Loreon V Lannister

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House Lannister.svg King
Loreon V Lannister
"Queen Lorea"[1]
House Lannister.svg
Full name Loreon Lannister, the Fifth of His Name
Title King of the Rock[1]
Personal Information
Alias Queen Lorea[1]
Culture Westermen[1]
Dynasty House Lannister[1]
Queen Unnamed queen[1]
Book The World of Ice & Fire (mentioned)

Loreon V Lannister, called Queen Lorea, was a King of the Rock of House Lannister of Casterly Rock. He was the grandson of Loreon the Lackwit.[1]


Maester Yandel counted Loreon V amount the weak, cruel, and feeble Kings of the Rock.[1]


Loreon V Lannister was a grandson of King Loreon IV Lannister, known as "the Lackwit". Loreon V was fond of dressing in his wife's clothing and wandering the docks of Lannisport in the guise of a common whore, for which he was dubbed "Queen Lorea".[1]

After the reigns of Loreon V and his grandsire, the name Loreon became noticeably less common among Lannister princes.[1]
