Garage rock
Garage rock delakoa, rock musika modu arrunt eta gordinagoan jotzeko estilo mota bat da. 1950eko hamarkadaren amaieran AEBetan eta Kanadan sortu zen, 1960ko hamarkadan Britainiar Inbasioaren The Kinks edo The Who taldeak bezalakoen eragin handia izan zuen.
Talde nabarmenak
aldatu- The Sonics
- The Music Machine
- 13th Floor Elevators
- Anboy Dukes
- The Barbarians
- Blues Cheer
- The Blues Magoos
- The Chocolate Watchband
- The Count Five
- Dick Dale
- The Eazy Beats
- The Electric Prunes
- The Kingsmen
- The Knickerbockers
- MC5
- Iggy Pop
- ? and the Mysterians
- The Seeds
- The Shadows of Knight
- The Standels
- The Stooges
- The Strangeloves
- Strauberry Alarm Clock
- The Sorrows
- The Chesterfield Kings
- The Fuzztones
- The Fleshtones
- The Creeps
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Kings of Leon
- Jet
- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
- The White Stripes
- The Vines
- The Hives
- The Strokes