File:SetSymbolGX Starter Decks.png
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SetSymbolGX_Starter_Decks.png (26 × 21 pixels, file size: 2 KB, MIME type: image/png)
This file is from the Bulbagarden Archives. The description from its description page there is shown below. |
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 13:17, 7 May 2023 | ![]() | 26 × 21 (2 KB) | 4iamking | ==Summary== Set symbol for the {{TCG|GX Starter Decks}} ==Licensing:== {{i-Fairuse-tcg-noncard}} * Category:TCG set symbols |
File usage
More than 100 pages use this file. The following list shows the first 100 pages that use this file only. A full list is available.
- Arcanine (TCG)
- Beldum (TCG)
- Bewear (TCG)
- Bouffalant (TCG)
- Bruxish (TCG)
- Chansey (TCG)
- Charizard (TCG)
- Charmander (TCG)
- Charmeleon (TCG)
- Clefable (TCG)
- Clefairy (TCG)
- Comfey (TCG)
- Cosmog (TCG)
- Croconaw (TCG)
- Cutiefly (TCG)
- Darkrai (TCG)
- Diancie (TCG)
- Diglett (TCG)
- Drampa (TCG)
- Dugtrio (TCG)
- Electabuzz (TCG)
- Emolga (TCG)
- Espurr (TCG)
- Expanded format (TCG)
- Fennekin (TCG)
- Feraligatr (TCG)
- Flabébé (TCG)
- Floette (TCG)
- Florges (TCG)
- Fomantis (TCG)
- Gligar (TCG)
- Gliscor (TCG)
- Gothita (TCG)
- Gothitelle (TCG)
- Gothorita (TCG)
- Grotle (TCG)
- Growlithe (TCG)
- Hawlucha (TCG)
- Heatmor (TCG)
- Heatran (TCG)
- Heliolisk (TCG)
- Helioptile (TCG)
- Honchkrow (TCG)
- Horsea (TCG)
- Inkay (TCG)
- Kangaskhan (TCG)
- Lapras (TCG)
- Latios (TCG)
- Ledian (TCG)
- Ledyba (TCG)
- Lickitung (TCG)
- Lurantis (TCG)
- Luxio (TCG)
- Luxray (TCG)
- Lycanroc (TCG)
- Magnemite (TCG)
- Meowstic (TCG)
- Meowth (TCG)
- Metagross (TCG)
- Metang (TCG)
- Mewtwo (TCG)
- Mimikyu (TCG)
- Murkrow (TCG)
- Nosepass (TCG)
- Oranguru (TCG)
- Palkia (TCG)
- Pansear (TCG)
- Passimian (TCG)
- Persian (TCG)
- Pikachu (TCG)
- Pinsir (TCG)
- Probopass (TCG)
- Pyukumuku (TCG)
- Raichu (TCG)
- Raikou (TCG)
- Ralts (TCG)
- Rayquaza (TCG)
- Riolu (TCG)
- Rockruff (TCG)
- Rowlet (TCG)
- Scrafty (TCG)
- Scraggy (TCG)
- Shinx (TCG)
- Simisear (TCG)
- Skarmory (TCG)
- Sneasel (TCG)
- Solrock (TCG)
- Spiritomb (TCG)
- Stufful (TCG)
- Tapu Bulu (TCG)
- Tapu Lele (TCG)
- Torterra (TCG)
- Totodile (TCG)
- Turtonator (TCG)
- Turtwig (TCG)
- Wailmer (TCG)
- Wailord (TCG)
- Wobbuffet (TCG)
- Xerneas (TCG)
- Yveltal (TCG)
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Global file usage
The following other wikis use this file:
- Usage on bulbapedia
- Metagross_(TCG)
- Rayquaza_(TCG)
- Pikachu_(TCG)
- Charizard_(TCG)
- Palkia_(TCG)
- Latios_(TCG)
- Ralts_(TCG)
- Darkrai_(TCG)
- Torterra_(TCG)
- Honchkrow_(TCG)
- Luxray_(TCG)
- Luxio_(TCG)
- Shinx_(TCG)
- Turtwig_(TCG)
- Raichu_(TCG)
- Heatran_(TCG)
- Probopass_(TCG)
- Meowth_(TCG)
- Magnemite_(TCG)
- Wailord_(TCG)
- Wailmer_(TCG)
- Solrock_(TCG)
- Beldum_(TCG)
- Metang_(TCG)
- Mewtwo_(TCG)
- Ledian_(TCG)
- Kangaskhan_(TCG)
- Charmander_(TCG)
- Nosepass_(TCG)
- Clefairy_(TCG)
- Clefable_(TCG)
- Electabuzz_(TCG)
- Diglett_(TCG)
- Dugtrio_(TCG)
- Persian_(TCG)
- Arcanine_(TCG)
- Raikou_(TCG)
- Sneasel_(TCG)
- Wobbuffet_(TCG)
- Murkrow_(TCG)
- Lickitung_(TCG)
- Ledyba_(TCG)
- Horsea_(TCG)
- Croconaw_(TCG)
- Totodile_(TCG)
- Lapras_(TCG)
- Feraligatr_(TCG)
- Skarmory_(TCG)
- Zorua_(TCG)
- Bouffalant_(TCG)
View more global usage of this file.