User contributions for Espencat
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A user with 867 edits. Account created on 5 February 2008.
29 February 2016
- 11:5711:57, 29 February 2016 diff hist +88 File:Casa d'albors.jpg (Script): Requesting renaming this file to File:Casa d'albors.jpg; Reason: Name as according to AVL nomenclator; Criterion 1
- 11:5411:54, 29 February 2016 diff hist −8 File:Casa d'albors.jpg →{{int:filedesc}}
10 July 2015
- 07:1207:12, 10 July 2015 diff hist +82 File:Ondara plaça Major.jpg (Script): Requesting renaming this file to File:Ondara plaça Major.jpg; Reason: I am author. Wrong name.; Criterion 10
31 May 2010
- 12:2612:26, 31 May 2010 diff hist +4 File:Paisatge de Bel.jpg No edit summary
- 12:2412:24, 31 May 2010 diff hist +301 N File:Paisatge de Bel.jpg {{Information |Description={{ca|1=Paisatge de Bel, a la Tinença de Benifassà; és una pedania de Rossell, Baix Maestrat (País Valencià)}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=31.5.2010 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:B
- 12:2012:20, 31 May 2010 diff hist +297 N File:Vista del Ballestar.jpg {{Information |Description={{ca|1=Vista del Bellestar, de la Tinença de Benifassà (Baix Maestrat, País Valencià)}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=31.5.2010 |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:La Pobla de Benifassà
- 12:1612:16, 31 May 2010 diff hist 0 File:Jaraco-Mapa de Safor.svg No edit summary
- 12:1412:14, 31 May 2010 diff hist +45 File:Xàbia Sant Bertomeu.jpg No edit summary
- 12:1312:13, 31 May 2010 diff hist +43 File:Casa d'albors.jpg No edit summary
11 January 2010
- 18:2918:29, 11 January 2010 diff hist +11 File:Bollos (Requena).jpg →Summary
- 18:2918:29, 11 January 2010 diff hist +11 File:Romanyà de la Selva.jpg →Summary
- 18:2918:29, 11 January 2010 diff hist +11 File:Coca d'anís (Altafulla).jpg →Summary
- 18:2818:28, 11 January 2010 diff hist +11 File:Coca de pa i sal (Cervera del Maestrat).jpg →Summary
- 18:2018:20, 11 January 2010 diff hist +471 N File:Esgrarrat (Meliana).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Esgarrat, amanida valenciana típica de l'Horta i que duu pebrera escalivada, i de vegades olives i bacallà salat. Esgarrat, a kind of salad used as a starter, involving strips of peppers and sometimes olives and salted
- 18:0518:05, 11 January 2010 diff hist +349 N File:Panellets (Morella).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Panellets de Morella, els Ports, País Valencià. Panellets, typical Catalan christmas sweets, in Morella, Valencian Country.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=12.01.2010 |Permission= |other_versi
- 17:5817:58, 11 January 2010 diff hist +453 N File:Coca de pa i sal (Cervera del Maestrat).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Coca de pa i sal, de Cervera del Maestrat, baix maestrat, País Valencià. Coca de pa i sal, a savoury pastry containing only bread and salt, typical in County Maestrat and other inland counties in the valencian Country
- 17:3217:32, 11 January 2010 diff hist +403 N File:Coca d'anís (Altafulla).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Coca d'anís, d'Altafulla, (Tarragonès, Catalunya) tot i que segueix la mateixa recepta que les d'Osona. Aniseed coca (pastry) from Altafulla (Catalonia), also typical in central Catalonia.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=[[Us
- 17:2817:28, 11 January 2010 diff hist +333 N File:Bunyols (Banyoles).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Bunyols de Banyoles (Pla d'Estany, Catalunya) ''Bunyols'' from Banyoles, typical Catalan doughballs eaten as a dessert. }} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Cate
- 16:3216:32, 11 January 2010 diff hist +775 N File:Bollos (Requena).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1={{es}} ''Bollos'', nombre propio y en castellano para lo que se denomina ''coca de chulla'' en otras zonas del interior valenciano. Este ejemplo es de Requena, provincia de valencia, España. {{ca}} ''Bollos'', nom propi
- 16:2516:25, 11 January 2010 diff hist +406 N File:All-i-pebre (Meliana).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=All-i-pebre, plat d'anguiles típic de l'Horta i la Ribera, al País Valencià. All-i-pebre, dish with eels typical in the Ribera and Horta counties of the Valencian Counrty, Spain.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=[[User:Espen
- 15:5215:52, 11 January 2010 diff hist +400 N File:Romanyà de la Selva.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Romanyà de la Selva, poble situat al terme de Santa Cristina d'Aro, al Baix Empordà, Catalunya. Romanyà de la Selva, village in the Santa Cristina d'Aro municipality, Baix Empordà, Catalonia. }} |Source={{own}} |Autho
- 14:0114:01, 11 January 2010 diff hist +503 N File:Flors alpines al cim de la muntanya de Parcent.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1={{ca}} Flors alpines a 994 m damunt del nivell de la mar, dalt del Carrascar de Parcent, Parcent, Marina Alta, País Valencià. {{en}} Alpine flowers at 994 m above sea level, on top of the Carrascar de Parcent mountain,
18 December 2009
- 12:0812:08, 18 December 2009 diff hist +300 N File:Polop i el Panoig.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=View of Polop (Marina Baixa, Valencian Country, Spain) Vista de Polop (marina Baixa, País Valencià)}} |Source=Own work |Author=Espencat |Date= |Permission=see below |other_versions= }} [[Category:Polo
- 11:5611:56, 18 December 2009 diff hist +411 N File:Jaume I al Puig.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Modern-day representation of the entry of James I of Aragon in El Puig, Valencian Country, Spain. Representació moderna de l'entrada de Jaume I i les seues tropes al Puig (Horta Nord, País Valencià)}} |Source={{own}} |
- 11:4411:44, 18 December 2009 diff hist +371 N File:Parcent, la Vall de Pop i el Montgó.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=View of Parcent (Valencian Country, Spain) with Montgó peak in the background. Vista de Parcent (Marina Alta, País Valencià) i el cim del Montgó al fons.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=16.1
9 December 2009
- 12:3112:31, 9 December 2009 diff hist +259 N File:Exposició maqueta.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Photo of a model illustrating the Valencia 1909 exhibition}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:Valencia
- 12:2912:29, 9 December 2009 diff hist +323 N File:Exposició-plànol.gif {{Information |Description={{en|1=Diagram of the 1909 Valencia Exhibition, according to a map made at the time and photographed in the centenary exhibition.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission= |other_versions=
- 12:2612:26, 9 December 2009 diff hist +338 N File:Estació de Castelló de la Ribera.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Metro station and terminus at Castelló de la Ribera / Villanueva de Castellón, Valencian Country, Spain }} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:
- 12:2312:23, 9 December 2009 diff hist +286 N File:Estació ADIF de Xàtiva.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Xàtiva railway station, Xàtiva, Valencian Country, Spain}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:Xàtiva Category:Train stations
- 12:1012:10, 9 December 2009 diff hist +267 N File:Estació d'Alzira.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Alzira station, Valencian Country, Spain}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:Alzira Category:Train stations
- 12:0712:07, 9 December 2009 diff hist +247 N File:Estació de Facultats (València).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Facultats metro station, Valencia, Spain}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:Valencia Metro
- 10:0610:06, 9 December 2009 diff hist +309 N File:Circ de la Safor.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Safor Cirque, Valencian Country, Spain. Circ de la Safor, Safor, País Valencià.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Espencat |Date=9.12.2009 |Permission=see below |other_versions= }} Category:Safor [[Catego
21 September 2009
- 13:3713:37, 21 September 2009 diff hist +20 File:Torna-sol a Letur (la Manxa).jpg No edit summary
- 13:3613:36, 21 September 2009 diff hist +577 N File:Penjoll de pebreres de pimentó a Elche (la Manxa).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Bunch of red peppers drying in the sun, in Elche de la Sierra, province of Albacete, Spain. Rácimo de pimentos de piquillo, colgados a secarse, en Elche de la Sierra, provincia de Albacete, España. Penjoll de pebreres d
- 13:2813:28, 21 September 2009 diff hist +456 N File:Torna-sol a Letur (la Manxa).jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Sunflower in Letur, province of Albacete, Spain. Girasol en Letur, sierra de Segura, provincia de Albacete, Castilla la Mancha. Torna-sol a Letur, serra de Segura, província d'Albacete, Castella - la Manxa.}} |Source=Own
24 August 2009
- 06:5406:54, 24 August 2009 diff hist +92 File:Els Ports.jpg No edit summary
- 06:2606:26, 24 August 2009 diff hist +452 N File:Jesús Pobre.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jesús Pobre, village within the municipality of Dénia, Marina Alta, Valencian Country, Spain. Jesús pobre, entitat descentralitzada que forma part del municipi de Dénia, Marina Alta, País Valencià.}} |Source=Own wor
- 06:1306:13, 24 August 2009 diff hist +14 File:Els Ports.jpg No edit summary
- 06:1206:12, 24 August 2009 diff hist +369 N File:Els Ports.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=View of the Ports mountain range, southern Catalonia. Vista dels Ports, al Montsià, Catalunya.}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=Espencat |Date=23.08.2009 |Permission=see below |other_versions= }}
- 06:1006:10, 24 August 2009 diff hist +20 File:Atzucac de Biar.jpg No edit summary
- 06:0906:09, 24 August 2009 diff hist +382 N File:Atzucac de Biar.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Cul-de-sac in Biar, Valencian Country, Spain. Atzucac de la vila de Biar, Alt Vinalopó, País Valencià }} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=Espencat |Date=23.08.2009 |Permission=see below |other_ver
21 July 2009
- 10:2610:26, 21 July 2009 diff hist −42 File:Sports centre El Puig.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2610:26, 21 July 2009 diff hist −39 File:Guaita Tower Puig.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2510:25, 21 July 2009 diff hist −39 File:Castle James I Puig.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2510:25, 21 July 2009 diff hist −40 File:Puig Beach.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2510:25, 21 July 2009 diff hist +40 Category:El Puig de Santa Maria No edit summary
- 10:2510:25, 21 July 2009 diff hist −42 File:View of the 2 hills.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2410:24, 21 July 2009 diff hist −40 File:View from castle Puig.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2410:24, 21 July 2009 diff hist −60 File:Trench leading to tunnel.JPG No edit summary
- 10:2410:24, 21 July 2009 diff hist −3 File:Trench leading to tunnel.JPG No edit summary