The seismicity of Iran. The Firuzabad (Nehavend) earthquake of 16 August 1958
Main Article Content
The Firuzabad (Iran) earthquake of the 16th August 1958
had a smaller magnitude (il/ = 6.6) than did the last major earthquake in
the same area which occurred on the 13th December 1957, and had a 7.1
magnitude. The Firuzabad earthquake killed 132 and injured about 200
people in 170 villages. It affected an area of 1,100 square kilometres -within
which 2,500 housing units were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. The
earthquake had its macroseismic epicentre somewhat southeast of the 1957
earthquake and the shock was felt over an area of 80,000 square kilometres.
The damage pattern from the Firuzabad earthquake did not resemble
that of the 1957 shock, in that the Firuzabad earthquake affected a smaller
region but was the more intense of the two. In contrast, the 1957 earthquake
had a somewhat more moderate surface intensity over a much wider area.
The Firuzabad earthquake was associated with a fault-zone at least
20 kilometres long. This earthquake and the seismic events of the previous
year as well as the aftershocks of the 21st of September 1958, show quite
clearly a progressive expansion of seismic activity along a northwest-southwest
axis in the Zagros mountains.
had a smaller magnitude (il/ = 6.6) than did the last major earthquake in
the same area which occurred on the 13th December 1957, and had a 7.1
magnitude. The Firuzabad earthquake killed 132 and injured about 200
people in 170 villages. It affected an area of 1,100 square kilometres -within
which 2,500 housing units were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. The
earthquake had its macroseismic epicentre somewhat southeast of the 1957
earthquake and the shock was felt over an area of 80,000 square kilometres.
The damage pattern from the Firuzabad earthquake did not resemble
that of the 1957 shock, in that the Firuzabad earthquake affected a smaller
region but was the more intense of the two. In contrast, the 1957 earthquake
had a somewhat more moderate surface intensity over a much wider area.
The Firuzabad earthquake was associated with a fault-zone at least
20 kilometres long. This earthquake and the seismic events of the previous
year as well as the aftershocks of the 21st of September 1958, show quite
clearly a progressive expansion of seismic activity along a northwest-southwest
axis in the Zagros mountains.
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How to Cite
AMBRASEYS, N., & MOINFAB, A. (1974). The seismicity of Iran. The Firuzabad (Nehavend) earthquake of 16 August 1958. Annals of Geophysics, 27(1-2), 1-21.