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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Zombies

The Forge Freeze is a wonder weapon that appears in the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Zombies map Zombies in Spaceland and is purchasable for 500 tickets in the Astrocade.

The Forge Freeze fires a beam of cold energy, freezing zombies in a solid mass of ice. The weapon is able to fire a pulse that can shatter the frozen enemies, but they can also be shattered using melee, gunfire, or explosives. The laser pulse seems to hit in a point blank pattern, freezing zombies near the initial target.

Notably, frozen zombies can be killed with a single melee hit on any round. The Forge Freeze also has a built-in Fusion Mag, allowing it to automatically regenerate energy when depleted. However, the Forge Freeze cannot be manually reloaded.

The Forge Freeze is a completely free weapon, obtainable very early in the game (round 2 or 3) with tickets at the Arcade. It provides a much safer early game for objectives or for farming points, freezing multiple zombies. This effect can be further improved by combining it with the Cryo Grenade. While giving some good early trades in the game, the weapon works better when killing Clown Zombies since it is a permanent hit kill on them. The downside is that the weapon does not scale well into the mid/late game, as it will require more time to freeze meaning more ammo and more risk. The final downside is the limited use, as soon as the player discards the weapon, it becomes unobtainable for the remainder of the match.

When upgraded in the Pack-a-Punch Machine, it becomes the Frostbite, gaining increased damage, an increased magazine size, and more reserve ammo. When upgraded a second time, it becomes the Pop-Sick-L.

Forge Freeze vs Frostbite vs Pop-Sick-L[]

Forge Freeze Frostbite Pop-Sick-L
Forge Freeze IW
Fire mode Automatic Automatic Automatic
Magazine size 50 75 100
Max ammo 200+50 300+75 400+100
Extras Increased charge rate, larger magazine, more ammo Increased charge rate, larger magazine, more ammo


  • Despite having a "Frost Blast" shot, it does zero damage and it only works to break the frozen zombies.
  • The weapon shares the same model as the Steel Dragon but working in reverse.
  • When shooting it from some time at close distance, the screen shows a freezing effect but you do not receive any damage unlike the Cryo Grenade.