Fennel Valley (Japanese: フェンネル谷 Fennel Valley) is an animated series-exclusive location in Kanto that was featured from Overjoyed! to Pace - The Final Frontier!.

Fennel Valley
フェンネル谷 Fennel Valley

Fennel Valley
Region Kanto
Debut Overjoyed!

Brandon moved his facility, the Battle Pyramid, to Fennel Valley to search the local ruins for a rare Pokémon, just prior to Channeling the Battle Zone!. After solving the ruin puzzle to reveal an ancient tablet, Brandon eventually caught the rare Pokémon, a Regice, by Pinch Healing!.

After learning of the Battle Pyramid's relocation, Ash and his friends reached the valley in Overjoyed! for Ash's next chance to obtain the Brave Symbol. He lost to Brandon in his first rematch, though the group decided to stay in Fennel Valley for further training until Gathering the Gang of Four!, where Ash challenged Brandon again and finally won his final Symbol.

There is a luxurious Pokémon Center with a fitness studio, hot springs, battlefields, and even a Contest Hall. The Nurse Joy of the Pokémon Center is a fan of both Pokémon battles and Pokémon Contests. She was also a former Pokémon Trainer. Due to this, she had a battle with Ash on one of the Center's battlefields. She was able to defeat Ash and his Corphish. After the battle, she automatically took care of Corphish.

In The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!, May and Drew had a two-on-two Contest Battle in the Pokémon Center's Contest Hall, with May using her Combusken and Beautifly against Drew's Roselia and Butterfree. The battle was judged by Professor Oak and Scott, while Nurse Joy served as the announcer. Drew emerged victorious after May's Pokémon were knocked out.


Pokémon Center Ruins

Pokémon seen in Fennel Valley

Diglett (×3)



Butterfree (multiple)

Fearow (×2)

Carvanha (multiple)

Caught Pokémon

Brandon's Regice
Animated series-exclusive locations in Kanto
A.J.'s GymAcapulcoBill's LighthouseCameran PalaceCamomile IslandCamp PokéhearstCeladon UniversityCerise Laboratory
Chrysanthemum IslandCommerce CityCremini TownCrimson CityDark CityDragonite IslandEevee Evolution LabEvolution Mountain
Fennel ValleyFighting Spirit GymFrodomar CityGaiva DamGardenia TownGrampa CanyonGringey CityHidden VillageHollywood
HopHopHop TownHouse of ImiteHutber PortIndigo AcademyIsland of the Giant PokémonKaz GymLeaf ForestMaiden's PeakMatcha City
Metallica IslandMirage MansionMossgreen VillageMt. HideawayMulberry CityNeon TownNew IslandO-Hina TownOld Shore WharfPokélantis
Pokémon LandPokémon Ninja SchoolPokémon TechPokémon Theme ParkPokémopolisPotpourri IslandRifure VillageRotaRoy's hometownSable City
Safari LandSayda IslandSayda LabScissor StreetSeafoam IslandSilver TownStone TownSunnytownTeam Rocket AcademyTeam Rocket HQ
Terracotta TownTree of BeginningUnnamed island (EP060)Vermilion City schoolVermilion ForestWisteria TownXanadu NurseryYas Gym
Animated series-exclusive location templates
KantoOrange IslandsJohtoHoennSinnohUnovaDecolore IslandsKalosAlolaGalarPaldeaKitakamiOther
This article is part of both Project Anime and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Anime and Locations, respectively.