Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Ice Age Part 2 Update has arrived! ✨
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Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

Character Dialogue
Merida There's no trace of 'em leaving the tournament field, so I'll have to think this out.
Merida Let's see... They're both spoiling for a fight with the other... AND they both think the other's in league with dark magic...
Merida Ah! Got it!

Full Circle[]

Character Activity Time Rewards
Level 2
Send Merida into the Witch's Cottage.[1]
"Enter the Witch's Cottage"
6h Experience5, Iced Pastries50
  1. Requires Witch's Cottage
Character Dialogue
Merida ... SO, in summary. NO redcaps; NO cù-sìth; BUT, a whole gaggle of enchanted handicrafts.
Merida Which, again, were MY fault and NOT sent by EITHER of you to kill the OTHER one of you! ARE WE CLEAR?
Lord MacGuffin *grumble* ... Yes, Princess.
Lord Macintosh *grumble* ... As glass, Princess.
Merida GOOD. And if you're still dead set on having a go at one another, at LEAST wait until after the games are over to do it!
Merida There. Not the most diplomatic peace negotiation, but it'll do!

