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Lêer:Lietuvos vardas. The first name of Lithuania in writing 1009.jpg

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Lietuvos_vardas._The_first_name_of_Lithuania_in_writing_1009.jpg (600 × 316 piksels, lêergrootte: 89 KG, MIME-tipe: image/jpeg)

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English: The first known record of the name of Lithuania
Lietuvių: Pirmasis rašytinis Lietuvos vardo paminėjimas
Русский: Первое письменное упоминание названия "Литва"
Latina: Sanctus Bruno qui cognominatur Bonifacius archiepiscopus et monachus XI. suæ conuersionis anno in confinio Rusciæ et Lituæ a paganis capite plexus cum suis XVIII, VII. Id. Martij petijt coelos.
Беларуская: Першая назва Літвы на пісьме.
Bron Scan from A. Bumblauskas, Senosios Lietuvos istorija 1009-1795
Outeur Unknown. Most likely a canoness at the Quedlinburg Abbey. 16th century copy of Annals of Quedlinburg.
(Hergebruik van die lêer)
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Hierdie lêer is geïdentifiseer as vry van bekende beperkings onder kopiereg, insluitend alle verwante en naburige regte.


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The first known record of the name of Lithuania

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huidig15:19, 16 April 2007Duimnaelskets vir weergawe vanaf 15:19, 16 April 2007600 × 316 (89 KG)M.K.{{Information |Description=The first name of Lithuania in writing, 1009 |Source= Scan from A.Bumblauskas, Senosios Lietuvos istorija 1009 - 1795 |Date=1009 |Author= |Permission={{pd-old}} |other_versions= }}

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