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Fil:Seal of the United States Department of the Treasury.svg

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The seal of the United States Department of the Treasury.

The original seal dates from the Board of Treasury during the Articles of Confederation, and so predates the department (and Federal Government) itself. The current design is a slight simplification of the original, introduced in 1968.

The seal's arms depicts balancing scales (to represent justice), a key (the emblem of official authority) and a chevron with thirteen stars (to represent the original states).

For more information, see here.
Dato (date of approval by the Secretary of the Treasury)
Kilde Extracted from PDF file here.
Forfatter U.S. Government. The original 1780s seal is believed to have been designed by Francis Hopkinson.
(Genbrug af denne fil)

Public domain from a copyright standpoint, but other restrictions apply.

Federal law prohibits use of any symbol, emblem, seal, insignia, or badge of any entity of the Department of Treasury (including the Customs Service, Secret Service, and Internal Revenue Service) or any colorable imitation of such words, initials, symbols, emblems, or seals in connection with any advertisement, solicitation, business activity, or product where such use could reasonably be interpreted as conveying the false impression that such advertisement, solicitation, business activity, or product is in any manner approved, endorsed, sponsored, authorized by, or associated with the Department of the Treasury or any organization within the Department. See here, 18 U.S.C. § 701, 31 U.S.C. § 333 and 31 C.F.R. Part 37.
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Public domain
Public domain
This image is a work of the United States Department of the Treasury, taken or made as part of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain in the United States.

US Treasury seal
US Treasury seal
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Insignia Dette medie viser et flag, heraldisk mærke, segl og/eller distinktion. Brugen af sådanne symboler er begrænset i mange lande (i Danmark i særdeleshed af varemærkeloven samt straffelovens §§ 131-132a). Disse begrænsninger er uafhængige af ophavsretten. Det er brugerens fulde ansvar at sikre at brugen af dette medie ikke er strid med nogen lovgivning.


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nuværende20. nov. 2022, 09:29Miniature af versionen fra 20. nov. 2022, 09:29246 × 246 (38 KB)Corkythehornetfancolor
30. okt. 2017, 02:06Miniature af versionen fra 30. okt. 2017, 02:06500 × 500 (40 KB)Corkythehornetfanreduced coding
22. aug. 2007, 16:51Miniature af versionen fra 22. aug. 2007, 16:51720 × 720 (169 KB)Clindberg{{Information |Description=The seal of the en:United States Department of the Treasury. The original seal dates from the Board of Treasury during the en:Articles of Confederation, a

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