D� internationalArchive3/2024The Treatment of Growth Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence


The Treatment of Growth Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence

Dtsch Arztebl Int 2024; 121: 96-106. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.m2023.0247

Woelfle, J; Schnabel, D; Binder, G


Longitudinal growth in childhood is a complex process that is influenced by a variety of genetic, hormonal and environmental factors (1, e1, e2). Growth is assessed by comparing the development of a child�s height with data from suitable population-specific percentile curves. Current percentiles for the height development of children and adolescents in Germany are based on data from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS); these can be found on the homepage of the Robert Koch Institute. The range of genetic expectations and the child�s body proportions are also important for assessing height (eBox 1). Prolonged deviations in growth rate can lead to either short stature or tall stature. Short stature is defined as height below the 3rd percentile, tall stature as height above the 97th percentile (2, 3); thus, by definition, 3% of all children are abnormally tall and another 3% are abnormally short. Endocrine or osseous causes are rare, and nearly all of the approximately 650 different diseases that cause short stature are rare. The growth rate can also be assessed with pertinent percentile charts and should be calculated over a period of at least 6 months. Deviations of growth rate can reflect normal processes such as constitutional early or late development but can also result from a wide range of diseases. Any abnormalities should prompt a presentation to a pediatric endocrinologist (4). An illustration of the endocrine regulation of longitudinal growth, with potential targets for pharmacological intervention, is provided in Figure 1, and a list of differential diagnoses of growth disorders in Figures 2 and 3 (e3).

Endocrine regulation of longitudinal growth and potential pharmacological targets
Figure 1
Endocrine regulation of longitudinal growth and potential pharmacological targets
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with short stature
Figure 2
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with short stature
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with tall stature
Figure 3
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with tall stature
Definitions of familial target height and genetic expectation range
eBox 1
Definitions of familial target height and genetic expectation range

Learning objectives

This article should enable readers to:

  • gain an overview of the indications for the medical and surgical treatment of various diseases associated with growth disorders;
  • know the possibilities and limitations of medical and surgical treatment of specific forms of short stature;
  • be informed about the indications and risks of treatment for excessively tall stature.

The options for the treatment of growth disorders have expanded in recent years. In general, treatment consists either of hormone replacement therapy for patients with hormone deficiency, or of drugs or surgery that will affect longitudinal growth in order to achieve an adult height in the desired range. If drugs or surgery are used, the goals of treatment, its intended medical and psychosocial benefits, and its risks should be discussed beforehand in detail with the patients and their families, not only to prevent unrealistic expectations, but also to account properly for changing social attitudes towards below- or above-average height.


In this review, we address the currently approved and potentially emerging treatment options for children and adolescents with growth disorders from a pediatric endocrinological perspective. The review is based on current German (2, 3, 5) and international guidelines, and on expert recommendations (4). A selective PubMed search was also conducted for German- and English-language articles and reviews on the differential diagnosis and treatment of growth disorders. We searched for combinations of �short stature,� �tall stature,� �growth disorder,� �management,� �treatment,� and �therapy.�

The most clinically helpful works are cited directly, and further literature is listed in eReferences.

Reduced longitudinal growth and short stature

Treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH)

The first growth hormone (GH) for therapeutic purposes was extracted from cadaveric pituitary glands; its use in humans was first described in 1958 (6). Reports of the occurrence of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease after treatment with human growth hormone led to a moratorium on this form of treatment starting in 1985 (7). Some pituitary extracts were contaminated with prions, and their use resulted in deaths in many locations around the world (e4). Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) became available a short time later and enabled the affected patients to resume treatment soon after its obligatory interruption; rhGH has been prescribable in Germany since 1987.

The recombinantly produced proteohormone rhGH (recombinant human growth hormone) has the same structure as the hormone released by the pituitary gland. It is administered once per day before bedtime with the aid of a device for subcutaneous injection (dose for GH deficiency: 25�35 �g/kg). The evening administration is intended to mimic the physiologically high, pulsatile release of growth hormone during sleep. Six different rhGH preparations and one biosimilar can now be prescribed in Germany. The dose of rhGH is mainly determined by the weight of the patient. The safety and efficacy of rhGH are additional matters of importance (4). The efficacy of rhGH therapy is assessed on the basis of the growth rate achieved, the change in height, and the serum level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). In children of short stature with growth hormone deficiency, growth is greatly accelerated under rhGH therapy (catch-up growth). Growth is fastest in the first year of treatment and slows down thereafter, returning to the growth rate of normal children within a few years. At the same time, there is a normalization of body composition, with an increase in muscle mass and strength and a decrease in fat mass. A key factor for safety is that the IGF-1 level should stay within the physiological reference range (4). rhGH therapy should be continued until the end of growth (growth rate < 2 cm/year); in adolescents with severe growth hormone deficiency, it can be continued further. In adulthood, severe growth hormone deficiency causes dyslipidemia, increasing fat mass, decreasing muscle and bone mass, and a decline in physical performance. These changes can be counteracted by the continuation of rhGH therapy (8).

Long-term studies in children with GH deficiency have demonstrated the efficacy of rhGH and the achievement of an adult height that is on average 3�4 cm less than the familial target height (9, e5). The treatment of GH deficiency is less successful if catch-up growth cannot be completed before puberty, if the treatment is started late, if the diagnosis is in doubt, or if adherence is deficient. The side effect profile is favorable (e6); the rare serious side effects include pseudotumor cerebri (1 : 1116 patients) and epiphysiolysis of the femoral head (1 : 898 patients [e7]). The European long-term study SAGhE (Safety and Appropriateness of Growth hormone treatments in Europe), which followed up patients for as long as 30 years after the end of rhGH therapy, found no increased overall mortality compared to the normal population (10). rhGH therapy was also extended to other short stature disorders after it became available without restriction in 1987. rhGH has since been approved for growth promotion in girls with Ullrich-Turner syndrome and children with severe short stature after hypotrophy at birth (small for gestational age, SGA), Prader-Willi syndrome, SHOX deficiency (a genetic growth disorder related to Ullrich-Turner syndrome), Noonan syndrome, and chronic renal failure. Its efficacy for these indications is lower than for GH deficiency, and the recommended dose is 50�100% higher. Selected indications are listed in the Table.

Indications and efficacy data from RCTs for rhGH and other drugs for the treatment of short stature
Indications and efficacy data from RCTs for rhGH and other drugs for the treatment of short stature

Treatment with long-acting growth hormone (LAGH)

Long-acting growth hormone preparations (LAGH) have been approved and available for use in Germany since early 2022. Clinical testing in randomized controlled trials (RCT) with a treatment duration of 12 months demonstrated their non-inferiority to conventional rhGH ([19], Table). LAGH only need to be injected once a week. Clinical experience with these new drugs is limited, particularly with regard to their long-term safety and efficacy. The data available to date have not revealed any relevant differences in the side-effect profiles of long-acting and daily injected rhGH (e8). Unlike conventional rhGH, LAGH does not produce a stable IGF-1 serum concentration, but rather one that fluctuates over the course of the week. The resulting weekly cycle of IGF-1 concentration is non-physiological, and as a result the evaluation of IGF-1 measurements during treatment depends on their timing in relation to the administration of the drug. In view of the different pharmacology and the lack of long-term experience with these new drugs, LAGH should only be prescribed after the patient and/or his/her parents or guardians have been thoroughly informed and have explicitly chosen this form of treatment.

Treatment with recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-1 (mecasermin)

In 1966, Zvi Laron described a group of patients of short stature who had the low IGF-1 levels characteristic of GH deficiency despite relatively high GH serum levels (20). Subsequent analysis revealed that they had a defective GH receptor (e9). Mutations were later found in genes of the post-GH-receptor signaling cascade as well. All of these mutations are subsumed under the term severe GH insensitivity (GHIS) (e10). Recombinant human IGF-1 (mecasermin) was approved in the EU in 2007 by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as an orphan drug for the treatment of patients with so-called severe primary IGF-1 deficiency (21). Treatment with recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-1 (rhIGF-1) improves adult height, but not to the same extent as GH administration to treat GH deficiency (e5). rhIGF-1 replacement optimizes adult height by compensating for the deficient formation of endogenous IGF-1 that is due to the missing activation of GH receptors by GH. Further IGF-1-independent signaling pathways are also stimulated by GH, and thus rhIGF-1 cannot fully compensate for the interruption of GH-dependent signaling. The long-term studies carried out to date on patients with severe GHIS have shown a cumulative increase in height by approximately two standard deviations (21, 22), but only by approximately one standard deviation in patients with milder forms (23). This means that the adult height of treated patients often remains below normal despite treatment.

The main adverse effect of rhIGF-1 is hypoglycemia (18%). Thus, patients should always eat before a mecasermin injection to avoid hypoglycemia. Other reported complications include local reactions, enlargement of lymphoid tissue, the transient development of acromegalic facial features, and a slightly increased likelihood of intracranial hypertension with congestive papilledema and headache (23).

Treatment with vosoritide

The cause of achondroplasia is a gain-of-function mutation of the growth-regulating fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene (FGFR3 gene). This activating mutation leads to impaired enchondral ossification. The affected individuals have syndromic short stature with rhizomelic (i.e., proximally shortened) limbs and macrocephaly (mean adult height: 132 cm in men, 124 cm in women). Other skeletal anomalies may be present as well. Vosoritide was approved in late 2021 as a drug for the treatment of short stature in children with achondroplasia aged 2 years and above (for its mechanism of action, see the eFigure). Daily injections increase the annual growth rate by around 1.5 cm/year (24, 25, e11, e12). Data on the adult height of treated patients are not yet available. The available safety data have not yet shown any serious side effects; common adverse events include circulatory dysregulation (12% vs. 5% with placebo), dizziness and vomiting (27% vs. 20% with placebo) and local reactions at the injection site (73% vs. 48% with placebo). It also remains unclear whether the favorable changes in the spine that have been seen in the animal model will be reproduced in vosoritide-treated children with achondroplasia. Further sustained-release C-natriuretic peptide (CNP) analogs (e13), drugs with a different point of attack, and so-called long-acting preparations are being developed but have not yet been clinically tested e14).

Crosstalk between activated FGFR3 and NPR-B signaling
Crosstalk between activated FGFR3 and NPR-B signaling

Treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs to suppress puberty

The onset of puberty marks the beginning of the end of growth. With the aid of monthly subcutaneous injections of gonadotropin-releasing-hormone analog (GnRHa) depot preparations, the secretion of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland can be inhibited and gonadal activity reversibly suppressed. This form of treatment has few side effects. The efficacy of GnRHa in the treatment of central precocious puberty is undisputed (e15), but two controlled studies of GnRHa for the treatment of other conditions have shown no more than a marginal effect of GnRHa on adult height (26, e16). This result is probably explained by the fact that the pubertal growth rate is negatively correlated with the age of onset of puberty. Therefore, monotherapy with GnRHa to promote growth is not recommended. The recommendation is different if GnRHa is given in combination with growth hormone. An average gain in adult height of 6�9 cm has been described in children with growth hormone deficiency who were not treated with GH until late in puberty and were given GnRHa in addition (e17).

Treatment with aromatase inhibitors to suppress estradiol production

The senescence of the growth plate and its ultimate bony closure is effectuated by estradiol in both sexes. Inhibition of the last enzymatic step in estradiol production, the aromatization of testosterone, is therefore a promising pharmacological approach for prolonging the duration of body growth. A third-generation aromatase inhibitor (letrozole) has been used in boys with constitutionally delayed growth and puberty, and in boys with idiopathic short stature, in two different randomized and controlled trials (27, 28). The preliminary findings were positive, showing slowed bone maturation and increased residual growth, but no such effect was seen in the long-term outcome: in a follow-up study on idiopathic short stature, the patients treated with the drug became no taller in adulthood than the controls (e18). this form of treatment should thus still be considered experimental. Aromatase inhibitors are not approved for the treatment of short stature in Germany.

Treatment with oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is a synthetic anabolic steroid with a markedly lower virilizing effect than testosterone; unlike testosterone, it cannot be aromatized. Its use to treat idiopathic short stature has been found not just to accelerate growth, but also to accelerate bone maturation as well, so that it is not expected to increase adult height. Interestingly, however, three placebo-controlled studies have shown that girls with Ullrich-Turner syndrome who are treated with growth hormone become taller as adults if they are also given low doses of oxandrolone from the age of 8 to 10 onward (29). Mild virilization symptoms, such as deepening of the voice, occurred in 18.6% of girls who were so treated (e19). Oxandrolone is now only available in the USA and has not been approved for the treatment of short stature in Germany.

Surgery for short stature

Various surgical procedures have already been used for surgical limb lengthening. At first, the surgical lengthening of short limbs was mainly based on the ring-fixator method developed by Ilizarov. In recent years, internal implantable systems, so-called lengthening or distraction intramedullary nails, have come into increasing use (e20). Surgical limb lengthening has been performed mainly in patients with skeletal dysplasias such as achondroplasia. Depending on the underlying disease, mean height increases of 27 cm (12�40 cm) (e21) or 11�30 cm (e22) have been reported. These invasive procedures carry a risk of postoperative leg axis malalignment, infection, or functional impairment of the operated limb. Limb lengthening should be performed with highly restricted indications in children and adolescents.

Whether or not they decide to undergo surgery, patients with short stature should receive psychological support as needed. Patient organizations offer patient-parent seminars that address such topics as self-esteem, emphasizing personal strengths, and dealing with the limitations caused by short stature.

Growth acceleration and tall stature

Children or adolescents whose height is above the 97th percentile of their age group are, by definition, tall. The most common cause is a family history of tall stature. As a rule, such persons are already longer than their age group at birth and then grow at a normal to slightly above-average growth rate towards their genetic target height (30, e23). This situation differs from that of children or adolescents whose growth is pathologically accelerated, either transiently or permanently, resulting in a final height that outstrips their familial target range (e24).

The main causes of tall stature are shown in Figure 3 (e1). Although the prevalence of tall stature is as high as that of short stature (3% each), children/adolescents with tall stature are seen much less frequently in pediatric endocrinology (30).

The treatment of children and adolescents with tall stature

In most cases, tall stature is not due to a disease and requires no treatment. Treatment to reduce final height may be sought if the predicted adult height is more than 2.5 standard deviations above the population mean (examples in eBox 2) and the predicted adult height is considered unacceptable for psychosocial reasons (e25).

Two illustrative cases of tall stature
eBox 2
Two illustrative cases of tall stature

There is hardly any evidence, however, that tall adults have more social or emotional difficulties than adults of normal height. The question therefore arises what might ethically justify the treatment of adolescents because they are too tall. Disease-related tallness is treated in different ways depending on its cause; the causes include hormone excess, amongst others precocious (pseudo-)puberty (e26), hyperthyroidism (e27), and gigantism (e28). The presence of comorbidities may indicate that the individual�s tall stature is syndromic (30).

There is no consensus on when treatment to limit longitudinal growth is indicated. The decision to treat tall stature should therefore be made by the patient and his or her parents. The physician is responsible for providing detailed, individualized information (3). A schematic summary of how to proceed is given in Figure 4.

Treatment of children with tall stature
Figure 4
Treatment of children with tall stature

Treatment with sex steroids

Sex steroids have been used since the late 1950s to reduce the height of tall boys and girls, on the basis of the observation that patients with untreated precocious puberty have skeletal age acceleration and premature epiphyseal joint closure i (31). In girls, the treatment is carried out (after exclusion of a coagulopathy) with supraphysiological levels of sex steroids, supplemented by a progestin for 10�14 days per month for cycle regulation. If possible, combination therapy should be continued until adult height is reached (3). The average effect on height reduction is approximately 5 cm, depending on age at the start of treatment (3). Patients and their parents should be informed about side effects such as increased weight gain, an increased risk of thromboembolic events, galactorrhea, and ovarian cysts (e29, e30, e31). Several independent studies (32, 33, 34) have shown that high-dose estrogen therapy can impair long-term fertility by lowering the probability of conception. A higher percentage of women who were so treated remained childless despite a desire for children and underwent treatment for infertility, compared to a control group of women with tall stature who were not so treated (1.8 times the risk of not becoming pregnant within 12 months, and twice the risk of being treated for infertility) (32). Adolescent women with tall stature who were treated with very high doses of ethinylestradiol (250�1000 �g) had a slightly increased risk of melanoma compared to untreated women of tall stature (e32).

In analogy to therapy for tall girls, treatment with supraphysiologic doses of sex steroids can be considered for tall boys (testosterone enanthate). The average reduction of height by means of this therapy is 5 cm (35). Side effects of testosterone therapy include aggressive behavior, priapism, gynecomastia, and acne vulgaris (36, e33). Studies of fertility and sperm quality in men who had undergone high-dose testosterone therapy yielded normal findings (37). The risk of cancer in treated men has not yet been systematically investigated (38).

Epiphysiodesis of the growth plates adjacent to the knee joint

Bilateral epiphysiodesis of the growth plates adjacent to the knee was first published in the late 1990s as an alternative to pharmacologic treatment to limit excessive longitudinal growth (e34). This involves bilateral percutaneous epiphysiodesis of the distal end of femur and of the proximal ends of the tibia and fibula. The timing should be based on the growth prognosis, pubertal status, and desired size reduction (39). Benyi (2010) recommends surgery in girls before menarche and before a bone age of 12.5 years, and in boys before a bone age of 14 years. With this approach, a reduction of 33% of prospective residual growth was achieved (e35). Postoperative knee pain is reportedly a common complication; wound infection is less common (e36). A size reduction of about 5 cm has been reported with this procedure even in patients with an advanced bone age (40).

Epiphysiodesis alters body proportions, but, since most tall people have relatively long lower limbs, the ratio of sitting height to total height after treatment is closer to the population average than before (e36).

Experimental treatment with somatostatin analogs

The first publications on the use of somatostatin analogs appeared at the beginning of the 1990s. Only a few therapeutic trials with small case numbers were published, and these showed only minor effects on the predicted adult height (e37). Bone age acceleration was generally not observed. Side effects such as cholelithiasis, transient diarrhea, and abdominal pain were described. After analyzing their experimental data, the authors did not recommend the use of somatostatin analogs to limit excessive growth.

Psychological support

Especially in adolescent girls, acceptance is a common problem when an above-average adult height is predicted. If major psychosocial stress results, the affected children and adolescents should be given psychological support to help them adapt and enable them to mobilize their personal resources to cope with stress (3).

Overview and perspectives

There is only a limited palette of medical and surgical treatment approaches. The decision process for or against treatment should involve a careful weighing of the current and predicted somatic and psychosocial limitations caused by whatever condition is producing the abnormal stature. The patients and their parents should be informed realistically and in detail about the benefits and risks of treatment.

Conflict of interest statement
Prof. W�lfle has received lecture honoraria, and compensation for serving on advisory boards and as a consultant, from Ascendis, BioMarin, Hexal/Sandoz, Novo Nordisk, and Pfizer Pharma.He is a paid advisory board member for Ascendis, BioMarin, Hexal/Sandoz and Novo Nordisk. He is member of the board of directors of the German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology and Diabetology (Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r p�diatrische und adoleszente Endokrinologie und Diabetologie, DGPAED) and of the German Association of People of Short Stature and their Families (Bundesverband kleinw�chsiger Menschen und ihrer Familien, BKMF).

Dr. Schnabel has received lecture honoraria, and compensation for serving on advisory boards and as a consultant, from Ascendis, BioMarin, Hexal/Sandoz, Kyowa Kirin, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer Pharma. He has received travel support from Novo Nordisk and Kyowa Kirin. He serves as a paid advisory member for Ascendis, BioMarin, Hexal/Sandoz, Kyowa Kirin, and Novo Nordisk. He has received funding for industry-sponsored clinical trials in the field of achondroplasia from Ascendis. He is member of the board of directors of the German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology and Diabetology (Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r p�diatrische und adoleszente Endokrinologie und Diabetologie, DGPAED)

Prof. Binder has received lecture honoraria, and compensation for serving on advisory boards and as a consultant, from Ferring, Ipsen, Lilly, Merck Serono, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer und Sandoz/Hexal. He has received travel support from Novo Nordisk and Pfizer. He serves as a paid advisory member for Ascendis, Merck Serono, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, and Sandoz/Hexal. He has received funding from Novo Nordisk for a study of pharmocogenetics of growth hormone treatment.

Manuscript received on 28 February 2023, revised version accepted on 21 August 2023.

Translated from the original German by Ethan Taub, M.D.

Corresponding author

Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Woelfle

Kinder- und Jugendklinik der Friedrich-Alexander-Universit�t


Loschgestr. 15

D-91054 Erlangen, Germany


Cite this as:
Woelfle J, Schnabel D, Binder G: The treatment of growth disorders in childhood and adolescence. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2024; 121: 96�106. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.m2023.0247

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de Waal WJ, Vreeburg JT, Bekkering F, et al.: High dose testosterone therapy for reduction of final height in constitutionally tall boys: does it influence testicular function in adulthood? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1995; 43: 87�95 CrossRef MEDLINE
Hendriks AE, Boellaard WP, van Casteren NJ, et al.: Fatherhood in tall men treated with high-dose sex steroids during adolescence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 5233�40 CrossRef MEDLINE
Willinger M, Schreiner M, Kolb A, Windhager R, Chiari C: Epiphyseodesis for the treatment of tall stature and leg discrepancy. Wien Med Wochenschr 2021; 171: 133�41 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Goedegebuure WJ, Jonkers F, Boot AM, et al.: Long-term follow-up after bilateral percutaneous epiphysiodesis around the knee to reduce excessive predicted final height. Arch Dis Child 2018; 103: 219�23 CrossRef MEDLINE
Gohlke B, Woelfle J: Growth and puberty in German children: is there still a positive secular trend? Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106: 377�82 VOLLTEXT
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC): Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents� growth and development. Nature 2023; 615: 874�83 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Woelfle J: Hochwuchs. In: Diederich S, Feldkamp J, Gru�endorf M, Reincke M (eds.): Referenz Endokrinologie und Diabetologie. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag 2020.
Hintz RL: The prismatic case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease associated with pituitary growth hormone treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1995; 80: 2298�2301 CrossRef CrossRef MEDLINE
Root AW, Dana K, Lippe B: Treatment of growth hormone-deficient infants with recombinant human growth hormone to near-adult height: patterns of growth. Horm Res Paediatr 2011; 75: 276�83 CrossRef MEDLINE
S�vendahl L, Polak M, Backeljauw P, et al.: Long-term safety of growth hormone treatment in childhood: two large observational studies: NordiNet IOS and ANSWER. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2021; 106: 1728�41 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Darendeliler F, Karagiannis G, Wilton P: Headache, idiopathic intracranial hypertension and slipped capital femoral epiphysis during growth hormone treatment: a safety update from the KIGS database. Horm Res 2007; 68 (Suppl. 5): 41�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
Mameli C, Orso M, Calcaterra V, et al.: Efficacy, safety, quality of life, adherence and cost-effectiveness of long-acting growth hormone replacement therapy compared to daily growth hormone in children with growth hormone deficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pharmacol Res 2023; 193: 106805 CrossRef MEDLINE
Eshet R, Laron Z, Pertzelan A, Arnon R, Dintzman M: Defect of human growth hormone receptors in the liver of two patients with Laron-type dwarfism. Isr J Med Sci 1984; 20: 8�11.
Woelfle J: Wachstumshormoninsensitivit�t und schwerer prim�rer Mangel an insulin�hnlichem Wachstumsfaktor-1. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2014; 162: 309�14 CrossRef
Savarirayan R, Baratela W, Butt T, et al.: Literature review and expert opinion on the impact of achondroplasia on medical complications and health-related quality of life and expectations for long-term impact of vosoritide: a modified Delphi study. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2022; 17: 224 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Savarirayan R, Irving M, Harmatz P, et al.: Growth parameters in children with achondroplasia: a 7-year, prospective, multinational, observational study. Genet Med 2022; 24: 2444�52 CrossRef MEDLINE
Breinholt VM, Mygind PH, Christoffersen ED, et al.: Phase 1 safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics results of a long-acting C-type natriuretic peptide prodrug, TransCon CNP. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2022; 88: 4763�72 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Schneider EL, Carreras CW, Reid R, Ashley GW, Santi DV: A long-acting C-natriuretic peptide for achondroplasia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022; 119: e2201067119 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Klein KO, Barnes KM, Jones JV, Feuillan PP, Cutler GB Jr: Increased final height in precocious puberty after long-term treatment with LHRH agonists: the National Institutes of Health experience. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86: 4711�6 CrossRef MEDLINE
Cassio A, Cacciari E, Balsamo A, Bal M, Tassinari D: Randomised trial of LHRH analogue treatment on final height in girls with onset of puberty aged 7.5�8.5 years. Arch Dis Child 1999; 81: 329�32 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Wit JM, Oostdijk W: Novel approaches to short stature therapy. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 29: 353�66 CrossRef MEDLINE
Varimo T, Toiviainen-Salo S, Raivio T, Kerttula L, Dunkel L, Hero M: Letrozole monotherapy in pre- and early-pubertal boys does not increase adult height. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2019; 10: 201 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Mohamed S, Alkofide H, Adi YA, Amer YS, AlFaleh K: Oxandrolone for growth hormone-treated girls aged up to 18 years with Turner syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2019; 2019: CD010736 CrossRef MEDLINE
Kim SJ, Pierce W, Sabharwal S: The etiology of short stature affects the clinical outcome of lower limb lengthening using external fixation. A systematic review of 18 trials involving 547 patients. Acta Orthop 2014; 85: 181�6 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Paley D: Extensive limb lengthening for achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia. Children (Basel) 2021; 8: 540 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Schiedel F, R�dl R: Lower limb lengthening in patients with disproportionate short stature with achondroplasia: a systematic review of the last 20 years. Disabil Rehabil 2012; 34: 982�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
Leung AKC, Leung AAC, Hon KL: Tall stature in children. Adv Pediatr 2019; 66: 161�76 CrossRef MEDLINE
Corredor B, Dattani M, Gertosio C, Bozzola M: Tall stature: a challenge for clinicians. Curr Pediatr Rev 2019; 15: 10�21 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Hannema ES, Savendahl L: The evaluation and management of tall stature. Horm Res Paediatr 2016; 85: 347�52 CrossRef MEDLINE
Heger S, Paetow U: S1-Leitlinie: Pubertas pr�cox. AWMF online � Das Portal der wissenschaftlichen Medizin 2019. https://register.awmf.org/assets/guidelines/174�015l_S1_Pubertas-praecox_2019�05.pdf (last accessed on 14 January 2023).
Mooji CF, Cheetham TD, Verburg FA, et al.: European Thyroid Association Guideline for the management of pediatric graves� disease. Eur Thyroid J 2022; 11: e210073 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Urakami T: Tall stature in children and adolescents. Minerva Pediatr 2020;72: 472�83 CrossRef MEDLINE
Davies JH, Cheetham T: Investigation and management of tall stature. Arch Dis Child 2014; 99: 772�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
Upners EN, Juul A: Evaluation and phenotypic characteristics of 293 Danish girls with tall stature: effects of oral administration of natural 17β-estradiol. Pediatr Res 2016; 80: 693�701 CrossRef MEDLINE
Meazza C, Gertosio C, Giacchero R, Pagani S, Bozzola M: Tall stature: a difficult diagnosis? Ital J Pediatr 2017; 43: 66�74 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Benyi E, Kieler H, Linder M, et al.: Risks of malignant and non-malignant tumours in tall women treated with high-dose oestrogen during adolescence. Horm Res Paediatr 2014; 82: 89�96 CrossRef MEDLINE
Reinehr T, Gueldensupp M, Wunsch R, Bramswig JH: Treatment of tall stature in boys: comparison of two different treatment regimens. Horm Res Paediatr 2011; 76: 343�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
Plaeschaert VF, van der Eijken JW, Odink RJ, Delemare HA, Caron JJ: Bilateral epiphysiodesis around the knee as treatment for excessive height in boys. J Pediatr Orthop 1997; 6: 212�4 CrossRef MEDLINE
Benyi E, Berner M, Bjernekull I, et al.: Efficacy and safety of percutaneous epiphysiodesis operation around the knee to reduce adult height in extremely tall adolescent girls and boys. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol 2010; 2010: 740629 CrossRef CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Odink RJ, Gerver WJ, Heeg M, Rouwe CW, van Waarde WM, Sauer PJ: Reduction of excessive height in boys by bilateral percutaneous epiphysiodesis around the knee. Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165: 50�4 CrossRef MEDLINE
Noordam C, van Daalen S, Otten BJ: Treatment of tall stature in boys with somatostatin analogue 201�995: effect on final height. Eur J Endocrinol 2006; 154: 253�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
Lorget F, Kaci N, Peng J, et al.: Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of a CNP analog in a Fgfr3 mouse model recapitulating achondroplasia. Am J Hum Genet 2012; 91: 1108�14 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen: Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Woelfle
Centre for Chronic Sick Children, Paediatric Endocrinology, Charit�, University Medicine Berlin, Berlin: Dr. med. Dirk Schnabel
Pediatric Endocrinology, University Children�s Hospital, Universiy of Tuebingen, Tuebingen: Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Binder
Endocrine regulation of longitudinal growth and potential pharmacological targets
Figure 1
Endocrine regulation of longitudinal growth and potential pharmacological targets
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with short stature
Figure 2
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with short stature
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with tall stature
Figure 3
Schematic differential-diagnostic evaluation of children with tall stature
Treatment of children with tall stature
Figure 4
Treatment of children with tall stature
Indications and efficacy data from RCTs for rhGH and other drugs for the treatment of short stature
Indications and efficacy data from RCTs for rhGH and other drugs for the treatment of short stature
Definitions of familial target height and genetic expectation range
eBox 1
Definitions of familial target height and genetic expectation range
Two illustrative cases of tall stature
eBox 2
Two illustrative cases of tall stature
Crosstalk between activated FGFR3 and NPR-B signaling
Crosstalk between activated FGFR3 and NPR-B signaling
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15.Ozono K, Ogata T, Horikawa R, et al.: Efficacy and safety of two doses of Norditropin(somatropin) in short stature due to Noonan syndrome: a 2-year randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial in Japanese patients. Endocr J 2018; 65: 159�74 CrossRef MEDLINE
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22.Chernausek SD, Backeljauw PF, Frane J, Kuntze J, Underwood LE, GH Insensitivity Syndrome Collaborative Group: Long-term treatment with recombinant insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I in children with severe IGF-I deficiency due to growth hormone insensitivity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007; 92: 902�10 CrossRef MEDLINE
23.Bang P, Polak M, Woelfle J, Houchard A, EU IGFD Registry Study Group: Effectiveness and Safety of rhIGF-1 Therapy in Children: the European Increlex Growth Forum Database Experience. Horm Res Paediatr 2015; 83: 345�57 CrossRef MEDLINE
24.Savarirayan R, Irving M, Bacino CA, et al.: C-type natriuretic peptide analogue therapy in children with achondroplasia. N Engl J Med 2019; 381: 25�35 CrossRef MEDLINE
25.Savarirayan R, Tofts L, Irving M, et al.: Once-daily, subcutaneous vosoritide therapy in children with achondroplasia: a randomised, double-blind, phase 3, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial. Lancet 2020; 396: 684�92 CrossRef MEDLINE
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31.Drop SL, De Waal WJ, De Muinck Keizer-Schrama SM: Sex steroid treatment of constitutionally tall stature. Endocr Rev 1998; 19: 540�58 CrossRef CrossRef
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33.Hendriks AE, Drop SL, Laven JS, Boot AM: Fertility of tall girls treated with high-dose estrogen, a dose-response relationship. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012; 97: 3107�14 CrossRef MEDLINE
34.Hendriks AE, Laven JS, Valkenburg O, et al.: Fertility and ovarian function in high-dose estrogen-treated tall women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011; 96: 1098�105 CrossRef MEDLINE
35.Binder G, Grauer ML, Wehner AV, Wehner F, Ranke MB: Outcome in tall stature. Final height and psychological aspects in 220 patients with and without treatment. Eur J Pediatr 1997; 156: 905�10 CrossRef MEDLINE
36.Lemcke B, Zentgraf J, Behre HM, Kliesch S, Br�mswig JH, Nieschlag E: Long-term effects on testicular function of high-dose testosterone treatment for excessively tall stature. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996; 81: 296�301 CrossRef CrossRef MEDLINE
37.de Waal WJ, Vreeburg JT, Bekkering F, et al.: High dose testosterone therapy for reduction of final height in constitutionally tall boys: does it influence testicular function in adulthood? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1995; 43: 87�95 CrossRef MEDLINE
38.Hendriks AE, Boellaard WP, van Casteren NJ, et al.: Fatherhood in tall men treated with high-dose sex steroids during adolescence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2010; 95: 5233�40 CrossRef MEDLINE
39.Willinger M, Schreiner M, Kolb A, Windhager R, Chiari C: Epiphyseodesis for the treatment of tall stature and leg discrepancy. Wien Med Wochenschr 2021; 171: 133�41 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
40.Goedegebuure WJ, Jonkers F, Boot AM, et al.: Long-term follow-up after bilateral percutaneous epiphysiodesis around the knee to reduce excessive predicted final height. Arch Dis Child 2018; 103: 219�23 CrossRef MEDLINE
e1.Gohlke B, Woelfle J: Growth and puberty in German children: is there still a positive secular trend? Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106: 377�82 VOLLTEXT
e2.NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC): Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents� growth and development. Nature 2023; 615: 874�83 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e3.Woelfle J: Hochwuchs. In: Diederich S, Feldkamp J, Gru�endorf M, Reincke M (eds.): Referenz Endokrinologie und Diabetologie. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag 2020.
e4.Hintz RL: The prismatic case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease associated with pituitary growth hormone treatment. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1995; 80: 2298�2301 CrossRef CrossRef MEDLINE
e5.Root AW, Dana K, Lippe B: Treatment of growth hormone-deficient infants with recombinant human growth hormone to near-adult height: patterns of growth. Horm Res Paediatr 2011; 75: 276�83 CrossRef MEDLINE
e6.S�vendahl L, Polak M, Backeljauw P, et al.: Long-term safety of growth hormone treatment in childhood: two large observational studies: NordiNet IOS and ANSWER. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2021; 106: 1728�41 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e7.Darendeliler F, Karagiannis G, Wilton P: Headache, idiopathic intracranial hypertension and slipped capital femoral epiphysis during growth hormone treatment: a safety update from the KIGS database. Horm Res 2007; 68 (Suppl. 5): 41�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
e8.Mameli C, Orso M, Calcaterra V, et al.: Efficacy, safety, quality of life, adherence and cost-effectiveness of long-acting growth hormone replacement therapy compared to daily growth hormone in children with growth hormone deficiency: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pharmacol Res 2023; 193: 106805 CrossRef MEDLINE
e9.Eshet R, Laron Z, Pertzelan A, Arnon R, Dintzman M: Defect of human growth hormone receptors in the liver of two patients with Laron-type dwarfism. Isr J Med Sci 1984; 20: 8�11.
e10.Woelfle J: Wachstumshormoninsensitivit�t und schwerer prim�rer Mangel an insulin�hnlichem Wachstumsfaktor-1. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2014; 162: 309�14 CrossRef
e11.Savarirayan R, Baratela W, Butt T, et al.: Literature review and expert opinion on the impact of achondroplasia on medical complications and health-related quality of life and expectations for long-term impact of vosoritide: a modified Delphi study. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2022; 17: 224 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e12.Savarirayan R, Irving M, Harmatz P, et al.: Growth parameters in children with achondroplasia: a 7-year, prospective, multinational, observational study. Genet Med 2022; 24: 2444�52 CrossRef MEDLINE
e13.Breinholt VM, Mygind PH, Christoffersen ED, et al.: Phase 1 safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics results of a long-acting C-type natriuretic peptide prodrug, TransCon CNP. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2022; 88: 4763�72 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e14.Schneider EL, Carreras CW, Reid R, Ashley GW, Santi DV: A long-acting C-natriuretic peptide for achondroplasia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022; 119: e2201067119 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e15.Klein KO, Barnes KM, Jones JV, Feuillan PP, Cutler GB Jr: Increased final height in precocious puberty after long-term treatment with LHRH agonists: the National Institutes of Health experience. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86: 4711�6 CrossRef MEDLINE
e16.Cassio A, Cacciari E, Balsamo A, Bal M, Tassinari D: Randomised trial of LHRH analogue treatment on final height in girls with onset of puberty aged 7.5�8.5 years. Arch Dis Child 1999; 81: 329�32 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e17.Wit JM, Oostdijk W: Novel approaches to short stature therapy. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 29: 353�66 CrossRef MEDLINE
e18.Varimo T, Toiviainen-Salo S, Raivio T, Kerttula L, Dunkel L, Hero M: Letrozole monotherapy in pre- and early-pubertal boys does not increase adult height. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2019; 10: 201 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e19.Mohamed S, Alkofide H, Adi YA, Amer YS, AlFaleh K: Oxandrolone for growth hormone-treated girls aged up to 18 years with Turner syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2019; 2019: CD010736 CrossRef MEDLINE
e20.Kim SJ, Pierce W, Sabharwal S: The etiology of short stature affects the clinical outcome of lower limb lengthening using external fixation. A systematic review of 18 trials involving 547 patients. Acta Orthop 2014; 85: 181�6 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e21.Paley D: Extensive limb lengthening for achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia. Children (Basel) 2021; 8: 540 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e22.Schiedel F, R�dl R: Lower limb lengthening in patients with disproportionate short stature with achondroplasia: a systematic review of the last 20 years. Disabil Rehabil 2012; 34: 982�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
e23.Leung AKC, Leung AAC, Hon KL: Tall stature in children. Adv Pediatr 2019; 66: 161�76 CrossRef MEDLINE
e24.Corredor B, Dattani M, Gertosio C, Bozzola M: Tall stature: a challenge for clinicians. Curr Pediatr Rev 2019; 15: 10�21 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e25.Hannema ES, Savendahl L: The evaluation and management of tall stature. Horm Res Paediatr 2016; 85: 347�52 CrossRef MEDLINE
e26.Heger S, Paetow U: S1-Leitlinie: Pubertas pr�cox. AWMF online � Das Portal der wissenschaftlichen Medizin 2019. https://register.awmf.org/assets/guidelines/174�015l_S1_Pubertas-praecox_2019�05.pdf (last accessed on 14 January 2023).
e27.Mooji CF, Cheetham TD, Verburg FA, et al.: European Thyroid Association Guideline for the management of pediatric graves� disease. Eur Thyroid J 2022; 11: e210073 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e28.Urakami T: Tall stature in children and adolescents. Minerva Pediatr 2020;72: 472�83 CrossRef MEDLINE
e29.Davies JH, Cheetham T: Investigation and management of tall stature. Arch Dis Child 2014; 99: 772�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
e30.Upners EN, Juul A: Evaluation and phenotypic characteristics of 293 Danish girls with tall stature: effects of oral administration of natural 17β-estradiol. Pediatr Res 2016; 80: 693�701 CrossRef MEDLINE
e31.Meazza C, Gertosio C, Giacchero R, Pagani S, Bozzola M: Tall stature: a difficult diagnosis? Ital J Pediatr 2017; 43: 66�74 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e32.Benyi E, Kieler H, Linder M, et al.: Risks of malignant and non-malignant tumours in tall women treated with high-dose oestrogen during adolescence. Horm Res Paediatr 2014; 82: 89�96 CrossRef MEDLINE
e33.Reinehr T, Gueldensupp M, Wunsch R, Bramswig JH: Treatment of tall stature in boys: comparison of two different treatment regimens. Horm Res Paediatr 2011; 76: 343�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
e34.Plaeschaert VF, van der Eijken JW, Odink RJ, Delemare HA, Caron JJ: Bilateral epiphysiodesis around the knee as treatment for excessive height in boys. J Pediatr Orthop 1997; 6: 212�4 CrossRef MEDLINE
e35.Benyi E, Berner M, Bjernekull I, et al.: Efficacy and safety of percutaneous epiphysiodesis operation around the knee to reduce adult height in extremely tall adolescent girls and boys. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol 2010; 2010: 740629 CrossRef CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central
e36.Odink RJ, Gerver WJ, Heeg M, Rouwe CW, van Waarde WM, Sauer PJ: Reduction of excessive height in boys by bilateral percutaneous epiphysiodesis around the knee. Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165: 50�4 CrossRef MEDLINE
e37.Noordam C, van Daalen S, Otten BJ: Treatment of tall stature in boys with somatostatin analogue 201�995: effect on final height. Eur J Endocrinol 2006; 154: 253�7 CrossRef MEDLINE
e38.Lorget F, Kaci N, Peng J, et al.: Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of a CNP analog in a Fgfr3 mouse model recapitulating achondroplasia. Am J Hum Genet 2012; 91: 1108�14 CrossRef MEDLINE PubMed Central