Category:Drainage basin maps of North America
English: This category includes files about rivers (represented as watersheds/drainage basins/drainage divides) focused on geographic boundaries of the whole body of water.
See also:
- Category:Maps of rivers by country for files about rivers focusing on political national or subnational (states, counties and so on) boundaries.
- Category:Maps of rivers of North America for files about rivers (represented as paths) focused on geographic boundaries of the whole body of water.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Drainage basin maps of North America"
The following 168 files are in this category, out of 168 total.
America drainage basin map.svg 337 × 367; 482 KB
APDW-en.png 619 × 752; 73 KB
Basin New.png 619 × 752; 156 KB
Drainage basin map.png 690 × 700; 19 KB
Entwässerungssysteme Nordamerika.jpg 619 × 683; 63 KB
Watersheds in La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica.jpg 1,056 × 816; 79 KB
Gulf-mexico-watershed.gif 350 × 261; 27 KB
Water Resource Regions of the United States of America.jpg 636 × 438; 209 KB
Aroostookrivermap.png 400 × 400; 58 KB
Depresion del balsas.png 400 × 245; 25 KB
Blackwirivermap.png 500 × 500; 94 KB
Bolson de Mapimi, northern Mexico.png 631 × 493; 61 KB
Course and Watershed of Brannon Run (Allegheny River tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 193 KB
BuffGenLoc.png 300 × 266; 48 KB
Watershed of Caldwell Creek (Pine Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 133 KB
Course and Watershed of Charley Run (Allegheny River tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 166 KB
ChesBay Basins-e1531252370325.jpg 3,400 × 4,400; 2.33 MB
Chippewawirivermap.png 500 × 500; 101 KB
Clearwateridrivermap.png 500 × 500; 313 KB
Coloradorivermap (Utah detail).jpg 799 × 652; 402 KB
Coloradorivermap.jpg 900 × 1,041; 584 KB
Coloradorivermapnew1.jpg 871 × 1,130; 701 KB
Colorado Watershed Map.jpg 2,500 × 2,930; 446 KB
Columbia drainage basin major dams map-es.svg 808 × 790; 2.9 MB
Columbia drainage basin major dams map-fr.svg 808 × 790; 3.72 MB
Columbia drainage basin map-fr.png 808 × 790; 897 KB
Columbia drainage basin map-fr.svg 808 × 790; 3.86 MB
Columbia major tributaries map-fr.svg 808 × 790; 3.89 MB
Columbia River Basin map-sr.svg 1,480 × 1,474; 1,014 KB
Columbia tributaries drainage basin map-fr.svg 808 × 790; 3.89 MB
ColumbiaRiverLocMap.png 500 × 500; 74 KB
Columbiarivermap.png 1,500 × 1,500; 3.6 MB
Columbiarivermap.svg 612 × 612; 15.91 MB
Columbia Basin inside Columbia River Drainage Basin.png 2,000 × 2,000; 4.12 MB
Columbia tributaries drainage basin map-it.svg 808 × 790; 3.24 MB
Course of Caldwell Creek (Pine Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 131 KB
Usgs deschutes watershed.png 911 × 1,325; 215 KB
Eelrivermap.png 1,000 × 1,000; 836 KB
FlintRwshedoverview.gif 284 × 189; 1 KB
Foxandwolfrivermap.png 500 × 500; 97 KB
Gilarivermap.png 499 × 500; 382 KB
Course and Watershed of Golby Run (Pine Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 148 KB
Wpdms nasa topo great divide basin.jpg 335 × 280; 30 KB
Great Salt Lake accounting unit (watershed).png 99 × 129; 2 KB
Course and Watershed of Henderson Run (Pine Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 159 KB
Course of Hummer Creek (Thompson Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 201 KB
Watershed of Hummer Creek (Thompson Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 202 KB
IllinoisRiver watershed.png 300 × 331; 100 KB
Iowarivermap.png 500 × 500; 132 KB
KalamazooRiver.png 1,700 × 1,134; 2.33 MB
Kansasrivermap.png 654 × 500; 308 KB
Kiamichi Watershed High View.gif 284 × 189; 1 KB
Kiamichi Watershed Localized.gif 284 × 189; 4 KB
Klamathmap.jpg 680 × 611; 316 KB
NorthForkKoyukukLargeMap.jpg 1,220 × 1,876; 596 KB
NorthForkKoyukukRiver.jpg 437 × 677; 85 KB
Kuskokwimrivermap.png 981 × 869; 360 KB
Lafayette Creek watershed.png 495 × 436; 129 KB
Lake Erie Watershed.png 435 × 355; 52 KB
Lake Erie, St Clair drainage basin, US side.gif 788 × 586; 39 KB
Lake Huron Watershed.png 355 × 435; 75 KB
Lake Michigan Watershed.png 355 × 435; 55 KB
Lake Michigan-Huron Watershed.png 435 × 355; 78 KB
Lake Ontario Watershed.png 435 × 355; 53 KB
Lake St. Clair Watershed (Lake Erie Basin).png 435 × 365; 55 KB
Lake Superior Watershed.png 435 × 355; 56 KB
Little Butte Creek Watershed.png 1,496 × 984; 2.08 MB
Littlemorivermap.png 465 × 500; 217 KB
Lostidahomap.png 550 × 550; 300 KB
Mapa Hidrografía Estado de Nuevo León.jpg 671 × 887; 167 KB
Maquoketarivermap.png 500 × 500; 125 KB
Course of Marsh Run (Oil Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 169 KB
Watershed of Marsh Run (Oil Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 203 KB
Watershed of Marys Creek (Haw River tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 174 KB
Massachusett's Watersheds-map.pdf 1,650 × 1,087; 970 KB
Menomineerivermap.png 500 × 502; 106 KB
Milwaukeerivermap.png 497 × 500; 159 KB
MNRiverBasins.gif 550 × 550; 20 KB
Minnesotarivermap.png 1,000 × 1,000; 344 KB
Major River Systems within the Mississippi River Basin.svg 945 × 664; 473 KB
Mississippi river watershed.gif 300 × 243; 21 KB
Mississippi River basin.jpg 300 × 222; 9 KB
Mobile-River-basin-USGS.gif 573 × 413; 39 KB
Monongahela River.png 361 × 439; 51 KB
Montrealwirivermap.png 500 × 383; 109 KB
Watershed of Motes Creek (Haw River tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 183 KB
Mt. Saint Helens post-eruption hydrology alterations.jpg 1,453 × 892; 547 KB
NeshaminyCreek.jpg 1,742 × 1,293; 561 KB
Ohiorivermap.png 467 × 469; 76 KB
Ouachita watershed.png 288 × 336; 80 KB
Papaloapanrivermap highres.png 2,550 × 2,550; 693 KB
Papaloapanrivermap.png 1,000 × 1,000; 868 KB
Pecosrivermap.png 500 × 500; 105 KB
Pendoreillerivermap.jpg 909 × 895; 1.01 MB
Penobscotrivermap.png 500 × 500; 103 KB
Course of Pine Log Creek (Richardson Creek tributary).jpg 1,056 × 816; 196 KB
PSM V13 D676 Old drainage of the great lakes basin.jpg 1,656 × 1,097; 285 KB
Quinnrivermap.png 500 × 500; 323 KB
Riviererougecarte.png 500 × 499; 133 KB
Redrivernorthmap.png 500 × 499; 137 KB
RepublicanRiverBasin.png 3,401 × 2,201; 169 KB
Riogrande watershed.png 498 × 500; 182 KB
RioGrandeMap-HE.jpg 234 × 235; 16 KB
Riogranderivermap.png 1,000 × 1,181; 1.95 MB
Rockilrivermap.png 500 × 500; 108 KB
Rogue River Watershed.png 1,459 × 809; 1.45 MB
Russianrivermap.png 500 × 601; 279 KB
Cuenca del Río Piedras » Cuencas Hidrográficas.jpg 1,182 × 1,630; 796 KB
Cuenca del Río Piedras.jpg 1,182 × 1,630; 361 KB
Río Piedras Watershed » Sub-watersheds.jpg 1,182 × 1,630; 787 KB
Río Piedras watershed.jpg 1,182 × 1,630; 355 KB
Sacramento watershed.png 288 × 307; 39 KB
Salt River Map.jpg 935 × 730; 435 KB
Salt Creek Watershed USGS 2002.jpg 772 × 1,058; 544 KB
SanAntonio Watershed.png 811 × 738; 166 KB
SanJoaquin watershed.png 300 × 341; 56 KB
SanJoaquinRiverMap.jpg 1,092 × 1,094; 1.24 MB
Santaanarivermap.png 618 × 500; 326 KB
Schuylkillmap.png 600 × 603; 163 KB
Seattle waterways - 1990s.jpg 1,916 × 2,447; 1.04 MB
Skagitrivermap.png 500 × 500; 353 KB
Columbiarivermapsnakeriverhighlighted.png 1,500 × 1,500; 3.43 MB
Snake River drainage basin map-fr.svg 808 × 790; 3.92 MB
Snake river map.jpg 998 × 633; 434 KB
Snake watershed.png 1,000 × 1,005; 296 KB
Spokanerivermap.png 1,000 × 1,000; 695 KB
Spoonrivermap.png 500 × 500; 125 KB
Stcroixmnwirivermap.png 500 × 502; 112 KB
Stjosephmirivermap.png 500 × 500; 126 KB
Stcroixrivermapmaine-fr.png 400 × 400; 54 KB
Stcroixrivermapmaine.png 400 × 400; 56 KB
Stfrancisrivermap.png 500 × 749; 222 KB
Grlakes lawrence map.png 600 × 483; 54 KB
Grlakes lawrence map2.png 640 × 520; 79 KB
Sub-basins Great Lakes Basin.png 700 × 575; 623 KB
Bassin versant de la Tallapoosa.jpg 937 × 1,135; 218 KB
Hios.JPG 491 × 496; 35 KB
Tennessee watershed.png 473 × 475; 220 KB
Tensasrivermap.png 465 × 500; 221 KB
TrinityRiver watershed.png 462 × 441; 55 KB
Trout Creek Watershed.png 1,050 × 1,125; 1.53 MB
Truckeerivermap.png 500 × 500; 337 KB
TVAmap2.jpg 800 × 737; 152 KB
Umpquarivermap.jpg 926 × 633; 216 KB
Virginrivermap.jpg 850 × 1,117; 393 KB
Wapsirivermap.png 500 × 500; 126 KB
Washitarivermap.png 500 × 364; 97 KB
Watershed nhd2.png 1,155 × 672; 1.76 MB
Wenatcheerivermap.jpg 338 × 410; 110 KB
White River AR.png 550 × 534; 22 KB
White River SD map 1.jpg 840 × 486; 144 KB
Fs-110-00-f1.jpg 578 × 230; 34 KB
USGS FS 2011-3018-f1.jpg 1,735 × 1,126; 289 KB
USGS FS 2011-3018-f1.tif 1,735 × 1,126; 7.46 MB
Wildcat Creek Watershed Map 2009.pdf 1,360 × 862; 350 KB
Willamette watershed.png 150 × 150; 8 KB
Wisconsinrivermap.png 500 × 500; 103 KB
Wounded Knee Creek.jpg 840 × 486; 326 KB
YakimaRiverWatersjed.png 841 × 596; 25 KB
Yamaskarivermap.png 500 × 500; 71 KB
YellowstoneRiverMap.jpg 1,066 × 967; 1.55 MB
Yuba river watershed.png 936 × 682; 33 KB
Bw Yukon River drainage basin.png 542 × 292; 14 KB
Yukon River Basin USGS.jpg 745 × 511; 47 KB
Yukon River drainage basin.gif 563 × 290; 80 KB
Yukon watershed.png 500 × 500; 123 KB
Yuna River Map.png 1,383 × 1,000; 1,007 KB