Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
art museum in Berlin, Germany
(example pictures)
Große Wandelhalle
room VIII: Rubenssaal
Antonis Mor, , 1542–1575
Jacob van Ruisdael, Oaks at a lake with Water Lilies, 1665-1670
Gerard ter Borch, Self-portrait, 1675
Flemish paintings
Robert Campin, Portrait of a Fat Man, ca. 1440
Gerard David. . Circa 1490
Jan Gossaert, Christ on the Mount of Olives, 1509/10
editFrench paintings
Charles Mellin, ca. 1630, Portrait of a Gentleman
Anonymous, Mary as Throne of Salomon, 1380
Anonymous ca. 1400
Anonymous, Retable with the seat of mercy, 1260s
Anonymous, Crucifixion retable from Soest, ca. 1240
Glatz Madonna, ca. 1350, Prague
Master of the Darmstadt Passion, Altar of Bad Orb, ca. 1460
Albrecht Altdorfer, diptych, Saint Francis of Assisi receives the Stigmata, The penitent St. Jerome, 1507, oil on panel . 23.5 × 20.4 cm (9.2 × 8 in)
Albrecht Dürer, Junge Venezianerin, 1506
Hans Holbein the Younger, Merchant Georg Gisze, 1532
Lucas Cranach der Ältere, Venus and Cupid, ca. 1530
Lucas Cranach der Ältere, The Last Judgement
Lucas Cranach the Elder, Portrait of Frau Reuss
Lucas Cranach (I), Adam and Eve , 1531
Anton Graff, Self-portrait, 1787
Anton Graff, 1795
Italian paintings
Grifo di Tancredi, 1300-1305
Ugolino di Nerio, parts of Santa Croce Altarpiece
Fra Angelico, . from 1435 until 1450 . poplar wood. 102.8 × 65.2 cm (40.4 × 25.6 in), 103 × 28.2 cm (40.5 × 11.1 in)
Giotto di Bondone, The Entombment of Mary, ca. 1310
Lorenzo Monaco, The Last Supper, ca. 1390
Agnolo Gaddi, Triptych, 1388
Jacopino del Conte, Portrait of a Man, ca. 1460
Andrea del Castagno, Assumption of the Virgin, 1449-1450, Solly Collection
Domenico Ghirlandaio, Resurrection of Christ, 1490-1495
Francesco di Giorgio, Architectural Veduta, ca. 1490
Luca Signorelli, Pala Bichi, ca. 1489, 1821 Solly Collection
Fra Angelico, . from 1435 until 1450 . poplar wood. 102.8 × 65.2 cm (40.4 × 25.6 in), 103 × 28.2 cm (40.5 × 11.1 in), 102.7 × 28 cm (40.4 × 11 in)
Filippino Lippi, Madonna and Child, 1478
Masaccio, Desco da parto, 1413-1433
Carlo Crivelli, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, 1488-1489
Giovanni Bellini, Madonna and Child, ca. 1475
Giovanni Bellini, ca. 1460
Giovanni Bellini, Resurrection of Christ, 1475-79
Antonello da Messina, Portrait of a young Man
Antonello da Messina, 1474
Vittore Carpaccio, Preparation of Christ's Tomb
Francesco Melzi, Vertumnus and Pomona, 1518-1528
Cristofano Allori, 1610-1615
Q107447067, 1560
Amor Victorious by Caravaggio, ca. 1602
Giovanni Antonio Canal, Grand Canal - Looking South-East from the Campo Santa Sophia to the Rialto Bridge