Titus Peake

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House Peake.svg Lord
Titus Peake
House Peake.svg
Title Lord of Starpike
Allegiance House Peake
Culture Reach
Spouse Lady Margot Lannister

Titus Peake is the Lord of Starpike and the head of House Peake. He is married to Lady Margot Lannister.[1]

Behind the Scenes

House Peake is a reference by George R. R. Martin to the books of Mervyn Peake, which are among his reading recommendations. Titus Groan is the main character of the Gormenghast series. Their seat, Starpike, is a reference to Steerpike, another character in the series.[2][3]


Last known title holder:
Gormon Peake
Lord of Starpike Incumbent