Chezdhar zo Rhaezn

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YunkaiHarpie.pngChezdhar zo RhaeznYunkaiHarpie.png
Alias Clanker Lord
Culture Ghiscari
Born Yunkai
Book A Dance with Dragons (appears)

Chezdhar zo Rhaezn is a Yunkish nobleman.

Recent Events

A Dance with Dragons

Chezdhar zo Rhaezn, along with his brothers Maezon zo Rhaezn and Grazdhan zo Rhaezn, are mocked by the sellsword companies as the Clanker Lords, since they came up with the idea of chaining all the slave soldiers together so they cannot flee when facing the Unsullied of Daenerys Targaryen (as their previous soldiers did). The soldiers march at a snail's pace, due to the weight of the chains.[1]


None of the poor bastards can run unless they all run... and if they do all run, they won't run very fast.[1]

Dick Straw, on the Clanker Lords' chained troops


  1. 1.0 1.1 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 25, The Windblown.