Talk:Vox pop (disambiguation)

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Vox Pop was also the name of a radio quiz show in the US in the 30-40s, as explained below.

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One of the pioneering radio quiz programs, Vox Pop was the brainchild of one man, Parks Johnson, a former cotton broker, manager of a Texas oil company, veteran of World War I, and advertising salesman for radio station KTRH in Houston, Texas. When Vox Pop began in November 1932, Johnson and KTRH station manager Jerry Belcher quizzed passers-by on the streets of Houston. However, Johnson was a keen judge of the public taste and Vox Pop evolved from a quiz program heard locally in Houston to an audience participation program heard nationally from locations across the country and around the world. Before going off the air in 1948, Vox Pop also experienced changes in co-hosts, sponsors, and networks, but one thing remained the same: Parks Johnson's dedication to bringing the voice of public to the radio airwaves.

This site will allow you to explore Vox Pop's HISTORY, as well as a CHRONOLOGY of the important stages in the show's evolution. You will be able to meet the HOSTS of the show, the men whose wit and charm brought out the stories and personalities of those they interviewed. You will find listings of the BROADCASTS arranged by LOCATION and by YEAR. You might even discover yourself to be a VOX POPPER if you or someone you know was ever interviewed on the program.

The information and photographs in this website come from the VOX POP COLLECTION, the incredible storehouse of information and primary materials that Parks Johnson saved to document the show's history.

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