Claire McDowell
Claire McDowell (Nova York, 2 de novembre de 1877– Hollywood, 23 d'octubre de 1966)[1] va ser una actriu estatunidenca de cinema mut.
Biografia | |
Naixement | 2 novembre 1877 ![]() Nova York ![]() |
Mort | 23 octubre 1966 ![]() Hollywood (Califòrnia) ![]() |
Activitat | |
Ocupació | actriu, actriu de cinema ![]() |
Activitat | 1908 ![]() |
Família | |
Cònjuge | Charles Hill Mailes ![]() |
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modificaVa néixer a Nova York filla d'una família d'artistes. El seu pare era Eugene A. McDowell, actor i director teatral i la seva mare, Fanny Reeves, una popular actriu a finals del segle xix.[2] Es va educar al Sacred Heart Convent on es va especialitzar en dibuix i interpretació[3] També va ingressar a la Metropolitan School of Art de Nova York abans de formar part durant quatre anys de la companyia de teatre de Charles Frohman.[1] Entre altres obres, va participar en la producció “Sky Farm” el 1903.[4] El 1906 es va casar amb l'actor Charles Hill Mailes i es va retirar[5] per tenir els seus dos fills, Robert i Eugene.[3] Claire va retornar als escenaris amb èxit com a protagonista principal de “The Clansman” que més tard D. W. Griffith portaria al cinema amb el nom d'El naixement d'una nació.[5] El 1910 va ser contractada per la Biograph de Griffith sota les ordres del qual va participar en multitud de curtmetratges.[3] Més tard, passaria a ser dirigida per Anthony O'Sullivan dins de la mateixa companyia. A principis de 1915, juntament amb el seu marit, van canviar de companyia i ella va ser contractada per tal de donar la rèplica a King Baggot a la IMP[6] però poc després tornà a la Biograph.[7][8] El juliol de 1916, quan la Biograph va cessar la seva producció, va abandonar la companyia per signar per a la Universal.[9][10] L'any següent va canviar per la Triangle on s'hi va estar fins a finals del 1918. Cap al 1920 havia aparegut en a la vora de 200 entre pel·lícules d'una o dues bobines i llargmetratges. Entre el 1920 i el 1929 va continuar apareguent en unes 6-8 pel·lícules per any. Es va especialitzar sobretot en papers de mare. Entre les seves pel·lícules més recordades hi ha Ben-Hur, The Mark of Zorro (1920) i La gran desfilada. Amb l'arribada del sonor va realitzar sobretot només papers menors sense aparèixer moltes vegades en els crèdits de la pel·lícula. Va morir a Hollywood el 23 d'octubre de 1966.
modifica- The Devil (1908)
- The Planter's Wife (1908)
- The Call of the Wild (1908)
- His Last Burglary (1910)
- Love Among the Roses (1910)
- A Flash of Light (1910)
- The Usurer (1910)
- Wilful Peggy (1910)
- Muggsy Becomes a Hero (1910)
- A Summer Idyll (1910)
- A Mohawk's Way (1910)
- The Oath and the Man (1910)
- Rose O'Salem Town (1910)
- The Iconoclast (1910)
- How Hubby Got a Raise (1910)
- A Lucky Toothache (1910)
- The Message of the Violin (1910)
- Two Little Waifs (1910)
- Waiter No. 5 (1910)
- The Fugitive (1910)
- Simple Charity (1910)
- His New Lid (1910)
- A Child's Stratagem (1910)
- Happy Jack, a Hero (1910)
- The Golden Supper (1910)
- His Sister-In-Law (1910)
- The Recreation of an Heiress (1910)
- The Italian Barber (1911)
- His Trust (1911)
- His Trust Fulfilled (1911)
- Fate's Turning (1911)
- Three Sisters (1911)
- What Shall We Do with Our Old? (1911)
- Fisher Folks (1911)
- A Decree of Destiny (1911)
- Conscience (1911)
- Cured (1911)
- The Spanish Gypsy (1911)
- The Broken Cross (1911)
- The Chief's Daughter (1911)
- Misplaced Jealousy (1911)
- In the Days of '49 (1911)
- The Manicure Lady (1911)
- The Crooked Road (1911)
- A Romany Tragedy (1911)
- The Primal Call (1911)
- A Country Cupid (1911)
- The Ruling Passion (1911)
- The Sorrowful Example (1911)
- Swords and Hearts (1911)
- The Squaw's Love (1911)
- The Making of a Man (1911)
- The Unveiling (1911)
- The Adventures of Billy (1911)
- The Long Road (1911)
- A Woman Scorned (1911)
- The Failure (1911)
- As in a Looking Glass (1911)
- The Baby and the Stork (1912)
- A Blot on the 'Scutcheon (1912)
- Billy's Stratagem (1912)
- Under Burning Skies (1912)
- The Sunbeam (1912)
- A String of Pearls (1912)
- Iola's Promise (1912)
- The Female of the Species (1912)
- The Leading Man (1912)
- The Fickle Spaniard (1912)
- The New York Hat (1912)
- The God Within (1912)
- The Telephone Girl and the Lady (1913)
- A Misappropriated Turkey (1913)
- A Father's Lesson (1913)
- Drink's Lure (1913)
- The Wrong Bottle (1913)
- The Unwelcome Guest (1913)
- A Welcome Intruder (1913)
- The Stolen Bride (1913)
- The Wanderer (1913)
- The Stolen Loaf (1913)
- The House of Darkness (1913)
- The Ranchero's Revenge (1913)
- The Enemy's Baby (1913)
- The Tenderfoot's Money (1913)
- Olaf-An Atom (1913)
- The Well (1913)
- The Switch Tower (1913)
- A Gamble with Death (1913)
- A Gambler's Honor (1913)
- The Mirror (1913)
- The Vengeance of Galora (1913)
- Under the Shadow of the Law (1913)
- I Was Meant for You (1913)
- The Work Habit (1913)
- The Crook and the Girl (1913)
- The Strong Man's Burden (1913)
- The Stolen Treaty (1913)
- The Law and His Son (1913)
- A Tender-Hearted Crook (1913)
- The Van Nostrand Tiara (1913)
- The Stopped Clock (1913)
- Diversion (1913)
- The Detective's Stratagem (1913)
- All for Science (1913)
- The House of Discord (1913)
- Beyond All Law (1913)
- For Her Government (1913)
- The Abandoned Well (1913)
- Concentration (1914)
- Waifs (1914)
- The Fatal Wedding (1914)
- His Fireman's Conscience (1914)
- A Nest Unfeathered (1914)
- Her Father's Silent Partner (1914)
- For Auld Lang Syne (1914)
- Her Hand (1914)
- The Scar (1914)
- Her Mother's Weakness (1914)
- The Ragamuffin (1914)
- The Cracksman's Gratitude (1914)
- Men and Women (1914)
- The New Reporter (1914)
- The Peddler's Bag (1914)
- The Indian (1914)
- The Gold Thief (1914)
- The Guiding Fate (1914)
- Their Soldier Boy (1914)
- The Tides of Sorrow (1914)
- The Dole of Destiny (1914)
- The Child Thou Gavest Me (1914)
- His Old Pal's Sacrifice (1914)
- Just a Kid (1914)
- The Bond Sinister (1914)
- From the Shadow (1915)
- The Inevitable Retribution (1915)
- The Dancer's Ruse (1915)
- The Borrowed Necklace (1915)
- The Box of Chocolates (1915)
- The Sheriff's Dilemma (1915)
- The Miser's Legacy (1915)
- The Gambler's I.O.U. (1915)
- A Day's Adventure (1915)
- The Canceled Mortgage (1915)
- Truth Stranger Than Fiction (1915)
- Her Dormant Love (1915)
- The Way Out (1915)
- Her Convert (1915)
- Old Offenders (1915)
- As It Happened (1915)
- His Singular Lesson (1915)
- Mrs. Randolph's New Secretary (1915)
- Ashes of Inspiration (1915)
- The Stranger in the Valle (1915)
- A Lasting Lesson (1915)
- Behind the Mask (1915)
- Her Renunciation (1915)
- The Inevitable (1915)
- Bad Money (1915)
- The Passing Storm (1915)
- Eyes of the Soul (1915)
- Love's Enduring Flame (1915)
- Cupid Entangled (1915)
- The Chain of Evidence (1916)
- His White Lie (1916)
- What Happened to Peggy (1916)
- A Grip of Gold (1916)
- Paths That Crossed (1916)
- Celeste (1916)
- Merry Mary (1916)
modifica- The Lady from the Sea (1916)
- The Caravan (1916)
- Husks of Love (1916)
- Somewhere on the Battle Field (1916)
- Sea Mates (1916)
- A Stranger from Somewhere (1916)
- Mixed Blood (1916)
- The Right to Be Happy (1916)
- The White Raven (1917)
- Avarice (1917)
- The Rented Man
- The Gates of Doom (1917)
- The Bronze Bride (1917)
- The Pace That Kills
- Doomed (1917)
- The Black Mantilla (1917)
- The Clean-Up” (1917)
- The Empty Gun” (1917)
- A Dream of Egypt” (1917)
- A Romany Rose (1917)
- The Storm Woman” (1917)
modifica- Fighting Back” (1917)
- The Ship of Doom” (1917)
- The Man Above the Law” (1918)
- Captain of His Soul (1918)
- You Can't Believe Everythingh (1918)
- Closin' In (1918)
- The Follies Girl (1919)
- Prudence on Broadway (1919)
Free Lance en el cinema mut
modifica- Isn't It Warm? (1918)
- The Return of Mary (1918)
- Rosalind at Redgate (1919)
- Chasing Rainbows (1919)
- Heart o’ the Hills (1919)
- The Feud (1919)
- The Woman in the Suitcase (1920)
- The Gift Supreme (1920)
- The Devil's Riddle (1920)
- Blind Youth (1920)
- Through Eyes of Men (1920)
- The Jack-Knife Man (1920)
- Something to Think About (1920)
- The Mark of Zorro (1920)
- Midsummer Madness (1920)
- Prisoners of Love (1921)
- Chickens (1921)
- What Every Woman Knows (1921)
- Mother o’ Mine (1921)
- Wealth (1921)
- Love Never Dies (1921)
- Rent Free (1922)
- The Gray Dawn (1922)
- Penrod (1922)
- The Ragged Heiress (1922)
- The Lying Truth (1922)
- In the Name of the Law (1922)
- Nice People (1922)
- Heart's Haven (1922)
- Quincy Adams Sawyer (1922)
- The West-Bound Limited (1923)
- Michael O’Halloran (1923)
- Human Wreckage (1923)
- Circus Days (1923)
- Ashes of Vengeance (1923)
- Ponjola (1923)
- Enemies of Children (1923)
- Black Oxen (1924)
- Judgement of the Storm (1924)
- Leave it to Gerry (1924)
- Thy Name is Woman (1924)
- Secrets (1924)
- A Fight for Honor (1924)
- Those Who Dare (1924)
- The Reckless Sex (1925)
- Waking up the Town (1925)
- Dollar Down (1925)
- The Tower of Lies (1925)
- One of the Bravest (1925)
- La gran desfilada (1925)
- The Midnight Flyer (1925)
- Ben-Hur (1925)
- The Devil's Circus (1926)
- The Dixie Merchant (1926)
- The Show-Off (1926)
- The Unknown Soldier (1926)
- The Flaming Forest (1926)
- A Little Journey (1927)
- The Auctioneer (1927)
- Cheaters (1927)
- The Taxi Dancer (1927)
- The Black Diamond Express (1927)
- Tillie the Toiler (1927)
- Winds of the Pampas (1927)
- The Shield of Honor (1927)
- Almost Human (1927)
- The Tragedy of Youth (1928)
- Don't Marry (1928)
- The Viking (1928)
- When Dreams Come True (1929)
- Silks and Saddles (1929)
- The Quitter (1929)
- Brothers (1930)
Cinema sonor
modifica- 4 Devils (1928)
- Marriage by Contract' (1928)
- The Flying Fleet (1929)
- Whispering Winds (1929)
- Redemption (1930)
- The Second Floor Mystery (1930)
- Young Desire (1930)
- The Big House (1930)
- Wild Company (1930)
- Mothers Cry (1930)
- The Big House (1930)
- An American Tragedy (1931)
- Manhattan Parade (1932)
- Under Eighteen (1931)
- Union Depot (1932)
- The Famous Ferguson Case (1932)
- The Strange Love of Molly Louvain (1932)
- Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1932)
- Cornered (1932)
- A Successful Calamity (1932)
- The Phantom Express (1932)
- Lawyer Man (1932)
- Central Airport (1933)
- The Working Man (1933)
- By Appointment Only (1933)
- Paddy the Next Best Thing (1933)
- Wild Boys of the Road (1933)
- Bedside (1934)
- It Happened One Night (1934)
- Journal of a Crime (1934)
- Dr. Monica (1934)
- British Agent (1934)
- Two Heads on a Pillow (1934)
- Murder by Television (1935)
- August Week End (1936)
- Two-Fisted Sheriff (1937)
- Boys Town (1938)
- Idiot's Delight (1939)
- Keeper of the Flame (1942)
- The Human Comedy (1943)
- Presenting Lily Mars (1943)
- Teen Age (1943)
- Men on Her Mind (1944)
- Are This Our Parents? (1944)
- Adventure (1945)
modifica- ↑ 1,0 1,1 Katchmer, George A. A Biographical Dictionary of Silent Film Western Actors and Actresses (en anglès). McFarland, 2015-05-20, p. 246-247. ISBN 978-1-4766-0905-8.
- ↑ «Fanny Reeves McDowell dead». Moving Picture World, 03-03-1917, pàg. 1367.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 Motion Picture News Booking Guide (en anglès). Nova York: Motion Picture News Inc., 1929, p. 156.
- ↑ Sweyd, Lester «What they were doing a few years ago». Motion Picture Magazine IX, 1, 2-1915, pàg. 110.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 «Raymond Lee Claire McDowell's feats unparalleled». Valley Times, 02-04-1957, pàg. 28.
- ↑ «Brevities of the business». Motography XIII, 6, pàg. 215.
- ↑ «Answer Department». Motion Picture Magazine IX, 8, 6-1915, pàg. 158.
- ↑ «Greenroom jottings». Motion Picture Magazine IX, 4, 5-1915, pàg. 128.
- ↑ «Claire McDowell joins Universal». The Moving Picture World, 08-07-1916, pàg. 230.
- ↑ «The Picture Oracle». Picture Play Magazine V, 2, 10-1916, pàg. 315.
Enllaços externs
modifica- Filmografia de Claire McDowell al catàleg de l'American Film Institute