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Final Fantasy Wiki

Ramza's troops defeat the mercenaries.

The location where Balias, first of Saint Ajora's disciples, was put to death by the Holy Ydoran Empire.


Balias Tor (バリアスの丘, Bariasu no oka?), also known as Bariaus Hill, is a location from Final Fantasy Tactics. It is located north of Lionel Castle. It was here that Balias, the first of Saint Ajora's disciples, was put to death by the Holy Ydoran Empire.


Ramza Beoulve, Agrias Oaks, and Mustadio Bunansa encountered a group of Baert Trading Company mercenaries here on their way to meet with Cardinal Delacroix. The mercenaries, including two Summoners, demanded information on the Taurus Holy Stone, but the heroes refused to give it and with great effort managed to defeat the mercenaries.

Battle information[]

Balias Tor[]

Balias Tor
Front view:
Bariaus Hill 1
Back view:
Bariaus Hill 3
Side view:
Bariaus Hill 2
Back side view:
Bariaus Hill 4
Overhead grid:
Bariaus Hill OH
Additional info -This is the last battle with Agrias and Ovelia, and in the PSX version, their equipment is not removed automatically before going on to the next area.
Conditions Defeat all enemies.
Weather Clear day
Enemy level 11 - 14 Recommended level 14 - 16
Team capacity Ramza + 3 additional characters Number of teams 1
Battle Trophies 1000 gil, Holy Water Hidden items
Terrain Grassland, Stone Outcropping, Tree Geomancy Tanglevine, Tremor
Random Battle at Balias Tor
Front view:
Bariaus Hill 1
Back view:
Bariaus Hill 3
Side view:
Bariaus Hill 2
Back side view:
Bariaus Hill 4
Overhead grid:
Bariaus Hill OH
Possible enemies Terrain Grassland, Stone Outcropping, Tree
Geomancy Tanglevine, Tremor
Hidden items