Chile is home to 23 species of Bromeliaceae, including 2 subspecies and 4 varieties. Twenty species are endemic to the country. We examined 883 herbarium specimens from 27 herbaria for our treatment of the Bromeliaceae for the “Flora de Chile”. These data and field observations resulted in a comprehensive database that we used to generate distribution maps for each species. We applied ecological niche modelling to reveal distribution areas and centers of Bromeliaceae diversity. We further analysed the collecting dates of the herbarium specimens to assess possible changes in species abundance. In this study we assess the conservation status of the bromeliad species in Chile. IUCN categories were assigned to the 27 bromeliad taxa as follows: Critically endangered: 4, Endangered: 6, Vulnerable: 11, Near threatened: 2, Least concern: 4. No species has become “Extinct” up to now. We also put forth a hypothesis about their biogeographic history.
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We thank the Chilean authorities, especially the Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF) for various support and kind permission to collect plant material. We are grateful to the following herbaria for providing material: B, BM, BR, CONC, F, FR, FRP, G, GH, GOET, HAL, HBG, K, KIEL, L, LG, M, MO, NY, P, RBG, S, SGO, US, W, WRSL, WU. Special thanks are due to the herbaria and staff of CONC and SGO for their support. We thank Chilean botanists, conservationists, and friends for important informations about collections, bromeliad habitats and companionship during field trips and various support, especially Otto Zoellner, Roberto R. Rodriguez, Melica Muñoz-Schick, Andrés Moreira-Muñoz and Carlos Trabold. The studies were financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG ZI 557/6, 7-1, SCHU 2426/1-1). The authors also acknowledge funding from the Hessian initiative for the development of scientific and economic excellence (LOEWE) at the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F), Frankfurt/Main.
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Zizka, G., Schmidt, M., Schulte, K. et al. Chilean Bromeliaceae: diversity, distribution and evaluation of conservation status. Biodivers Conserv 18, 2449–2471 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-009-9601-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-009-9601-y