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Hațeg is a town in Hunedoara County of Transylvania, Romania.



Get in


By train

  • 1 Subcetate Railway Station (Gara Subcetate). There are daily trains arriving and leaving from and to Bucharest, Timișoara and Cluj-Napoca. Subcetate station is 3 km away from Hațeg and you can take a bus from Subcetate to Hațeg.

By car


You can arrive in Hațeg by car from Timisoara taking DN 6 to Caransebeș and then taking DN 66 from Caransebeș to Hațeg.

From Cluj-Napoca you can take E81 to Alba Iulia and then Sebeș, then you take E 68 to Orăștie and Simeria, and from Simeria you take E 79 to Hațeg.

If you want to come to Hațeg from Budapest you can take M 5(E 75) to Szeged and from there take E 68 to Arad, Deva and Simeria. From Simeria take E 79 to Hațeg.

From Bucharest you can take A 1(E 81) to Pitesti. From Pitesti take E 81 to Ramnicu Valcea, and E 79 to Tg.Jiu, Petroșani and Hațeg.

By bus


There are buses arriving at Hațeg station from Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara and Bucharest. Check timetables here or contact Hațeg Bus Station at +40 254772230.

Get around

Map of Hațeg

Hațeg is a small town so you can walk around, but if you want to visit the landmarks in Hațeg Country you can take a taxi from the taxi station located near I.C. Bratianu National College.


Buffalo in Hațeg
  • 1 Kendeffy Castle (Castelul Kendeffy), Sântamărie Orlea (3 km from Hațeg). The Kendeffy family raised the stateliest noble mansion in Hateg Country, probably on the site of an older residence in Sântamarie Orlea. It is a complex of buildings, a massive residence, with a tower raised west of its northern façade and with two other outbuilings (the stables and the servants' house), lying Northwards, U-shaped. In the l8th century, a superb Latin inscription was laid above the entrance, testifying to the couple's love and featuring the coats of arms of the families who owned the building at the time.
  • 2 Sântămăria-Orlea Church (Biserica din Sântămăria-Orlea), Sântămărie Orlea. Knyaz Cândea's church, now Calvinist, once Catholic, is one of the oldest churches in Romania. Built at the end of the 13th century. In the 15th century, more frescoes of a clear Eastern origin were added to its altar. This interior mix makes the church in Sântamarie one of the most original medieval monuments in the whole of Transylvania, where the Catholic and the Orthodox denominations have coexisted in a surprising synthesis. The church is one of the very few Protestant churches in Hațeg Country.
Prislop Monastery
  • Prislop Monastery, Silvasu de Sus village (13 km from Hațeg). According to some local stories passed on by oral tradition, the monastery’s church may has been constructed by the apprentices of master-builder Nicodim in the 14th century. Research has shown that the architectural plan and even the structure of the monument combine all the characteristic features of the religious architecture of that epoch. The monastery underwent major repairs in 1564, through the generosity of Princess Zamfira, the daughter of Moise Voivode, who ruled over Walachia between 1529 and 1530. After her father had fallen in the battle of Viisoara that had taken place in 1530, the princess took refuge in the province of Transylvania, where she settled down and got married. She was entombed in this monastery. In 1762, General Bukow set fire to the monastic establishment, causing serious damage to it. Over the succeeding centuries it was renovated many times. Although the monastery has been a focus for the spiritual life of the Romanians beyond the Carpathian Mountains and had a great historical significance, it was closed down as a result of the Governmental Ordinance no 410/1959, issued on the orders of the communist authorities. In 1973, a monk settled on the premises and tried to revive the monastic life of this place. In 1976, through the persevering efforts of the ever-memorable Father Arsenie Boca and of Mother Zamfira Constantinescu, the holy establishment was reopened and served as a convent. After 1990, conservation, consolidation and restoration activities have been carried out within the monastery. A theological school for training both young female resident monastic and lay young women has also been accommodated in the monastery. In June 1992, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church decided to canonize Venerable Ioan of Prislop, who was one of the most outstanding representatives of the Romanian monasticism at the end of the 14th century. Antonie Plamadeala, Metropolitan of Ardeal, took religious vows and entered the monastic life in this very monastery. The holy establishment also shelters a monastic theological seminary.
Densus Church
  • 3 St. Nicholas Church, Densuș (Biserica Sf. Nicolae, Densuș), Densuș village (To reach the Church of Densuș one must drive about 10 km out of Hațeg town.), +40 254 775010. At Densuș exists a bizarre but very elegant church. It is very near from the former Roman Dacia capital - Colonia Ulpia Traiana Augusta Sarmizegetusa. This strange building from the Hateg County was the object of many controversies between scientists, eager to find its origins. Some had considered that the church was first a mausoleum for Roman general Longinus Maximus, killed by the Dacians; others that it was a temple for Mars god; Nicolae Iorga said that the monument dates from 14th century, and art historian Vatasescu in the last quarter of the 13th century. Many investigations were made. But the monument is still its mystery. It is assumed that the old church was modified along the centuries, especially at the end of the 13th. Built from river rocks, bricks with Roman inscriptions, funerary stones, canalizations, etc., taken from Ulpia Traiana, the Densus church has a bizarre aspect, being admired but also looked with astonishment. In the interior some fragments of painting are kept. The paintings from the upper naves and altar are signed by the artist Stefan (signature that can be seen till today) and are revealing the great artistic skills of the master. The features of the painting send us to those of the St. Nicolae Church from Curtea de Arges, built in the 14th century. The resemblance is telling us that a master from Vallachia was present here in Transylvania.
  • 4 The Buffalo Reservation (Rezervația de Zimbri Hațeg), Slivuț Forrest (situated 3 km from the center of the town). Zimbrul is a species of Buffalo found in Europe; it is the heaviest European land animal reaching up to 900 kg and a height of 1.9m.
  • Hațeg Village Museum Peșteana (Muzeul Satului Hațegan Peșteana).
  • Gura Apei Dam (40 km from Hațeg). Gura Apei Dam is built in the mountains about 40 km from Hateg, is the highest rockfill dam in Europe. Dam construction began in 1975.The dimensions of the dam are impressive: 168 meters high, 225 million cubic meters of water in the lake, the size of the entire dam surpasses three times that of the Keops pyramid.
  • Hațeg Country Dinosaur Geopark, Sânpetru commune,Hunedoara County (20 km away from Hațeg). If you're into really old things you can visit the Dinosaur Geopark from the Haţeg County. Near Sânpetru commune, a few km away from the European road E79, surrounded by a beautiful landscape, were found remnants of herbivorous dinosaurs along with those of turtles and crocodillians dating back to the time when the region was an island in the Tethys Sea. Fossils were found in different regions of Haţeg County, but the Dinosaur Geopark remains the best places were worldwide scientists can study the unique dwarf dinosaurs of Transylvania. Some of the fossils found here belong to dinosaur species such as Magyarosaurus dacus (a titanosaurid sauropod), Rhabdodon priscus (an iguanodontid), Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus (a “duck-billed” dinosaur) or Struthiosaurus transylvanicus (an ankylosaur or “armored dinosaur”) and other reptiles such as Kallokibotion bajazidi turtles, Allodaposuchus precedens crocodillians or the flying Hatzegopterix thambema.
  • Subcetate Fortress. Subcetate lies three km north-east of the highway between Sântamarie Orlea and the town of Hateg. Close to the entrance in Subcetate,on a height of 100 m difference of level, you can still see the ruins of the most important medieval fortress in Hateg. It was built in the late 13th century. Starting with the 15th century, it was the property of Cândea family of Râu de Mori, by the special grace of Prince Ioan of Hunedoara. Any role the fortress may have had was lost in the first half of the 16th century.
  • Răchitova Fortress, Răchitova commune. It was erected according to a design similar to the one of Colț,but by another noble family,the Musinesti family.


  • Go skiing in Râușor. Situated 35 km from Hațeg,Râușor has a ski slope,only ski slope in Retezat Mountains and also recognized as one of the best from the west of the country, is equipped with lifts having a length of 1300 m and a level difference of 380 m.




  • Artgrill Bistro. part of ArtHotel


  • Haos Club, Piața Unirii. M-Th 08:00-23:00, F 08:00-01:00, Sa 10:00-01:00, Su 10:00-23:00. Str.Tudor Vladimirescu bloc 30B
  • Club  T (Trattoria di Toto), Strada Tudor Vladimirescu 9.


  • Hotel Ferdinand, Str. Bisericilor nr. 2, +40 756 140 124. This brick hotel occupying the street corner provides free breakfast.
  • Art Motel, Strada Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 2 bl. 15, +40 254 772 344. doubles from 120 lei.
  • Vila Veche, Str. Timisoarei Nr 6, +40 354 414851. Little inn with a pool and restaurant and wine cellar.
  • Pensiunea Sarmis Cristal 3* (, Str. Progresului Nr.57, +40 754 030337.
  • Pensiunea Bunea Teodora, Str. Progresului, nr. 10, +40 254 777163. All rooms have bathroom. Kitchen, playground for children, covered terrace, barbecue and cable TV available. Doubles €80.
  • Pensiunea Gheorghiță 2*, Str. Carpati nr. 11, +40 254 777255, . All rooms have bathroom. Kitchen, cable TV and Internet available. Doubles 120 lei.
  • Vila Nicole, Strada Aurel Vlaicu Nr. 2, +40 785 490 428. This one is kind of fun because you may end up with a room that has a good view of the chocolatey Gaibena River flowing by just outside your window. 129 leu.





Hateg area code is 254 for Romtelecom and 354 for RDS. If you are calling from Romania you must dial 0254(0354) and if you are calling from abroad you must dial +40254(+40354).



There is one internet cafe in Hateg. Wi Fi is available at Haos Club and Club T. Many of the hotels have Internet access.

Go next

  • Retezat National Park
  • Deva, 43 km from Hațeg. Deva is the capital of Hunedoara County with Deva Citadel an impressive medieval fortress, built in the 13th century and partially blown up in 1849. Located on a hill overlooking the city.
  • Hunedoara, 20 km from Hațeg. The main attraction in Hunedoara is Corvinestilor Castle or Huniazilor Castle. The city has a zoo and near Hunedoara is Cincis Lake.
  • Orastie
  • Petrosani
This city travel guide to Hațeg is a usable article. It has information on how to get there and on restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.