Kathy Acker
Kathy Acker (New York, 1947ko apirilaren 18a – Tijuana, 1997ko azaroaren 30a) estatubatuar idazle postmodernista izan zen.
Kathy Acker | |
![]() (1996) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | New York, 1947ko apirilaren 18a |
Herrialdea | ![]() |
Heriotza | Tijuana, 1997ko azaroaren 30a (50 urte) |
Heriotza modua | berezko heriotza: minbizia bularreko minbizia |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | New York Hiriko Unibertsitatea Kaliforniako Unibertsitatea San Diegon Brandeis Unibertsitatea |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | poeta, eleberrigilea, idazlea, unibertsitateko irakaslea, saiakeragilea, komiki gidoilaria, performancelaria, prosalaria eta antzerkigilea |
Lan nabarmenak | ikusi
Influentziak | William Burroughs |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Karen Lehmann jatorri judu-alemaniar familia batean jaio zen. Bere burua kulturalki judutzat hartu zuen, baina erlijioarekiko interesik gabe. Robert Ackerrekin ezkondu zen eta idazle izatea erabaki zuen. Senarrarekin joan zen Kaliforniako Unibertsitatean, San Diegon ikastera. Graduatu gabe New Yorkera joan zen, non idazkari, stripper eta ikuskizun pornografikoetan lan egin zuen. Maitasun-harremanak izan zituen hainbat pertsonarekin eta bisexuala izan zen. 1995ean Londresera joan zen bere bikotekidearekin. 1980ko hamarkadaren amaieran, New Yorkera itzuli zenean, unibertsitateetako irakasle izan zen, minbiziak jota hil zen arte.
Eleberrigile esperimentala, antzerkigilea eta saiakeragilea izan zen. Idazketa urratzaile batekin, haurren traumak, sexualitatea eta matxinada bezalako gaiak jorratu zituen. Black Mountain Collegen olerkariak, William S. Burroughs, David Antin, Carolee Schneeman, Eleanor Antin, frantziar teoria kritikoa, mistizismoa, pornografia eta literatura klasikoaren eragina jaso zuen.
aldatuEleberriak, istorioak
aldatu- Politics (1972; excerpts published in Hannibal Lecter, My Father (1991); full text published in Kathy Acker (1971–1975) (2019)
- The Burning Bombing of America: The Destruction of the United States (pub. 2002, from manuscript 1972)
- Rip-Off Red, Girl Detective (pub. 2002, from manuscript 1973)
- Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula By the Black Tarantula (1973)
- I Dreamt I Was a Nymphomaniac: Imagining (1974)
- Haiti: A Trip to the Voodoo Doctor (Travelers Digest Issue 1, Volume 1, 1977; later published in Kathy Goes to Haiti)
- Adult Life of Toulouse Lautrec (1978)
- Florida (1978)
- Kathy Goes to Haiti (1978)
- The Seattle Book: For Randy and Heather (1980, with illustrations)
- The Persian Poems by Janey Smith (Travelers Digest Issue 2, Volume 1, ed. Jeff Goldberg, 1980; poems from Blood and Guts in High School, with drawings by Robert Kushner, 1980)
- N.Y.C. in 1979 (1981)
- Hello, My Name Is Erica Jong (1982; also available in Blood and Guts in High School)
- Translations of the Diaries of Laure the Schoolgirl (1983)
- Implosion (1983; also available in My Death My Life by Pier Paolo Pasolini)
- Great Expectations (1983)
- Algeria : A Series of Invocations Because Nothing Else Works (1984)
- My Death My Life by Pier Paolo Pasolini (1984)
- Blood and Guts in High School (1984)
- Don Quixote: Which Was a Dream (1986)
- Lust: A Sailor's Slight Identity (1987, available in Hannibal Lecter, My Father)
- Literal Madness: Three Novels (Reprinted 1987; contains Kathy Goes to Haiti, My Death My Life by Pier Paolo Pasolini, Florida)
- Young Lust (1988; contains Kathy Goes to Haiti, The Adult Life of Toulouse Lautrec by Henri Toulouse Lautrec, and Florida)
- Empire of the Senseless (1988)
- In Memoriam to Identity (1990)
- Hannibal Lecter, My Father (1991)
- Portrait of an Eye (1992, includes early novels Childlike Life of the Black Tarantula By the Black Tarantula (1973); I Dreamt I Was a Nymphomaniac: Imagining (1974); Adult Life of Toulouse Lautrec (1978)
- My Mother: Demonology (1994)
- Pussycat Fever (with Diane Dimassa and Freddie Baer, illustrators, 1995)
- Pussy, King of the Pirates (1996)
- Portrait of an Eye: Three Novels (Reprinted 1998)
- Eurydice in the Underworld (1998)
- Essential Acker: The Selected Writings of Kathy Acker (2002)
- New York City in 1979 (2018, Penguin Modern)
- Kathy Acker (1971–1975) (2019, Éditions Ismael, 656 pgs.), ed. Justin Gajoux and Claire Finch, critical edition of unpublished early writings from 1971 to 1975
- The Golden Woman (poem, 1969–1970)
- Section from DIARY (1–2, 1971)
- Portraits (7, 1971)
- Portraits and Visions (summer 1971)
- Diary Warmcatfur (1, 1972)
- Politics (1972, full text)
- For H. (1972)
- Revolutionary Diary of an Anarchist (1972)
- Journal Black Cats Black Jewels (summer 1972)
- Gold Songs for Jimi Hendrix (1972)
- Breaking Up (summer 1972)
- [Letter to Berndadette Mayer] (fall 1972)
- Entrance into Dwelling in Paradise (poems, fall 1972)
- [Exercises] (fall 1972)
- Stripper Disintergration (2–3, 1973)
- Section from Diary (3, 1973)
- [Letter to Bernadette Mayer] (1973)
- The Beginning of the Thesmophoriazusae (7–9, 1973)
- Part I of Breaking Through Memories into Desire (11, 1973)
- Part II [of Breaking Through Memories...] (1, 1974)
- Conversations (1, 1974)
- [Letters to Alan Sondheim] (2–3, 1974)
- [Letter to Bernadette Mayer] (3/3/1974)
aldatu- The Golden Woman (poem, 1969–1970) #
- Journal Black Cats Black Jewels (summer 1972) #
- Gold Songs for Jimi Hendrix (1972) #
- Part I of Breaking Through Memories into Desire (11, 1973) #
- Part II [of Breaking Through Memories...] (1, 1974) #
- Baby don't give baby don't get (from the novel Florida)
- Homage to Leroi Jones (poems, pub. 2015 by Lost and Found: The CUNY Poetics Documents Initiative, from manuscript 1972)
aldatu- Desire (Bomb 3, spring 1982)
- Lulu Unchained (drama, 1985, first performed at ICA; available in the novel Don Quixote: Which Was a Dream)
- The Birth of the Poet (drama, 1981; performed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in 1985, directed by Richard Foreman; published in Eurydice in the Underworld; also in Wordplays 5: An Anthology of New American Drama, 1987)
- Requiem (drama, 1997; published in Eurydice in the Underworld)
aldatu- Variety (screenplay, 1985, directed by Bette Gordon; unpublished)
Grabazioak, musika-kolaborazioak
aldatu- Pussy (1994, produced by CodeX; contains two sections, O and Ange and Pussy, King of the Pirates: Her Story)
- The Stabbing Hand (1995) – spoken-word guest appearance on alternate mix of song by Oxbow, included on reissues of album Let Me Be a Woman
- Pussy, King of the Pirates (1997, Touch and Go Records) – Acker's operetta, performed and recorded by the Mekons with Kathy Acker
- Redoing Childhood (2000) spoken-word recording, Kill Rock Stars 349.
aldatu- Notes on Writing from the Life of Baudelaire (1979)
- New York City 1983 (from Marcus Leatherdale: His photographs – a book in a series on people and years, with Christian Michelides, published by Wien, Molotov, 1983)
- Realism for the Cause of Future Revolution (from Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation, 1984)
- Collette (1985)
- An Actual Institution of Art (1986)
- Introduction to collection Young Lust (1988)
- Introduction to Boxcar Bertha (1988)
- A Few Notes on Two of my Books (from Review of Contemporary Fiction, vol 9, no. 3, Fall 1989)
- Blue Valentine (1989)
- Review of Scandal for Weiner (1989)
- Low: Good and Evil in the Work of Nayland Blake (1990) A selection is available in the Kathy Acker collection Body of Works: Essays.
- The World According to Peter Greenway (from The Village Voice, volume 35, April 17, 1990)
- In the Underworld (1990)
- William Burroughs' Realism (1990)
- From Counter-Culture to Culture, But Here's no Culture/Fuck Ecology and the Death of Communism/The Meaning of the 80s (1990)
- New York City 25/12/89-31/12/89 at the Edge of the New (1990)
- The Language of Sex The Sex of Language (1990)
- Critical Languages (1990) (1990).
- The Meaning of the Eighties (from The Village Voice, volume 35, January 2, 1990)
- Bodybuilding (1991)
- The War at Home: Bonfire of the Vanities by Brian de Palma (1991)
- Red Wings: Concerning Richard Prince's "Spiritual America" (from Parkett, 1992)
- Reading the Lack of the Body: The Writing of the Marquis de Sade (from The Divine Sade, 1994)
- After the End of the Art World (1994)
- Statements on the Nature of Musical Comedy (1994)
- Seeing Gender (from Critical Quarterly, 1995)
- Running through the World: On the Art of Kiki Smith (1995)
- Mirror: Two Works of Art (1995)
- Moving Into Wonder (An introduction to Time Capsule: A Concise Encyclopedia by Women Artists, 1995)
- Unidentified contribution to Dust: Essays (1995)
- Writing, Identity, and Copyright in the Net Age (from MMLA, volume 28, number 1, Spring 1995)
- Samuel Delaney: Orpheus (1996^^)
- On Delany the Magiian (Foreword to Trouble on Triton, 1996)
- The Future (1997)
- The Gift of the Disease (The Guardian, January 18, 1997)
- Bruce Willis and Me (1997)
- Bodies of Work: Essays (1997)
- Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989–1991 (2007, Amandla Publishing)
- Russian Constructivism (from Blasted Allegories) (date unknown#)
- Notes on a title page of Herman Melville's
- Some American Cities (from Marxism Today) (date unknown#)
- Postmoderism (undated)
- About Robert Mapplethorpe (undated)
- Allen Ginsberg: A Personal Portrait (undated)
- A Bunch of Propositions about the Hernandez Brothers (undated)
- On Twin Peaks (undated)
- Women who have Big Muscles (undated)
- The End of Poetry (undated)
- Eugenie De Franval (undated)
- Fabre's Work or Opera (undated)