Atlas of Northern Ireland

Wikimedia Commons Atlas of the World

The Wikimedia Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons.
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The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English.
Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland
Tuaisceart Éireann
Norlin Airlann

English Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, and covers 5,459 square miles (14,139 km²) in the northeast of the island of Ireland, approximately a sixth of the total area of the island. It has a population of 1,685,000 (April 2001) — between a quarter and a third of the island's total population. It consists of six counties situated within the province of Ulster, and in the UK is generally known as one of its four Home Nations, forming a constituent part of the United Kingdom. The remainder of the island of Ireland is a sovereign state, the Republic of ► Ireland. To the north-east of Northern Ireland lies ► Scotland, to the east lies the ► Isle of Man.
Gaeilge Tuaisceart Éireann

Is ionann Tuaisceart Éireann agus limistéar na sé gcontae úd Aontroim, Ard Mhacha, Doire, An Dún, Tír Eoghain agus Fear Manach a dealaíodh ón gcuid eile d'Oileán na hÉireann nuair a tháinig an Conradh Angla-Éireannach i bhfeidhm sa bhliain 1922. B'é an tAcht um Rialtas na hÉireann ón mbliain 1920 a shainigh críocha agus teorainneacha an stáitín, áfach, cé nach bhfuil teorainneacha cruinne gearrtha dó inniu féin, agus tá áiteanna ann nach féidir a rá fúthu go neamhdhébhríoch cé acu sa Tuaisceart nó sa Phoblacht atá siad suite. Baineann dhá dtrian de Chúige Uladh le Tuaisceart Éireann, ach tá sé de nós ag na hAontachtóirí "Cúige Uladh" (Ulster) a thabhairt ar an stáitín. Stát féinrialaithe ann féin is ea Tuaisceart Éireann, nó go bunúsach, is slánaonad faoi fhéinrialtas é atá faoi fhorlámhas na Ríochta Aontaithe, murab ionann agus an chuid eile d'oileán na hÉireann. Mar sin, is féidir é a chur i gcomparáid le Sasana, leis an mBreatain Beag agus le hAlbain.

Ulster Scots Norlin Airlann

Norlin Airlann[1] is ane o fower pairts o the Unitit Kinrick. It is seetuate on the island o Airlann, whaur it haes a laund mairch wi the Republic o Ireland, the ae pairt o the Unitit Kinrick wi an internaitional laund mairch. It wis foondit by the Govrenment o Ireland Act, 1920. It kivers 5,459 mi² in the nor-aest o the island o Airlann, aboot a saxt o the hale area o the island, an haes 1,685,000 indwallers (Aprile 2001) — atween a quarter an a thrid o the island's hail population.

Short name Northern Ireland
Official  name Northern Ireland
Status Constituent country of the ► United Kingdom
Capital Belfast
Béal Feirste
Population 1,881,641 inhabitants
Area 13,843 km²
Major  languages English, Irish, Ulster Scots
Major  religions Protestantism and Roman-Catholicism
More information Northern Ireland, Geography of Northern Ireland, History of Northern Ireland and Politics of Northern Ireland
More  images Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland (Category).

General maps

Map of Northern Ireland
Topographic map of Northern Ireland

Maps of divisions

This section holds maps of the administrative divisions.

Preserved counties of Northern Ireland
Districts of Northern Ireland
Historical districts of Northern Ireland

History maps

This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Northern Ireland, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Northern Ireland.

See the Atlas of Ireland and the Atlas of the United Kingdom

Notes and references

General remarks:

  • The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. The main page is therefore the portal to maps and cartography on Wikimedia. That page contains links to entries by country, continent and by topic as well as general notes and references.
  • Every entry has an introduction section in English. If other languages are native and/or official in an entity, introductions in other languages are added in separate sections. The text of the introduction(s) is based on the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. For sources of the introduction see therefore the Wikipedia entries linked to. The same goes for the texts in the history sections.
  • Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries.
  • The status of various entities is disputed. See the content for the entities concerned.
  • The maps of former countries that are more or less continued by a present-day country or had a territory included in only one or two countries are included in the atlas of the present-day country. For example the Ottoman Empire can be found in the Atlas of Turkey.
  1. This text is in Scots, not in Ulster Scots.

Entries available in the atlas

General pages
Continents and oceans
Historical eras
States with wide recognition
States with limited recognition
Dependencies and other overseas territories
Country subdivisions
China (mainland)
United Kingdom
United States
Disputed subnational territories
Other regions
Former sovereign states
Former dependencies and overseas territories
Former disputed territories