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This user tries to do the right thing. If he makes a mistake, please let him know.
This user is a member of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.
This user is a member of Phi Alpha Theta national honor society.
Hello, fellow Wikipedians! I started editing on Wikipedia officially in December 2011. My interests are mainly in History, Geography, and Linguistics. I'm not particularly focused in one area at the moment, making edits where ever I can. I also wish to make easier links by expanding current pages, and once I become well-read enough to, create articles. However, I do feel that improving the articles that are on Wikipedia are more important than adding more articles (Quality over Quantity). My main edits so far have been history-related, and mainly about the Middle Ages, but, the articles I've worked on to get to GA status are of the natural sciences (Ornithology-related). If I'm not editing, I'm probably reading, whether it be books, or articles on Wikipedia and other sites. If I make any mistakes, do not hesitate to inform me.
I will try to join certain groups when I get the chance.
Topics of Interests
Middle Ages (Mainly c.800 to c.1500)
Holy Roman Empire (and pretty much anything I can find about it, whether it be people, events, culture, facts, etc.)
11th Century England, Spain and Italy (Sicily & Papal States)
14th-18th Century France
Byzantine relations with Western Europe 11th to 15th Centuries
Song Dynasty China (and Early Ming)
Heian, Kamakura, and Edo periods in Japan
Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphates
Early Modern Period (Huguenot & Catholic conflict in 16th and 17th Centuries, & know little of it, though, Worldwide contact within the 16th and 18th centuries)
Spanish Empire (Particulary Spanish Florida, New Spain in Present-Day U.S.)
Restoration England; and America during that era (Have yet to read about it yet, though)
Thomas Percy was a member of the failed Gunpowder Plot. Following King James's accession to the English throne in 1603, Percy became disenchanted with the new king, who he supposed had reneged on his promises of toleration for English Catholics. He joined Robert Catesby's conspiracy to kill the King and his ministers by blowing up the House of Lords with gunpowder. Percy helped fund the group and secured the leases to properties in London, including the undercroft beneath the House of Lords where the gunpowder was placed. When the plot was exposed on 5 November 1605, Percy fled to the Midlands, catching up with other conspirators travelling to Dunchurch. At the border of Staffordshire, they were besieged by the Sheriff of Worcester and his men. Percy was reportedly killed by the same musket ball as Catesby and was buried nearby. His body was later exhumed, and his head exhibited outside Parliament. (This article is part of a featured topic: Gunpowder Plot.)
... that the Korean War allowed Don Bragg to set a UCLA basketball record for the most rebounds by a varsity freshman, which stood for almost 40 years?
The tentacled flathead (Papilloculiceps longiceps) is a species of marine fish belonging to the flathead family, Platycephalidae. It is found in the western Indian Ocean, including the Red Sea, and also in the Mediterranean Sea, probably as a result of migration through the Suez Canal. The tentacled flathead is a well camouflaged, ambush predator of fish and crustaceans, living near coral reefs on sand or rubble substrates at depths of up to 15 metres (49 feet). The species has an elongate body, with a maximum published length of 70 centimetres (28 inches), although 50 centimetres (20 inches) is more typical. It has a depressed head with five prominent nuchal spines, ridges on its operculum and preoperculum, a spine on the rear of the suborbital ridge, and smaller spines elsewhere. The body is mottled brownish or greenish dorsally, and whitish ventrally. There are three or four dark bands on the caudal fin, and the other fins are marked with large, dark blotches. This tentacled flathead was photographed in the Red Sea in Ras Muhammad National Park, off the southern coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.Photograph credit: Diego Delso
Note: I'm not necessarily the only or major editor (if significant at all) of these articles, however I do wish to see all of these articles reach a GA status at least.