File:SetSymbolCry from the Mysterious Temple of Anger.png
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SetSymbolCry_from_the_Mysterious_Temple_of_Anger.png (28 × 21 pixels, file size: 4 KB, MIME type: image/png)
This file is from the Bulbagarden Archives. The description from its description page there is shown below. |
File history
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 19:26, 26 March 2008 | ![]() | 28 × 21 (4 KB) | Cipher | |
19:29, 26 April 2011 | ![]() | 28 × 21 (474 bytes) | Nuva-kal | == Licensing == {{i-Fairuse-tcg-noncard}} Category:Logos |
File usage
More than 100 pages use this file. The following list shows the first 100 pages that use this file only. A full list is available.
- Anorith (TCG)
- Armaldo (TCG)
- Azelf (TCG)
- Beldum (TCG)
- Bellossom (TCG)
- Bellsprout (TCG)
- Buneary (TCG)
- Camerupt (TCG)
- Castform (TCG)
- Corphish (TCG)
- Cradily (TCG)
- Crawdaunt (TCG)
- Cubone (TCG)
- Delcatty (TCG)
- Deoxys (TCG)
- Ditto (TCG)
- Dratini (TCG)
- Drifblim (TCG)
- Drifloon (TCG)
- Drizzle (Ability)
- Drought (Ability)
- Exeggcute (TCG)
- Exeggutor (TCG)
- Forretress (TCG)
- Froslass (TCG)
- Giratina (TCG)
- Gligar (TCG)
- Gliscor (TCG)
- Groudon (TCG)
- Grumpig (TCG)
- Gulpin (TCG)
- Heatran (TCG)
- Heatran vs Regigigas Deck Kit (TCG)
- Hitmonlee (TCG)
- Hitmontop (TCG)
- Houndoom (TCG)
- Houndour (TCG)
- Jirachi (TCG)
- Kingdra (TCG)
- Kyogre (TCG)
- Ledian (TCG)
- Legends Awakened (TCG)
- Lileep (TCG)
- Lopunny (TCG)
- Lucario (TCG)
- Luxio (TCG)
- Luxray (TCG)
- Magnezone (TCG)
- Mamoswine (TCG)
- Marowak (TCG)
- Meowth (TCG)
- Mesprit (TCG)
- Metagross (TCG)
- Metang (TCG)
- Mewtwo (TCG)
- Mightyena (TCG)
- Misdreavus (TCG)
- Nincada (TCG)
- Ninjask (TCG)
- Nosepass (TCG)
- Numel (TCG)
- Oddish (TCG)
- Persian (TCG)
- Piloswine (TCG)
- Pineco (TCG)
- Pokémon Trading Card Game
- Politoed (TCG)
- Poliwag (TCG)
- Poliwhirl (TCG)
- Poliwrath (TCG)
- Poochyena (TCG)
- Porygon-Z (TCG)
- Probopass (TCG)
- Rayquaza (TCG)
- Regice (TCG)
- Regigigas (TCG)
- Regirock (TCG)
- Registeel (TCG)
- Rhyperior (TCG)
- Riolu (TCG)
- Shedinja (TCG)
- Shinx (TCG)
- Skitty (TCG)
- Sneasel (TCG)
- Spiritomb (TCG)
- Spoink (TCG)
- Swalot (TCG)
- Swellow (TCG)
- Swinub (TCG)
- Taillow (TCG)
- Tauros (TCG)
- Tentacool (TCG)
- Tentacruel (TCG)
- Torkoal (TCG)
- Tyrogue (TCG)
- Unown (TCG)
- Uxie (TCG)
- Victreebel (TCG)
- Vileplume (TCG)
- Weepinbell (TCG)
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Global file usage
The following other wikis use this file:
- Usage on bulbapedia
- Deoxys_(TCG)
- Groudon_(TCG)
- Kyogre_(TCG)
- Metagross_(TCG)
- Rayquaza_(TCG)
- Unown_(TCG)
- Lucario_(TCG)
- Azelf_(TCG)
- Mesprit_(TCG)
- Uxie_(TCG)
- Rhyperior_(TCG)
- Lopunny_(TCG)
- Buneary_(TCG)
- Drifloon_(TCG)
- Luxray_(TCG)
- Luxio_(TCG)
- Shinx_(TCG)
- Mamoswine_(TCG)
- Froslass_(TCG)
- Regigigas_(TCG)
- Heatran_(TCG)
- Giratina_(TCG)
- Probopass_(TCG)
- Meowth_(TCG)
- Ditto_(TCG)
- Castform_(TCG)
- Beldum_(TCG)
- Metang_(TCG)
- Mewtwo_(TCG)
- Forretress_(TCG)
- Bellossom_(TCG)
- Ledian_(TCG)
- Tauros_(TCG)
- Victreebel_(TCG)
- Regirock_(TCG)
- Spoink_(TCG)
- Jirachi_(TCG)
- Nosepass_(TCG)
- Numel_(TCG)
- Houndour_(TCG)
- Poochyena_(TCG)
- Oddish_(TCG)
- Vileplume_(TCG)
- Shedinja_(TCG)
- Ninjask_(TCG)
- Nincada_(TCG)
- Persian_(TCG)
- Poliwag_(TCG)
- Poliwhirl_(TCG)
- Poliwrath_(TCG)
View more global usage of this file.