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If you were looking for the first Korean opening theme of Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon, see ALOLA!.
The subject of this article has no official English name.
The name currently in use is a fan translation of the Japanese name.
Japanese opening themes
Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-
Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-
Japanese opening themes
Future Connection
SM OP 01
Artist サトシ with ピカチュウ

Satoshi with Pikachu
(Rica Matsumoto / Ikue Otani)
Lyrics 佐香 智久
Tomohisa Sako
Composer 佐香 智久
Tomohisa Sako
Arrangement Saku
SME Records single
Title アローラ!!/ポーズ
Alola!! / Pose
Catalog no. SECL-2135/7, SECL-2138

Alola!! (Japanese: アローラ!! lit. Arōra!!) is the first Japanese opening theme of Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon. It debuted in SM001, replacing XY&Z of Pokémon the Series: XY. It was replaced by an arrangement of Aim to Be a Pokémon Master made to commemorate the anime's 20th anniversary in SM030 and returned from SM044 to SM060.

The full version of the song was first released as a digital single on November 17, 2016.

Opening animation


Ash is seen up a path, introducing himself, his partner, Pikachu, and his dream of becoming a Pokémon Master with the series logo appearing moments later. Ash is exhausted and down as his classmates approach him to cheer him up and are all shown with their Pokémon, with Lillie terrified of Ash's Pikachu. Everyone is sliding down the spiral slide, but crash into one another after reaching the bottom and colliding with the Alolan Exeggutor, but get back up and they dance.

A Litten is out in the city but spots Ash, Pikachu, Professor Kukui and Rockruff racing down the street and, upon recognizing him, hits Ash with an Ember attack before leaving. Jessie, James and Meowth are in a forest, but are captured by a Bewear and carried off as a Mimikyu appears. Ash and his friends are marching down the path in a row as Samson Oak tries to join with a dance, but is hit and knocked away by a Komala.

Ash and his classmates command their Pokémon to use moves as Lillie is holding a Pokémon Egg. Out in the forest, Ash attempts and succeeds in capturing a Grubbin. Ash commands Pikachu to run and use Iron Tail on Mimikyu. Pikachu continues running and uses Thunderbolt on Yungoos, Salandit and Rattata, then runs alongside Solgaleo. The scene instantly changes and Ash is with Tapu Koko, who flies off towards the moon and seconds later Lunala flies away from it. Ash and Pikachu use their Z-Move. At the Pokémon School, Ash and Pikachu look at the campus over the balcony in amazement. Ash is sitting on the roof of Professor Kukui's house looking out towards the ocean with Pikachu and Rotom.




TV size

Japanese English




サンサンもっと熱くなれ 燃える鼓動で走り出せ (ハイ!)
ムンムンたぎる勇気が 夢を照らしてくれる (あいやいや!)

さあ全身全霊で マックスハイテンション
大きな声で アローラ!
"I'm Satoshi from Masara Town. My dream is to become a Pokémon Master."
"This is my partner, Pikachu!"
"Let's all go search for Pokémon with full force!"

We won't get anywhere if we just stand around and wait
The sun, the moon, Pokémon, that girl,
They've all had head-turning adventures

Shocking and startling, they're never ever gonna stop
Looking here and there and everywhere, I can't help myself
Come on, we can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

In the heated battle, I choose you! (In the heated battle, I choose you!)
There, get 'em. I caught it! (There, get 'em. I caught it!)

Heartbeats firing up, dashing on hot like the brilliant sun (Yeah!)
Courage seething through, shining upon us as we aim for the moon (Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!)

Come on, feel the maximum energy with your all
From the top of your lungs, Alola!

Full version

Japanese English




サンサンもっと熱くなれ 燃える鼓動で走り出せ (ハイ!)
ムンムンたぎる勇気が 夢を照らしてくれる (あいやいや!)

さあ全身全霊で マックスハイテンション
大きな声で アローラ!

飛び出せば たまには忘れ物
ポケットにはいつだって 無限のトキメキ


俺とアイツの目が会えば (俺とアイツの目が会えば)
それが始まりの合図! (それが始まりの合図!)

サンサンもっと熱くなれ 気を抜いちゃ火傷するぜ (ハイ!)
ムンムンたぎる勇気で まだまだ強くなれる (あいやいや!)
さあ全身全霊で マックスハイテンション
大きな声で アローラ!



サンサン もっと熱くなれ 転んでも立ち上がれば
ムンムン たぎる勇気が 熱く燃えてハジける(あいやいや!)

サンサンもっと熱くなれ 燃える鼓動で走り出せ(ハイ!)
ムンムンたぎる勇気が 夢を照らしてくれる(あいやいや!)
さあ ぜんしん全霊で 全力フルパワーで
もっとハイテンションで マックスハイテンション
大きな声で アローラ!
"I'm Satoshi from Masara Town. My dream is to become a Pokémon Master."
"This is my partner, Pikachu!"
"Let's all go search for Pokémon with full force!"

We won't get anywhere if we just stand around and wait
The sun, the moon, Pokémon, that girl,
They've all had head-turning adventures

Shocking and startling, they're never ever gonna stop
Looking here and there and everywhere, I can't help myself
Come on, we can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

In the heated battle, I choose you! (In the heated battle, I choose you!)
There, get 'em. I caught it! (There, get 'em. I caught it!)

Heartbeats firing up, dashing on hot like the brilliant sun (Yeah!)
Courage seething through, shining upon us as we aim for the moon (Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!)

Come on, feel the maximum energy with your all
From the top of your lungs, Alola!

Rushing out, sometimes leaving stuff behind
But I'm never gonna forget this feeling
It's always in my pocket, a never-ending excitement!

Jumping towards a throbbing direction
Riding the wave and the rhythm
Come on, we can go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

When our eyes meet (When our eyes meet)
That's the signal of beginning! (That's the signal of beginning!)
(Let's battle!)

Brilliantly firing up, slack off and you'll get burned (Yeah!)
Courage seething through, I've still yet to get stronger (Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!)
Come on, feel the maximum energy with your all
From the top of your lungs, Alola!

Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah-yee-yah, aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!
Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah-yee-yah, aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!
Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah-yee-yah, aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!
Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah-yee-yah, aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!

In the heated battle, I choose you! (In the heated battle, I choose you!)
There, get 'em. I caught it! (There, get 'em. I caught it!)

Brilliantly firing up, get back on your feet when you stumble
Courage seething through, bursting out with a fiery blast (Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!)

Heartbeats firing up, dashing on hot like the brilliant sun (Yeah!)
Courage seething through, shining upon us as we aim for the moon (Aye-yee-yah-yee-yah!)
Come on, feel the full force with your all
Power it up with maximum energy
From the top of your lungs, Alola!

Opening animation spoilers

Version 1

Version 2


  1. SM001 - SM029: The original animation.
  2. SM044 - SM060: Mallow's Bounsweet is replaced with Steenee and Ash's Rockruff is replaced with Lycanroc Dusk Form. Ash's Z-Ring is replaced with a Z-Power Ring while Lana now possesses her Z-Ring. Ash, Kiawe, Sophocles, and Lillie are now shown with Nebby, Marowak, Charjabug, and Snowy, respectively. The scene of Ash getting attacked by Litten is replaced with a scene of Ash picking up Nebby, causing it to cry. The scene of Team Rocket looking around now has the background change the location each time they move, including their food truck, Aether Paradise, and the Altar of the Sunne. During the scene where the main characters command their Pokémon, Pikachu is replaced with Lycanroc using Rock Throw, Turtonator is replaced with Marowak spinning its bone, Mallow's Bounsweet is replaced with Steenee using Double Slap, Togedemaru is replaced with Charjabug using Discharge, and Lillie obtaining an Egg is replaced with her commanding Snowy to use Powder Snow. The scene of Ash capturing a Grubbin is replaced with a scene of Lusamine, Wicke, and Faba walking along a bridge inside Aether Paradise while Professor Burnet emerges from a pond underneath. The Aether Paradise scene is followed by Gladion and Type: Null which transitions to Type: Null evolving into Silvally and then Lillie in her new clothes. The scene of Ash and Pikachu using Gigavolt Havoc is replaced with them using 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt.


Group shots

Character cards

Team Rocket looking for Bewear

Protagonists commanding their Pokémon

Z-Move scene and final shot

Other scenes


Version 1

Unit Director
  • 冨安大貴
Animation Director
  • 中野悟史
Key Animation
  • 難波功
  • 田中修司
  • 宮田忠明
  • 松田真路
  • 河毛雅妃
  • 藤井慎吾
  • 秋山泰彦
  • 沢田正人
  • 藤本雄一朗
  • 安田周平
  • 香月麻衣子
  • 村田理
  • 西村広
  • 西谷泰史
  • 亀田祥倫
  • 中川洋未
  • 吉野真一
  • 桝田浩史

Version 2

Unit Director
  • 冨安大貴
Animation Director
  • 中野悟史
Key Animation
  • 鈴木敦
  • 難波功
  • 柳原好貴
  • 葛本有砂
  • 香月麻衣子
  • 広岡トシヒト
  • 岩根雅明


  • This is the first opening theme not to have the opening text displayed at the beginning of the opening animation since OK!.
  • Alola!! is the first opening theme to return as-is after being replaced.
    • While Aim to Be a Pokémon Master has returned three times as an opening theme, all three times have been as a remix and with a different sequence altogether.
  • The first version of this opening strongly implies Ash catches a Grubbin, something that never occurs in the series. The capture is never explicitly shown, however.
  • A cover version of Alola!! appears in Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun! for Nintendo Switch. In the western release, it is simply titled Alola!, missing the extra exclamation mark.[1]


  • During the scene where the main cast dances in the classroom, Kiawe's Z-Ring is miscolored. This is corrected in the second variant.
    • In the second variant, Lana's Z-Ring is shown in her right wrist instead of the left during a few frames.
    • In the second variant, all characters are missing their shadows, except for the Pokémon in the front line.
  • During the scene where Lana commands her Popplio, the upper area of her swimsuit is colored white instead of blue. This is corrected in the second variant.


External links

Related articles

OS: Aim to Be a Pokémon MasterThe Rivals
GS: OK!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master (Whiteberry version)Ready Go!
AG: Advance AdventureChallenger!!Pokémon Symphonic MedleyBattle FrontierSpurt!
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BW: Best Wishes!Be an Arrow! / Be an Arrow! 2013Summerly Slope
XY: V (Volt) / Mega V (Mega Volt)Mad-Paced GetterXY&Z
SM: Alola!!Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-Future ConnectionYour Adventure
JN: One, Two, ThreeAim to Be a Pokémon Master -with my friends-
HZ: Heart-Pounding DiaryHaloWillOnly One Story
Other: A New OathWe are the Pichu Brothers!Koko
Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-
Japanese opening themes
Future Connection
Japanese opening themes
Aim to Be a Pokémon Master -20th Anniversary-
This article is part of Project Music, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each Pokémon song, CD and musician.