9781738912476 : My first trip to Philippines = Unang trip ko sa Pilipinas / written by Yeonsil Yoo ; illustrated by Anastasiya Halionka ; translated by Cara Madamba.
My first trip to Philippines = Unang trip ko sa Pilipinas / written by Yeonsil Yoo ; illustrated by A
Asian Library Children's:CHECK SHELF
9781738945207 : Honeymoon at sea : how I found myself living on a small boat : a memoir / Jennifer Silva Redmond.
Honeymoon at sea : how I found myself living on a small boat : a memoir / Jennifer Silva Redmond.
Chavez Library:CHECK SHELF
9781738945283 : Cats : [true tails and life lessons from a purring companion] / Pamela Wallin ; co-pawthored by Kitty.
Cats : [true tails and life lessons from a purring companion] / Pamela Wallin ; co-pawthored by Kitty
636.8 WALLIN
Main Library:DUE 03-27-25
9781739316020 : Intelligent hands: why making is a skill for life / Charlotte Abrahams & Katy Bevan.
Intelligent hands: why making is a skill for life / Charlotte Abrahams & Katy Bevan.
Main Library:MENDING
Your entry 9781739334604 would be here
9781739759605hbk : Wo de ma fan mei mei = My troublesome little sister = ngo5 dik1 maa4 faan4 mui4 mui2 / written and illustrated by Farina Leong.
Wo de ma fan mei mei = My troublesome little sister = ngo5 dik1 maa4 faan4 mui4 mui2 / written and il
Asian Library Children's:CHECK SHELF, Asian Library Children's:DUE 02-25-25
9781739759612hbk : Wo de mama = My grandma = ngo5 dik1 ma4 ma4 / written by Farina Leong ; illustrated by Michelle Angela.
Wo de mama = My grandma = ngo5 dik1 ma4 ma4 / written by Farina Leong ; illustrated by Michelle Angel
Asian Library Children's:DUE 03-29-25, Asian Library Children's:CHECK SHELF
9781739843106 : In pursuit of revolutionary love : precarity, power, communites / Joy James.
In pursuit of revolutionary love : precarity, power, communites / Joy James.
305.42 JAMES
Main Library:CHECK SHELF, West Oakland Library Adult New Books:CHECK SHELF
9781739903909 : The crevice garden : how to make the perfect home for plants from rocky places / Kenton Seth and Paul Spriggs.
The crevice garden : how to make the perfect home for plants from rocky places / Kenton Seth and Paul
635.9672 SETH
Main Library:CHECK SHELF
9781740454636 : The food of China : a journey for food lovers / Photography by Jason Lowe ; recipes by Deh-Ta Hsiung and Nina Simonds.
The food of China : a journey for food lovers / Photography by Jason Lowe ; recipes by Deh-Ta Hsiung
641.5951 HSIUNG
9781740458054paperback : Sense of style : colour / Shannon Fricke ; photography by Prue Ruscoe.
Sense of style : colour / Shannon Fricke ; photography by Prue Ruscoe.
747.94 FRICKE
Temescal Library:CHECK SHELF
Mexican Spanish.
467.972 MEXICAN
West Oakland Library:IN TRANSIT +1 HOLD
9781740595407 : Urban travel photography : a guide to taking better pictures / Richard L'Anson.
Urban travel photography : a guide to taking better pictures / Richard L'Anson.
778.9 l'ANSON 2006
Main Library:CHECK SHELF
9781740595780paperback : Don't let the world pass you by! : 52 reasons to have a passport / by Sara Benson, coordinating author ; Chris Baty... [et al] ; preface by Phil Keoghan ; introduction by Tony Wheeler.
Don't let the world pass you by! : 52 reasons to have a passport / by Sara Benson, coordinating autho
910.41 DON'T
Temescal Library:CHECK SHELF
Croatian / Gordana Ivetac.
491.82 IVETAC
Main Library:INVENTORY
9781740660662 : Sri Lankan flavours : a journey through the island's food and culture / by Channa Dassanayaka ; with Natalee Ward ; photography by Craig Wood.
Sri Lankan flavours : a journey through the island's food and culture / by Channa Dassanayaka ; with
641.59549 DASSANAYA
Main Library:CHECK SHELF
9781740661102 : Phaic Tăn : sunstroke on a shoestring / [Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner & Rob Sitch].
Phaic Tăn : sunstroke on a shoestring / [Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner & Rob Sitch].
910.2 PHAIC 2004
Main Library Storage Ask at Desk:CHECK SHELF
9781740661997paperback : Phaic Tăn : sunstroke on a shoestring / [Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner & Rob Sitch].
Phaic Tăn : sunstroke on a shoestring / [Santo Cilauro, Tom Gleisner & Rob Sitch].
910.2 PHAIC 2004
Main Library Storage Ask at Desk:CHECK SHELF
9781740666633 : Koto : a culinary journey through Vietnam / Tracey Lister and Andreas Pohl; photography by Michael Fountoulakis.
Koto : a culinary journey through Vietnam / Tracey Lister and Andreas Pohl; photography by Michael Fo
641.59597 LISTER
Asian Library:CHECK SHELF
9781740895613 : The bar guide / consulting editor, Ray Foley ; illustrator, Rodney Davidson ; cartographer, Andrew Thompson ; foreword by Chuck Williams.
The bar guide / consulting editor, Ray Foley ; illustrator, Rodney Davidson ; cartographer, Andrew Th
641.874 BAR
Chavez Library:CHECK SHELF
9781740899772 : Williams-Sonoma cooking at home / Chuck Williams ; with Kristine Kidd and the editors of Williams-Sonoma.
Williams-Sonoma cooking at home / Chuck Williams ; with Kristine Kidd and the editors of Williams-Son
Main Library Storage Ask at Desk:CHECK SHELF
9781740899789hbk : The art of preserving / authors, Lisa Atwood, Rebecca Courchesne, Rick Field ; photographer: France Ruffenach.
The art of preserving / authors, Lisa Atwood, Rebecca Courchesne, Rick Field ; photographer: France R
641.4 ATWOOD
Main Library:CHECK SHELF
9781740899796 : Cooking from the farmers' market / foreword, Jennifer Maiser ; recipes, Tasha De Serio & Jodi Liano ; photographs, Maren Caruso.
Cooking from the farmers' market / foreword, Jennifer Maiser ; recipes, Tasha De Serio & Jodi Liano ;
641.013 COOKING
Lakeview Library:DUE 03-29-25
9781740899802 : The baby & toddler cookbook : [fresh, homemade foods for a healthy start] / authors, Karen Ansel & Charity Ferreira ; photographer, Thayer Allyson Gowdy.
The baby & toddler cookbook : [fresh, homemade foods for a healthy start] / authors, Karen Ansel & Ch
641.56222 ANSEL
Main Library:CHECK SHELF, Montclair Library Children's Parenting Collection:CHECK SHELF
9781740938204 : Mao's last dancer [sound recording] / Li Cunxin.
Mao's last dancer [sound recording] / Li Cunxin.
YA CD 792.8 LI
Dimond Library Young Adult:CHECK SHELF