Based on a phylogenetic analysis of Asian Gesneriaceae with the most comprehensive coverage at the genus level to date, the new genus Chayamaritia is established and described in subfamily Didymocarpoideae, tribe Trichosporeae, subtribe Didymocarpinae. It contains two species, of which one, Chayamaritia smitinandii (B.L.Burtt) D.J.Middleton, was formerly placed in the genera Chirita and Henckelia. The other, Chayamaritia banksiae D.J.Middleton, is newly described. The exclusion of Chayamaritia smitinandii from Henckelia further clarifies the taxonomic and biogeographic limits of Henckelia following its considerable recircumscription during the recent remodelling and synonymisation of Chirita.
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We thank the directors and the curators of the herbaria that have loaned material or hosted visits of the first author; the curatorial staff of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for help in managing the specimens; the staff of the Forest Herbarium Bangkok for assistance with field work; Dr Pramote Triboun for advice and help in the field; Dr Martin Pullan for assistance with the database; Claire Banks for the illustration; RBGE for the use of their molecular laboratories and financial contributions for lab consumables, and the Sibbald Trust for support to KN. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is supported by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services division (RESAS) in the Scottish Government.
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Middleton, D.J., Nishii, K., Puglisi, C. et al. Chayamaritia (Gesneriaceae: Didymocarpoideae), a new genus from Southeast Asia. Plant Syst Evol 301, 1947–1966 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00606-015-1213-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00606-015-1213-2