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==Internments in the ''Gulag''==
Kapler is also known as the first love of [[Joseph Stalin]]'s underaged daughter, [[Svetlana Alliluyeva]]. According to Stalin's daughter, that was the reason for Kapler to be sentenced in 1943 to five years in exile on charges of [[anti-Soviet agitation]].<ref>{{cite news|last1=Sopelnyak|first1=Boris|title=10 лет за ночь с дочерью Сталина|url=|agency=Mir Novostey|issue=735|access-date=16 June 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=3 January 2015|dead-url=yes|df=dmy-all}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Sopelnyak|first1=Boris|title=10 лет за ночь с дочерью Сталина. Ending|url=|agency=Mir Novostey|issue=736|access-date=16 June 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=3 January 2015|dead-url=yes|df=dmy-all}}</ref> He was sent to [[Vorkuta]] region, where he worked as a photographer and lived in a tiny room partitioned off in the corner of the local photo studio.<ref> Boris Sopelniak Ten Years in Jail for a Kiss from Stalin’s Daughter</ref>
In 1948, he was convicted a second time and spent five more years in [[Intalag|Inta]] labour camps, being finally released only in July 1953.<ref>[ Biography of Aleksei Kapler] on</ref> After returning from the [[Gulag]], Kapler continued working on cinema and TV.