
Памер папярэдняга прагляду: 599 × 600 пікселяў. Іншыя разрозненні: 240 × 240 пікселяў | 479 × 480 пікселяў | 728 × 729 пікселяў.
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Дата і час | Драбніца | Памеры | Удзельнік | Тлумачэнне | |
актуальн. | 14:40, 23 кастрычніка 2011 | ![]() | 728 × 729 (55 KB) | MGA73bot2 | {{BotMoveToCommons|en.wikipedia|year={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}|month={{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}}|day={{subst:CURRENTDAY}}}} {{Information |Description={{en|en:Solar eclipse map of path on earth}} |Source=Transferred from [http://en.wikipedia.org en.wik |
Выкарыстанне файла
Наступныя 2 старонкі выкарыстоўваюць гэты файл:
Глабальнае выкарыстанне файла
Гэты файл выкарыстоўваецца ў наступных вікі:
- Выкарыстанне ў ar.wikipedia.org
- Выкарыстанне ў en.wikipedia.org
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Astronomy/Eclipses task force/SESetLists
- List of solar eclipses in the 20th century
- Solar eclipse of February 5, 2000
- Solar eclipse of February 15, 2018
- User:Tomruen/Project solar and lunar eclipses/SECharts
- Solar eclipse of October 12, 1996
- Solar eclipse of September 21, 2025
- Solar eclipse of February 27, 2036
- User:Tomruen/Project solar and lunar eclipses/test
- Solar eclipse of January 25, 1982
- Solar eclipse of November 2, 1967
- Solar eclipse of January 14, 1964
- Solar eclipse of July 9, 1964
- Solar eclipse of August 9, 1953
- Solar eclipse of January 14, 1907
- Template:Solar eclipse set 1906–1909
- Solar eclipse of September 2, 2054
- Solar eclipse of March 9, 2054
- Solar eclipse of March 19, 2072
- Solar eclipse of August 13, 2083
- Solar eclipse of March 31, 2090
- Solar Saros 150
- Solar eclipse of May 6, 1883
- Solar eclipse of May 7, 1902
- Solar eclipse of February 23, 1906
- Solar eclipse of July 21, 1906
- Solar eclipse of July 10, 1907
- Solar eclipse of January 3, 1908
- Solar eclipse of December 23, 1908
- Solar eclipse of December 12, 1909
- Solar eclipse of June 28, 1908
- Solar eclipse of June 17, 1909
- Solar eclipse of January 3, 1946
- Solar eclipse of October 11, 1931
- Solar eclipse of September 10, 1942
- Solar eclipse of November 21, 1938
- Solar eclipse of December 24, 1927
- Solar eclipse of November 10, 1920
- Solar eclipse of September 30, 1913
- Solar eclipse of July 18, 1860
- Solar eclipse of December 12, 1871
- Wikipedia:WikiProject Astronomy/Eclipses task force/Work Page/SECharts
- Solar eclipse of October 7, 1801
- Solar eclipse of January 21, 1852
- Solar eclipse of November 9, 1855
Паказаць глабальнае выкарыстанне гэтага файла.