Alford was a Grand Maester of the Citadel during the late reign of King Aegon III Targaryen.[1]
Alford was Grand Maester in 153 AC. When Prince Daeron Targaryen was born to Prince Aegon and Princess Naerys on the last day of the year, Alford warned them that another pregnancy might kill the princess.[1]
| Grand Maesters to the Iron Throne | | | Grand Maesters of unknown terms | | | Grand Maesters to claimants and usurpers | | |
- 1 Position created
- 2 Died within a year of being named
- 3 Executed by King Maegor I Targaryen
- 4 Munkun is known to have been the Grand Maester before and after Alford
- 5 Also served as Hand of the King and Regent
- 6 Known to have been the Grand Maester in 153 AC
- 7 Died en route to King's Landing
- 8 Previously served as Maester at Dragonstone