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      Japanese-American evacuation and resettlement : during World War II / [director of the study] Dorothy   Books 1969
      The spoilage / by Dorothy Swaine Thomas and Richard S. Nishimoto ; with contributions by Rosalie A. H Thomas, Dorothy Swaine Thomas,  Books 1969
      Four centuries of Portuguese expansion, 1415-1825; a succinct survey, by C. R. Boxer. Boxer, C. R.  Books 1969
      Approaches to the history of Spain / by Jaime Vicens Vives ; translated and edited by Joan Connelly U Vicens Vives, Jaime.  Books 1970
      Hindus of the Himalayas; ethnography and change, by Gerald D. Berreman. - Berreman, Gerald D.  Books 1972
      Hindus of the Himalayas: ethnography and change. by Gerald D. Berreman. Berreman, Gerald Duane,  Books 1963
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      A flora of the marshes of California. Mason, Herbert L.  Books 1957
      Basic color terms; their universality and evolution [by] Brent Berlin and Paul Kay. Berlin, Brent.  Books 1969
      Early Netherlandish triptychs; a study in patronage. Blum, Shirley Neilsen.  Books 1969
      A stereotaxic brain atlas for Macaca nemestrina [by] W.D. Winters, R.T. Kado, and W.R. Adey. Winters, Wallace Dudley,  Books 1969
      Theories of modern art; a source book by artists and critics [by] Herschel B. Chipp [with] contributi Chipp, Herschel Browning.  Books 1968
      Samuel Beckett: his works and his critics; an essay in bibliography / Raymond Federman and John Fletc Federman, Raymond.  Books 1970
      Informal speech : alphabetic & phonemic texts with statistical analyses and tables / by Edward C. Car Carterette, Edward C  Books 1974
      Collective bargaining and productivity; the longshore mechanization agreement [by] Paul T. Hartman. Hartman, Paul T.  Books 1969
      The figure of echo : a mode of allusion in Milton and after / John Hollander. Hollander, John.  Books c1981
      History of the Mongols : based on Eastern and Western accounts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centu Spuler, Bertold,  Books 1988
      Rhizoctonia solani, biology and pathology. Edited by J. R. Parmeter, Jr.   Books 1970
      Mark Twain's Hannibal, Huck & Tom / edited with an introduction by Walter Blair. Twain, Mark,  Books 1969
      The Olmec world / by Ignacio Bernal ; translated by Doris Heydon and Fernando Horcasitas. Bernal, Ignacio,  Books 1969
0520015045 / 6.50     
      The earliest English poems; a bilingual edition. Translated and introduced by Michael Alexander. Alexander, Michael J.  Books 1970
      Tradition and creativity in tribal art. / Edited and with an introd. by Daniel P. Biebuyck.   Books 1969
      The measurement of sensation; a critique of perceptual psychophysics [by] C. Wade Savage. Savage, C. Wade.  Books 1970
      Albucasis on surgery and instruments; a definitive ed. of the Arabic text with English translation a Abū al-Qāsim Khalaf ibn ʻAbbās al-Zahrāwī,  Books 1973
      Principles of phonology [by] N. S. Trubetzkoy. Translated by Christiane A. M. Baltaxe. Trubet︠s︡koĭ, Nikolaĭ Sergeevich,  Books 1969
0520015398 / (pbk.)1.80     
      The white devil / Edited by Clive Hart. Webster, John,  Books 1970
0520015398 (pbk.)      
      The white devil. Edited by Clive Hart. Webster, John,  Books 1970
      A grammar of motives. Burke, Kenneth,  Books 1969
      A rhetoric of motives / by Kenneth Burke. Burke, Kenneth,  Books 1969
0520015479 / (hardback)     
      The drawings of Edouard Manet / Alain de Leiris. De Leiris, Alain.  Books 1969
0520015538 (pbk.)      
      Ideology and organization in Communist China [by] Franz Schurmann. Schurmann, Franz,  Books 1968
      Agricultural development in Asia. Edited by R. T. Shand. Shand, R. T.  Books 1969
      Matupit; land, politics, and change among the Tolai of New Britain [by] A. L. Epstein. Epstein, A. L.  Books 1969
      The politics of Formosan nationalism / Douglas Mendel. Mendel, Douglas Heusted,  Books 1970
0520015584: / $17.50     
      The private sector in Soviet agriculture. Edited by George Karcz. Translated by Keith Bush. - Wädekin, Karl Eugen.  Books 1973
      Science and morality in medicine ; a survey of medical educators / [by] Earl R. Babbie. Babbie, Earl R.  Books 1970
0520015606 : / $6.00     
      The malice of empire, by Yao Hsin-nung. Translated and with an introd. by Jeremy Ingalls. Yao, Ke,  Books 1970
      Housing; the social and economic elements / Wallace F. Smith. Smith, Wallace Francis,  Books 1970
0520015622: / 6.50     
      Squall across the Atlantic; American Civil War prize cases and diplomacy [by] Stuart L. Bernath. Bernath, Stuart L.  Books 1970
      Pierre Attaingnant: royal printer of music; a historical study and bibliographical catalogue. Heartz, Daniel.  Books 1969
      Military theory and practice in the age of Xenophon [by] J. K. Anderson. Anderson, J. K.  Books 1970
      Letters from California, 1846-1847. Edited, with a sketch of the life and times of their author, by D Garner, William Robert,  Books 1970
      Letters from California, 1846-1847 / Edited, with a sketch of the life and times of their author, by Garner, William Robert,  Books 1970
      Toward restoration; the growth of political consciousness in Tokugawa Japan [by] H.D. Harootunian. Harootunian, Harry D.,  Books 1970
      Toward restoration ; the growth of political consciousness in Tokugawa Japan / [by] H. D. Harootunian Harootunian, Harry D.,  Books 1970
      The Mexican Revolution: Federal expenditure and social change since 1910 / by James W. Wilkie, with a Wilkie, James Wallace.  Books 1970
      The Mexican Revolution : Federal expenditure and social change since 1910 / by James W. Wilkie. With Wilkie, James Wallace.  Books 1967
      The Navajo Mountain community : social organization and kinship terminology / Mary Shepardson and Blo Shepardson, Mary,  Books 1970
      Custom & politics in urban Africa; a study of Hausa migrants in Yoruba towns. Cohen, Abner.  Books 1969
      The Jay treaty; political battleground of the Founding Fathers / Jerald A. Combs. Combs, Jerald A.  Books 1970
0520015754 (v. 1) varies      
      The diary of Samuel Pepys. A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matth Pepys, Samuel,  Books 1970
      The History of medical education; an international symposium held February 5-9, 1968. C.D. O'Malley,   Books 1970
      New India, 1885; British official policy and the emergence of the Indian National Congress. Martin, Briton.  Books 1969
      Aspects of prehistory / Grahame Clark. Clark, Grahame,  Books 1970
0520015851 / 6.50     
      Christian converts and social protest in Meiji Japan. Scheiner, Irwin.  Books 1970
      Myth and law among the Indo-Europeans; studies in Indo-European comparative mythology. Edited by Jaan   Books 1970
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