(Redirected from Bashkirs)
- Башҡортса: Башҡорттар — Көньяҡ Уралдағы ерле төрки халыҡ.
- Русский: Башкиры — тюркский народ; автохтонен на территории Южного Урала.
- English: Bashkirs are an turkic peoples indigenous to the Southern Urals.
- Esperanto: Baŝkiroj estas turkida popolo indiĝena en Suduralo.
- Polski: Baszkirzy to naród pochodzenia tureckiego, tubylczy na Uralu Południowym.
Bashkir switchman on the railway between Ufa and Cheliabinsk.
First president of Bashkortostan.
Bashkir: Aleksander Orłowski 1814 гг
Bashkirs. Michael Bukar, 1872
Bashkir gentleman wearing the medal that designates him as the Village Elder. Dj. Fisher, 1892
Bashkir woman.
Bashkir settlement in the Volga-Ural region.
Two bashkirs horsemen. Aleksander Orłowski 1814
Bashkir at home Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, 1909—1915
Bashkir woman in national costume Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, 1909—1915
Bashkir statue in the Netherlands because of help by liberating the country in 1813