Version in hechara Auflesung (SVG-Datei, Basisgress: 900 × 600 Pixl, Dateigress: 197 Bytes)

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Français : Drapeau national du Tchad
العربية: علم تشاد
English: Flag of Chad
Esperanto: Flago de Ĉado
Español: Bandera de Chad. Proporción: 2:3
Italiano: Bandiera del Ciad
Nederlands: Vlag van Tsjaad
Română: Drapelul Ciadului
Slovenščina: Državna zastava Čada
Svenska: Tchads flagga
Daatum 6. Nóvémber 1959
Quejn Quelle · Fonto:
Urhéwer SKopp & others (see upload log)
(Weidernutzung voh derer Daatei)
Public domain This work was first published in Chad and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law No. 005/PR/2003 of May 2nd, 2003 on the Protection of Copyright, Neighboring rights and Expressions of Folklore (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work, pseudonymous or posthumous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is a audiovisual or sound recording and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is a collective work, and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication
  • It is another kind of work, and 70 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "any official text of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, or any translation thereof"
Diese Datei ist gemeinfrei („public domain“), weil sie nur Allgemeingut enthält und die nötige Schöpfungshöhe nicht erreicht.
Insignia Dés Werk stöd a Floggen, a Woppm, a Siage óder a ånders óffiziös Insigne dor. D' Vawendung voh sóicherne Symbóie is in månke Länder eihgschränkd. Dé Bschränkungen san unobhängig voh dém do bschriewernen Urhéwerrechtsstaatus.
Diese Vektorgrafik wurde mit einem Texteditor erstellt. Die Validierung hat sie für syntaktisch korrekt befunden.


Pantone colors and RGB values from

Colleurs / Colour Space / الألوان Bleu / Blue / أزرق Jaune / Yellow / الأصفر Rouge / Red / أحمر
Pantone® 281c 116c 186c
RGB 0-37-105 255-206-0 210-16-52
Web #002664 #FECB00 #C60C30


Ergänze eine einzeilige Erklärung, was diese Datei darstellt.
Flagge des Tschad

In dieser Datei abgebildete Objekte

Motiv Deutsch


Wensd auf an Zeitpunkt klickst, nacha konst a friaane Version lodn.

Version vomVorschaubuidlDimensiónaNutzerKommentar
aktuell03:55, 2. Mer. 2025Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 03:55, 2. Mer. 2025, 03:55 Uhr900 × 600 (197 Bytes)NorthTensionReverted to version as of 19:51, 5 January 2019 (UTC) vandalism
00:10, 2. Mer. 2025Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 00:10, 2. Mer. 2025, 00:10 Uhr900 × 600 (687 Bytes)Tytus2806Reverted to version as of 17:13, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
20:51, 5. Jén. 2019Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 20:51, 5. Jén. 2019, 20:51 Uhr900 × 600 (197 Bytes)FDRMRZUSAHigher svg resolution from same file (resized by "Inkscape). Same proportion: 2:3. Reduced code size. No other changes.
08:49, 13. Ókt. 2015Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 08:49, 13. Ókt. 2015, 08:49 Uhr450 × 300 (260 Bytes)CemDemirkartalOptimized
13:25, 12. Few. 2011Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 13:25, 12. Few. 2011, 13:25 Uhr900 × 600 (343 Bytes)TryphonValid SVG.
01:09, 20. Apr. 2010Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 01:09, 20. Apr. 2010, 01:09 Uhr900 × 600 (341 Bytes)Zscout370Pantone from
15:48, 9. Few. 2010Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 15:48, 9. Few. 2010, 15:48 Uhr900 × 600 (670 Bytes)TryphonValid SVG.
18:13, 6. Few. 2006Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 18:13, 6. Few. 2006, 18:13 Uhr900 × 600 (687 Bytes)Vzb83~commonswikiused Pantone 281 C for blue, 116 C for yellow and 186 C for red, source:
23:17, 29. Dez. 2005Vuaschaubuid fiad Version vom 23:17, 29. Dez. 2005, 23:17 Uhr450 × 300 (687 Bytes)Zscout370I used the colors that had
23:35, 27. Sep. 2005Kein Vorschaubild vorhanden (2 KB)SKoppThe flag of Chad. Source: Drawn by User:SKopp {{Template:Insignia}} Category:Flags of Chad

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