The Archdeacon White Crown (大主教の白冠) is a head armor piece in Dark Souls III. It is part of the Archdeacon Set.
In-Game Description
- White crown worn by an Archdeacon of the Cathedral of the Deep.
Presented solely to delegates of the gods.
- Of the three Archdeacons of the Deep, one cast off his white crown and left the cathedral to stand by Aldrich.
Found in the Cathedral of the Deep, on Archdeacon Royce's corpse along with the rest of the set. The body will appear after defeating the Deacons of the Deep and resting at the bonfire.
In-Game Description
- White crown worn by an Archdeacon of the Cathedral of the Deep. Presented solely to delegates of the gods.
- Of the three Archdeacons of the Deep, one cast off his white crown and left the cathedral to stand by Aldrich.
In-Game Description
- 深みの聖堂、その大主教の白冠 神の代理人にのみ与えられるもの
- 深みの大主教は三人おり 一人はエルドリッチに従い聖堂を去った そのときに、彼は白冠を捨てたという
In-Game Description
- White crown of the Archbishop of the Church of the Deep, given only to representatives of the Gods.
- There are three Archbishops of the Deep, and one left the Church to follow Eldritch. It is said that at that time he cast off his white crown.