug. Critical Underflow Bug Affected by a critical error. Coming in contact with allies will cause data corruption to spread. Corruption will cause damage when the effect ends.
Critical Up. Critical Up Critical hit rate is increased.
Critter Resistance. Critter Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by critter-type minions.
Critter Resistance. Critter Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by critter-type minions.
Critter Vulnerability. Critter Vulnerability Suffering extra damage from critter-type minions.
Crumbling Bulwark. Crumbling Bulwark Magicked barrier is gradually disintegrating.
Crystal Veil. Crystal Veil Damage taken is significantly reduced.
Cube. Cube Damage taken is decreased.
Cure III Ready. Cure III Ready Able to execute Cure III.
Curl. Curl Damage taken is reduced.
Curse of Darkness. Curse of Darkness Cursed to become a fell minion, unleashing Particle Beam when this effect expires.
Curse of the Mummy. Curse of the Mummy Suffering an ancient curse. A stack of 4 will result in mummification.
Curse of the Ronka. Curse of the Ronka A plague of ancient anathema clutters your thoughts, spurring you to deny your very existence. Increased exposure will eventually lead to madness and death.
Cursed Shriek. Cursed Shriek Your body is being taken over, and will soon be used to unleash a petrifying curse.
Cursed Voice. Cursed Voice Your body is being taken over, and will soon be used to unleash a petrifying curse.
Cursekeeper. Cursekeeper Afflicted by a karmic curse carried within a paper doll. Damage taken will be channeled into an explosion when the effect ends or you are KO'd.
Cutting Counter. Cutting Counter Countering all attacks with wind damage.


Status Effect
Dadaluma Simulation. Dadaluma Simulation The Dadaluma simulation program is loaded.
Damage Down. Damage Down Damage dealt is reduced.
Damage Down. Damage Down Damage dealt is reduced.
Damage Over Time. Damage Over Time Sustaining damage over time.
Damage Up. Damage Up Damage dealt is increased.
Damage Up. Damage Up Damage dealt is increased.
Dance Partner. Dance Partner Sharing the effects of certain actions executed by your dancer companion.
Dancing Edge. Dancing Edge Slashing resistance and HP recovery via healing magic and actions are reduced.
※HP recovery unaffected in PvP.
Dark Arts. Dark Arts Potency of certain dark knight actions is enhanced.
Able to execute Shadowbringer without consuming HP.
Dark Dance. Dark Dance Chance to parry is increased.
Parry and evasion rates are increased.
Dark Force. Dark Force Damage taken is reduced.
Dark Mind. Dark Mind Magic damage taken is reduced.
Dark Missionary. Dark Missionary Magic damage taken is reduced.
Damage taken is reduced while HP recovered via healing actions is increased.
Dark Resistance Down. Dark Resistance Down Dark resistance is reduced.
Darkened Fire. Darkened Fire Burning with a dark flame that nullifies damage taken. Stacks of this effect are reduced by contact with flames of an opposing nature.
Darkness. Darkness Damage dealt is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Darkside. Darkside Damage dealt is increased while MP regeneration is stopped.
Darksight. Darksight Able to see with little illumination.
Dash. Dash Movement speed is greatly increased.
Daze. Daze Scattered senses are preventing the execution of actions.
Deactivated. Deactivated All autonomous movement is temporarily disabled.
Death Becomes You. Death Becomes You Shambling the line between dead and undead.
Death from Above. Death from Above Any auto-attack from a skyborne opponent will apply Doom.
Death from Below. Death from Below Any auto-attack from a landborne opponent will apply Doom.
Death Link. Death Link Grants the ninja who applied this effect Unsealed Seiton Tenchu if defeated before effect expires.
Death Throes. Death Throes Held firmly by the leg and unable to move.
Death Warrant. Death Warrant Damage taken from the reaper who applied this effect is compiled. Triggers additional damage when the effect expires.
Death's Design. Death's Design Damage taken from the reaper who applied this effect is increased. Increases said reaper's Soul Gauge if defeated before effect expires.
Death's Toll. Death's Toll Cursed to die. Know the pain of death or face it in sooth.
Decree Nisi A. Decree Nisi A If Decree Nisi B is also issued, steam regulator ruling becomes Decree Absolute and death sentence is carried out.
Decree Nisi B. Decree Nisi B If Decree Nisi A is also issued, steam regulator ruling becomes Decree Absolute and death sentence is carried out.
Deep Essence of the Victor. Deep Essence of the Victor Critical hit rate is increased, while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Deep Freeze. Deep Freeze Your body is encased in ice, preventing action and dealing damage over time.
Deep Freeze. Deep Freeze Your body is encased in ice, preventing action and dealing damage over time.
Your body is encased in ice, preventing action.
Frozen solid and unable to execute actions.
Deep Freeze. Deep Freeze Frozen solid and unable to execute actions.
DEF Down. DEF Down DEF is decreased.
DEF Up. DEF Up DEF is increased.
Defamation. Defamation You are convicted with defamation.
Defense Down. Defense Down Defense is reduced.
Defense Kit. Defense Kit Damage taken is reduced.
Defense Up. Defense Up Defense is enhanced.
Defenseless. Defenseless Unable to call upon the arcane bulwark for protection.
Defensive Optimization. Defensive Optimization Battle tactics optimized for defense. Damage taken is reduced.
Defensive Posture. Defensive Posture Prepared to stand fast.
Defensive Tactics. Defensive Tactics Maximum HP is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Defiance. Defiance Enmity is increased.
Damage dealt and taken are reduced.
Delirium. Delirium Intelligence is reduced.
Delirium. Delirium Blackblood cost for Bloodspiller and Quietus is nullified.
Blackblood cost is nullified.
Delirium. Delirium Blackblood cost for Bloodspiller and Quietus is nullified.
Deliverance. Deliverance Damage dealt is increased. Using certain actions will increase your Beast Gauge.
Demolish. Demolish Internal bleeding is causing damage over time.
Sustaining damage over time, as well as increased damage from target who executed Demolish.
Demon Eye. Demon Eye Petrified by a demonic gaze. Unable to act and taking increased damage.
Desperate Measures. Desperate Measures Damage taken is reduced.
Destiny Drawn. Destiny Drawn An arcanum is drawn from the deck per the vicissitudes of fortune.
Devilment. Devilment Critical hit rate and direct hit rate are increased.
Devotion. Devotion Damage dealt is increased.
Devoured. Devoured Being devoured is preventing the execution of actions and causing damage over time.
Devouring Dark. Devouring Dark Consumed by dark flames. Damage dealt and HP recovery are reduced.
Dia. Dia Sustaining damage over time.
Damage taken is increased.
Diabolic Curse. Diabolic Curse Placed under a diabolic curse. Damage taken is increased.
Diamondback. Diamondback Though unable to move, damage taken is reduced.
Differential Diagnosis. Differential Diagnosis A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Digesting. Digesting Taking damage over time as body tissue is slowly broken down by gastric fluid. Damage taken from other attacks is also increased.
Digestive Enzymes. Digestive Enzymes Corrosive enzymes cover your body, increasing damage sustained by Devoured status.
Digestive Fluid. Digestive Fluid Highly corrosive acid is reducing movement speed while causing damage over time.
Direct Attack. Direct Attack Able to directly attack the target.
Directional Invincibility. Directional Invincibility Invulnerable to all damage taken from a certain direction.
Directional Parry. Directional Parry Parry rate is increased for all attacks from a certain direction.
Dirty Venom. Dirty Venom Dark poisons course through your veins, reducing damage dealt and maximum HP.
Disabled. Disabled Damage dealt is reduced.
Discerning Eye. Discerning Eye Item rarity increase improved on next appraisal.
Disciplined Fist. Disciplined Fist Damage dealt is increased.
Discomposed. Discomposed Unable to maintain composure. Damage taken is increased.
Disease. Disease Movement speed and HP recovered via healing magic are reduced.
Movement speed and HP recovery via healing magic are reduced.
Disembowel. Disembowel Piercing resistance is reduced.
Damage dealt is increased.
Dismantled. Dismantled Damage dealt is reduced.
Displacement. Displacement Next spell cast will deal increased damage.
Disseminate. Disseminate Damage taken is increased.
Dissipation. Dissipation Healing magic potency is increased.
Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are increased.
Distorted. Distorted Black wavelengths pulse in front of you, and white wavelengths behind, causing massive damage if hit by attacks of the opposite color.
Distracted. Distracted Chocobo is discomposed and refuses to use race items.
Diurnal Balance. Diurnal Balance Regenerating HP over time.
Diurnal Benefic. Diurnal Benefic Regenerating HP over time.
Diurnal Intersection. Diurnal Intersection Regenerating HP over time.
Diurnal Opposition. Diurnal Opposition Regenerating HP over time.
Diurnal Sect. Diurnal Sect A Regen effect is added to certain actions.
Dive Ready. Dive Ready Able to execute Mirage Dive.
Diversion. Diversion Enmity generation is reduced.
Divination. Divination Damage dealt is increased.
Damage dealt is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Divine Benison. Divine Benison A holy blessing from the gods is nullifying damage.
Divine Commandment: Flee. Divine Commandment: Flee Affected by the word of a god.
Divine Commandment: Turn. Divine Commandment: Turn Affected by the word of a god.
Divine Seal. Divine Seal HP restoration via healing magic is increased.
Divine Veil. Divine Veil Upon HP recovery via healing magic, a damage-reducing barrier is created.
A holy barrier is nullifying damage. When barrier is completely absorbed, creates a barrier around all nearby party members.
Divine Veil. Divine Veil A holy barrier is nullifying damage.
Dizzy. Dizzy Balance is compromised, resulting in immobility.
Doom. Doom Certain death when counter reaches zero.
Certain death when counter reaches zero. Effect dissipates once fully healed.
Doom. Doom Certain death when counter reaches zero.
Doom. Doom Certain death when counter reaches zero.
Doton. Doton Foul magicks corrupt the ground, dealing earth damage to any who tread upon it.
Doton Corruption. Doton Corruption Sustaining earth damage over time.
Doton Heavy. Doton Heavy Movement speed is reduced.
Double. Double The next action initiated will be executed twice.
Double Edge L. Double Edge L Physical damage dealt is increasing, while you are sustaining damage over time.
Down and Out. Down and Out Quite dead, and prevented from reviving by all usual means.
Down for the Count. Down for the Count Unable to move or execute actions.
Down the Rabbit Hole. Down the Rabbit Hole Being guided to buried treasure.
Downpour of Death. Downpour of Death Next Rain of Death will not require any TP.
Draconian Fire. Draconian Fire Able to execute Raiden Thrust.
Able to execute Raiden Thrust and Draconian Fury.
Draconian Gaze. Draconian Gaze The Dragon's Eye is limiting Nidhogg's strength.
Draconian Light. Draconian Light The Dragon's Eye is significantly reducing damage taken.
Dragon Force. Dragon Force Damage taken is reduced.
Dragon Kick. Dragon Kick Blunt resistance is reduced.
Drained Fortitude. Drained Fortitude Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are reduced.
Drained Power. Drained Power Damage taken is increased.
Drainstrikes. Drainstrikes Auto-attacks are generating an Absorb HP effect.
Draw Fortitude. Draw Fortitude Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Draw Power. Draw Power Damage taken is reduced.
Dreadwyrm Trance. Dreadwyrm Trance Drawing on the power of Bahamut, increasing magic damage dealt.
Dreadwyrm Trance. Dreadwyrm Trance Able to execute Astral Impulse.
Drenched. Drenched Body is covered in water and susceptible to freezing.
Drill Primed. Drill Primed Able to execute Drill.
Dropsy. Dropsy Sustaining water damage over time.
Dropsy. Dropsy Sustaining water damage over time.
Dropsy. Dropsy Sustaining water damage over time.
Drowning. Drowning Being dragged under by the current. Unable to move or execute actions.
Drowning Counter. Drowning Counter Countering all attacks with water damage.
Drubbed. Drubbed Taking blunt damage over time.
Dualcast. Dualcast Next spell will require no time to cast.
The next spell will be cast immediately.
Dualcast. Dualcast The next spell will be cast immediately.
Duality. Duality Next weaponskill will be executed multiple times.
Duel or Die. Duel or Die Singled out for combat. Damage from opponent's first blow will be reduced; however, failing to receive a blow from said opponent before this effect expires will result in KO.
Dust Poisoning. Dust Poisoning Poisoned by the crystal dust you inhaled. A stack of 4 will render you unable to act.
Duties as Assigned. Duties as Assigned Unable to change to another class or job.
Dynamic Fluid. Dynamic Fluid Plagued by a chaotic body of water that will deal damage when the effect ends.


Status Effect
Earth and Water. Earth and Water EXP earned through gathering is increased.
Earth Resistance Down II. Earth Resistance Down II Earth resistance is significantly reduced.
Earth Resistance Up. Earth Resistance Up Earth resistance is increased.
Earth Resonance. Earth Resonance Damage potency and healing potency of Earth's Reply are increased based on damage taken and compiled over the duration of this effect.
Earth-aspected. Earth-aspected Body's aetherial balance is leaning toward the earthen.
Earthen Accord. Earthen Accord The land is under unwavering rule.
Earthen Ward. Earthen Ward Damage taken is reduced.
Earthly Dominance. Earthly Dominance An earthly star is in your control.
Earth's Reply. Earth's Reply Damage taken is reduced and all action direction requirements are nullified.
Damage dealt is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Eat from the Hand. Eat from the Hand Craftsmanship is increased when a Disciple of the Hand.
Echoes of Befoulment. Echoes of Befoulment Consumed by Meteion's hopeless memories. Will execute Befoulment when this effect expires.
Echoes of Benevolence . Echoes of Benevolenct Consumed by Meteion's hopeless memories. Will execute Benevolence when this effect expires.
Echoes of Nausea. Echoes of Nausea Consumed by Meteion's hopeless memories. Will execute Wave of Nausea when this effect expires.
Echoes of the Future. Echoes of the Future Consumed by Meteion's hopeless memories. Will execute No Future when this effect expires.
Edge of Shadow. Edge of Shadow HP recovery is reduced.
Eerie Air. Eerie Air A sense of dread is heightening your alertness, granting resistance to sleep.
Ekpyrosis. Ekpyrosis Unable to receive Apocatastasis.
Electrified. Electrified Wracked by electricity. Nearby players will also be Electrified when the effect ends and the charge disperses.
Electroconductivity. Electroconductivity Conductive matter clings to your person. A stack of 3 will grant you the effect of Surge Protection.
Electrocution. Electrocution Sustaining lightning damage over time.
Electrocution. Electrocution Sustaining lightning damage over time.
Electromagnetic Field. Electromagnetic Field Encased by a highly charged protective barrier.
Elemental Blessing. Elemental Blessing An area of land has been granted the elementals' protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Elemental Blessing: Damage. Elemental Blessing: Damage Elemental Blessing Receiving the blessing of Eureka's elementals. Damage dealt is increased and restoring HP over time.
Elemental Blessing: EXP. Elemental Blessing: EXP Elemental EXP Up Receiving the blessing of Eureka's elementals. Elemental EXP earned through battle is increased.
Elemental EXP Up. Elemental EXP Up Elemental EXP earned through battle while at an elemental level lower than 50 is increased.
Elemental EXP earned through battle while at an elemental level lower than 20 is increased.
Elemental EXP earned through battle while at an elemental level lower than 35 is increased.
Elemental Harmony. Elemental Harmony Elemental EXP earned through battle is increased.
Elemental Resistance Down. Elemental Resistance Down Resistance to all elements is reduced.
Elevated. Elevated Bound to current elevation.
Elusive Jump. Elusive Jump Movement speed is increased.
Embolden. Embolden Magic damage dealt is increased.
Damage dealt is increased.
Embolden. Embolden Magic damage dealt is increased.
Embolden. Embolden Physical damage dealt is increased.
Embolden. Embolden Damage dealt is increased.
Emergency Tactics. Emergency Tactics The next Galvanize and Catalyze statuses are transformed into HP recovery equaling the amount of damage reduction intended for their barriers.
Empowered Beast. Empowered Beast Permitted by master to fight to the fullest extent of capabilities.
Empowered Ketu. Empowered Ketu Ketu's strength is enhanced.
Empowered Rahu. Empowered Rahu Rahu's strength is enhanced.
En Avant. En Avant Cascade is upgraded to Reverse Cascade, Fountain is upgraded to Fountainfall, Windmill is upgraded to Rising Windmill, and Bladeshower is upgraded to Bloodshower.
Cascade is upgraded to Reverse Cascade and Fountain is upgraded to Fountainfall.
Enaero. Enaero Wind damage added to auto-attacks.
Enblizzard. Enblizzard Ice damage added to auto-attacks.
Enchained Soul. Enchained Soul Spiritually chained to the terrestrial plane and unable to jump.
Enchanted Redoublement. Enchanted Redoublement A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Enchanted Redoublement. Enchanted Redoublement Suffering damage over time.
Enchanted Riposte. Enchanted Riposte A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Enchanted Riposte. Enchanted Riposte Suffering damage over time.
Enchanted Zwerchhau. Enchanted Zwerchhau A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Enchanted Zwerchhau. Enchanted Zwerchhau Suffering damage over time.
Endwalker. Endwalker Walking alone unto journey's end, the burden weighing heavy.
Energy Field. Energy Field Invulnerable to ranged attacks.
Energy Field Down. Energy Field Down Energy field is no longer deflecting ranged attacks.
Enervation. Enervation Damage dealt is reduced and damage taken is increased.
Enfeebled. Enfeebled Enfeebling elixir has corrupted the humours, causing damage over time.
Enfire. Enfire Fire damage added to auto-attacks.
Engagement. Engagement A barrier is preventing damage.
Enhanced Benefic II. Enhanced Benefic II Next Benefic II will restore critical HP.
Enhanced Cross Reaping. Enhanced Cross Reaping Next Cross Reaping will deal increased damage.
Enhanced Enpi. Enhanced Enpi Next Enpi will deal increased damage.
Enhanced Flare. Enhanced Flare Flare will deal increased damage.
Enhanced Gallows. Enhanced Gallows Next Gallows will deal increased damage.
Enhanced Gibbet. Enhanced Gibbet Next Gibbet will deal increased damage.
Enhanced Harpe. Enhanced Harpe Next Harpe will require no time to cast.
Enhanced Royal Road. Enhanced Royal Road Potency of the card played is enhanced.
Enhanced Scatter. Enhanced Scatter Next Scatter will store increased black and white mana.
Enhanced Slug Shot. Enhanced Slug Shot Potency of next Slug Shot is increased.
Enhanced Unleash. Enhanced Unleash Next Unleash will not require any MP to cast.
Enhanced Void Reaping. Enhanced Void Reaping Next Void Reaping will deal increased damage.
Enhanced Wheeling Thrust. Enhanced Wheeling Thrust Able to execute Wheeling Thrust.
Enigma Codex. Enigma Codex The codex is granting you the power to manipulate time.
Enlarged. Enlarged Body has grown to a massive size.
Enliven. Enliven All action direction requirements are nullified.
Elusive Jump Target. Elusive Jump Target Soon to be on the receiving end of a Dark Elusive Jump.
Enochian. Enochian Magic damage dealt is increased.
Enshielded. Enshielded Winged shield is reducing damage taken.
Enshrouded. Enshrouded Playing host to an avatar.
Enshrouded. Enshrouded Playing host to an avatar.
Enstone. Enstone Earth damage added to auto-attacks.
Enthunder. Enthunder Lightning damage added to auto-attacks.
Entropification. Entropifaction Subject to unleashing Entropic Excess periodically. Each release of Entropic Excess will decrease the stacks of this effect. The effect may be transferred to another subject via physical contact.
Entropy. Entropy Plagued by chaotic flames that will deal damage to nearby party members when the effect ends.
Entropy Resistance. Entropy Resistance Invulnerable to entropifaction.
Enwater. Enwater Water damage added to auto-attacks.
EP Penalty. EP Penalty EP regeneration has stopped.
Epic Echo. Epic Echo Maximum HP, damage dealt, and potency of HP restoration actions are increased beyond what even you thought possible.
Equilibrium. Equilibrium Regenerating HP over time.
Erratic Blaster. Erratic Blaster Taking damage over time.
Escape Detection Ordained. Escape Detection Ordained You have received an order to detect escape.
Escape Prohibition Ordained. Escape Prohibition Ordained You have received an order prohibiting escape.
Esprit. Esprit The Esprit Gauge is increasing when you or the party member designated as your Dance Partner executes a weaponskill or casts a spell.
Esprit. Esprit The Esprit Gauge is increasing when you or a party member executes a weaponskill or casts a spell.
Eternal Doom. Eternal Doom Zombification when counter reaches zero or upon KO. KO does not remove zombification.
Eubuleus. Eubuleus Magic damage taken is reduced.
Eukrasia. Eukrasia Certain actions are being augmented.
Eukrasian Diagnosis. Eukrasian Diagnosis A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Eukrasian Dosis. Eukrasian Dosis Sustaining unaspected damage over time.
Eukrasian Dosis II. Eukrasian Dosis II Sustaining unaspected damage over time.
Eukrasian Dosis III. Eukrasian Dosis III Sustaining unaspected damage over time.
Weaponskill and spell cast time and recast time are increased.
Sustaining damage over time.
Eukrasian Prognosis. Eukrasian Prognosis A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Eureka Moment. Eureka Moment Able to execute Wise to the World.
Evasion Down. Evasion Down Evasion is reduced.
Evasion Up. Evasion Up Evasion is enhanced.
Everlasting Flight. Everlasting Flight Regenerating HP over time.
Regenerating HP over time. Additional HP will be restored automatically upon falling below a certain level or expiration of effect duration.
Ewer Drawn. Ewer Drawn The Ewer card is drawn.
Ewer Held. Ewer Held The Ewer card is drawn and held in your spread.
Exaltation. Exaltation Damage taken is reduced.
Excogitation. Excogitation HP will be restored automatically upon falling below a certain level or expiration of effect duration.
EXP Bonus. EXP Bonus Receiving a mentor/new adventurer/returner party bonus.
Expanded Attack. Expanded Attack Auto-attacks reach all nearby enemies.
Expanded Royal Road. Expanded Royal Road Adds area of effect to next card played.
Expedience. Expedience Movement speed is increased.
Extend. Extend Temporal flow is disrupted.
Extended Royal Road. Extended Royal Road Duration of the card played is extended.
Extreme Caution. Extreme Caution A penalty will be assessed for any action, auto-attack, or movement taken after status ends.
Eye for an Eye. Eye for an Eye Chance that next hit suffered will lower the attacker's damage dealt.
Eye for an Eye. Eye for an Eye Damage dealt is reduced.
Eye Gauge. Eye Gaugesic A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Eyes Open. Eyes Open Succeeded at opening the Third Eye.


Status Effect
Face in the Crowd. Face in the Crowd Participating in a live performance.
Facility Access: Detailing. Facility Access: Detailing Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Detailing II. Facility Access: Detailing II Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Finishing. Facility Access: Finishing Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Finishing II. Facility Access: Finishing II Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Production. Facility Access: Production Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Production II. Facility Access: Production II Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Specialization. Facility Access: Specialization Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Facility Access: Specialization II. Facility Access: Specialization II Making use of local crafting facilities to synthesize special items. Recipe level is lowered to current level.
Faded Out. Faded Out Overburdened body is unable to execute actions.
Fading Consciousness. Fading Consciousness Struggling to maintain consciousness after being gravely wounded.
Fading Fast. Fading Fast Reduction of life-sustaining aether by concealment techniques is placing strain on the body. Failure to remove this effect will result in KO.
Fae Cloak. Fae Cloak An enchantment is preventing detection by fae creatures.
Fae Light. Fae Light Cane is aglow with the ethereal light of ancient magicks. Damage dealt is greatly increased. All auto-attacks become area of effect attacks.
Falling. Falling Decided absence of terra firma is causing an inability to execute certain actions.
Fan Dance. Fan Dance Damage taken is reduced.
Fan Dance III. Fan Dance III Damage taken is reduced.
Fang and Claw Bared. Fang and Claw Bared Able to execute Fang and Claw.
Fangbound. Fangbound Your body is bound to Nidhogg's fang. Any damage taken heals the fang.
Slaking the suffering of Nidhogg's right eye. Damage taken will result in healing to the right eye.
Fast Draw. Fast Draw Weaponskill recast time is reduced.
FATE Participant. FATE Participant Actively participating in a FATE. Actions restricted to FATEs are available, though certain standard actions are unavailable.
Actively participating in a FATE.
Fathom. Fathom Able to locate teeming waters suitable for spearfishing.
Fearless. Fearless Empowered by courage, increasing damage dealt.
Feather Field. Feather Field Effects inflicted by other chocobos' fields are nullified.
Featherbrained. Featherbrained The incessant chirping of birds scatters your thoughts, preventing you from taking action.
Featherfoot. Featherfoot Evasion is enhanced.
Feelin' Hot. Feelin' Hot Flammability is increased due to the effects of the flame dance.
Feint. Feint Strength and dexterity are reduced.
Sustaining increased damage from target who executed Feint.
Physical and magic damage are reduced.
Fetter Ward. Fetter Ward Immune to Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, knockback, and draw-in effects.
Fetter Ward. Fetter Ward All Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, Silence, knockback, and draw-in effects are nullified.
Fetters. Fetters Unable to execute actions.
Fetters. Fetters Unable to execute actions.
Unable to execute actions and sustaining damage over time.
Fetters. Fetters Unable to move.
Fetters. Fetters Unable to move.
Fever. Fever Head is burning, causing reduced mind and intelligence.
Fey Covenant. Fey Covenant Magic defense is increased.
Fey Fire. Fey Fire A fey fire envelops you, nullifying all damage received.
Fey Glow. Fey Glow Spell speed is increased.
Fey Illumination. Fey Illumination Magic defense and healing magic potency are increased.
Fey Light. Fey Light Skill speed is increased.
Fey Union. Fey Union Allowing regeneration of HP over time.
Fey Union. Fey Union Regenerating HP over time.
Fey Wind. Fey Wind Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Fifth Chakra. Fifth Chakra The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth chakra are open.
Fight or Flight. Fight or Flight Physical damage dealt is increased.
Filthy. Filthy Earthen residue is causing damage over time.
Final Appraisal. Final Appraisal Ready to stop short of completing synthesis.
Final Decree Nisi A. Final Decree Nisi A Decree Nisi A is issued.
Final Decree Nisi B. Final Decree Nisi B Decree Nisi B is issued.
Final Decree Nisi α. Final Decree Nisi α Decree Nisi α is issued.
Final Decree Nisi β. Final Decree Nisi β Decree Nisi β is issued.
Final Decree Nisi γ. Final Decree Nisi γ Decree Nisi γ is issued.
Final Decree Nisi δ. Final Decree Nisi δ Decree Nisi δ is issued.
Final Fantasia. Final Fantasia Weaponskill cast and recast times are reduced while increasing movement speed.
Final Flight. Final Flight Damage taken from J Storm is increased.
Final Judgment: Decree Nisi A. Final Judgment: Decree Nisi A Sentenced to receive Decree Nisi A. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Decree Nisi B. Final Judgment: Decree Nisi B Sentenced to receive Decree Nisi B. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Decree Nisi α. Final Judgment: Decree Nisi α Sentenced to receive Decree Nisi α. Disobedience will result in divine retribution.
Final Judgment: Decree Nisi β. Final Judgment: Decree Nisi β Sentenced to receive Decree Nisi β. Disobedience will result in divine retribution.
Final Judgment: Decree Nisi γ. Final Judgment: Decree Nisi γ Sentenced to receive Decree Nisi γ. Disobedience will result in divine retribution.
Final Judgment: Decree Nisi δ. Final Judgment: Decree Nisi δ Sentenced to receive Decree Nisi δ. Disobedience will result in divine retribution.
Final Judgment: Max HP. Final Judgment: Max HP Sentenced to receive increased HP. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Min HP. Final Judgment: Min HP Sentenced to receive reduced HP. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Penalty I. Final Judgment: Penalty I Sentenced to receive enfeeblement I. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Penalty II. Final Judgment: Penalty II Sentenced to receive enfeeblement II. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Penalty III. Final Judgment: Penalty III Sentenced to receive enfeeblement III. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Judgment: Penalty III. Final Judgment: Penalty III Sentenced to receive enfeeblement III. Disobedience will result in divine retribution.
Final Judgment: Penalty IV. Final Judgment: Penalty IV Sentenced to receive enfeeblement IV. Disobedience will result in divine retribution.
Final Punishment. Final Punishment Sentenced to public flogging. Refusal to serve sentence will result in additional punishment.
Final Word: Contact Prohibition. Final Word: Contact Prohibition You have been issued a writ of contact prohibition.
Final Word: Contact Regulation. Final Word: Contact Regulation You have been issued a writ of contact regulation.
Final Word: Escape Detection. Final Word: Escape Detection You have been issued a writ of escape detection.
Final Word: Escape Prohibition. Final Word: Escape Prohibition You have been issued a writ of escape prohibition.
Fire Alchemy. Fire Alchemy Producing and manipulating an orb of fire aether.
Fire Charged. Fire Charged Mana sufficient to cast Fire III or equivalent.
Fire III Charged. Fire III Charged Mana sufficient to cast Fire III or equivalent.
Fire Convergence. Fire Convergence Reflecting back all ice- and lightning-aspected attacks.
Fire Resistance Down. Fire Resistance Down Fire resistance is reduced.
Fire Resistance Down II. Fire Resistance Down II Fire resistance is significantly reduced.
Fire Resistance Up. Fire Resistance Up Fire resistance is increased.
Fire Resonance. Fire Resonance Next weaponskill will deal increased damage.
Fire Toad. Fire Toad Transformed into a fire toad and only able to execute the action Toad Breath.
Firebird Trance. FirebirdTrance Able to execute Fountain of Fire.
Firescorched. Firescorched Resistance to attacks by Firehorn is decreased.
Firestarter. Firestarter Next Fire III will require no time to cast and cost no MP.
Firestream. Firestream The flesh melts from your bones, causing damage over time.
First Chakra. First Chakra The first chakra is open.
First in Line. First in Line Marked as target #1.
Firstminds' Focus. Firstminds' Focus Able to execute Wyrmwind Thrust.
Fish Eyes. Fish Eyes Able to locate fish usually hidden regardless of their normal hours of activity.
Fisher's Intuition. Fisher's Intuition Heightened senses are improving chances of discovering rare fish only obtainable under special conditions.
Fists of Earth. Fists of Earth Damage taken is reduced.
Fists of Fire. Fists of Fire Damage dealt is increased.
Fists of Wind. Fists of Wind Movement speed is increased.
Weaponskill recast time is reduced.
Fixed Sign. Fixed Sign An area of land has been granted protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Fixed Sign. Fixed Sign Damage taken is reduced.
Fixed Sign. Fixed Sign Regenerating HP over time.
Flamethrower. Flamethrower Emitting a gout of searing flames in a cone before you, dealing damage over time.
Emitting a gout of searing flames in a cone, dealing damage over time.
Flamethrower Flames. Flamethrower Flames Taking damage over time.
Flaming Arrow. Flaming Arrow The ground is ablaze, dealing fire damage to any who tread upon it.
Flare Dampening. Flare Dampening Damage taken by Bahamut's Teraflare is reduced, and damage dealt is significantly reduced.
Fleet-footed. Fleet-footed Effect duration of Sprint is increased in large settlements.
Fleeting Raiju Ready. Fleeting Raiju Ready Able to execute Fleeting Raiju.
Flesh Wound. Flesh Wound Wounds dealt by a slashing weapon are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Floating Fetters. Floating Fetters Bound in midair and unable to move.
Flood of Shadow. Flood of Shadow HP recovery via healing actions is reduced.
Flourishing Cascade. Flourishing Cascade Able to execute Reverse Cascade.
Flourishing Fan Dance. Flourishing Fan Dance Able to execute Fan Dance III.
Flourishing Finish. Flourishing Finish Able to execute Tillana.
Flourishing Flow. Flourishing Flow Able to execute Fountainfall or Bloodshower.
Flourishing Flow. Flourishing Flow Able to execute Fountainfall or Bloodshower.
Flourishing Fountain. Flourishing Fountain Able to execute Fountainfall.
Flourishing Saber Dance. Flourishing Saber Dance Able to execute Saber Dance.
Flourishing Shower. Flourishing Shower Able to execute Bloodshower.
Flourishing Starfall. Flourishing Starfall Able to execute Starfall Dance.
Flourishing Symmetry. Flourishing Symmetry Able to execute Reverse Cascade or Rising Windmill.
Flourishing Symmetry. Flourishing Symmetry Able to execute Reverse Cascade or Rising Windmill.
Flourishing Windmill. Flourishing Windmill Able to execute Rising Windmill.
Flying High. Flying High Nearly giddy with the thrill of battle, increasing damage dealt, potency of HP restoration actions, and the rate at which the adrenaline gauge fills. Effect is nullified when piloting warmachina.
Focalization. Focalization All magic resistances are increased.
HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Foe Requiem. Foe Requiem Using MP to increase the damage taken by nearby enemies.
Foe Requiem. Foe Requiem Damage taken is increased.
Fool's Figure. Fool's Figure Weaving the illusion of an altered self.
Fool's Tightrope. Fool's Tightrope Weaving the illusion of a precarious path.
Fool's Tumble. Fool's Tumble Convinced that you have taken a fall and are unable to move.
Force Against Magic. Force Against Magic Magic damage taken is significantly reduced while physical damage taken is significantly increased.
Force Against Might. Force Against Might Physical damage taken is significantly reduced while magic damage taken is significantly increased.
Forced March. Forced March Advancing in the ordered direction.
Forced Withdrawal. Forced Withdrawal Readying withdrawal from the playing field.
Fore Mark of the Tides. Fore Mark of the Tides Servant to the tides. Will be swept forward when this effect expires.
Foresight. Foresight Defense is increased.
Forked Lightning. Forked Lightning Storing an electric charge which, when released, will deal lightning damage to nearby allies.
Forked Raiju Ready. Forked Raiju Ready Able to execute Forked Raiju.
Formless Fist. Formless Fist Employing all three pugilistic fighting stances─opo-opo, raptor, and coeurl. Additional effects of actions used in these forms will also be triggered.
Forward Bearing. Forward Bearing Aiming to attack in a forward direction relative to most recent lickwhip or whiplick stance.
Forward March. Forward March Have received the order to advance. Order will be executed when status fades.
Forward Whimsy. Forward Whimsy Seized with the urge to face forward.
Forward with Thee. Forward with Thee Affected by displacement magicks. When this effect ends, you will be stunned, then forcibly moved forward.
Fountain of Fire. Fountain of Fire Sustaining fire damage over time.
Fountain of Fire. Fountain of Fire Flames are enhancing target capabilities. Damage dealt and healing potency are increased.
Fourfold-come Ruin. Fourfold-come Ruin Bearing signs that the end may be nigh. Too many stacks will result in Doom.
Fourfold Fan Dance. Fourfold Fan Dance Able to execute Fan Dance IV.
Fourth Chakra. Fourth Chakra The first, second, third, and fourth chakra are open.
Fracture. Fracture Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Frazzle. Frazzle Damage taken is increased while HP recovered via healing actions is reduced.
Freecure. Freecure Next Cure II will not require any MP to cast.
Freezing. Freezing Your body is slowly turning to ice. When this effect expires, you will experience a Deep Freeze.
Body is slowly turning to ice. Will experience a Deep Freeze when this effect expires.
Freezing Brand. Freezing Brand Branded with a mark of ice and unable to deal damage to Igeyorhm's shade. Ice damage taken is increased.
Freezing Counter. Freezing Counter Countering all attacks with ice damage.
Freezing Up. Freezing Up Growing colder by the moment. Failure to continue moving until this effect expires will result in Deep Freeze.
Frenzied. Frenzied Chocobo is panicked and accelerating out of control.
Fresh Perspective. Fresh Perspective Operating outside the usual conditions of combat.
Front Unseen. Front Unseen Only vulnerabilities on the front of the body remain undetected. Hits to the back, right, and left sides of the body will result in severe damage.
Frontline Forte. Frontline Forte Damage dealt is increased.
Frontline March. Frontline March Damage dealt is increased.
Frontliner's Forte. Frontliner's Forte Weaponskill cast and recast times are reduced while increasing damage dealt by nearby party members.
Frontliner's March. Frontliner's March Weaponskill cast and recast times are reduced while increasing damage dealt by nearby party members.
Frost Blade. Frost Blade Regenerating HP over time. Damage taken is reduced.
Frost Bow. Frost Bow Critical hit rate is increased.
Frost Brand. Frost Brand Damage dealt is increased.
Frostbite. Frostbite Sustaining ice damage over time.
Frostbite. Frostbite Sustaining ice damage over time.
Frowny Face. Frowny Face Face hurts from frowning. Will take increased damage if hit by Frowny Face again.
Frozen. Frozen Ice has begun forming on gear. A stack of 4 will result in Deep Freeze.
Fugetsu. Fugetsu Damage dealt is increased.
Fuka. Fuka Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Full Moon. Full Moon Unleashing the power of the full moon.
Full Swing. Full Swing Taking damage over time.
Full Swing. Full Swing Damage taken is increased.
Full-grown. Full-grown Fully matured.
Fully Analyzed. Fully Analyzed All vulnerabilities have been detected. Any damage taken will be severe.
Fully Enlarged. Fully Enlarged Body has grown to maximum size.
Further Ruin. Further Ruin Able to cast Ruin IV.
Further Ruin. Further Ruin Able to execute Ruin IV.
Fury's Bolt. Fury's Bolt Overcharged with electricity. Next attack will deal increased damage or differ in range.


Status Effect
Gadget Resistance. Gadget Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by gadget-type minions.
Gadget Resistance. Gadget Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by gadget-type minions.
Gale Enforcer. Gale Enforcer Maintaining a localized windstorm.
Gallows Oiled. Gallows Oiled Able to execute Gallows.
Galvanize. Galvanize A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Garrote. Garrote A death grip is tightening around you. A stack of 9 will result in instant death.
Garrote Twist. Garrote Twist Garrote is stacking at an increased rate.
Garuda's Favor. Garuda's Favor Able to execute Slipstream.
Gatherer's Bounty. Gatherer's Bounty Increasing the item yield of Gatherer's Boon.
Gatherer's Grace. Gatherer's Grace Increased experience point gains as a Disciple of the Land.
Gathering Fortune Up. Gathering Fortune Up Chance of obtaining an HQ item while gathering is increased.
Chance of landing an HQ catch while fishing is increased.
Gathering Fortune Up (Limited). Gathering Fortune Up (Limited) Chance of obtaining an HQ item on your next gathering attempt is increased.
Gathering Fortune Up II. Gathering Fortune Up II Chance of obtaining an HQ item while gathering is increased.
Gathering Fortune Up II (Limited). Gathering Fortune Up II (Limited) Chance of obtaining an HQ item on your next gathering attempt is increased.
Gathering Rate Up. Gathering Rate Up Chance of obtaining an item while gathering is increased.
Gathering Rate Up (Limited). Gathering Rate Up (Limited) Chance of obtaining an item on your next gathering attempt is increased.
Gathering Yield Up. Gathering Yield Up Number of items obtained while gathering is increased.
Gathering Yield Up (Limited). Gathering Yield Up (Limited) Number of items obtained on your next gathering attempt is increased.
Gathering Yield Up II. Gathering Yield Up II Number of items obtained while gathering is increased.
Gauss Barrel. Gauss Barrel A gauss barrel is attached to the firearm, increasing attack power but adding cast times to machinist weaponskills.
Gelatinous. Gelatinous Rendered a boneless ooze unable to jump or execute actions. Movement speed is reduced.
Giant Dominance. Giant Dominance An earthly star is in your control.
Gift of the Land. Gift of the Land Increased chance of triggering Gatherer's Boon.
Gift of the Land II. Gift of the Land II Increased chance of triggering Gatherer's Boon.
Gloam. Gloam A shroud of darkness is impairing your accuracy while rendering you immune to Demon Eye. Can be cured with Esuna.
Gnashing Wolf. Gnashing Wolf Sustaining wind damage over time.
Goad. Goad Gradually regenerating TP.
Goblixer Grumblygut. Goblixer Grumblygut Experiencing side effects from overconsumption of goblixers.
Goblixer Overgulp. Goblixer Overgulp Overdosed on goblixers. Side effects will emerge if stack increases.
Gobskin. Gobskin Hardened flesh is absorbing damage.
Goka Mekkyaku. Goka Mekkyaku Suffering damage over time.
Gold Lung. Gold Lung A layer of sulphuric sludge has built up on the body.
Gold Saucer VIP Card. Gold Saucer VIP Card MGP earned at Gold Saucer attractions is increased.
Goldbile. Goldbile Sulphuric sludge is eating away at the skin, causing extreme discomfort and gradual HP loss.
Goring Blade. Goring Blade Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Grace of Light. Grace of Light Blessed by Light. Damage dealt is increased.
Gradual Petrification. Gradual Petrification Flesh once soft is slowly turning to stone.
Gradual Petrification. Gradual Petrification Flesh once soft is slowly turning to stone. Effect dissipates once fully healed.
Gradual Zombification. Gradual Zombification Slowly transforming into a brain-craving zombie.
Gravity Flip. Gravity Flip Gravity is inverted, slowly lifting you further from the ground.
Greased Lightning. Greased Lightning Damage dealt is increased, while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Greased Lightning II. Greased Lightning II Damage dealt is increased, while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Greased Lightning III. Greased Lightning III Damage dealt is increased, while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Great Strides. Great Strides Efficiency of next Touch action is significantly increased.
Greenwrath. Greenwrath The anger of the elementals tears at your very sanity, causing damage over time.
Grip of Despair. Grip of Despair Held by bonds of despair and taking damage over time.
Grit. Grit Enmity is increased.
Damage dealt and taken are reduced.
Grounded. Grounded Bound to current elevation.
Group Oriented. Group Oriented Cooperatively attacking the primary target.
Growing. Growing Absorbed nutrients are spurring rapid development.
Grudge. Grudge Damage taken is turning to resentment.
Guard. Guard Damage taken is reduced. All Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, knockback, and draw-in effects are nullified. Movement speed is reduced.
Guardian Spirit. Guardian Spirit Soul ablaze with the will to protect.
Guardians' Aegis. Guardians' Aegis Shielded by a protective barrier.
Guise. Guise Dressed for the occasion.
Gullstorm. Gullstorm Chance of landing an HQ catch while fishing is increased.
Gungnir. Gungnir The power slumbering within the legendary lance has awoken.
Gunmetal Soul. Gunmetal Soul Damage taken is reduced.


Status Effect
Haima. Haima A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Haimatinon. Haimatinon Stacks are consumed to restore the Haima barrier each time it is absorbed. Grants a healing effect when duration expires, its potency based on the number of remaining stacks.
Half-asleep. Half-asleep Struggling to keep your eyes open. Succumb to Sleep when effect duration expires.
Hallowed Ground. Hallowed Ground Impervious to most attacks.
Impervious to all attacks.
Hard Marked. Hard Marked The marked status cannot be moved to another ally.
Hardcore. Hardcore Damage dealt is increased.
Harmonized. Harmonized Potency of next physical damage spell is increased.
Harmony of Body. Harmony of Body Spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Harmony of Mind. Harmony of Mind Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Harmony of Spirit. Harmony of Spirit Restoring MP over time.
Harvest. Harvest Redirecting the remaining life energies of incapacitated victims in order to gain the effect of Rise of the Phoenix.
Haste. Haste Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Weaponskill cast/recast time, spell cast/recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Haste+. Haste+ Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced. Effect cannot be nullified.
Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Hastilude. Hastilude An area of land has been granted protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Hastilude Heartened. Hastilude Heartened Damage taken is significantly reduced.
Hated of Embers. Hated of Embers The accursed spitting of the flames spurs you to fight only Ifrit. Damage against all other targets is nullified.
Hated of Frost. Hated of Frost Cursed by the lady herself. Damage from Hraesvelgr is increased.
Hated of Levin. Hated of Levin Ramuh has cursed you to discharge a burst of lightning-aspected damage at regular intervals. When this effect expires, you will Panic.
Hated of the Vortex. Hated of the Vortex The accursed taunt of the winds spurs you to fight only Garuda. Damage against all other targets is nullified.
Hated of the Wyrm. Hated of the Wyrm Cursed by the great wyrm himself. Damage from Shiva is increased.
Haunt. Haunt Memory is taking corporeal form.
Hawk's Eye. Hawk's Eye Dexterity is increased and all attacks are guaranteed to land.
Head in the Clouds. Head in the Clouds Perched atop a cloud and unable to be hit by attacks from below.
Head in the Clouds. Head in the Clouds Perched on a cloud and able to attack cloudtop enemies.
Headache. Headache Suffering mild head trauma. Damage dealt is reduced. Increased trauma results in a Concussion.
Headwind. Headwind Plagued by chaotic frontal winds that will deal damage when the effect ends. Effect dissipates upon exposure to directional winds. Knockback effects from winds faced head-on are doubled, while those of rear winds are reduced by half.
Healing Magic Down. Healing Magic Down HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Healing Potency Down. Healing Potency Down Healing magic potency is reduced.
Healing Potency Up. Healing Potency Up Healing magic potency is enhanced.
HP restoration via healing magic is increased.
Heart and Soul. Heart and Soul Able to execute Precise Touch, Intensive Synthesis, and Tricks of the Trade.
Heart of Corundum. Heart of Corundum Damage taken is reduced.
Heart of Dragon. Heart of Dragon Nidhogg has taken his true form.
Heart of Light. Heart of Light Magic damage taken is reduced.
Damage taken is reduced.
Heart of Man. Heart of Man Nidhogg has taken the form of a man.
Heart of Stone. Heart of Stone Damage taken is reduced.
Heart of the Mountain. Heart of the Mountain Armored by impenetrable stone. Invulnerable to all damage.
Heartless. Heartless Yiazmat's heart is destroyed. Maximum HP is decreased.
Heat. Heat Firearm is generating heat. Becomes Overheated when 5 stacks are accumulated.
Heated Up. Heated Up Burning vast quantities of energy and emitting steam from a portion of the body.
Heavenly Shield. Heavenly Shield Protected by an ethereal shield. Damage taken from certain attacks is reduced.
Heavensent. Heavensent Able to execute Heavens' Thrust.
Heavensflame Soul. Heavensflame Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Theos's Holy when this effect expires.
Heavy. Heavy Movement speed is reduced.
Heavy. Heavy Chocobo speed is reduced.
Heavy Feet. Heavy Feet Movement speed is reduced.
Heavy Medal. Heavy Medal The weight of medals collected is hampering faculty to fend off attacks. The higher the stack, the more damage taken.
Heavy Resistance. Heavy Resistance Immune to heavy effects.
Heavy Thrust. Heavy Thrust Damage dealt is increased.
Heightened Visibility. Heightened Visibility Able to see and attack concealed targets.
Hell's Ingress. Hell's Ingress Movement speed is increased.
Hellish Conduit. Hellish Conduit Able to execute Brand of Purgatory.
Helping Hand. Helping Hand EXP earned through crafting is increased.
Herbsona. Herbsona Transformed into a leafman. Unable to move or execute actions.
Heroes' Fantasia. Heroes' Fantasia Damage dealt is increased. Limit gauge is gradually filling.
Heros's Mantle. Heros's Mantle Armed with a hero's blade.
Hidden. Hidden Unable to be detected. Movement speed is severely reduced.
Unable to be detected.
Hide. Hide Unable to be detected. Movement speed is severely reduced.
Higanbana. Higanbana Open wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Open wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time. HP recovery is reduced.
High and Mighty. High and Mighty Invulnerable to all damage. Long live the king, kupo!
High Arithmeticks. High Arithmeticks Vulnerable to damage while on high ground.
High Jump Target. High Jump Target Soon to be on the receiving end of a Dark High Jump.
High Morale. High Morale A dauntless spirit guides you to victory. Mettle earned is increased.
High Wire. High Wire Heightened excitement is causing actions to become erratic.
Holmgang. Holmgang Unable to move until effect fades.
Unable to move until effect fades. Most attacks cannot reduce your HP to less than 1.
Holmgang. Holmgang Most attacks cannot reduce your HP to less than 1.
Holmgang. Holmgang Unable to move until effect fades.
Holos. Holos Damage taken is reduced.
Holy Sheltron. Holy Sheltron Blocking incoming attacks.
A holy barrier is nullifying damage.
Honey-glazed. Honey-glazed Covered in honey and attracting hornets.
Honing Dance. Honing Dance A dance of blades is dealing damage over time to nearby enemies.
Honing Ovation. Honing Ovation A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Hoofing It. Hoofing It Unable to summon or ride mounts.
Horoscope. Horoscope Primed to receive the healing effects of Horoscope.
Horoscope Helios. Horoscope Helios Primed to receive the healing effects of Horoscope.
Horrid Roar. Horrid Roar Damage dealt to the dragoon who applied this effect is reduced.
Hot Blade: +1. Hot Blade: +1 Temperature of the entropic blade has risen 1 level.
Hot Blade: +2. Hot Blade: +2 Temperature of the entropic blade has risen 2 levels.
Hot Brand: +1. Hot Brand: +1 Bearing a fever-inducing brand. Body temperature will increase by 1 level when this effect expires.
Hot Brand: +2. Hot Brand: +2 Bearing a fever-inducing brand. Body temperature will increase by 2 levels when this effect expires.
Hot Shot. Hot Shot Physical damage dealt is increased.
Hot Spell. Hot Spell Overwhelmed by the power of fire.
House Arrest. House Arrest You are ordered to remain bound to another party.
Hover. Hover Floating above ground.
HP & MP Boost. HP & MP Boost Maximum HP and MP are increased.
HP Boost. HP Boost Maximum HP is increased.
HP Boost. HP Boost Maximum HP is increased.
HP Boost. HP Boost Maximum HP is increased.
HP Boost +1. HP Boost +1 Maximum HP is increased by 1.
HP Boost +2. HP Boost +2 Maximum HP is increased by 2.
HP Boost +3. HP Boost +3 Maximum HP is increased by 3.
HP Boost +4. HP Boost +4 Maximum HP is increased by 4.
HP Penalty. HP Penalty Maximum HP is reduced.
Maximum HP is decreased.
HP Penalty. HP Penalty Maximum HP is decreased.
HP Penalty. HP Penalty Maximum HP is severely decreased.
HP Recovery Down. HP Recovery Down Healing effects received are reduced.
Hubris. Hubris Overconfident and careless in the face of a small opposing force. Damage taken is increased.
Hundred Fists. Hundred Fists Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Huton. Huton Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage while movement speed is increased.
Hypercharge. Hypercharge Battle turret is overcharged.
Hypercharged Condensation. Hypercharged Condensation Inexorably drawing in the hypercharged clouds.
Hypervelocity. Hypervelocity A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Hysteria. Hysteria Unable to act on your own free will.


Status Effect
Ice Alchemy. Ice Alchemy Producing and manipulating an orb of ice aether.
Ice Charge. Ice Charge Ice-aspected actions are enhanced.
Ice Convergence. Ice Convergence Reflecting back all fire- and lightning-aspected attacks.
Ice Resistance Down. Ice Resistance Down Ice resistance is reduced.
Ice Resistance Down II. Ice Resistance Down II Ice resistance is significantly reduced.
Ice Resistance Up. Ice Resistance Up Ice resistance is increased.
Ice Spikes. Ice Spikes Elemental spikes are dealing ice damage to and sometimes slowing down attackers.
Upon taking physical damage, sharpened spikes deal ice damage to the attacking opponent, potentially slowing them.
Elemental spikes are dealing ice damage to and slowing down attackers.
Ice Spikes. Ice Spikes Upon taking physical damage, sharpened spikes deal ice damage to the attacking opponent, potentially slowing them.
Icebitten. Icebitten Resistance to attacks by Iceclaw is decreased.
Identical Cast. Identical Cast You're feeling lucky about catching a fish of the same type as the last one you caught.
Identical Gig. Identical Gig You're feeling lucky about catching a fish of the same type as the last one you caught.
Ifrit's Favor. Ifrit's Favor Able to execute Crimson Cyclone.
Imbued Saber. Imbued Saber Saber is imbued with magicks.
Immaterialized. Immaterialized Not yet fully materialized to a complete form.
Immobile Suit. Immobile Suit Unable to teleport due to system overload.
Immortal Sacrifice. Immortal Sacrifice Able to execute Plentiful Harvest.
Potency of Plentiful Harvest is increased.
Imp. Imp Transformed into an imp and only able to execute the action Imp Punch.
Transformed into an imp.
Transformed into an imp and unable to execute actions.
Impactful. Impactful Able to execute Impact.
Impervious. Impervious Impervious to all but select attacks.
Improvisation. Improvisation Dancing to the beat of your own drum. Accumulates Esprit while dancing in combat.
Dancing to the beat of your own drum.
Improvisation. Improvisation Healing magic potency is increased.
Improvisation. Improvisation Regenerating HP over time.
Improvised Finish. Improvised Finish A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Impulse Rush. Impulse Rush Critical hit rate is increased.
In Control. In Control Control is increased when a Disciple of the Hand.
In Costume. In Costume Unusually attired.
In Event. In Event Participating in an in-game event.
In the Headlights. In the Headlights Damage taken by main head increased.
In the Line of Fire. In the Line of Fire Damage dealt by firearms is increased.
Incapacitated. Incapacitated Unable to perform any actions.
Incendiary Burns. Incendiary Burns Sustaining fire damage over time.
Incense L. Incense L Enmity is increased.
Incorporeal. Incorporeal Transcending the boundary between existence and nihility.
Incurable. Incurable All HP restoration is nullified.
Independent Tactics. Independent Tactics Maximum HP and damage dealt are increased while damage taken is reduced.
Indomitable Spirit. Indomitable Spirit Maximum HP, damage dealt, and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Inefficient Hooking. Inefficient Hooking Hook efficiency is reduced.
Inescapable Companionship. Inescapable Companionship Fully bound to nearby allies.
Inescapable Loneliness. Inescapable Loneliness Fully bound to faraway allies.
Infernal Fetters. Infernal Fetters A prison of fire is reducing damage dealt and inflicting fire damage over time.
Inferno. Inferno Sustaining fire damage over time.
Infinite Anguish. Infinite Anguish Sustaining damage over time and damage taken from attacks is increased.
Infinite Fire. Infinite Fire Marked with fire.
Infinite Ice. Infinite Ice Marked with ice.
Infinite Limit. Infinite Limit Actions transcending standard limits.
Infirmity. Infirmity HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Infirmity. Infirmity HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Infirmity. Infirmity HP recovery is reduced.
Infuriated. Infuriated Chance to parry is increased.
Ingenuity. Ingenuity Effectiveness of Touch and Synthesis actions is increased.
Ingenuity II. Ingenuity II Recipe level is reduced.
Initial Preparations. Initial Preparations CP consumption may be reduced.
Ink. Ink Your body is dripping with thick toxic ink, slowing movement speed and dealing damage over time.
Inner Beast. Inner Beast Damage taken is reduced.
Inner Chaos. Inner Chaos Damage taken is increased.
Inner Dragon. Inner Dragon Under control of the dragon's eye.
Inner Quiet. Inner Quiet Receiving a bonus to control with every increase in quality.
Receiving a bonus to Touch action efficiency with every increase in quality.
Inner Release. Inner Release Beast Gauge consumption is reduced to 0. All attacks are both critical and direct hits. All Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, and most knockback and draw-in effects are nullified.
Beast Gauge consumption is reduced to 0. All Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, Silence, knockback, and draw-in effects are nullified.
All Stun, Heavy, Bind, Silence, Half-asleep, Sleep, Deep Freeze, knockback, and draw-in effects are nullified.
Inner Release. Inner Release Beast Gauge consumption is reduced to 0. All weaponskill attacks are both critical and direct hits. All Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, and most knockback and draw-in effects are nullified.
Beast Gauge consumption for Fell Cleave and Decimate is reduced to 0. Attacks with these weaponskills are guaranteed critical and direct hits.
Inner Strength. Inner Strength All Stun, Sleep, Bind, Heavy, and most knockback and draw-in effects are nullified.
Innovation. Innovation Control is increased by 50%.
Efficiency of Touch actions is increased.
Intemperate. Intemperate Easily affected by changes in body temperature. When effect expires, running hot or cold will result in K.O.
Internal Release. Internal Release Critical hit rate is increased.
Intersection. Intersection A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Intervention. Intervention Damage taken is reduced.
Inugami's Favor. Inugami's Favor Damage taken is decreased.
Invigoration. Invigoration Experiencing increased pep in one's step. Wet Plate status is removed upon executing Imp Punch.
Invincibility. Invincibility Invulnerable to all damage.
Invisible. Invisible Unable to be detected by sight.
Irmin Hedge. Irmin Hedge The Hedge's protection makes you immune to poison.
Iron Air. Iron Air Wielding relentless fists in a manner reminiscent of Aggie.
Iron Carrot. Iron Carrot You suddenly find yourself full of vim and vigor.
Iron Will. Iron Will Enmity is increased.
Irons of Purgatory. Irons of Purgatory Manacled to burning chains. Will suffer damage if separated from similarly enchained party members.
Irradiated. Irradiated Luminescence is being stored within the body and will result in an emission of Banishing Light once the effect ends.
Item Penalty. Item Penalty Unable to use items or pomanders.


Status Effect
Jackpot. Jackpot MGP earned at Gold Saucer attractions is increased.
Jealous Anaphylaxis. Jealous Anaphylaxis Smothered with possessive bitterness. Damage taken by certain attacks is increased.
Jester's Antics. Jester's Antics Effect radius and characteristics for Fire, Ice, and Lightning spells are severely altered.
Effect radius and characteristics for Fire, Ice, and Lightning spells are unaltered.
Jester's Truths. Jester's Truths Effect radius and characteristics for Fire, Ice, and Lightning spells are unaltered.
Jinpu. Jinpu Damage dealt is increased.
Jugular Rip. Jugular Rip A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Junction DPS. Junction DPS Able to execute Blasting Zone. Potency of certain actions is increased.
Junction Healer. Junction Healer Able to execute Aurora. Restoring HP to self and nearby party members upon executing certain actions.
Junction Loghrif. Junction Loghrif Awakened as the Oracle of Darkness.
Junction Shiva. Junction Shiva Drawing strength from the memory of Shiva.
Junction Tank. Junction Tank Able to execute Nebula. Execution of certain weaponskills will create a barrier to nullify damage.
Junction Titan. Junction Titan Drawing strength from the memory of Titan.
Just Chilling. Just Chilling Lowering temperature in a show of righteous fury.


Status Effect
Kaeshi: Namikiri. Kaeshi: Namikiri A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Kaiten. Kaiten Next weaponskill will deal increased damage.
Yukikaze is upgraded to Hyosetsu, Gekko is upgraded to Mangetsu, and Kasha is upgraded to Oka.
Kakuremi. Kakuremi Slowly blending in with the environment. If not attacked, you will eventually become hidden.
Kardia. Kardia Triggers a healing effect on a player under the effect of Kardion granted by you when casting attack magic.
Triggers additional effects on a player under the effect of Kardion granted by you when casting certain attack magic.
Kardion. Kardion Triggers a healing effect when the sage who applied this status casts attack magic.
Triggers additional effects when the sage who applied this status casts certain attack magic.
Kassatsu. Kassatsu Able to execute a ninjutsu with increased potency.
Katabasis. Katabasis Most attacks cannot reduce own HP to less than 1.
Keen Edge. Keen Edge Sustaining damage over time in exchange for dealing increased damage to targets.
Keen Flurry. Keen Flurry Chance to parry is increased.
Kerachole. Kerachole Damage taken is reduced.
Kerakeia. Kerakeia Regenerating HP over time.
Kill Command. Kill Command Deleting variables from the Interdimensional Rift.
King of the Skies. King of the Skies The Rathalos has unleashed its true might.
Kiss of the Viper. Kiss of the Viper Physical damage dealt is increased.
Kiss of the Wasp. Kiss of the Wasp Physical damage dealt is increased.
Klymenos. Klymenos Enmity is increased.
Knight's Benediction. Knight's Benediction Regenerating HP over time.
Knight's Resolve. Knight's Resolve Damage taken is reduced.
Knockback Penalty. Knockback Penalty Unable to use knockback and draw-in effects.
Knockback Penalty. Knockback Penalty Immune to knockback and draw-in effects.
Komainu's Favor. Komainu's Favor Damage dealt is increased.
Krasis. Krasis HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Kuzushi. Kuzushi Damage taken from the samurai who applied this effect is increased.
Kyoshin. Kyoshin Body is enlarged, increasing damage dealt.


Status Effect
Lady of Crowns. Lady of Crowns Damage taken is reduced.
Damage dealt is increased.
Lady of Crowns Drawn. Lady of Crowns Drawn The Lady of Crowns card is drawn.
Lamed. Lamed Chocobo is injured and cannot accelerate.
Lance Charge. Lance Charge Damage dealt is increased.
Damage dealt by certain weaponskills is increased.
Land Waker. Land Waker Damage taken is reduced.
Landborne. Landborne Drawing power from the land itself.
Languishing. Languishing Life force is weakened, resulting in increased damage taken from Life Drain.
Largesse. Largesse HP restoration via healing magic is increased.
Largesse. Largesse Potency of all HP restoration actions is increased.
Last Bastion. Last Bastion Damage taken is reduced.
Last Kiss. Last Kiss Cursed by a kiss. Unaspected damage dealt to all nearby allies when effect ends.
Last Vigil. Last Vigil An area of land has been granted protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Last Vigil. Last Vigil Damage taken is reduced.
Latent Defect. Latent Defect Affected by a hidden error that will cause damage when the effect ends. Effect canceled upon being hit by a certain action.
Lay of the Land. Lay of the Land Surveying the land for the nearest mineral deposit or rocky outcrop.
Lay of the Land II. Lay of the Land II Surveying the land for the highest-level mineral deposit or rocky outcrop.
Lead Shot. Lead Shot Poisonous lead slowly spreads through the bloodstream, causing damage over time.
Leaden. Leaden Movement speed is reduced, and cannot be restored by normal means.
Leaden Fist. Leaden Fist Next Bootshine will deal increased damage.
Left Arm Operational. Left Arm Operational Left arm repaired and operational.
Left Arm Primed. Left Arm Primed Left arm is enhanced.
Left Arm Reassembly. Left Arm Reassembly Repairing left arm.
Left Eye. Left Eye Damage dealt is increased.
Left Face. Left Face Have received the order to move left. Order will be executed when status fades.
Left Mark of the Tides. Left Mark of the Tides Servant to the tides. Will be swept leftward when this effect expires.
Left Unseen. Left Unseen Only vulnerabilities on the left side of the body remain undetected. Hits to the front, back, and right sides of the body will result in severe damage.
Left with Thee. Left with Thee Affected by displacement magicks. When this effect ends, you will be stunned, then forcibly moved leftward.
Leftward Bearing. Leftward Bearing Aiming to attack in a leftward direction relative to most recent lickwhip or whiplick stance.
Leftward Whismy. Leftward Whismy Seized with the urge to face left.
Legendary Resolve. Legendary Resolve Convinced of your mettle, Shinryu has unleashed its true power.
Legs of the Spider. Legs of the Spider Physical form is changed to that of a spider.
Leveilleur Dosis III. Leveilleur Dosis III Sustaining damage over time.
Levinskin. Levinskin A subtle field of levin crackles about the body, increasing defense.
Levitation. Levitation Floating several ilms off the ground, defying the universal laws of gravity.
Ley Lines. Ley Lines Naturally occurring ley lines have been connected into a circle of power.
Life Drain. Life Drain Life force is being drained, causing damage over time.
Life of the Dragon. Life of the Dragon Damage dealt and damage taken are increased.
Life Surge. Life Surge Next weaponskill will result in a critical hit with a portion of the resulting damage being absorbed as HP.
Next weaponskill will deal increased damage.
Certain weaponskills are guaranteed to deal critical damage with a portion of the resulting damage being absorbed as HP.
Light Beyond Darkness. Light Beyond Darkness Unleashing the Light trapped within you in defiance of the Darkness.
Light in the Dark. Light in the Dark Absorbing the light of a deepvoid torch and transforming it into mana.
Light in the Dark. Light in the Dark Unleashing the Light trapped within you in defiance of the Darkness. Damage dealt and HP recovery are increased.
Light Medal. Light Medal The lack of medals collected is increasing faculty to fend off attacks. The higher the stack, the less damage taken.
Light of Ascalon. Light of Ascalon Strengthened by the power of the dragon's eye imbued within the holy blade.
Light Resistance Down. Light Resistance Down Light resistance is reduced.
Light Resistance Down. Light Resistance Down Light resistance is reduced.
Lightheaded. Lightheaded Experiencing dizziness. Certain attacks will cause Concussion.
Lightheaded. Lightheaded Experiencing dizziness. Certain attacks will cause additional effects.
Lightning Chain. Lightning Chain Bound by searing chains causing damage over time.
Lightning Charge. Lightning Charge Lightning-aspected actions are enhanced.
Lightning Convergence. Lightning Convergence Reflecting back all ice- and fire-aspected attacks.
Lightning Resistance Down. Lightning Resistance Down Lightning resistance is reduced.
Lightning Resistance Down. Lightning Resistance Down Lightning resistance is reduced.
Lightning Resistance Down II. Lightning Resistance Down II Lightning resistance is significantly reduced.
Lightning Resistance Up. Lightning Resistance Up Lightning resistance is increased.
Lightning Rod. Lightning Rod Taking damage from own lightning-aspected attacks.
Lightning Rod. Lightning Rod Highly conductive and likely to be targeted by lightning.
Lightning Shot. Lightning Shot Next weaponskill will deal increased damage.
Lightning-aspected. Lightning-aspected Body's aetherial balance is leaning toward levin.
Lightspeed. Lightspeed Spell casting time is reduced.
Spell casting time and MP cost are reduced by 100% and 50% respectively.
Lightsteeped. Lightsteeped Overflowing with astral energy. Upon accumulating 5 stacks, you will deal unaspected damage to those nearby.
Limit Breaker. Limit Breaker Executing limit break.
Limp. Limp Your mount has been lamed by an attack. Movement speed is reduced.
Liturgy of the Bell. Liturgy of the Bell Triggers a healing effect upon taking damage or when duration expires.
Triggers a healing effect upon taking damage, when duration expires, or upon executing Liturgy of the Bell a second time.
Live off the Land. Live off the Land Gathering is increased when a Disciple of the Land.
Live Wire. Live Wire Crackling like a levinbolt. Damage dealt against opponents vulnerable to electricity is increased.
Living Dead. Living Dead Unable to be KO'd by most attacks. Status changed to Walking Dead in most cases when HP is reduced to 0.
Llymlaen's Ward. Llymlaen's Ward Affinity to the element wind is increased while gathering.
Load-bearing. Load-bearing Carrying a weighty burden and growing wearier with each passing second.
Local Regression. Local Regression Affected by a patch error. Data corruption will cause damage when in close proximity to others affected by the same error, or when the effect ends.
Local Resonance. Local Resonance Combat capabilities increase with proximity to counterpart.
Logos-minded. Logos-minded Ruminating on extracted mnemes. Ready to use select logos actions.
Lohs Daih. Lohs Daih Bahamut Prime's insanity has peaked. Damage dealt is increased.
Looming Crescendo. Looming Crescendo The melody of the pyre calls. Will be compelled in the designated direction when the effect ends.
Looper. Looper Corrupted by Omega's program loop.
Lord of Crowns. Lord of Crowns Damage dealt is increased.
Lord of Crowns Drawn. Lord of Crowns Drawn The Lord of Crowns card is drawn.
Lost Aethershield. Lost Aethershield Damage taken is reduced.
Lost Banish. Lost Banish Damage taken is increased.
Lost Blood Rage. Lost Blood Rage Damage dealt is increased, while damage taken is decreased.
Lost Bravery. Lost Bravery Damage dealt is increased.
Lost Bubble. Lost Bubble Maximum HP is increased.
Lost Burst. Lost Burst Damage taken is increased.
Lost Chainspell. Lost Chainspell Spells require no time to cast.
Lost Dervish. Lost Dervish Critical hit rate and damage dealt are increased, while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Lost Excellence. Lost Excellence Impervious to most attacks. Damage dealt is increased.
Lost Flare Star. Lost Flare Star Sustaining damage over time.
Lost Font of Magic. Lost Font of Magic Increasing damage dealt while draining own MP.
Lost Font of Power. Lost Font of Power Damage dealt and critical hit rate are increased.
Lost Incense. Lost Incense Enmity is increased and damage taken is reduced.
Lost Manawall. Lost Manawall Damage taken is reduced and immune to most knockback and draw-in effects.
Lost Protect. Lost Protect Physical damage taken is reduced.
Lost Protect II. Lost Protect II Physical damage taken is reduced.
Lost Rampage. Lost Rampage Damage taken is increased.
Lost Reflect. Lost Reflect Reflecting magic back on its caster.
Lost Rend Armor. Lost Rend Armor Damage taken is increased.
Lost Shell. Lost Shell Magic damage taken is reduced.
Lost Shell II. Lost Shell II Magic damage taken is reduced.
Lost Spellforge. Lost Spellforge All attacks deal magic damage.
Lost Stealth. Lost Stealth Unable to be detected. Movement speed is severely reduced.
Lost Steelsting. Lost Steelsting All attacks deal physical damage.
Lost Swift. Lost Swift Movement speed is increased.
Love's True Form. Love's True Form Suzaku's heretofore unknown visage is revealed.
Low Arithmeticks. Low Arithmeticks Vulnerable to damage while on low ground.
Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming Restoring MP over time.
Lucky Carrot. Lucky Carrot You suddenly feel as though Nymeia's wheel is spinning in your favor.
Luminiferous Aether. Luminiferous Aether Restoring MP over time while enmity generation is reduced.
Luminous Aetheroplasm. Luminous Aetheroplasm Luminous aetheroplasm buildup has occurred. If it continues, exhaust will be released to relieve pressure.
Lunar Defensive. Lunar Defensive Battle tactics optimized for defense.
Lype. Lype Sustaining damage over time.


Status Effect
Macrocosmos. Macrocosmos Restores HP when effect duration expires or the astrologian who granted this effect executes Microcosmos. Healing potency is based on damage taken and compiled over the duration of the effect.
Mage's Ballad. Mage's Ballad Using MP to gradually restore the MP of nearby party members. Damage dealt is reduced.
Damage dealt is increased.
Mage's Ballad. Mage's Ballad Restoring MP over time.
Magic Burst. Magic Burst Damage dealt by spells and MP cost of spells is increased.
Magic Damage Down. Magic Damage Down Magic damage dealt is reduced.
Magic Damage Up. Magic Damage Up Magic damage dealt is increased.
Magic Damage Up. Magic Damage Up Magic damage dealt is increased.
Magic Defense Down. Magic Defense Down Magic defense is reduced.
Magic Defense Up. Magic Defense Up Magic defense is enhanced.
Magic Infusion. Magic Infusion Imbued with enough potent aether to execute a certain action.
Magic Resistance. Magic Resistance Invulnerable to magic attacks.
Magic Vulnerability Down. Magic Vulnerability Down Magic damage taken is reduced.
Magic Vulnerability Down. Magic Vulnerability Down Magic damage taken is reduced.
Magic Vulnerability Up. Magic Vulnerability Up Magic damage taken is increased.
Magic Vulnerability Up. Magic Vulnerability Up Magic damage taken is increased.
Magical Aversion. Magical Aversion Vulnerable to magic attacks.
Magick Barrier. Magick Barrier Magic damage taken is reduced and HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Damage taken is reduced while HP recovered via healing actions is increased.
Magitek Field. Magitek Field Impervious to all damage.
Magitek Field. Magitek Field Magic attacks are being absorbed and reflected.
Magitek Levitation. Magitek Levitation Floating several ilms off the ground, defying the universal laws of gravity.
Magnetic Levitation. Magnetic Levitation Hovering above the ground.
Magnetic Levitation. Magnetic Levitation Suspended in midair.
Magnetic Lysis -. Magnetic Lysis - Body is exhibiting a negative magnetic charge.
Magnetic Lysis +. Magnetic Lysis + Body is exhibiting a positive magnetic charge.
Magos's Mantle. Magos's Mantle Armed with a magus's staff.
Maim. Maim Damage dealt is increased.
Main Hull Operational. Main Hull Operational Main hull repaired and operational.
Main Hull Reassembly. Main Hull Reassembly Repairing main hull.
Maker's Mark. Maker's Mark Flawless Synthesis CP cost and durability loss is reduced to zero.
Makeshift Bait. Makeshift Bait Able to execute Mooch using average-sized fish.
Malady. Malady HP recovery via healing magic is reduced.
Malodorous. Malodorous Damage dealt is reduced.
Mana Capacitor. Mana Capacitor Restoring MP over time.
Mana Charge. Mana Charge Charging mana for a forthcoming spell.
Mana Hypersensitivity. Mana Hypersensitivity Additional damage taken from Hatch.
Mana Modulation. Mana Modulation Damage dealt by attack spells and HP restored via healing magic are reduced.
Manafication. Manafication Magic damage dealt is increased.
Damage and cure potency of next spell cast is increased.
Manafication. Manafication Magic damage dealt is increased.
Manawall. Manawall An aetherial barrier is preventing physical damage.
An aetherial barrier is preventing damage.
Manaward. Manaward An aetherial barrier is preventing damage.
Manipulation. Manipulation Receiving 10 points of durability after each step.
Receiving 5 points of durability after each step.
Manipulation II. Manipulation II Receiving 5 points of durability after each step.
Mantle of the Whorl. Mantle of the Whorl Reflecting damage dealt by magic attacks.
Mantra. Mantra HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Manusya Berserk. Manusya Berserk Unable to think clearly and continuously auto-attacking target.
Manusya Confuse. Manusya Confuse Confused and unable to accurately perceive surroundings.
Manusya Stop. Manusya Stop Will be frozen in time when count reaches 0.
Marching Orders. Marching Orders Officially selected for priority deployment in critical engagements per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: A Familiar Face. Marching Orders: A Familiar Face Officially selected for priority deployment in the A Familiar Face engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Feeling the Burn. Marching Orders: Feeling the Burn Officially selected for priority deployment in the Feeling the Burn engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Here Comes the Cavalry. Marching Orders: Here Comes the Cavalry Officially selected for priority deployment in the Here Comes the Cavalry engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Kill It with Fire. Marching Orders: Kill It with Fire Officially selected for priority deployment in the Kill It with Fire engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Metal Fox Chaos. Marching Orders: Metal Fox Chaos Officially selected for priority deployment in the Metal Fox Chaos engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Never Cry Wolf. Marching Orders: Never Cry Wolf Officially selected for priority deployment in the Never Cry Wolf engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: On Serpents' Wings. Marching Orders: On Serpents' Wings Officially selected for priority deployment in the On Serpents' Wings engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Rise of the Robots. Marching Orders: Rise of the Robots Officially selected for priority deployment in the Rise of the Robots engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: The Final Furlong. Marching Orders: The Final Furlong Officially selected for priority deployment in the Final Furlong engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: The Hunt for Red Choctober. Marching Orders: The Hunt for Red Choctober Officially selected for priority deployment in the Hunt for Red Choctober engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Vigil for the Lost. Marching Orders: Vigil for the Lost Officially selected for priority deployment in the Vigil for the Lost engagement per Resistance leadership.
Marching Orders: Worn to a Shadow. Marching Orders: Worn to a Shadow Officially selected for priority deployment in the Worn to a Shadow engagement per Resistance leadership.
Mark of Easy Prey. Mark of Easy Prey Damage taken is greatly increased when separated from similarly marked allies.
Mark of Mortality. Mark of Mortality Branded with a mark of mortality. Damage dealt is reduced. Too many stacks will result in KO.
Mark of the Depths. Mark of the Depths Servant to the deep. Damage to those in proximity will occur when this effect expires.
Mark of the Tides. Mark of the Tides Servant to the tides. Damage to those in proximity will occur when this effect expires.
Mark Up. Mark Up Wolf Marks earned are increased.
Marked for Culling. Marked for Culling Damage taken is increased. The greater the stack, the higher the increase.
Marked for Damage Down. Marked for Damage Down Damage dealt is reduced following execution of Digititis.
Marked for Healing Magic Down. Marked for Healing Magic Down HP recovery via healing magic is reduced following execution of Digititis.
Marked for Vulnerability Up. Marked for Vulnerability Up Physical damage taken is increased following execution of Digititis.
Matron's Favor (Azys Lla). Traders' Favor (Azys Lla) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while harvesting at mature trees or patches of lush vegetation in Azys Lla.
Matron's Favor (Coerthas Western Highlands). Matron's Favor (Coerthas Western Highlands) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while harvesting at mature trees or patches of lush vegetation in the Coerthas western highlands.
Matron's Favor (Dravanian Forelands). Matron's Favor (Dravanian Forelands) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while harvesting at mature trees or patches of lush vegetation in the Dravanian forelands.
Matron's Favor (Dravanian Hinterlands). Matron's Favor (Dravanian Hinterlands) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while harvesting at mature trees or patches of lush vegetation in the Dravanian hinterlands.
Matron's Favor (The Churning Mists). Matron's Favor (The Churning Mists) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while harvesting at mature trees or patches of lush vegetation in the Churning Mists.
Matron's Favor (The Sea of Clouds). Matron's Favor (The Sea of Clouds) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while harvesting at mature trees or patches of lush vegetation in the Sea of Clouds.
Meat and Mead. Meat and Mead Food effect duration is increased.
Meat Shield. Meat Shield You are protecting a party member.
Meat Shield. Meat Shield Subjects are serving as defense. All damage is nullified.
Meatily Shielded. Meatily Shielded A designated party member is protecting you.
Medica II. Medica II Regenerating HP over time.
Medicated. Medicated Performance is being enhanced by a medicinal item.
Meditate. Meditate Storing Kenki.
Meditation. Meditation Deep in contemplation.
Meditative Brotherhood. Meditative Brotherhood Grants chance to open a chakra to the monk who applied the effect when a weaponskill is used or a spell is cast by any affected party member or self.
Grants chance to open a chakra to the monk who applied the effect when you or party members under this effect successfully land a weaponskill or cast a spell.
Meikyo Shisui. Meikyo Shisui Combo prerequisites are met.
Meikyo Shisui. Meikyo Shisui Final combo prerequisite is met.
Meikyo Shisui. Meikyo Shisui Nullifying status afflictions that can be removed by Purify.
Meisui. Meisui Next Bhavacakra will deal increased damage.
Regenerating HP over time.
Memorable. Memorable Damage dealt is increased, while damage taken is decreased.
Memory Degredation. Memory Degredation Gradually forgetting important details. A stack of 6 will result in full memory loss.
Memory Loss. Memory Loss Bereft of sense of self and purpose.
Menphina's Ward. Menphina's Ward Affinity to the element ice is increased while gathering.
Merciful Air. Merciful Air Wielding elegant katana in a manner reminiscent of Blaz.
Mesotes. Mesotes An area of land has been purified, protecting all party members who enter.
An area of land has been purified, nullifying damage taken for party members within and afflicting enemies who enter with damage over time.
Mesotes. Mesotes Negating all damage from enemies not under the effect of Lype.
Meteodrive. Meteodrive Unable to move or execute actions.
Miasma. Miasma Lungs are failing, causing damage over time.
Miasma II. Miasma II Contagions are spreading, causing damage over time.
Miasma III. Miasma III Lungs are failing, causing damage over time.
Lungs are failing, causing damage over time and reducing HP recovery.
Midare. Midare Able to execute Midare Setsugekka.
Might of Crags. Might of Crags Primed with the power of Titan.
Might of the Inferno. Might of the Inferno Primed with the power of Ifrit.
Might of the Vortex . Might of the Vortex Primed with the power of Garuda.
Mighty Guard. Mighty Guard Damage taken is reduced.
Mighty Guard. Mighty Guard Damage taken and dealt are reduced, while enmity is increased.
Mimic. Mimic Repeating any ability or item used by forerunning chocobos.
Mimicry. Mimicry Mimicking the actions of opponents. Physical attacks are answered with physical attacks, magical attacks with magical attacks.
Minimum. Minimum Shrunk to a fraction of your normal size. Damage dealt is reduced and damage taken is increased.
Minimum. Minimum Shrunk to a fraction of your normal size. Damage dealt is reduced and damage taken is increased.
Miracle of Nature. Miracle of Nature Transfiguration magicks have changed your form. Unable to execute actions.
Mirrored Incantation. Mirrored Incantation The next offensive spell cast will be committed to memory.
Miscast. Miscast No longer subject to the effects of Role Call.
Misery. Misery Plunged into the depths of misery. Damage taken is increased.
Missing Link. Missing Link Bound by metaphysical chains, causing damage over time.
Misty Veil. Misty Veil Attack range is reduced.
Modification. Modification Applying parts from another bot to enhance and repair systems.
Mogdark Resistance Down. Mogdark Resistance Down Massive damage is taken from Searing Moglight.
Moglight Resistance Down. Moglight Resistance Down Massive damage is taken from Stifling Mogdark.
Monomachy. Monomachy Damage dealt to target is increased while damage taken from target is reduced.
Monomachy. Monomachy Damage dealt to target red mage is decreased while damage taken from target red mage is increased.
Damage taken from the red mage who applied this effect is increased while damge dealt to said red mage is reduced.
Monster Resistance. Monster Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by monster-type minions.
Monster Resistance. Monster Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by monster-type minions.
Monster Vulnerability. Monster Vulnerability Suffering extra damage from monster-type minions.
Monstrous. Monstrous Vile magicks have wrought a terrible transformation to body and mind.
Moonlit. Moonlit Under the influence of the full moon.
Moonseal. Moonseal Marked with the moonseal.
Moonshadowed. Moonshadowed Under the influence of the new moon.
Mortal Flame. Mortal Flame Enveloped by hungry flames that will not be quenched until they have burnt something to ash.
Mortal Powder Mark. Mortal Powder Mark Emblazoned with a smoldering mark that will cause you to explode with a vengeance when the effect expires.
Mortared. Mortared Damage taken is increased.
Mounted. Mounted Mounted in warmachina. HP recovery and beneficial effects conferred by actions are nullified.
Mounted. Mounted Riding atop a Rathalos.
Mousa's Mantle. Mousa's Mantle Armed with a muse's war quoits.
Movement Edict: 2 Squares. Movement Edict: 2 Squares Temporarily in service to the Queen. Your Move: 2 Squares will activate when this effect expires.
Movement Edict: 3 Squares. Movement Edict: 3 Squares Temporarily in service to the Queen. Your Move: 3 Squares will activate when this effect expires.
Movement Edict: 4 Squares. Movement Edict: 4 Squares Temporarily in service to the Queen. Your Move: 4 Squares will activate when this effect expires.
Movement Speed Up. Movement Speed Up Movement speed is increased.
MP Boost. MP Boost Maximum MP is increased.
MP Penalty. MP Penalty Maximum MP is reduced.
Muddy. Muddy In need of a good rinsing. Damage taken is reduced.
Mudra. Mudra Readying ninjutsu by combining ritual hand gestures.
Mug. Mug Damage taken is increased.
Mummification. Mummification Serving the Sunken Temple of Qarn as a mindless thrall.
Mummification. Mummification HP recovery via healing actions is reduced.
Muscle Activator. Muscle Activator Gradually regenerating TP.
Muscle Memory. Muscle Memory Efficiency of the next Synthesis action is significantly increased.
Mutation. Mutation Aetherial instability is triggering mutations.
Mutilation. Mutilation Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.


Status Effect
Nald'thal's Ward. Nald'thal's Ward Affinity to the element fire is increased while gathering.
Name of Earth. Name of Earth Efficiency of Brand of Earth is increased.
Name of Fire. Name of Fire Efficiency of Brand of Fire is increased.
Name of Ice. Name of Ice Efficiency of Brand of Ice is increased.
Name of Lightning. Name of Lightning Efficiency of Brand of Lightning is increased.
Name of the Elements. Name of the Elements Efficiency of Brand of the Elements is increased.
Name of the Elements. Name of the Elements Efficiency of Brand of the Elements is increased.
Name of the Wind. Name of the Wind Efficiency of Brand of Wind is increased.
Name of Water. Name of Water Efficiency of Brand of Water is increased.
Nameless. Nameless Unable to recite the Name of the Elements.
Nanoparticles. Nanoparticles Nanoparticles have invaded the body. If buildup continues, severe biomass atrophy may occur.
Nascent Chaos. Nascent Chaos Decimate is upgraded to Chaotic Cyclone.
Nascent Chaos Effect: Fell Cleave is upgraded to Inner Chaos.
Fell Cleave is upgraded to Inner Chaos, while Decimate is upgraded to Chaotic Cyclone.
Able to execute Chaotic Cyclone.
Nascent Flash. Nascent Flash Absorbing HP with each physical attack delivered.
Absorbing HP with each physical attack delivered. Damage taken is also reduced.
Restoring HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered.
Nascent Glint. Nascent Glint Receiving 50% of all HP recovered by the warrior who granted this status via Nascent Flash. Damage taken is reduced.
Damage taken is reduced, and receiving 100% of all HP absorbed by the warrior who granted this status via Nascent Flash.
Receiving 100% of all HP recovered by the warrior who granted this status via Nascent Flash. Damage taken is reduced.
Nasty Surprise. Nasty Surprise Gunberd is loaded with special ammo.
Nature's Bounty. Nature's Bounty Chance of landing larger catches is increased.
Chance of landing large-sized fish is increased.
Nature's Minne. Nature's Minne HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Damage taken is reduced while HP recovered via healing actions is increased.
Nausea. Nausea Feeling as if you might vomit at any moment. Damage dealt and maximum HP are decreased.
Nebula. Nebula Damage taken is reduced.
Damage taken is reduced while countering any attacks.
Necrosis. Necrosis Flesh is dying. When this effect expires, decay will result in KO.
Nectar. Nectar Your entire body is covered in sweet-smelling nectar.
Negative Charge. Negative Charge Exhibiting a negative magnetic charge.
Neurolink. Neurolink Movement is slowed, damage dealt and HP recovery via actions is reduced.
A powerful Allagan device is limiting strength.
Neurolink. Neurolink Under the control of an Allagan shackling device.
Neutral Sect. Neutral Sect Healing magic potency is increased.
Spell cast and recast times are reduced.
Helios is upgraded to Aspected Helios, while Benefic is upgraded to Aspected Benefic.
Neutral Sect. Neutral Sect A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
New Moon. New Moon Unleashing the power of the new moon.
Nightmare. Nightmare Troubled sleep is preventing the execution of actions.
No Mercy. No Mercy Damage dealt is increased.
Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
Damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions are increased. Movement speed is also increased.
Noctoshield. Noctoshield A magicked barrier is granting resistance to stun.
Nocturnal Balance. Nocturnal Balance A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
An aetherial barrier is preventing damage.
Nocturnal Benefic. NocturnalBenefic A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Nocturnal Field. Nocturnal Field An astromantic field is nullifying damage.
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Nocturnal Intersection. Nocturnal Intersection A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Nocturnal Opposition. Nocturnal Opposition A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
An aetherial barrier is preventing damage.
Nocturnal Sect. Nocturnal Sect A damage-nullifying barrier effect is added to certain actions.
Nohurts Goblixer. Nohurts Goblixer Removing anti-coagulant from blood while regenerating HP over time.
Nophica's Ward. Nophica's Ward Affinity to the element earth is increased while gathering.
Normal. Normal Maintaining an average body temperature.
Normal Stance. Normal Stance Being commanded to execute standard battle maneuvers.
Nose for Battle. Nose for Battle Detecting a skirmish nearby.
Null Black. Null Black Invulnerable to attacks from Program: #000000.
Null White. Null White Invulnerable to attacks from Program: #FFFFFF.
Nymian Plague. Nymian Plague Infected with the Nymian Plague. If not cured, you will transform into a tonberry.


Status Effect
Obfuscated. Obfuscated An obfuscation charm is hiding you from enemies.
Hidden from enemies.
Oblation. Oblation Damage taken is reduced.
Odder. Odder Transformed into an otter and unable to execute actions.
Off-balance. Off-balance The next attack suffered will result in knockback.
Attacks suffered will result in knockback.
Offense Kit. Offense Kit Damage dealt is increased.
Offensive Optimization. Offensive Optimization Battle tactics optimized for offense. Damage dealt is increased.
Offensive Tactics. Offensive Tactics Damage dealt is increased.
Off-guard. Off-guard Damage taken is increased.
Ogi Namikiri. Ogi Namikiri A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Ogi Namikiri Ready. Ogi Namikiri Ready Able to execute Ogi Namikiri.
Oil. Oil Covered in a sticky oil. Both movement speed and fire resistance are reduced.
Old. Old You have aged considerably. Movement speed is severely reduced.
Omega. Omega Inscrutable.
Omega-F. Omega-F Mimicking the female form.
Omega-M. Omega-M Mimicking the male form.
Ominous Wind. Ominous Wind Touched by an ominous wind. Coming in contact with another cursed by the selfsame wind causes the omen to spread.
On Balance. On Balance Soul's weight is being judged. Petrification will take hold when this effect expires.
On Fire. On Fire Armed with a flaming axe. Additional effects are applied to auto-attacks.
One Mind. One Mind Giving and receiving support. Damage dealt is increased, while damage taken is decreased.
Onslaught. Onslaught Damage taken is increased.
Opo-opo Form. Opo-opo Form Employing the opo-opo fighting stance.
Opposition. Opposition Regenerating HP over time.
Orogeny. Orogeny Damage dealt is reduced.
Out of Body. Out of Body Spirit and body are temporarily disjoined.
Out of Control. Out of Control Separated from master and becoming increasingly agitated. The higher the stack, the more damage dealt is increased.
Out of the Action. Out of the Action Unable to execute actions.
Overcure. Overcure Next Cure III will cost half MP.
Overflow Debugger. Overflow Debugger Invulnerable to overflow bugs.
Overheated. Overheated Able to execute Heat Blast.


Status Effect
Pacification. Pacification Unable to use weaponskills.
Pacification. Pacification The target is pacified and will no longer attack.
Packet Filter F. Packet Filter F Firewall is preventing the dealing of damage to Omega-F.
Packet Filter M. Packet Filter M Firewall is preventing the dealing of damage to Omega-M.
Pain. Pain Sustaining damage over time.
Pain. Pain Sustaining damage over time.
Palisade. Palisade Physical damage taken is reduced.
Pall of Darkness. Pall of Darkness Encroaching gloom is impairing your accuracy while rendering you immune to Demon Eye.
Pall of Grief. Pall of Grief Afflicted with an unaccountable feeling of loss. Attacks are ineffective against targets Blind to Grief.
Pall of Rage. Pall of Rage Afflicted with an unaccountable feeling of anger. Attacks are ineffective against targets Blind to Rage.
Panhaima. Panhaima A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Panhaimatinon. Panhaimatinon Stacks are consumed to restore the Panhaima barrier each time it is absorbed. Grants a healing effect when duration expires, its potency based on the number of remaining stacks.
Panic. Panic Excessively afeared. Overcome with the urge to flee from particular foes.
Paradise Regained. Paradise Regained Magical power is increased.
Paralysis. Paralysis Deadened nerves are sometimes preventing the execution of actions.
Partygoer. Partygoer Attending the Phantoms' Feast.
Passage of Arms. Passage of Arms An area of land has been granted protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Passenger. Passenger Riding a moving object.
Paying the Piper. Paying the Piper Advancing in the direction to which you are called.
Peculiar Light. Peculiar Light Magic damage taken is increased.
Peloton. Peloton Movement speed is increased. Effect ends upon entering battle.
Movement speed is increased.
Perfect Balance. Perfect Balance Employing all three pugilistic fighting stances─opo-opo, raptor, and coeurl.
Perfect Deception. Perfect Deception Having severely restricted the flow of life-sustaining aether, your presence is concealed but you are subject to the effect of Fading Fast.
Petrification. Petrification Stone-like rigidity is preventing the execution of actions.
Petrification Resistance. Petrification Resistance Immune to petrification effects.
Phalanx. Phalanx Damage taken is reduced.
Phantasmal. Phantasmal Without corporeal form.
Phantom Dart. Phantom Dart All magic resistances are reduced.
Phantom Dart. Phantom Dart Damage taken is increased.
Phantom Edge. Phantom Edge Wielding aetherial blades. Damage dealt is decreased, but its cuts are not impeded by physical objects.
Phantom Flurry. Phantom Flurry Executing Phantom Flurry.
Phantom Kamaitachi Ready. Phantom Kamaitachi Ready Able to execute Phantom Kamaitachi.
Philosopher's Carrot. Philosopher's Carrot You find your mind is suddenly much sharper than usual.
Phlebotomize. Phlebotomize Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Phoenix's Blessing. Phoenix's Blessing Damage dealt is increased.
Physical Attenuation. Physical Attenuation Physical damage taken is increased.
Physical Aversion. Physical Aversion Vulnerable to physical attacks.
Physical Damage Down. Physical Damage Down Physical damage dealt is reduced.
Physical Damage Up. Physical Damage Up Physical damage dealt is increased.
Physical Damage Up. Physical Damage Up Physical damage dealt is increased.
Physical Damage Up. Physical Damage Up Physical damage dealt is increased.
Physical Field. Physical Field Physical damage taken is reduced.
Physical Vulnerability Down. Physical Vulnerability Down Physical damage taken is reduced.
Physical Vulnerability Down. Physical Vulnerability Down Physical damage taken is reduced.
Physical Vulnerability Up. Physical Vulnerability Up Physical damage taken is increased.
Physical Vulnerability Up. Physical Vulnerability Up Physical damage taken is increased.
Physis. Physis Regenerating HP over time.
Physis II. Physis II Regenerating HP over time.
Pick Clean. Pick Clean Reduces the chance of obtaining HQ items to 0% but increases item yield. Amount of increase is determined by your perception rating.
Piercing Resistance Down. Piercing Resistance Down Piercing resistance is reduced.
Piercing Resistance Down II. Piercing Resistance Down II Piercing resistance is significantly reduced.
Piercing Resistance Up. Piercing Resistance Up Piercing resistance is increased.
Piggy. Piggy Transformed into a pig and unable to execute actions.
Plagued. Plagued Toxic miasma is warping the flesh.
Planar Imprisonment. Planar Imprisonment Shackled, reducing movement speed. Leaving the planar prison will result in instant KO.
Plentiful Harvest. Plentiful Harvest Limit gauge is gradually filling.
Ploutonos. Ploutonos Damage taken is reduced.
Pneuma. Pneuma Damage taken is reduced.
Poison. Poison Toxins are causing damage over time.
Poison. Poison Toxins are causing damage over time.
Poison +1. Poison +1 Toxins are causing damage over time.
Poison L. Poison L Toxins are causing damage over time.
Poison Resistance Up. Poison Resistance Up Poison resistance is increased.
Pollen. Pollen Deadly pollen has filled the lungs, causing damage over time.
Polyglot. Polyglot Able to execute Foul.
Pombination. Pombination In the midst of a combination attack. Immune to stun and silence effects.
Poppet Resistance. Poppet Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by poppet-type minions.
Poppet Resistance. Poppet Resistance Invulnerable to damage dealt by poppet-type minions.
Poppet Vulnerability. Poppet Vulnerability Suffering extra damage from poppet-type minions.
Positive Charge. Positive Charge Exhibiting a positive magnetic charge.
Potent Acid. Potent Acid Doused in potent acid, resulting in increased damage taken from Acid Cloud. Strength of effect is determined by stack number.
Powder Barrel. Powder Barrel Able to execute Burst Strike.
Powder Mark. Powder Mark Emblazoned with a mark that will cause you to explode when the effect expires.
Power Slash. Power Slash HP recovery is reduced.
Power Surge. Power Surge Damage is increased for next Jump or Spineshatter Dive.
Damage dealt is increased.
Pox. Pox An ancient pestilence corrupts your humours, reducing maximum HP.
Prayer of Light. Prayer of Light Willing that the Mothercrystal give you strength in the Darkness.
Prayers of Hope. Prayers of Hope Drawing strength from the prayers of your comrades. Damage dealt is significantly increased.
Preoccupied. Preoccupied Engaged in complex maneuvers.
Preparation. Preparation Able to recognize the conditions for obtaining HQ items while gathering.
Presence of Mind. Presence of Mind Spell cast times, recast times, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Pressure Point. Pressure Point Weaponskill or Meteodrive damage taken from the monk who applied this effect will trigger an additional damage effect.
Prey. Prey Marked as prey. Any party members you wander near will become marked in your stead.
Marked as prey.
Marked as prey. Any enemy you wander near will become marked in your stead.
Pride of the Lioness. Pride of the Lioness Blessed by the spirit of the lioness. Physical ability is enhanced.
Primal Rage. Primal Rage Invulnerable to all damage.
Primal Rend Ready. Primal Rend Ready Able to execute Primal Rend.
Primary Target. Primary Target Identified as the focus of a coordinated attack.
Primordial Crust. Primordial Crust Plagued by rapidly hardening mud. Damage taken is reduced, but all HP recovery is nullified. Effect dissipates when damage that would cause HP to drop below 0 is taken, leaving HP at 1.
Priority Aetheryte Pass. Priority Aetheryte Pass Aetheryte teleportation fees are reduced.
Priority Seal Allowance. Priority Seal Allowance Company seals earned are increased.
Prize Catch. Prize Catch Next catch is guaranteed to be a large-sized fish.
Process of Elimination A. Process of Elimination A Optimized for engaging with alliance A. Attacks by members of other alliances are nullified.
Process of Elimination B. Process of Elimination B Optimized for engaging with alliance B. Attacks by members of other alliances are nullified.
Process of Elimination C. Process of Elimination C Optimized for engaging with alliance C. Attacks by members of other alliances are nullified.
Program: #000000. Program: #000000 Operating as a “black” program in the ego collective.
Program: #FFFFFFF. Program: #FFFFFFF Operating as a “white” program in the ego collective.
Promotion. Promotion Autoturret auto-attack mode is disabled.
Proper Care. Proper Care Gear wear is reduced.
Prospect. Prospect Able to locate mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.
Protect. Protect Both physical and magic defense are enhanced.
Defense and magic defense are enhanced.
Damage taken is reduced.
Protect L. Protect L Physical defense is increased.
Protraction. Protraction Maximum HP is increased and HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Pumpkin. Pumpkin Transformed into a pumpkin.
Pure Muscle. Pure Muscle Muscles are rippling with power. Potency and range of certain actions are increased.
Push Back. Push Back Countering any physical attacks and reflecting next knockback effect.
Pyramid. Pyramid Evasion is increased.
Pyrefaction. Pyrefaction Subject to unleashing Pyre Pulse when this effect expires.
Pyretic. Pyretic Fire-aspected damage is taken with every action.
Pyretic Booster. Pyretic Booster The G-Warrior's capabilities are enhanced, decreasing weaponskill cast and recast time and increasing movement speed. Use of this mode gradually drains HP.


Status Effect
Quadruple. Quadruple The next action initiated will be executed four times.
Quarantine. Quarantine You are separated from your allies.
Quartered Soul. Quartered Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Theos's Cross when this effect expires.
Quicker Nock. Quicker Nock Next Quick Nock will not require any TP.
Quintuplecast. Quintuplecast Able to cast up to 5 consecutive spells with no recast time.


Status Effect
Radiant Aegis. Radiant Aegis A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Damage taken is reduced, and a magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Radiant Finale. Radiant Finale Playing a most radiant finale.
Damage dealt is increased.
Radiant Finale. Radiant Finale Damage dealt is increased.
Radiant Shield. Radiant Shield Increasing physical damage taken by attackers.
Rage of Halone. Rage of Halone Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are reduced.
Raging Strikes. Raging Strikes Damage dealt is increased.
Raiden Thrust Ready. Raiden Thrust Ready Able to execute Raiden Thrust.
Raiju Ready. Raiju Ready Able to execute Forked Raiju and Fleeting Raiju.
Rain of Death. Rain of Death Evasion is reduced.
Raise. Raise Teetering on the brink of consciousness.
Rampart. Rampart Damage taken is reduced.
Rampart. Rampart Damage taken is reduced.
Rancor. Rancor The rage of fallen brethren is enhancing the potency of certain attacks.
Ranged Resistance. Ranged Resistance Invulnerable to ranged attacks.
Ranging. Ranging Scouting territory. Will halt if engaged in combat. If not engaged while scouting, will end foray and return home.
Rapid Fire. Rapid Fire Weaponskill recast time is reduced.
Rapid Recast. Rapid Recast Recast time of next ability is reduced.
Rapid Recast L. Rapid Recast L Recast time of next ability is reduced.
Raptor Form. Raptor Form Employing the raptor fighting stance.
Raven Blight. Raven Blight Afflicted by the White Raven's miasma, which will soon cause you to explode.
Raw Intuition. Raw Intuition Damage taken is reduced.
Damage taken is reduced and HP is restored with each weaponskill successfully delivered.
Ray of Fortitude. Ray of Fortitude Resistance honors are granting an increase to maximum HP.
Ray of Succor. Ray of Succor Resistance honors are granting increased healing potency.
Ray of Valor. Ray of Valor Resistance honors are granting increased damage dealt.
Razed Earth. Razed Earth Jagged shards protrude from the ground, dealing earth damage to any who tread upon them.
Ready to Blast. Ready to Blast Able to execute Hypervelocity.
Ready to Gouge. Ready to Gouge Able to execute Eye Gouge.
Ready to Rip. Ready to Rip Able to execute Jugular Rip.
Ready to Tear. Ready to Tear Able to execute Abdomen Tear.
Rear Mark of the Tides. Rear Mark of the Tides Servant to the tides. Will be swept backward when this effect expires.
Reassembled. Reassembled Next weaponskill will result in a critical direct hit.
Recharge. Recharge Damage dealt is increased, while weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Recitation. Recitation The next Adloquium, Succor, Indomitability, or Excogitation executed will cost no MP or Aetherflow stacks and will restore critical HP.
Adloquium and Biolysis effects are enhanced.
Reclaim. Reclaim 90% chance that materials will not be lost in the event of botched synthesis.
Recuperation. Recuperation Regenerating HP over time.
Red Light. Red Light You are no longer allowed to move. All that's left is to pray the snort misses its mark.
Red Light. Red Light Movement has been halted.
Red Paint. Red Paint Carrying a pot of red paint.
Reduced Immunity. Reduced Immunity HP recovery via healing magic is reduced. Can be cured with Esuna.
Reduced Rates. Reduced Rates Teleportation fees are reduced.
Reflect. Reflect All magic attacks are reflected back at the caster.
Reflect L. Reflect L Reflecting magic back on its caster.
Reforged. Reforged Aetherial composition has been altered, changing elemental aspect.
Refresh. Refresh Restoring MP over time.
Refresh. Refresh Restoring MP over time.
Refresh L. Refresh L Magia aether regeneration is increased.
Refulgent Chain. Refulgent Chain Bound with chains of light. Your Refulgent Fate will be sealed when this effect expires.
Refulgent Fate. Refulgent Fate Cursed by binding light. If the distance between you and the player to whom you are bound becomes too great or too small, you will deal unaspected damage to those nearby.
Regain. Regain Gradually regenerating TP.
Regen. Regen Regenerating HP over time.
Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Regenerating HP over time.
Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Regenerating HP over time.
Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Regenerating HP over time.
Rekindle. Rekindle Undying Flame will be triggered upon HP falling below a certain level or expiration of effect duration.
Relentless March. Relentless March Increasing frequency of actions executed by nearby party members. Damage dealt is reduced.
Relentless Rush. Relentless Rush Swinging blade wildly, dealing damage over time to nearby enemies.
Relentless Shrapnel. Relentless Shrapnel Damage taken is increased.
Reminiscence. Reminiscence Ruminating on the memories of the fallen. Ready to use select lost actions.
Remote Regression. Remote Regression Affected by a patch error. Data corruption will cause damage when out of range of others affected by the same error, or when the effect ends.
Remote Resonance. Remote Resonance Combat capabilities increase with distance from counterpart.
Rent Mind. Rent Mind Magic damage dealt is reduced.
Repelling Shot. Repelling Shot Damage dealt by weaponskills is increased.
Repelling Spray. Repelling Spray Countering any magic attacks.
Repelling Spray. Repelling Spray Countering any physical attacks.
Repertoire. Repertoire Able to execute Pitch Perfect.
Reprisal. Reprisal Damage dealt is reduced.
Reprisal. Reprisal Damage dealt is reduced.
Requiescat. Requiescat Magic damage dealt and healing magic potency are increased.
Enhanced Requiescat Effect: Spells require no time to cast.
Spells require no time to cast and consume no MP.
Requiescat. Requiescat Potency of Holy Spirit and Holy Circle is increased and spells require no time to cast.
Requisitioned Magitek. Requisitioned Magitek Mounted in warmachina. Thick armor reduces damage taken, but the inoperable leg renders you immobile.
Reraise. Reraise Chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Resilience. Resilience Nullifying status afflictions that can be removed by Purify.
Resin. Resin A sticky substance covers the body, reducing movement speed.
Resistance Reraiser. Resistance Reraiser Chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Resonant. Resonant Strength is transcending that of mere mortals.
Restraining Order. Restraining Order You are ordered to remain separated from another party.
Restricted Access. Restricted Access Unable to move or execute certain actions due to duty restrictions.
Resurrection Restricted. Resurrection Restricted The influence of Eureka-forged weapons is making resurrection by certain means impossible.
Resurrection by certain means is impossible.
Retaliation. Retaliation Delivering counter damage every time an attack is suffered.
Return. Return Aetherially entwined with the temporal manifold. You will be stunned and drawn back to your aetherial trace when this effect expires.
Return IV. Return IV Aetherially entwined with the temporal manifold. Return will be applied when this effect expires.
Reusing. Reusing A portion of materials are being returned to your inventory.
Revelation. Revelation Suffering damage over time.
Revelation Resistance Down. Revelation Resistance Down Damage taken by Revelation is increased.
Reversal of Forces. Reversal of Forces Gravitational principles are inverted. The heavy has become light, and the light, heavy.
Reverse. Reverse The effects of white magicks have been reversed from beneficial to corrupting.
Revolutionary. Revolutionary Fighting backward. Areas of effect are inverted.
Rhythmetic Fever. Rhythmetic Fever Afflicted with the urge to dance until you drop. Sustaining damage over time.
Riddle of Earth. Riddle of Earth Contemplating the riddle of earth. Damage taken is reduced and all action direction requirements are nullified.
Riddle of Earth. Riddle of Earth Contemplating the riddle of earth. Taking a certain amount of damage triggers Earth's Reply.
A barrier created through profound comprehension of the earth is nullifying damage.
Damage taken is reduced.
Riddle of Fire. Riddle of Fire Damage dealt is increased.
Next weaponskill will deal increased damage.
Riddle of Wind. Riddle of Wind Able to execute Riddle of Wind.
Riddle of Wind. Riddle of Wind Auto-attack delay is reduced.
Right Arm Operational. Right Arm Operational Right arm repaired and operational.
Right Arm Primed. Right Arm Primed Right arm is enhanced.
Right Arm Reassembly. Right Arm Reassembly Repairing right arm.
Right Eye. Right Eye Damage dealt is increased.
Right Face. Right Face Have received the order to move right. Order will be executed when status fades.
Right Mark of the Tides. Right Mark of the Tides Servant to the tides. Will be swept rightward when this effect expires.
Right Unseen. Right Unseen Only vulnerabilities on the right side of the body remain undetected. Hits to the front, back, and left sides of the body will result in severe damage.
Right with Thee. Right with Thee Affected by displacement magicks. When this effect ends, you will be stunned, then forcibly moved rightward.
Rightward Bearing. Rightward Bearing Aiming to attack in a rightward direction relative to most recent lickwhip or whiplick stance.
Rightward Whimsy. Rightward Whimsy Seized with the urge to face right.
Riled. Riled Damage dealt is increased and restoring HP over time.
Ring of Fire. Ring of Fire Enveloped in protective flames. Invulnerable to all damage.
Ripe for Reaping. Ripe for Reaping Able to execute Cross Reaping.
Rise of the Phoenix. Rise of the Phoenix The holy flames of Phoenix burn bright, increasing potency of the Flames of Rebirth with each additional stack.
Rising Rhythm. Rising Rhythm Potency of Improvised Finish is increased.
Road to Toad. Road to Toad Slowly transforming into a toad. Process accelerates as stack increases.
Role Call. Role Call Cast as the receptacle for cursed aether. Effect may be transferred by coming into contact with another player. When this effect expires, players of a certain role will take massive damage.
Role-playing. Role-playing Experiencing what it is to be someone else.
Roleplaying. Roleplaying Experiencing what it is to be someone else.
Rotting Lungs. Rotting Lungs Lungs are filled with noxious fumes and will emit the toxic vapors if subjected to further Rot Gas.
Rouse. Rouse Damage and healing magic potency are increased.
Royal Favor. Royal Favor Battle prowess is maximized.
Royal Guard. Royal Guard Enmity is increased.
Royal Road. Royal Road Effect of the next card drawn will be altered.
Royal Rouse. Royal Rouse Damage dealt and HP recovery is increased. Long live the king, kupo!
Ruination. Ruination Damage taken from Outburst and Ruin spells cast by arcanists and summoners is increased.
Running Cold: -1. Running Cold: -1 Body temperature has dropped to 1 level below normal.
Running Cold: -2. Running Cold: -2 Body temperature has dropped to 2 levels below normal.
Running Hot: +1. Running Hot: +1 Body temperature has risen to 1 level above normal.
Running Hot: +2. Running Hot: +2 Body temperature has risen to 2 levels above normal.
Running Wild. Running Wild Unleashing full strength, as commanded.
Rush Edict. Rush Edict Following orders to perform Little Rush.


Status Effect
Saber Dance. Saber Dance Damage dealt is increased.
Sacred Claim. Sacred Claim Restoring HP to enemies who deal you damage.
Sacred Prism. Sacred Prism A veil of succor is healing party members in the area.
Sacred Soil. Sacred Soil An area of land has been sanctified, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
A circle of sanctified earth is healing party members and reducing damage taken within its bounds.
Sacred Soil. Sacred Soil Damage taken is reduced.
Sacrifice. Sacrifice Certain death when counter reaches zero.
Sacrifice's Fate. Sacrifice's Fate Victim of a labyrinthine fate, to be drawn in by Fateful Words.
Safeguard. Safeguard Damage taken is reduced.
Safety Lock: Aetherial Aegis. Safety Lock: Aetherial Aegis Safety lock is on, preventing use of the Aetherial Aegis.
Safety Lock: Pyretic Booster. Safety Lock: Pyretic Booster Safety lock is on, preventing use of the Pyretic Booster.
Sage's Wisdom. Sage's Wisdom Shielded from the effects of Craniotomy.
Salt's Bane. Salt's Bane Sustaining damage over time.
Salted Earth. Salted Earth The ground is rendered void of all life, dealing unaspected damage to any who tread upon it.
Damage taken is reduced and regenerating HP over time.
Salvage. Salvage Able to locate fish and items normally concealed.
Able to discover treasure maps.
Sanction. Sanction Receiving the gear-enhancing benefits of a Grand Company sanction.
Scale Flakes. Scale Flakes Dusted with wamoura scales and giving off a scent which attracts Arioch. Damage taken is increased.
Scalebound. Scalebound You have entered the sacred domain of the Rathalos and are somehow unable to heal wounds via any method save mega potions.
Scarlet Flame. Scarlet Flame Damage dealt is reduced.
Scourge. Scourge Sanity is slipping, causing damage over time.
Scouring Waters. Scouring Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Scouring Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Scrutiny. Scrutiny Collectability increase is improved.
Seal Sweetener. Seal Sweetener Company seals earned are increased.
Sealed Doton. Sealed Doton Unable to execute Doton.
Sealed Forked Raiju. Sealed Forked Raiju Unable to execute Forked Raiju.
Sealed Goka Mekkyaku. Sealed Goka Mekkyaku Unable to execute Goka Mekkyaku.
Sealed Huton. Sealed Huton Unable to execute Huton.
Sealed Hyosho Ranryu. Sealed Hyosho Ranryu Unable to execute Hyosho Ranryu.
Sealed Meisui. Sealed Meisui Unable to execute Meisui.
Searing Light. Searing Light Damage dealt is increased.
Searing Light. Searing Light Damage dealt is increased.
Searing Wind. Searing Wind Ignited by white-hot embers and scorching those nearby. Sustaining fire damage over time.
Second Chakra. Second Chakra The first and second chakra are open.
Second in Line. Second in Line Marked as target #2.
Seduced. Seduced Enthralled by an irresistible force and unable to act of your own volition.
Seduced. Seduced Enthralled by an irresistible force and unable to act of your own volition.
Seed of Life. Seed of Life Each stacked seed staves off the hands of death.
Seized. Seized Held in a vicelike grip and cannot act. Taking damage over time.
Senri's Favor. Senri's Favor Regenerating HP over time.
Sentinel. Sentinel Damage taken is reduced.
Sequence AB1. Sequence AB1 Blunt resistance is increased.
Sequence AP1. Sequence AP1 Piercing resistance is increased.
Sequence AS1. Sequence AS1 Slashing resistance is increased.
Seraph Flight. Seraph Flight Nullifying status afflictions that can be removed by Purify.
Seraphic Illumination. Seraphic Illumination Magic defense and healing magic potency are increased.
Seraphic Veil. Seraphic Veil A holy barrier is nullifying damage.
An aetherial barrier is preventing damage.
An magicked barrier is preventing damage.
Servant of Shadow. Servant of Shadow Indentured to the Shadowkeeper and soon to spawn a Shadow Servant at your feet.
Severe Damage. Severe Damage Unable to move.
Shackled Apart. Shackled Apart Drawing too near the ally to whom you are chained will result in increased damage taken.
Shackled Together. Shackled Together Drawing too far away from the ally to whom you are chained will result in increased damage taken.
Chained to an ally. Drawing too far from this partner will result in increased damage taken.
Shackles of Companionship. Shackles of Companionship Wrapped in chains binding you ever tighter to nearby allies.
Shackles of Loneliness. Shackles of Loneliness Wrapped in chains binding you ever tighter to faraway allies.
Shackles of Time. Shackles of Time Bound by chains containing light- and fire-aspected aether.
Shade Shift. Shade Shift Shadows are nullifying damage.
Shadewalker. Shadewalker A portion of enmity generated is being directed to a party member.
Shadow Fang. Shadow Fang Wounds are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Sustaining damage over time, as well as increased damage from target who executed Shadow Fang.
Shadow Flare. Shadow Flare Burning shadows dance across the ground, dealing unaspected damage to any who tread upon it.
Shadow Limb. Shadow Limb A shadowy appendage has sprouted from Scathach's body.
Shadow Links. Shadow Links Sustaining damage over time. Movement speed is also decreased.
Shadow of the Dragon. Shadow of the Dragon Drawing on power inherited from Nidhogg.
Shadow Wall. Shadow Wall Damage taken is reduced.
Shadowbite Ready. Shadowbite Ready Able to execute Shadowbite.
Shadowed. Shadowed Your shadow has been claimed by the Shadowkeeper. Damage taken by your shadow will also be taken by you.
Shadowskin. Shadowskin Damage taken is reduced.
Shake It Off. Shake It Off A highly effective defensive maneuver is nullifying damage.
A barrier is preventing damage.
Shared Sentence. Shared Sentence You are convicted for a crime committed by you and your peers.
Shark Eye. Shark Eye Surveying the waters for the nearest teeming waters.
Shark Eye II. Shark Eye II Surveying the waters for the highest-level teeming waters.
Sharpcast. Sharpcast Next Scathe, Fire, or Thunder spell cast will trigger enhanced status.
Sharpened Knife. Sharpened Knife Next Lateral Slash is changed to Sharpened Knife, increasing damage dealt.
Sharper Fang and Claw. Sharper Fang and Claw Able to execute Fang and Claw.
Sheer Will. Sheer Will Remaining standing through pure determination. Damage dealt is increased.
Shell L. Shell L Magic defense is increased.
Sheltron. Sheltron Next attack will be blocked.
Blocking incoming attacks.
Shield Oath. Shield Oath Enmity is increased.
Shield Oath. Shield Oath Damage dealt and taken are reduced.
Shield of the Fury. Shield of the Fury Damage taken is reduced.
Shield of the Heavens. Shield of the Heavens Damage taken by self and all nearby allies is reduced.
Shield Protocol A. Shield Protocol A Shield protocol A is active. Attacks against certain targets are ineffective.
Shield Protocol B. Shield Protocol B Shield protocol B is active. Attacks against certain targets are ineffective.
Shield Protocol C. Shield Protocol C Shield protocol C is active. Attacks against certain targets are ineffective.
Shield Samba. Shield Samba Damage taken is reduced.
Shield Wall. Shield Wall Damage taken is reduced.
Shieldbearer. Shieldbearer Equipped with an ethereal shield and able to use the duty action Heavenly Shield.
Shield-bearer. Shield-bearer Wielding a shield.
Shifu. Shifu Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Shining Moonstone. Shining Moonstone Empowered by the light of the moonstone, increasing damage dealt while reducing damage taken.
Shock Spikes. Shock Spikes Elemental spikes are dealing lightning damage to and sometimes stunning attackers.
Elemental spikes are dealing lightning damage to attackers.
Shocked. Shocked Experiencing periodic immobility while bleeding HP over time.
Shocking Counter. Shocking Counter Countering all attacks with lightning damage.
Shroud of Saints. Shroud of Saints Restoring MP over time.
Silence. Silence A stifling magic is preventing casts.
A stifling magic is preventing the use of any actions.
Silence Resistance. Silence Resistance Immune to silence effects.
Silence Resistance. Silence Resistance Immune to silence effects.
Silenced. Silenced Chocobo has lost its wark and cannot use race abilities.
Silhouette. Silhouette A portion of enmity generated by a ninja is being directed to you.
Silken Flow. Silken Flow Able to execute Fountainfall or Bloodshower.
Silken Symmetry. Silken Symmetry Able to execute Reverse Cascade or Rising Windmill.
Single Mind. Single Mind The next appraisal will not use a gathering attempt.
Sinking. Sinking Your body is slowly sinking. Burial will result in KO.
Siren Song. Siren Song The siren's song is gradually invading your mind. Must be at maximum HP when effect ends to avoid becoming charmed.
Six Fulms Under. Six Fulms Under You are slowly slipping down, your movement speed dropping as you descend deeper. Burial will result in KO.
Six-sided Star. Six-sided Star Movement speed is increased.
Skewer. Skewer Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are reduced.
Skill Speed Up. Skill Speed Up Weaponskill cast and recast times are reduced.
Sky High. Sky High Leaping high into the sky, beyond the reach of enemy attacks.
Sky Shatter. Sky Shatter A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Skyblind. Skyblind Emblazoned with a mark that will cause you to explode when the effect expires.
Skyborne. Skyborne Drawing power from the firmament.
Slashing Resistance Down. Slashing Resistance Down Slashing resistance is reduced.
Slashing Resistance Down. Slashing Resistance Down Slashing resistance is reduced.
Slashing Resistance Down II. Slashing Resistance Down II Slashing resistance is significantly reduced.
Slashing Resistance Up. Slashing Resistance Up Slashing resistance is increased.
Sleep. Sleep Overwhelming drowsiness is preventing the execution of actions.
Sleep Resistance. Sleep Resistance Immune to sleep effects.
Far too invigorated to fall easily to slumber's temptation.
Sleeping Dark. Sleeping Dark Ying is fast asleep.
Sleeping Light. Sleeping Light Yang is fast asleep.
Sleeve Draw. Sleeve Draw Draws a new arcanum after executing Play, Minor Arcana, or Undraw.
Slime. Slime Viscous discharge is hampering movement and inflicting damage over time.
Slippery Prey. Slippery Prey Unable to be marked as prey by would-be predators.
Slipping. Slipping Suffering wind damage over time.
Slipstream. Slipstream Maintaining a localized windstorm.
A localized windstorm settles on the ground, dealing wind damage to any who step inside.
Slow. Slow Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are increased.
Weaponskill and spell cast time and recast time are increased.
Slow. Slow Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are increased.
Slow Resistance. Slow Resistance Immune to slow effects.
Slow+. Slow+ Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are increased. Effect cannot be nullified.
Sludge. Sludge Sustaining earth damage over time.
Sludge. Sludge Sustaining earth damage over time.
Smackdown. Smackdown Accuracy and damage dealt are increased.
Smiley Face. Smiley Face Face hurts from smiling. Will take increased damage if hit by Smiley Face again.
Smoke Screen. Smoke Screen Enmity generation is reduced.
Smothering Waters. Smothering Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Smothering Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Snagging. Snagging Able to land fish and items inaccessible with normal bait or lures.
Sneak. Sneak You tread carefully, making nary a sound. Enemies up to 4 levels higher than you are oblivious to your presence.
Snowball. Snowball Trapped inside a giant ball of packed snow.
Snowman. Snowman Covered in snow and able to deal damage to targets under the Fey Fire effect.
Soaking Wet. Soaking Wet Waterlogged gear is reducing movement speed.
Soaring. Soaring Overcome with the battle high, increasing damage dealt and potency of HP restoration actions. Effect is nullified when piloting warmachina.
Sole Survivor. Sole Survivor Damage taken is increased.
HP recovery via healing actions is reduced.
Solid Shield. Solid Shield Physical damage taken is reduced.
Solid Shield L. Solid Shield L Physical damage taken is reduced.
Somanoutic Barrier. Somanoutic Barrier A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Somersault. Somersault Spell speed is reduced.
Sonic Break. Sonic Break Sustaining damage over time.
Soteria. Soteria The healing potency of Kardia is increased.
Soteria. Soteria The healing potency of Kardia is increased.
Soul of Fire. Soul of Fire Aetherial aspect is leaning primarily to fire.
Soul of Ice. Soul of Ice Aetherial aspect is leaning primarily to ice.
Soul Reaver. Soul Reaver Able to execute Gibbet, Gallows, and Guillotine.
Able to execute Gibbet and Gallows.
Soul Resonance. Soul Resonance Spells require no time to cast. Fire is upgraded to Flare and Blizzard is upgraded to Freeze.
Soul Survivor. Soul Survivor Damage taken is increased.
Souls in the Balance. Souls in the Balance The number of souls currently being weighed.
Souldeep Invisibility. Souldeep Invisibility Having severed the flow of life-sustaining aether, your presence is completely concealed but you are subject to the effects of Fading Fast and Vital Sign.
Soulsow. Soulsow Able to execute Harvest Moon.
Spark of Hope. Spark of Hope Burning with dynamis shaped by the memory of your journey, and exceeding your own limits.
SPD Down. SPD Down Movement speed is decreased.
SPD Up. SPD Up Movement speed is increased.
Spear Drawn. Spear Drawn The Spear card is drawn.
Spear Held. Spear Held The Spear card is drawn and held in your spread.
Spearfisher's Intuition. Spearfisher's Intuition Heightened senses are improving chances of discovering rare fish only obtainable under special conditions.
Spell Shield. Spell Shield Magic damage taken is reduced.
Spell Shield L. Spell Shield L Magic damage taken is reduced.
Spell Speed Up. Spell Speed Up Spell cast and recast times are reduced.
Spell-in-Waiting. Spell-in-Waiting The next spell cast will activate after a delay.
Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Aero III. Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Aero III Designated target of Dark Aero III, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Blizzard III. Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Blizzard III Designated target of Dark Blizzard III, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Eruption. Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Eruption Designated target of Dark Eruption, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Fire III. Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Fire III Designated target of Dark Fire III, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Water III. Spell-in-Waiting: Dark Water III Designated target of Dark Water III, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Flare. Spell-in-Waiting: Flare Designated target of Flare, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Hell Wind. Spell-in-Waiting: Hell Wind Designated target of Hell Wind, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Quietus. Spell-in-Waiting: Quietus Designated target of Quietus, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Return. Spell-in-Waiting: Return Designated target of Return, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Return IV. Spell-in-Waiting: Return IV Designated target of Return IV, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Shadoweye. Spell-in-Waiting: Shadoweye Designated target of Shadoweye, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spell-in-Waiting: Unholy Darkness. Spell-in-Waiting: Unholy Darkness Designated target of Unholy Darkness, which will activate when this effect expires.
Spineshatter Dive Target. Spineshatter Dive Target Soon to be on the receiving end of a Dark Spineshatter Dive.
Spinning. Spinning Spinning in circles across the field and unable to stop.
Spire Drawn. Spire Drawn The Spire card is drawn.
Spire Held. Spire Held The Spire card is drawn and held in your spread.
Spirit Dart L. Spirit Dart L Damage taken is increased.
Spirit of the Aetherweaver. Spirit of the Aetherweaver Damage dealt is increased.
Spirit of the Beast. Spirit of the Beast Maximum HP and defense are increased, and attacks generate HP equal to a portion of damage dealt.
Spirit of the Bloodsucker. Spirit of the Bloodsucker Damage dealt is increased, and attacks generate HP equal to a portion of damage dealt.
Spirit of the Breathtaker. Spirit of the Breathtaker Evasion, movement speed, and poison resistance are increased.
Spirit of the Divine. Spirit of the Divine Defense, damage dealt, and maximum HP are increased.
Spirit of the Duelist. Spirit of the Duelist Defense, damage dealt, and maximum HP are increased.
Spirit of the Elder. Spirit of the Elder Defense, damage dealt, and maximum HP are increased.
Spirit of the Fiendhunter. Spirit of the Fiendhunter Defense, damage dealt, and maximum HP are increased.
Spirit of the Gambler. Spirit of the Gambler Evasion, critical hit rate, and direct hit rate are increased.
Spirit of the Guardian. Spirit of the Guardian Maximum HP and defense are increased.
Spirit of the Indomitable. Spirit of the Indomitable Defense, damage dealt, and maximum HP are increased.
Spirit of the Irregular. Spirit of the Irregular Damage dealt and taken is increased while maximum HP is reduced.
Spirit of the Martialist. Spirit of the Martialist Damage dealt is increased.
Spirit of the Ordained. Spirit of the Ordained Maximum MP, damage dealt, and potency of all HP restoration actions are increased.
Spirit of the Platebearer. Spirit of the Platebearer Maximum HP and defense are increased.
Spirit of the Profane. Spirit of the Profane Damage dealt is increased while potency of all HP restoration actions is reduced.
Spirit of the Remembered. Spirit of the Remembered Maximum HP and accuracy are increased. Chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Spirit of the Savior. Spirit of the Savior Potency of all HP restoration actions is increased.
Spirit of the Skirmisher. Spirit of the Skirmisher Damage dealt and critical hit rate are increased.
Spirit of the Templar. Spirit of the Templar Maximum HP, defense, and damage dealt are increased.
Spirit of the Veteran. Spirit of the Veteran Maximum HP and defense are increased.
Spirit of the Watcher. Spirit of the Watcher Evasion is increased while maximum HP is reduced.
Spjot. Spjot Magicks of eld permeate your body, causing damage over time.
Splashing Waters. Splashing Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Splashing Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Splashing Tsunami will occur when effect expires. Effect canceled upon being hit by a certain action.
Sprint. Sprint Movement speed is increased.
Sprint Penalty. Sprint Penalty Unable to sprint.
Spur. Spur Attack power and attack magic potency are increased.
Squadron Battle Manual. Squadron Battle Manual EXP earned through battle is increased.
Squadron Engineering Manual. Squadron Engineering Manual EXP earned through crafting is increased.
Squadron Enlistment Manual. Squadron Enlistment Manual Squadron recruit enlistment chance is increased.
Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual. Squadron Gear Maintenance Manual Gear wear is reduced.
Squadron Rationing Manual. Squadron Rationing Manual Food effect duration is increased.
Squadron Spiritbonding Manual. Squadron Spiritbonding Manual Spiritbonding speed is increased.
Squadron Survival Manual. Squadron Survival Manual EXP earned through gathering is increased.
Stab Wound. Stab Wound Wounds dealt by a piercing weapon are bleeding, causing damage over time.
Stable System. Stable System Unaffected by contact with subjects with unstable factors.
Staggered. Staggered Unable to execute actions.
Standard Finish. Standard Finish Damage dealt is increased.
Weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
Standard Step. Standard Step Caught up in the dance and only able to execute step actions, role actions, Sprint, Limit Break, Standard Finish, and En Avant.
Caught up in the dance and only able to execute step actions, additional actions, Head Graze, Bolt, Medical Kit, Standard Finish, and En Avant.
Standing Firm. Standing Firm Unbowed even by relentless onslaught.
Starfall Dance. Starfall Dance Able to execute Saber Dance.
Static Charge. Static Charge Damage dealt by Electric Burst is increased.
Static Condensation. Static Condensation Excess electric charge is stored within your body. The greater the stack, the fewer the HP recovered via healing magic.
Static Condensation. Static Condensation Excess electricity is stored within your body, reducing HP recovery.
Steady Hand. Steady Hand Action success rate is increased by 20%.
Steady Hand II. Steady Hand II Action success rate is increased by 30%.
Stealth. Stealth Cannot be detected by enemies. Movement speed is reduced.
Steel Scales. Steel Scales Physical damage dealt is increased.
Stellation. Stellation Transformed into a many-pointed star. Damage dealt is increased.
Stem the Flow. Stem the Flow Damage taken is reduced.
Stem the Tide. Stem the Tide A highly effective defensive maneuver is nullifying damage.
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Stock Holder. Stock Holder Holding recollections of Eden's primals ready.
Stone Curse. Stone Curse Turned into stone. Taking damage results in instant death.
Stone Wall. Stone Wall An invisible-yet-rock-solid barrier is nullifying damage.
Stoneskin. Stoneskin Lithified flesh is absorbing damage.
Stoneskin (Magical). Stoneskin (Magical) Lithified flesh is absorbing magic damage.
Stoneskin (Physical). Stoneskin (Physical) Lithified flesh is absorbing physical damage.
Storm Bite. Storm Bite Wounds are exposed to the elements, causing wind damage over time.
Wounds are exposed to the elements, causing damage over time.
Stormbite. Stormbite Wounds are exposed to the elements, causing wind damage over time.
Wounds are exposed to the elements, causing damage over time.
Storm's Eye. Storm's Eye Damage dealt is increased.
Storm's Path. Storm's Path Damage dealt is reduced.
Straight Shot. Straight Shot Critical hit rate is increased.
Straight Shot Ready. Straight Shot Ready Able to execute Straight Shot.
Straigher Shot. Straighter Shot Able to execute Straight Shot.
Strength Down. Strength Down Strength is reduced.
Strings of the Marionette. Strings of the Marionette Physical form is changed to that of a doll.
Stroke of Genius. Stroke of Genius Maximum CP is increased by 15.
Strong of Shield. Strong of Shield Shield is enhanced, decreasing damage taken. Attacks from the sides and rear are turned back on the attacker.

Will grant the effect of Stronger Together if Hansel and Gretel move close together.
Strong of Spear. Strong of Spear Weapon is enhanced.

Will grant the effect of Stronger Together if Hansel and Gretel move close together.
Stronger Together. Stronger Together Hansel and Gretel's proximity enhances their weapons and shields, decreasing damage taken. Attacks from the sides and rear are turned back on the attacker.
Stronghold. Stronghold Damage taken is reduced.
Stun. Stun Unable to execute actions.
Stun. Stun Unable to act and taking increased damage.
Stun. Stun Unable to act.
Stun Resistance. Stun Resistance Immune to stun effects.
Stun Resistance. Stun Resistance Immune to stun effects.
Stung. Stung Bee venom is coursing through your body. Damage received from bee swarms is increased.
Stunstrikes. Stunstrikes Auto-attacks may stun target.
Stygian Tendrils. Stygian Tendrils Sustaining damage over time from grasping tendrils.
Subtle Ruin. Subtle Ruin Carapace has taken on a white cast, indicating the activation of regenerative capabilities.
Subversive Stance. Subversive Stance Being commanded to execute actions that disrupt the enemy.
Succor. Succor Next Succor will cost no MP.
Sucked In. Sucked In Inexorably pulled in one direction. Unable to jump or execute actions.
Suffocated Will. Suffocated Will Overwhelmed by the sheer spiritual might of the dreadwyrm. Damage taken by certain attacks is increased.
Suiton. Suiton Body is enveloped in a light-bending veil of water, allowing use of actions normally requiring the Hidden status.
Summon Order. Summon Order Pet has been issued an action command.
Summon Order II. Summon Order II Pet has been issued an action command.
Summon Order III. Summon Order III Pet has been issued an action command.
Summon Order IV. Summon Order IV Pet has been issued an action command.
Summon Seraph. Summon Seraph Manifesting Seraph to assist in battle.
Sundering Waters. Sundering Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Sundering Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Sunseal. Sunseal Marked with the sunseal.
Super Sprint. Super Sprint Sprinting until all stamina is spent.
Superbolide. Superbolide Impervious to most attacks.
Superfluid. Superfluid In a transitional liquid state.
Suppuration. Suppuration Maximum HP is reduced and damage taken is increased.
Suppuration. Suppuration Maximum HP is reduced and damage taken is increased.
Surecast. Surecast Spells cannot be interrupted by taking damage.
Surface Slap. Surface Slap Fish of the same type as the last one caught are now aware of your presence and will not bite.
Surge Protection. Surge Protection Your body is covered in conductive matter, helping to redirect and nullify the electrical charge of lightning attacks.
Surge Protection. Surge Protection Your body is covered in conductive matter, reducing the damage of certain attacks.
Surging Waters. Surging Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Surging Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Surpanakha's Fury. Surpanakha's Fury Potency of Surpanakha is increased.
Sustain. Sustain Regenerating HP over time.
Sustained Damage. Sustained Damage Sustaining damage over time.
Taking damage over time.
Sustained Dark Damage. Sustained Dark Damage Darkness is causing damage over time.
Sustained LightDamage. Sustained Light Damage Light is causing damage over time.
Swarmed. Swarmed A swarm of bees will soon sting you.
Surging Tempest. Surging Tempest Damage dealt is increased.
Sweeping Waters. Sweeping Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Sweeping Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Swift Deception. Swift Deception Unable to be detected by sight, and movement speed is increased.
Swift L. Swift L Movement speed is increased.
Swift Sprint. Swift Sprint Movement speed is greatly increased.
Swiftcast. Swiftcast Next spell will require no time to cast.
The next spell will be cast immediately.
Swiftkicks Goblixer. Swiftkicks Goblixer Transformed into a vulture and only able to execute the action Wing Cutter.
Swiftsong. Swiftsong Movement speed of self and nearby party members is increased.
Swiftsong. Swiftsong Movement speed is increased.
Swirling Waters. Swirling Waters Overflowing with water-aspected aether. A Swirling Tsunami will occur when effect expires.
Sword Oath. Sword Oath Auto-attacks are enhanced.
Sword Oath. Sword Oath Able to execute Atonement.
Able to execute Atonement and Glory Slash.
Sword of the Heavens. Sword of the Heavens Damage dealt by self and nearby allies is increased.
Swordbearer. Swordbearer Equipped with an ethereal sword and able to use the duty action Heavenly Sword.
Sword-bearer. Sword-bearer Wielding a sword.
Synastry. Synastry An aetheric bond is created with a party member. Each time a single-target healing spell is cast, that member will recover partial HP.
Synastry. Synastry An aetheric bond is created with a party astrologian. Each time a single-target healing spell is cast by the astrologian, you will recover partial HP.
Synchronization Debugger. Synchronization Debugger Invulnerable to synchronization bugs.
System Shock. System Shock Being electrified has weakened your heart. Further electrification will prove fatal, resulting in KO.


Status Effect
Tactician. Tactician Gradually regenerating TP.
Tactician. Tactician Damage taken is reduced.
Tailwind. Tailwind Wind is buffeting the body, increasing evasion.
Tailwind. Tailwind Plagued by chaotic rear winds that will deal damage when the effect ends. Effect dissipates upon exposure to directional winds. Knockback effects from winds faced head-on are reduced by half, while those of rear winds are doubled.
Target Left. Target Left Focusing attack on target to the left.
Target Right. Target Right Focusing attack on target to the right.
Tartarus Mode. Tartarus Mode Tartarean protocol is loaded.
Taurochole. Taurochole Damage taken is reduced.
Technical Finish. Technical Finish Damage dealt is increased.
Weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
Technical Step. Technical Step Caught up in the dance and only able to execute step actions, role actions, Sprint, Limit Break, Technical Finish, and En Avant.
Caught up in the dance and only able to execute step actions, additional actions, Technical Finish, En Avant, Head Graze, Bolt, and Medical Kit.
Temperance. Temperance Healing magic potency is increased while damage taken by nearby party members is reduced.
Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are increased while damage taken by nearby party members is reduced.
Damage dealt and potency of all HP restoration actions are increased while restoring HP over time for self and nearby party members.
Temperance. Temperance Damage taken is reduced.
Regenerating HP over time.
Tempered Will. Tempered Will Immune to most knockback and draw-in effects.
Immune to knockback and draw-in effects.
Temporal Barrier. Temporal Barrier The effect of Temporal Stasis is nullified.
Temporal Displacement. Temporal Displacement Time is stopped.
Temporary Insanity. Temporary Insanity Overcome with temporary insanity. Unable to execute actions. Enmity is reset when effect ends.
Temporary Misdirection. Temporary Misdirection Overcome with temporary insanity. Can only move in the direction indicated.
Overcome with confusion and can only move in the direction indicated.
Ten Chi Jin. Ten Chi Jin Able to execute ninjutsu in succession.
Tender Anaphylaxis. Tender Anaphylaxis Smothered with affection. Damage taken by certain attacks is increased.
Tenebrous Grasp. Tenebrous Grasp Unable to move.
Terminal Velocity. Terminal Velocity HP recovery is reduced.
Terror. Terror Frozen with fear and unable to execute actions.
Testudo. Testudo A highly effective defensive maneuver is nullifying damage.
Thaliak's Ward. Thaliak's Ward Affinity to the element water is increased while gathering.
That Which Binds Us. That Which Binds Us Spiritbonding speed is increased.
The Arrow. The Arrow Weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay are reduced.
Damage dealt is increased.
The Balance. The Balance Damage dealt is increased.
The Bole. The Bole Damage taken is reduced.
Damage dealt is increased.
The Deceiver. The Deceiver Wearing the face of the god of lies.
The Dragon's Curse. The Dragon's Curse Under the power of the dragon's eye.
The Echo. The Echo Maximum HP, damage dealt, and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
The Ewer. The Ewer Restoring MP over time.
Damage dealt is increased.
The Giving Land. The Giving Land Increases the number of shards, crystals, or clusters that are obtained by a random amount.
The Heat of Battle. The Heat of Battle EXP earned through battle is increased.
The One Dragon. The One Dragon Yiazmat's body is pulsing with power.
The Road to 70. The Road to 70 Experience earned while below level 70 is dramatically increased.
The Scroll. The Scroll Damage dealt is increased. Auto-attack delay, as well as weaponskill and spell cast time and recast time are reduced.
The Spear. The Spear Critical hit rate is increased.
Damage dealt is increased.
The Spire. The Spire Restoring TP over time.
Damage dealt is increased.
Limit gauge is gradually filling.
The Twelve's Bounty. The Twelve's Bounty Elemental shard yield is increased.
Elemental shard and crystal yields are increased.
Elemental shard, crystal, and cluster yields are increased.
The Unforgotten. The Unforgotten Personal experiences are being recorded.
The Upholder. The Upholder Wearing the face of the god of truth.
The Wanderer's Minuet. The Wanderer's Minuet Damage dealt is increased while cast time is added to all archer and bard weaponskills.
Damage dealt is increased.
Critical hit rate is increased.
The Warden's Paean. The Warden's Paean Impervious to the next enfeeblement.
Nullifying status afflictions that can be removed by Purify.
The Worm's Curse. The Worm's Curse HP regeneration is nullified and damage is taken slowly over time. Attacking, however, will periodically restore HP.
Thermal High. Thermal High The wind has died. Resistance to wind damage is increased.
Thermal Low. Thermal Low The wind is high. Sustaining wind damage over time.
The wind is high.
Thin Air. Thin Air Spells consume no MP.
Next spell cast consumes no MP.
Thin Ice. Thin Ice Having trouble maintaining a solid foothold upon ice-covered ground.
Thin Ice. Thin Ice Having trouble maintaining a solid foothold upon ice-covered ground.
Third Chakra. Third Chakra The first, second, and third chakra are open.
Third Eye. Third Eye Next damage taken is reduced.
Third in Line. Third in Line Marked as target #3.
Thornpricked. Thornpricked Flesh has been pierced by aetherial barbs. When this effect expires, the thorns' aether will disperse, resulting in attack damage.
Thorny Vine. Thorny Vine Thorny vines are causing damage over time.
Threatened. Threatened Maximum HP is decreased.
Three Mudra. Three Mudra Able to execute any ninjutsu action.
Threefold Fan Dance. Threefold Fan Dance Able to execute Fan Dance III.
Threshold. Threshold Able to execute Regress.
Thrice-come Ruin. Thrice-come Ruin Bearing signs that the end may be nigh. Too many stacks will result in Doom.
Bearing signs that the end may be nigh, reducing damage dealt. Too many stacks will result in Doom.
Thrill of Battle. Thrill of Battle Maximum HP is increased.
Enhanced Thrill of Battle Effect: HP recovery via healing actions is increased.
Maximum HP is increased.
Thrill of War. Thrill of War Maximum HP is increased.
Refreshing HP of party members within range while draining own MP.
Throttle. Throttle Windpipe is crushed. KO is imminent.
Thrown for a Loop. Thrown for a Loop Provoked beyond all mortal limits and heedless of danger. Can only pursue the target.
Thunder. Thunder Sustaining lightning damage over time.
Thunder Alchemy. Thunder Alchemy Producing and manipulating an orb of lightning aether.
Thunder Charged. Thunder Charged Mana sufficient to cast Thunder III or equivalent.
Thunder II. Thunder II Sustaining lightning damage over time.
Thunder III. Thunder III Sustaining lightning damage over time.
Thunder III Charged. Thunder III Charged Mana sufficient to cast Thunder III or equivalent.
Thunder III Ready. Thunder III Ready Able to cast Thunder III or Thunder IV.
Thunder IV. Thunder IV Sustaining lightning damage over time.
Thunderclap. Thunderclap Sustaining damage over time. If the effect is not removed, it will continue to stack, increasing the amount of damage inflicted.
Thunderclap. Thunderclap A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Thundercloud. Thundercloud Next Thunder spell will add its full damage over time amount to its initial damage, require no time to cast, and cost no MP.
Able to cast Thunder III or Thunder IV.
Thunderstruck. Thunderstruck Your body is accumulating a lightning charge. Will inflict lightning damage to those nearby when the effect ends.
Body is accumulating charge. Will inflict lightning damage to those nearby when this effect expires.
Time's Up. Time's Up Nearing the end of allotted exploration time in Eureka.
Tingling. Tingling Potency of next physical damage spell is increased.
Tireless. Tireless Chocobo has limitless stamina
Titan's Favor. Titan's Favor Able to execute Mountain Buster.
Tizona's Bastion. Tizona's Bastion An area of land has been granted protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Tizona's Bastion. Tizona's Bastion Damage taken is reduced.
To the Dungeons. To the Dungeons Being punished for disobedience. Unable to move or execute actions.
Toad. Toad Transformed into a toad and unable to execute actions.
Transformed into a toad.
Toad. Toad Transformed into a toad and unable to execute actions.
Toad Oil. Toad Oil Evasion is enhanced.
Tornado Edict. Tornado Edict Following orders to perform Little Tornado.
Torrential Ruin. Torrential Ruin Carapace has taken on a blue cast, indicating a tendency toward indiscriminate violence.
Touch of Death. Touch of Death Organs are failing, causing damage over time.
Touch of Frost. Touch of Frost Enveloped in an icy fog. Able to execute the blue magic spell White Death.
Tower Defense. Tower Defense The tower's field invigorates those who enter its sphere of influence, halving damage taken and regenerating HP over time.
Tower Defense. Tower Defense The tower's protective field is active.
Toxic Alchemy. Toxic Alchemy Producing and manipulating an orb of toxic aether.
Toxicosis. Toxicosis Toxins are causing damage over time.
Toxikon. Toxikon Damage taken is increased.
TP Bleed. TP Bleed Bleeding TP over time.
Traders' Favor (Azys Lla). Traders' Favor (Azys Lla) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while mining mineral deposits or rocky outcrops in Azys Lla.
Traders' Favor (Coerthas Western Highlands). Traders' Favor (Coerthas Western Highlands) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while mining mineral deposits or rocky outcrops in the Coerthas western highlands.
Traders' Favor (Dravanian Forelands). Traders' Favor (Dravanian Forelands) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while mining mineral deposits or rocky outcrops in the Dravanian forelands.
Traders' Favor (Dravanian Hinterlands). Traders' Favor (Dravanian Hinterlands) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while mining mineral deposits or rocky outcrops in the Dravanian hinterlands.
Traders' Favor (The Churning Mists). Traders' Favor (The Churning Mists) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while mining mineral deposits or rocky outcrops in the Churning Mists.
Traders' Favor (The Sea of Clouds). Traders' Favor (The Sea of Clouds) Concealed gathering points are now discoverable while mining mineral deposits or rocky outcrops in the Sea of Clouds.
Transcendent. Transcendent Recently resurrected and temporarily invulnerable to most damage. Status ends upon execution of an action.
Recently resurrected.
Transfiguration. Transfiguration Corporeal form has been altered, inhibiting use of actions.
Corporeal form has been altered.
Corporeal form is altered.
Corporeal form has been altered, inhibiting use of actions while allowing you to go undetected by certain enemies.
Transfiguration. Transfiguration Spiritual and corporeal forms are drastically altered.
Transfiguration. Transfiguration Corporeal form has been altered.
Transparent. Transparent Body is allowing light to pass, rendering you invisible to the enemy.
Transparent II. Transparent II Body is allowing light to pass, rendering you invisible to the enemy.
Transporting. Transporting Carrying an object in your arms, growing wearier with each passing second.
Trapper. Trapper Readying trap.
Triangulate. Triangulate Able to locate mature trees and lush vegetation.
Trick Attack. Trick Attack Damage taken is increased.
Damage taken from the ninja who applied this effect is increased.
Trickle of Fire. Trickle of Fire Flames are enhancing target capabilities. Healing potency is increased.
Triple. Triple The next action initiated will be executed thrice.
Triplecast. Triplecast Spells require no time to cast.
Troubadour. Troubadour Damage taken is reduced.
Troubadour's Ballad. Troubadour's Ballad Maximum HP is increased.
Troubadour's Minuet. Troubadour's Minuet Magic damage taken is reduced.
Damage dealt is increased.
Troubadour's Paeon. Troubadour's Paeon Physical damage taken is reduced.
Weaponskill and spell cast and recast time are reduced.
True Benison. True Benison A holy barrier is nullifying damage.
True Bravery. True Bravery Damage dealt is increased.
True Finish. True Finish Damage dealt is increased.
True Hallowed Ground. True Hallowed Ground Impervious to all damage.
Impervious to most attacks.
True Medica II. True Medica II Regenerating HP over time.
True North. True North All action direction requirements are nullified.
True Rampart. True Rampart Damage taken is reduced.
True Rampart. True Rampart Damage dealt is reduced.
True Self. True Self Maximum HP, damage dealt, and potency of HP restoration actions are increased.
True Sentinel. True Sentinel Damage taken is reduced.
True Sight. True Sight Able to see through the levequest target's glamour.
True Step. True Step Caught up in the dance.
True Stoneskin. True Stoneskin Lithified flesh is absorbing damage.
True Virtue. True Virtue As an ideal made manifest, strength surpasses mortal imagination.
True Walking Dead. True Walking Dead Certain death when counter reaches zero. Effect dissipates upon being healed by an amount that totals your maximum HP.
Truly Berserk. Truly Berserk Thoughtlessly raining auto-attacks upon main target while inflicting great damage to self with each one.
Trusty Shield. Trusty Shield Enmity is increased.
Truth of Forests. Truth of Forests Able to locate unspoiled, legendary, and clouded mature trees and lush vegetation.
Truth of Mountains. Truth of Mountains Able to locate unspoiled, legendary, and clouded mineral deposits and rocky outcrops.
Truth of Oceans. Truth of Oceans Able to locate swimming shadows.
Turbulence. Turbulence Violent atmospheric disruption is causing damage over time. Increased turbulence results in increased vulnerability to Bismarck's magicks.
Turret Reset. Turret Reset Unable to deploy turrets.
Twice-come Ruin. Twice-come Ruin Bearing signs that the end may be nigh, decreasing damage dealt. Too many stacks will result in Doom.
Bearing signs that the end may be nigh. Too many stacks will result in Doom.
Twin Fates. Twin Fates Orlasrach and Munderg are in resonance with one another, each protecting its twin.
Twin Snakes. Twin Snakes Damage dealt is increased.
Twist of Fate. Twist of Fate Experience earned on FATEs is dramatically increased.
Twist of Fate. Twist of Fate Experience earned on FATEs is dramatically increased.
Twisting Viper. Twisting Viper Toxins are causing damage over time.


Status Effect
Ultros Simulation. Ultros Simulation The Ultros simulation program is loaded.
Umbral Attenuation. Umbral Attenuation Water-, earth-, and ice-aspected damage taken is increased.
Umbral Cloak. Umbral Cloak Enshrouded in shadow and resistant to certain astrally charged attacks.
Umbral Effect. Umbral Effect Due to a severe disruption in aetherial balance, damage taken from umbrally charged attacks is increased. Damage taken from astrally charged attacks is decreased, and will result in the Astral Effect.
Umbral Essence. Umbral Essence Umbrally charged attacks are enhanced.
Umbral Freeze. Umbral Freeze Swelling with umbral energies.
Umbral Ice. Umbral Ice Aetherial balance of mind and spirit is leaning umbrally. Fire-aspected spells require less MP, but do less damage. MP regeneration has quickened.
Umbral Ice II. Umbral Ice II Aetherial balance of mind and spirit is leaning umbrally. Fire-aspected spells require less MP, but do less damage. MP regeneration has quickened.
Able to execute Blizzard IV.
Umbral Ice III. Umbral Ice III Aetherial balance of mind and spirit is leaning umbrally. Fire-aspected spells require less MP, but do less damage, and their casting times are halved. MP regeneration has quickened.
Able to execute Freeze.
Umbral Rays. Umbral Rays Damage taken by certain attacks is increased.
Umbral Tilt. Umbral Tilt Internal aether is dramatically polarized toward the umbral. Damage taken from umbral attacks is increased, though explosive damage from astral attacks can be quelled.
Umbralbright Soul. Umbralbright Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Umbral Glow when this effect expires.
Umbralstrong Soul. Umbralstrong Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Umbral Impact when this effect expires.
Unbridled. Unbridled The true power of Ame-no-Habakiri is unleashed.
Unchained. Unchained Damage penalty inflicted by Defiance is nullified.
Uncontrollable. Uncontrollable Critical hit rate is increased.
Undead Rebirth. Undead Rebirth Most attacks cannot reduce your HP to less than 1.
Undead Redemption. Undead Redemption Attacks cannot reduce your HP to less than 1. HP is restored with each weaponskill successfully delivered.
Underflow Debugger. Underflow Debugger Invulnerable to underflow bugs.
Undying Flame. Undying Flame Regenerating HP over time.
Unfooled. Unfooled Aware that the fool's tightrope is a mere illusion.
Unforgotten. Unforgotten The next phenomenon to occur will be recorded.
Unguarded. Unguarded Unable to execute Guard.
Unlimited. Unlimited Confronting physical limits and choosing to defy them.
Unmagicked. Unmagicked Unable to use magicite.
Unnerved. Unnerved Courage is tapped, increasing damage taken.
Unrelenting Anguish. Unrelenting Anguish Continuously launching Aratama from your body.
Unrelenting Counter. Unrelenting Counter Countering all attacks with unaspected damage.
Unsealed Seiton Tenchu. Unsealed Seiton Tenchu Able to execute Seiton Tenchu.
Unshakable Loyalty. Unshakable Loyalty Standing by force of fealty alone. Health is waning over time.
Unstable. Unstable Unable to keep your balance. Damage taken is increased.
Unstable Factor. Unstable Factor Subject to a factor that will cause explosive damage when this effect ends. Physical contact with another subject with unstable factors will result in both subjects' stack counts being added together, divided by two, and redistributed. Fractions will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Unstable Gravity. Unstable Gravity The gravity about you is highly unstable and will soon rupture, dealing unaspected damage to all allies within range.
The gravity about you is highly unstable and will rupture upon expiration of this effect, dealing unaspected damage to those within range.
Unveiled. Unveiled Gilgamesh's true form is revealed.
Unwavering Will. Unwavering Will Protected by an unseen aegis, rendering all attacks ineffective.
Unwilling Host. Unwilling Host A parasite has entered the body and taken control of all motor skills. Parasite is passed via direct contact with other players.
Utmost Caution. Utmost Caution Item wear increase reduced on next appraisal.


Status Effect
Vanished. Vanished Invisible to enemies and traps.
Vauthry's Blessing. Vauthry's Blessing Blessed by Vauthry and experiencing heightened senses.
Veil of Gukumatz. Veil of Gukumatz Combat capabilities are sharply enhanced by Gukumatz's power.
Veil of Light. Veil of Light Light shields you from the new moon's influence.
Veil of Shadow. Veil of Shadow Darkness shields you from the full moon's influence.
Veil of the Whorl. Veil of the Whorl Reflecting damage dealt by ranged attacks.
Veil of the Whorl. Veil of the Whorl Dealing water damage to attackers upon taking damage.
Veneration. Veneration Efficiency of Synthesis actions is increased.
Vengeance. Vengeance Inflicting a portion of sustained damage back to its source.
Venomous Bite. Venomous Bite Toxins are causing damage over time.
Verfire Ready. Verfire Ready Able to cast Verfire.
Vermilion Radiance. Vermilion Radiance Able to execute Verholy and Verflare.
Verstone Ready. Verstone Ready Able to cast Verstone.
Vertigo. Vertigo Balance is compromised, resulting in a loss of motor skills.
Veteran Trade. Veteran Trade Fish of a certain type are now aware of your presence and have left the area.
Virus. Virus Motor skills are hampered, causing reduced strength and dexterity.
Virus. Virus A virus is loaded.
Viscous Aetheroplasm. Viscous Aetheroplasm Aetheroplasm is attached to your body. A stack of 5 will result in instant death.
Aetheroplasm is attached to your body. A stack of 5 will result in severe damage.
Viscous Aetheroplasm. Viscous Aetheroplasm Aetheroplasm is attached to your body. A stack of 5 will result in instant death.
Vital Sight. Vital Sight Fish are easier to target while spearfishing.
Vital Sign. Vital Sign Severing the flow of life-sustaining aether in order to avoid detection has damaged the body's vital functions. Movement speed is severely decreased.
Vitality Down. Vitality Down Vitality is reduced.
Voice of Fortitude. Voice of Fortitude Damage taken is reduced.
Reducing damage taken by nearby party members. Damage dealt is reduced.
Voice of Valor. Voice of Valor Regenerating HP over time.
Gradually restoring the HP of nearby party members. Damage dealt is reduced.
Voidblood. Voidblood Covered in voidsent blood. Damage taken is increased.
Voidbound. Voidbound Trapped in the void and unable to interact with the physical realm.
Vortex Barrier. Vortex Barrier Encircled by impenetrable walls of wind, nullifying all damage.
Vril. Vril Damage taken by certain attacks is reduced or converted in to HP.
Vulnerability Down. Vulnerability Down Damage taken is reduced.
Vulnerability Down. Vulnerability Down Damage taken is reduced.
Vulnerability Up. Vulnerability Up Damage taken is increased.
Vulnerability Up. Vulnerability Up Damage taken is increased.
Cometeor. Vulnerability Up Damage taken is increased.


Status Effect
Walking Dead. Walking Dead Most attacks will not reduce HP below 1. The inability to restore 100% of HP before timer runs out will result in KO.
Most attacks will not reduce HP below 1. Restoring HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered and spell cast. The inability to restore 100% of HP before timer runs out will result in KO.
Wanderer's Fate. Wanderer's Fate Victim of a labyrinthine fate, resulting in knockback when the Fateful Words are spoken.
Wanderer's Minuet. Wanderer's Minuet Damage dealt is increased.
Waning Nocturne. Waning Nocturne Unable to auto-attack or use spells, weaponskills, and abilities.
Warden's Grace. Warden's Grace Damage taken is reduced while HP recovered via healing actions is increased.
Warmonger. Warmonger The thrill of battle leads you to crave only more. Damage dealt is increased while damage taken is reduced.
Waste Not. Waste Not Durability loss is reduced by half.
Waste Not II. Waste Not II Durability loss is reduced by half.
Water Resistance Down. Water Resistance Down Water resistance is reduced.
Water Resistance Down II. Water Resistance Down II Water resistance is significantly reduced.
Water Resistance Up. Water Resistance Up Water resistance is increased.
Watery Grave. Watery Grave You are trapped in a magicked prison of water and are unable to execute actions.
Waxen Flesh. Waxen Flesh The rate at which Firestorm burns your flesh is increased.
Waxing Nocturne. Waxing Nocturne Damage dealt and movement speed are increased. Waning Nocturne will take hold when the effect ends.
Waymark. Waymark A lodestone by which the flock of sin eaters will chart their course. When this effect expires, you will be stunned.
Weak Magitek Field. Weak Magitek Field Protection provided by towers has lessened, but damage taken is still reduced.
Weakness. Weakness Strength, dexterity, intelligence, and mind are reduced by 25%.
Well Fed. Well Fed Enjoying the benefits of a full belly.
Wet Plate. Wet Plate Sufficient water remains on the imp plate. Status removed if Imp Punch is executed while Typhon is invigorated.
Whaleback. Whaleback Able to deal damage to Bismarck, but susceptible to the primal's magicks.
What You See. What You See Perception is increased when a Disciple of the Land.
Wheel in Motion. Wheel in Motion Able to execute Wheeling Thrust.
Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune Regenerating HP over time.
Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune Damage taken is reduced.
Whispered Incantation. Whispered Incantation The next offensive spell cast will be committed to memory.
Whispering Dawn. Whispering Dawn Regenerating HP over time.
Whispers Manifest. Whispers Manifest The spell cast during Whispered Incantation has been committed to memory and can be cast immediately.
Whistle. Whistle Synthesis-related effects granted based on stack size.
White Shift. White Shift Augments certain actions with beneficial effects.
White Wound. White Wound Taking extra damage from White Antilight.
Who Is She. Who Is She Outwardly appears to be Sanduruva.
Wicked Whim. Wicked Whim Feeling whimsically contrarious. Those who obey orders will be punished.
Wide Awake. Wide Awake Resistance to the effects of dream powder has been granted by an unpleasant-yet-effective serum.
Wildfire. Wildfire Damage is being accumulated with each weaponskill landed by the machinist who applied the effect.
A portion of damage dealt is being stored.
Wildfire. Wildfire Currently afflicting an enemy with Wildfire.
Will of the Water. Will of the Water Under the influence of the water magicks of the ul'sanuwa.
Will of the Wind. Will of the Wind Under the influence of the wind magicks of the so'sanuwa.
Will to Live. Will to Live Standing tall despite damage that would normally result in incapacitation. Most damage is nullified. Unable to move or execute actions.
Willful. Willful Burning for battle. Sustaining most damage that would normally result in KO will instead ignite the Will to Live.
Wind Resistance Down. Wind Resistance Down Resistance to wind damage is reduced.
Wind Resistance Down II. Wind Resistance Down II Wind resistance is significantly reduced.
Wind Resistance Up. Wind Resistance Up Wind resistance is increased.
Wind Resonance. Wind Resonance Weaponskill recast time is reduced.
Wind-aspected. Wind-aspected Body's aetherial balance is leaning toward wind.
Windbite. Windbite Wounds are exposed to the elements, causing wind damage over time.
Windburn. Windburn Sustaining wind damage over time.
Windburn. Windburn Sustaining wind damage over time.
Windburn. Windburn Sustaining wind damage over time.
Windwall. Windwall A wall of wind surrounds the body, allowing for evasion of all attacks.
Winged Shield. Winged Shield An area of land has been granted protection, reducing damage taken for all who enter.
Wings of the Raptor. Wings of the Raptor Physical form is changed to that of a bird of prey.
Wisdom of the Aetherweaver. Wisdom of the Aetherweaver Magic damage is increased.
Wisdom of the Breathtaker. Wisdom of the Breathtaker Movement speed, evasion, and poison resistance are increased.
Wisdom of the Duelist. Wisdom of the Duelist Physical damage dealt and maximum HP are increased.
Wisdom of the Elder. Wisdom of the Elder Magic damage dealt and magic defense are increased. Spell MP cost is reduced.
Wisdom of the Fiendhunter. Wisdom of the Fiendhunter Physical damage dealt and evasion are increased.
Wisdom of the Guardian. Wisdom of the Guardian Maximum HP and defense are increased.
Wisdom of the Indomitable. Wisdom of the Indomitable Defense is increased. Maximum HP is boosted each time you take damage equivalent to at least 50% of your maximum HP from a single-target attack.
Wisdom of the Irregular. Wisdom of the Irregular Damage dealt is increased, while magic defense is reduced.
Wisdom of the Martialist. Wisdom of the Martialist Damage dealt is increased.
Wisdom of the Ordained. Wisdom of the Ordained Maximum MP and healing magic potency are increased.
Wisdom of the Platebearer. Wisdom of the Platebearer Maximum HP and defense are increased.
Widsom of the Remembered. Wisdom of the Remembered Maximum HP and accuracy are increased. Chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Wisdom of the Skirmisher. Wisdom of the Skirmisher Damage dealt is increased.
Wisdom of the Templar. Wisdom of the Templar Maximum HP and healing magic potency are increased, while damage dealt is reduced.
Wisdom of the Watcher. Wisdom of the Watcher Evasion is enhanced, while damage dealt is reduced.
Wither. Wither All magic resistances are reduced.
Withering. Withering HP recovery via healing actions is reduced.
Woken. Woken Overcharged with aether.
Wolf's Heart Kit. Wolf's Heart Kit Movement speed is increased while restoring MP over time.
Wounded. Wounded Severe wounds are reducing damage dealt while increasing damage taken by certain attacks.
Wrath. Wrath Chance to parry is increased.
Wrath II. Wrath II Chance to parry is increased.
Wrath III. Wrath III Chance to parry is increased.
Wrath IV. Wrath IV Chance to parry is increased.
Wyrmclaw. Wyrmclaw Shredded by draconic talons. KO will occur when countdown reaches 0.
Wyrmfang. Wyrmfang Torn by draconic teeth. KO will occur when countdown reaches 0.


Status Effect
X-marked Soul. X-marked Soul Soul has been commandeered to unleash Theos's Saltire when this effect expires.


Status Effect
Yellow Paint. Yellow Paint Carrying a pot of yellow paint.
Your Move: 2 Squares. Your Move: 2 Squares Ordered to move a total of 2 squares from the point where this effect activated. Disobedience will result in heavy damage.
Your Move: 3 Squares. Your Move: 3 Squares Bound to execute the Queen's edict by moving a total of 3 squares from the point where this effect activated. Disobedience will result in heavy damage.
Your Move: 4 Squares. Your Move: 4 Squares Bound to execute the Queen's edict by moving a total of 4 squares from the point where this effect activated. Disobedience will result in heavy damage.
Yukikaze. Yukikaze Slashing resistance is reduced.
Sustaining increased damage from target who executed Yukikaze.


Status Effect
Zoe. Zoe Healing magic potency of next spell cast is increased.
Zombification. Zombification Turned into a mindless zombie under enemy control.