The unit is preternaturally devout, raising its Faith. Can be cancelled by the Mystic's Harmony ability.
Description (The War of the Lions)
Faith is a status in Final Fantasy Tactics. Under this status, the unit's Faith stat is considered to be at its maximum value. This is a key distinction from actually having 100 Faith; the Netherseer's Nether Mantra skills, while normally less powerful the more Faith the target has, deal full damage with Faith status. The status lasts for 32 clock ticks and is opposed to Atheist, which has the opposite effect; the two cannot coexist on the same unit.
While under Faith, a unit is treated as if they have maximum (100) Faith points without inflicting the consequence of raising the permanent Faith statistic too high, which would cause the unit to leave party after the fight. This can be positive or negative, as it raises spellcasting ability, but also raises the effect of spells cast on that unit.
Spell | Belief (Mystic Arts), Faith (Spellblade) |
Weapon | Rod of Faith both bestows "Auto-Faith" to the user and grants Faith to a target upon hit. |
Enemy abilities[]
Enemies do not have access to abilities that bestow Faith.
Spell | Harmony, Dispel |
Enemy ability | Dischord, Dispelja |