Year | Location | Date | Deaths | Damage/Notes |
1550 | Florida Keys | N/A | N/A | Ship lost near Havana |
1551 | Gulf of Honduras | N/A | Many | One ship sunk, all drowned |
1553 | Western Florida | N/A | 700 | N/A |
1553 | Texas | N/A | Many drownings | Sixteen ships lost |
1554 | Cuba | November | N/A | One ship sank |
1554 | South Texas | N/A | N/A | Three ships lost |
1559 | Western Florida | August 20 | 500 | N/A |
1565 | Offshore Eastern Florida | September 22 | N/A | French ships lost at sea |
1566 | Eastern Florida | September 13 | N/A | N/A |
1566 | Offshore Eastern Florida | September 24 | N/A | N/A |
1566 | Gulf of Mexico | N/A | 5+ | Four ships destroyed |
1567 | Near Dominica | N/A | N/A | Six ships destroyed |
1571 | St. Augustine, Florida | N/A | N/A | Heavy flooding, two ships lost |