Colleen McCullough

Nofelydd o Awstralia oedd Colleen McCullough (1 Mehefin 193729 Ionawr 2015).[1]

Colleen McCullough
GanwydColleen Margaretta McCullough Edit this on Wikidata
1 Mehefin 1937 Edit this on Wikidata
Wellington Edit this on Wikidata
Bu farw29 Ionawr 2015 Edit this on Wikidata
o Gwynegon Edit this on Wikidata
Ynys Norfolk Edit this on Wikidata
DinasyddiaethAwstralia Edit this on Wikidata
Alma mater
  • Prifysgol Sydney Edit this on Wikidata
Galwedigaethnofelydd, meddyg ac awdur, niwrolegydd, cofiannydd, awdur ffuglen wyddonol, sgriptiwr Edit this on Wikidata
Adnabyddus amThe Thorn Birds Edit this on Wikidata
PriodCedric Newton Ion-Robinson Edit this on Wikidata
Gwobr/auTrysor byw genedlaethol Awstraliaid, Swyddogion Urdd Awstralia Edit this on Wikidata


  • Tim (1974)
  • The Thorn Birds (1977)
  • An Indecent Obsession (1981)
  • A Creed for the Third Millennium (1985)
  • The Ladies of Missalonghi (1987)
  • The Song of Troy (1998)
  • Morgan's Run (2000)
  • The Touch (2003)
  • Angel Puss (2004)
  • The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet (2008)
  • Bittersweet (2013)

Masters of Rome series

  1. The First Man in Rome (1990)
  2. The Grass Crown (1991)
  3. Fortune's Favourites (1993)
  4. Caesar's Women (1996)
  5. Caesar (1997)
  6. The October Horse (2002)
  7. Antony and Cleopatra (2007)

Carmine Delmonico series

  1. On, Off (2006)
  2. Too Many Murders (December 2009)
  3. Naked Cruelty (2010)
  4. The Prodigal Son (2012)
  5. Sins of the Flesh (2013)


  • The Courage and the Will: The Life of Roden Cutler VC (1999)
  Eginyn erthygl sydd uchod am lenyddiaeth. Gallwch helpu Wicipedia drwy ychwanegu ato.

